Gambaran Tingkat Beban Keluarga Dalam Merawat Anggota Keluarga Yang Menderita Gagal Jantung


The impact that emerges while caring for family members who suffer from heart failure is known as the weight of family difficulties. Economic constraints, a lack of education, a lack of support, and gender differences are all issues that occur. There are many heart failure patients that have a lower quality of life as a result of inadequate family care. The goal of this study is to discuss the family issues that develop when treating heart failure patients at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta heart polyclinic. A descriptive strategy with a quantitative approach was used in this investigation. Using the Quota Sampling technique, the research sample at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta heart polyclinic included 68 respondents who are families who care for heart failure patients. Data collection is done with a questionnaire sheet, and data analysis is done with a descriptive test. The bulk of respondents in this survey are female, hence the results obtained a description of their characteristics. The majority of the responders are between the ages of 40 and 49. The majority of responders are self-employed, with a high school diploma as their most recent schooling. In the polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, the burden of family difficulties in caring for family members who suffer from heart failure is typically described as a moderate load of up to 45.6 percent. The majority of the respondents reported issues with financial constraints, inability, and ignorance, according to the findings. As a result, interventions such as educational counseling about heart failure for patients and families are required in order to improve family awareness of patient care and lessen the burden of difficulties associated with treating heart failure patients

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