36 research outputs found

    Reindeer husbandry and local planning

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    A central theme in the reindeer husbandry is the conflicts between this and other economic interests as tourism, community development etc. in connection with the utilization of common territory. A retrospective glance will show that this is an old problem and not a new phenomenon. The Nordic Sami Institute has carried out a research project with the following objectives: 1.to give an account of the terms of planning for the reindeer husbandry, 2.to find out how the Såmi (Lapp) community's and so the reindeer husbandry's interests are taken into account in local planning. 3.find ways for how the reindeer husbandry's use of land can be described. 4.give suggestions as to how the interests of the Sami community can better be taken into account or how it can increase its influence in relation to planning. The suggestions based upon the results from the research project are: —that the Sami community aquire competence by preparing itself for the changes in its environment. —that it builds up its own organization. —that it aquires a more noticeable influence in community planning and decision making. This project and earlier experiencies have shown that the way of influencing e.g. by land-use-planning is weak and unreliable today.Renskötsel och kommunal planering.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: Ett centralt tema i renskotselsammanhang ar konflikterna mellan renskotsel och andra ekonomiska intressen som turism, samhållsutbyggnad etc. vid utnyttjande av gemensamma arealer. En historisk tillbakablick visar att denna problematik inte på något sått år någon ny foreteelse utan ett gammalt tema med variationer i tid och rum. I ett forskningsprojekt vid Sami Instituhtta har en studie genomforts med syftet att: 1.soka beskriva planeringsforutsåttningarna for renskotseln. 2. soka forklara hur renskotselns intressen tas tillvara i den kommunala fysiska planeringen. 3. finna former for hur renskotselns markanvåndning kan beskrivas. 4. att låmna forslag på hur samebyns interessen kan båtre tillvaratas och hur den kan oka sitt inflytande i planeringssammanhang. På grundval av framkomna resultat foreslås: —att samebyn skapar egen kompetens. Det år fråga om att forbereda sig infor forandringar i omgivningen exvis i form av markanvåndnings- och utvecklingsplanering. —att samebyn bygger upp den egna organisationen. —att samebyn får ett mera breddat och fordjupat inflytande i det kommunala planerings- och beslutssystemet. Detta projekt och tidigare erfarenheter visar på att samråd som form for inflytande år svag och osåker.Poronhoito ja kunnallinen suunnittelu.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Keskeinen teema poronhoidon yhteydesså on selkkaukset poronhoidon ja muiden taloudellisten hyotyjen vålillå kuten turismin, yhteiskunnan laajennuksen j.n.e. yhteisten pinta-alojen hyvåksikåytosså. Historiallinen, taannehtiva katsaus osoittaa, ettei tårna ongclma ole millåån tavalla joku uusi ilmio, vaan vanha teema vaihdellen ajassa ja alueilla. Sami Instituhttan erååsså tutkimusprojektissa on suoritettu tutkielma pitåen pååmåårånå: 1. koettaa kuvailla poronhoidon suunnitteluedellytykset, 2. koettaa selvittåå, miten poronhoidon edut otetaan talteen kunnallisessa, fyysilliscssa suunnittelussa, 3. loytåå ilmaisumuotoja siitå, miten poronhoidon maa-alueen kåytto voidaan kuvailla, 4. jåttåå ehdotuksia siitå, miten paliskunnan etuja voidaan paremmin ottaa talteen sckå miten se voi lisåtå vaikutusvaltaansa suunnittelun yhteydesså. Esilletulleiden tulosten perusteella ehdotetaan:— ettå paliskunta muodostaa oman toimivallan. On kysymys valmistautua ympåriston muutoksiin esimerkiksi maa-alueen kåyton- ja kehityssuunnittelussa, — ettå paliskunta perustaa oman jårjeston, — ettå paliskunta saa leveåmmån ja syvemmån vaikutusvallan kunnallisessa suunnittelu- ja pååtoselimesså. Tamd projekti ja aikaisempi kokemus osoittaa, ettå neuvottelu vaikutusvaltaisena on hcikkoa ja epåvarmaa

    Ethnic identity and eating disorders in adolescence and mental health in young adulthood

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    Background: How the Sami ethnicity, ethnic factors and ethnic discrimination are related to mental health has been investigated previously. An interesting, and as far as I know until now unexplored topic of research is the relationship between adolescence eating disorders, ethnic factors, and mental health outcome in young adulthood. The aims of the study was to investigate the relationship between ethnicity, ethnic factors, body image in adolescence and having an eating disorder in adolescence. Finally also investigating the relationship between the above mentioned factors and mental health outcomes in young adulthood. Method: Data was collected from the Norwegian Arctic Adolescent Health Study (2003- 2005) and participants were linked to the Norwegian Patient Registry (2008-2012), with 3987 participants. Eating disorders, ethnicity, ethnic factors, and body image in adolescence were based on self-report from the survey and use of mental health care in young adulthood from NPR. Analyses were carried out using independent t-tests, Chi-square test and multivariable regression. Results: There were found no overall differences between Sami and non-Sami in prevalence of eating disorders in adolescence, or use of mental health care in young adulthood. A significant association was found between body image and dieting, and having an eating disorder in adolescence. An association was found between ethnic identity exploration and eating disorders in adolescence among Sami adolescents. No significant relationship was found between ethnic factors, nor eating disorders in adolescence, and use of mental health care in young adulthood. Conclusion: Eating disorders in adolescence and use of mental health care in young adulthood were as common among Sami as non-Sami. Ethnic factors were more pronounced, and had more effect on the outcome of the Sami. Body image was associated with eating disorders. Ethnic factors, nor eating disorders in adolescence was a predictor for use of mental health care in young adulthood

    Forecasting of Government Yield Curve in Post-Corona Pandemic

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    The Indonesia government conducts several fiscal strategies to solve Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN)’s deficit due to corona pandemic by relaxation of APBN’s deficit policy, using surplus balance, upsizing loan and bond in domestic and valas currency. Upsizing or issuance a new Indonesian bon called SUN, would increase cost of rate is paid by government and its maturity that impacted to yield curve and risk of SUN. It has inspired this research to (1) investigate the determinant of yield curve due to shocks that occur in Indonesian macroeconomic during the pandemic (2) the impact of the pandemic on SUN’s risk and (3) the forecast of the yield curve in SUN after the pandemic using the VAR / VECM method. The reasearch used secondary data of bond yield from Indonesian Stock Market and imposed the effect of such as inflation, BI Rate, Kurs and foreign exchange that is taken from several sources such as BPS, Central Bank of Indonesia and Bloomberg during 2015 January until 2020 May. This research proves that the five main macroeconomic indicators have an influence in the short and long term on the yield curve.  YIELD, GDP and BIR variables have a significant negative effect in the short term on the yield curve, whereas CPI, KURS and CD have no significant effect. The ECT’s coefficient shows the speed of adjustment towards the long-term balance and the BI Rate adjustment is faster than other variables with an ECT coefficient of 0,33. The estimation results show that the average R-squared is above 55 percent with the highest value of 79,35 percent, this indicates that the equation was formed because the research variables amounted to the R-squared results

    ”The analytical engine does not occupy common ground with mere calculating machines. It holds a position wholly its own”:Ada Lovelacen esittämä käsitys Charles Babbagen analyyttisestä koneesta vuoden 1843 kääntäjän huomautuksissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Englantilainen matemaatikko Ada Lovelace käänsi vuonna 1843 ranskasta englanniksi Luigi Menabrean kirjoittaman kuvauksen Charles Babbagen analyyttisestä koneesta, eli Babbagen suunnittelemasta yleiskäyttöisestä laskukoneesta. Lovelace kirjoitti käännöstyönsä oheen huomautuksia sekä sen kanssa julkaistavaksi erillisen kommenttiosion. Tarkastelen tutkielmassani ennen kaikkea näitä pyrkimyksenäni selittää se, millaisiin käyttötarkoituksiin Lovelace uskoi analyyttisen koneen pystyvän. Sivuan myös sitä, kuinka Lovelacen näkemyksiä on lähestytty eri aikoina ja eri näkökulmista

    Tanssijat kehotietoisuuden asiantuntijoina : tutkimusmetodologioita etsimässä

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    Body consciousness research is a multidisciplinary field including various conceptualizations of its subject. Usually research frames are based on comparisons between bodily experts, such as dancers, or psychiatric groups with bodily aberrations (e.g. eating disorders) and control participants. Methods of body consciousness research include behavioural and self-report measures as well as brain imaging. Some methods have been used to study bodily experts, but not psychiatric groups, and vice versa. In this study, dancers, amateur and professional athletes, and control participants were studied using four behavioural methods (aperture task, endpoint matching, rubber hand illusion, posture copying) and two self-report measures PBCS (Private Body Consciousness Scale of the Body Consciousness Questionnaire) and BAQ (Body Awareness Questionnaire). Because many methods of studying body consciousness focus on the use of hands, a new method called posture copying, involving the whole body, was developed in this study. Dancers succeeded better than controls in the aperture task, and better than athletes and controls in the posture copying task. In the posture copying task, group differences were present in copying all other body parts but hands. Both dancers and athletes scored higher in the BAQ than controls. There was an almost significant difference between athletes and controls in the endpoint matching task. No group differences were found in the rubber hand illusion or PBCS. The results were considered as proof that dancing has a special connection with body consciousness, but that some aspects of body consciousness are similar in dancers and athletes. Methods measuring the same quality of body consciousness produced contradictory evidence, which questions their validity. This study offers useful knowledge for the future of body consciousness research, with regards to choice of participants, methodology, and study design, as well as treatment plans of clinical groups with disorders in their body consciousness (e.g. eating disorders).Kehotietoisuuden tutkimuskenttä on poikkitieteellinen. Sen tutkimuskohdetta on käsitteellistetty useilla eri tavoilla. Tutkimusasetelmissa vertaillaan usein kontrolliryhmää ja kehollisuuden asiantuntijoita, kuten tanssijoita, tai sellaisia psykiatrisia ryhmiä, joilla esiintyy kehollisia poikkeamia. Kehotietoisuutta on tutkittu sekä behavioraalisin ja itsearviointimenetelmin että aivokuvantamalla. Joillain menetelmillä on tutkittu vain kehollisuuden asiantuntijoita, mutta ei psykiatrisia ryhmiä, ja päin vastoin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tanssijoita, aktiiviliikkujia ja kontrollikoehenkilöitä tutkittiin neljän behavioraalisen menetelmän (aukkotehtävä, päätepisteen sovitus, kumikäsi-illuusio, asentojen kopiointi) ja kahden itsearviointimenetelmän avulla (PBCS eli Body Consciousness Questionnairen Private Body Consciousness Scale, BAQ eli Body Awareness Questionnaire). Useat kehotietoisuuden tutkimusmenetelmät edellyttävät korostetusti käsien käyttöä. Sen vuoksi tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin uusi menetelmä, asentojen kopiointi, koko kehon kehotietoisuuden tutkimista varten. Tanssijat suoriutuivat kontrolliryhmää paremmin aukkotehtävässä, ja paremmin kuin aktiiviliikkujat ja kontrolliryhmä asentojen kopiointi -tehtävässä. Asentojen kopiointi -tehtävässä ryhmät erosivat toisistaan kaikkien muiden kehonosien kopioinnissa paitsi käsien. Sekä tanssijat että aktiiviliikkujat saivat korkeammat pisteet BAQ:ssa kuin kontrolliryhmä. Aktiiviliikkujien ja kontrolliryhmän välillä oli lähes merkitsevä ero päätepisteen sovitus -tehtävässä. Kumikäsi-illuusiossa ja PBCS:ssa ei esiintynyt ryhmäeroja. Tulokset osoittivat, että tanssilla on erityinen yhteys kehotietoisuuteen, mutta jotkin kehotietoisuuden piirteet ovat tanssijoille ja aktiiviliikkujille yhteisiä. Samaa kehotietoisuuden laatua mittaavat menetelmät tuottivat ristiriitaista tietoa, mikä asettaa kyseenalaiseksi niiden pätevyyden. Tutkimus tarjoaa hyödyllistä tietoa tulevalle kehotietoisuuden tutkimukselle liittyen metodologiaan, koeasetelmiin ja koehenkilöiden valintaan, ja kehotietoisuuden suhteen haasteellisten kliinisten ryhmien (esim. syömishäiriöt) tutkimukselle ja hoidolle

    Kudosteknologiset sovellukset polven alueen luukudospuutosten hoidossa

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    Tämä työn tarkoituksena oli perehtyä kudosteknologisten tuotteiden käyttöön polven alueen luukudospuutosten hoidossa. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja sen tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisia kaupallisia tuotteita on markkinoilla saatavilla ja millaisia tuotteita tällä hetkellä tutkitaan ja kehitetään. Työhön kootut kaupalliset tuotteet olivat pääasiassa synteettisiä skaffoldeja, joita käytettiin yhdessä potilaan luuydinaspiraatin kanssa. Tuotteet olivat tyypillisesti valmistettu komposiittimateriaalista. Niihin ei oltu lisätty kasvutekijöitä eikä soluja. Kehitteillä olevia menetelmiä etsittiin sekä prekliinisten että kliinisten tutkimusten puolelta. Prekliinissä tutkimuksissa erilaisia kudosteknologisia sovelluksia oli enemmän. Tuotteissa oli pelkkiä synteettisiä skaffoldeja, skaffoldeja, joihin oli yhdistetty kasvutekijöitä sekä yksi solupohjainen yhdistelmätuote, jossa skaffoldiin oli yhdistetty sekä kasvutekijöitä että soluja. Tutkimuksissa käytetyissä materiaaleissa oli vaihtelua, mutta selvästi käytetyin ratkaisu skaffoldeissa oli komposiittimateriaali ja suosittu valmistusmenetelmä 3D-tulostus. Tutkimuksissa käytetyt kasvutekijät olivat luun morfogeneettisiä proteiineja (BMP) ja solut uutta luukudosta varten mesenkymaalisia kantasoluja luuytimestä tai periosteumista. Vaikka prekliinisiä tutkimusartikkeleita oli paljon, kliinisissä tutkimuksissa tuotteita oli kuitenkin hyvin vähän. Mahdollisia syitä tälle on vaikea arvioida, mutta haasteet voivat liittyä muun muassa rahoituksen saamiseen sekä siihen, etteivät tuotteet ole vielä valmiita kliinisiin kokeisiin

    Eigenvector alignment : assessing functional network changes in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease

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    Eigenvector alignment, introduced herein to investigate human brain functional networks, is adapted from methods developed to detect influential nodes and communities in networked systems. It is used to identify differences in the brain networks of subjects with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) and healthy controls (HC). Well-established methods exist for analysing connectivity networks composed of brain regions, including the widespread use of centrality metrics such as eigenvector centrality. However, these metrics provide only limited information on the relationship between regions, with this understanding often sought by comparing the strength of pairwise functional connectivity. Our holistic approach, eigenvector alignment, considers the impact of all functional connectivity changes before assessing the strength of the functional relationship, i.e. alignment, between any two regions. This is achieved by comparing the placement of regions in a Euclidean space defined by the network's dominant eigenvectors. Eigenvector alignment recognises the strength of bilateral connectivity in cortical areas of healthy control subjects, but also reveals degradation of this commissural system in those with AD. Surprisingly little structural change is detected for key regions in the Default Mode Network, despite significant declines in the functional connectivity of these regions. In contrast, regions in the auditory cortex display significant alignment changes that begin in aMCI and are the most prominent structural changes for those with AD. Alignment differences between aMCI and AD subjects are detected, including notable changes to the hippocampal regions. These findings suggest eigenvector alignment can play a complementary role, alongside established network analytic approaches, to capture how the brain's functional networks develop and adapt when challenged by disease processes such as AD

    Exploring body consciousness of dancers, athletes, and lightly physically active adults.

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    Body consciousness is associated with kinetic skills and various aspects of wellbeing. Physical activities have been shown to contribute to the development of body consciousness. Methodological studies are needed in improving the assessment of body consciousness in adults with distinct physical activity backgrounds. This study (1) examined whether dancers, athletes, and lightly physically active individuals differed regarding the level of their body consciousness, and (2) evaluated the usability of different methods in assessing body consciousness. Fifty-seven healthy adults (aged 20-37) were included in the study. Three experimental methods (aperture task, endpoint matching, and posture copying) and two self-report questionnaires (the Private Body Consciousness Scale, PBCS, and the Body Awareness Questionnaire, BAQ) were used in assessing body consciousness. Athletes outperformed the lightly physically active participants in the posture copying task with the aid of vision when copying leg postures. Dancers performed better than the athletes without the aid of vision when their back and upper body were involved, and better than the lightly active participants when copying leg postures. Dancers and athletes had higher self-reported cognitive and perceptual knowledge of their body than lightly physically active participants. To examine the role of different physical activities in developing body consciousness, experimental methods involving the use of the whole body might be most suitable. Subjective measures may provide complementary evidence for experimental testing.Peer reviewe

    The respiratory resistance sensitivity task: An automated method for quantifying respiratory interoception and metacognition

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    The ability to sense, monitor, and control respiration – e.g., respiratory interoception (henceforth, respiroception) is a core homeostatic ability. Beyond the regulation of gas exchange, enhanced awareness of respiratory sensations is directly related to psychiatric symptoms such as panic and anxiety. Indeed, chronic breathlessness (dyspnea) is associated with a fourfold increase in the risk of developing depression and anxiety, and the regulation of the breath is a key aspect of many mindfulness-based approaches to the treatment of mental illness. Physiologically speaking, the ability to accurately monitor respiratory sensations is important for optimizing cardiorespiratory function during athletic exertion, and can be a key indicator of illness. Given the important role of respiroception in mental and physical health, it is unsurprising that there is increased interest in the quantification of respiratory psychophysiology across different perceptual and metacognitive levels of the psychological hierarchy. Compared to other more popular modalities of interoception, such as in the cardiac domain, there are relatively few methods available for measuring aspects of respiroception. Existing inspiratory loading tasks are difficult to administer and frequently require expensive medical equipment, or offer poor granularity in their quantification of respiratory-related perceptual ability. To facilitate the study of respiroception, we here present a new, fully automated and computer-controlled apparatus and psychophysiological method, which can flexibly and easily measure respiratory-related interoceptive sensitivity, bias and metacognition, in as little as 30 min of testing, using easy to make 3D printable parts.ISSN:0301-0511ISSN:1873-624

    The relationship between transliminality, hypnotic and imaginative suggestibility, and other personality traits

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    To our knowledge, no study has directly examined the link between hypnotic response and the personality trait of transliminality (which is underpinned, for example, by magical ideation, mystical experience, fantasy proneness, absorption, hyperaesthesia). In order to further understand the correlates of suggestibility, the aim of the current project was to investigate whether transliminality is associated with hypnotic and imaginative suggestibility (considering: objective response, subjective response and involuntariness). Another aim was to assess the contribution of transliminality as a predictor of suggestibility when a range of previously studied personality trait measures were considered. Participants completed: the Revised Transliminality Scale, Tellegen Absorption Scale, Creative Experiences Questionnaire, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale II. To avoid context effects, where knowledge or measurement of one trait or ability might influence measurement of another, a separate standalone study was conducted where hypnotic and imaginative (without hypnosis) suggestibility screenings were carried out in-person in small groups using the modified Carleton University Responsiveness to Suggestion Scale. The merging of these two datasets enabled the analyses. Transliminality was weakly correlated with the imaginative suggestibility subjective response measure (r = 0.19). Likewise, weak correlations were found between transliminality and the hypnotic suggestibility response measures (objective, r = 0.21, subjective, r = 0.23, involuntariness, r = 0.24). The multiple regressions (forward selection) reflected the pattern of correlations, with no model for any of the variables, retaining more than a single significant predictor. In summary, this study combination, avoiding context effects, shows transliminality to be a weak predictor of response to suggestion