122 research outputs found

    The impact of land use characteristics for sustainable mobility: the case study of Rome

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    Sustainable mobility requires actions to reduce the need for travel, to promote modal shift, to reduce trip lengths and to increase efficiency of transport system. Public transport could play an important role to solve part of the needs previously reported. Starting from these remarks, the present paper analyse the role, the importance and the impact of land use characteristics to develop services able to compete with automobile use. This analysis is carried out by studying the real world case of the city of Rome in Italy. The results of the test carried out highlight the importance of density of residences and activities, the need for a good quality access system to the transit services stops and the importance of the configuration of the transit network, identifying the best way to connect the different districts of the urban area. However, single actions are not sufficient to achieve a sustainable transport system: these actions can be successful only if they are planned in a complex unique system that helps the synergic development of the effects of the single actions proposed

    Assessing the value of information for retail distribution of perishable goods

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    "This paper addresses quantitative methods. for estimating the value of information from ITS in. urban freight distribution. A real-life application on. the retail distribution of perishable goods is considered.. The problem is formulated as a vehicle routing problem. with soft time windows and time-dependent travel. times, and solved by using information affected by. different degrees of detail and reliability. The practical. performance of these solutions is then evaluated by. simulation, to assess the joint benefit of using more reliable. and detailed information with different solution. algorithms.

    Innovazione tecnologica nella riscossione delle sanzioni da infrazioni stradali

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    Il presente contributo propone un sistema innovativo di avviso telematico che informa l’utente della strada della violazione commessa e che permette il pagamento diretto della contravvenzione. Tale sistema ha come primo obiettivo la facilitazione/snellimento delle procedure per il pagamento delle contravvenzioni, rivolgendosi prettamente agli utenti “non evasori” e garantendo così introiti sicuri per l’amministrazione pubblica da trasporto privato

    Sustainable urban freight transport adopting public transport-based crowdshipping for B2C deliveries

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    Abstract Cities crave innovative logistics solutions dealing with the requirements of the 'on demand economy'. The paper estimates the willingness to act as a crowdshipper (supply) and to buy a crowdshipping service (demand) to get goods delivered/picked-up in the last mile B2C e-commerce situation. Specifically, it innovates by considering an environmental-friendly crowdshipping based on the use of the mass transit network of the city where parcels customers/crowdshippers pick-up/drop-off goods in automated parcel lockers located either inside the transit stations or in the surroundings. This issue is very important since "standard" crowdshipping is usually not able to reduce congestion and polluting emissions due to the dedicated trips performed using private motorized vehicles. The paper rests on an extensive stated preference survey. The hypothetical scenarios used to acquire both demand (customers') and supply (crowdshippers') preferences make use of the most relevant attributes emerging from a preliminary investigation performed in the study context. The investigation is performed in the city of Rome and the metro is the transit system considered. The results are useful in understanding and quantifying the potential of this freight transport strategy for e-commerce in an urban context and in providing local policy makers with a good knowledge base for its future development

    Sustainable crowdshipping using public transport: a case study evaluation in Rome

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    Abstract The paper analyses the willingness to act as a crowdshipper in the case of a last mile B2C e-commerce for pick up/delivery. Specifically, it focuses on crowdshipping services deployed using the public transport network and considering passengers as crowdshippers already moving for other reasons. In fact, this is the most environmental-friendly type of service one can develop given it avoids performing dedicated trips. The paper uses stated preference to identify the most important features associated with the choice of acting as a crowdshipper and discrete choice models to study the underlying behavior. The implementation case study refers to the city of Rome, Italy, and addresses its metro lines, thus understanding and quantifying the effects of this freight transport strategy for e-commerce in an urban context and providing local policy makers a good knowledge base for its future development

    Effectiveness of link and path information on simultaneous adjustment of dynamic O-D demand matrix

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    Introduction The paper deals with the adjustment of time-dependent Origin–destination (O-D) demand matrix, which is the fundamental input of ITS application for traffic predictions. The usual problem is to search for temporal O-D matrices that are "near" an a priori estimate (seed matrices) and that best fit traffic counts. However information on link flows is not fully effective in describing the state of the network; recent technologies for tracking vehicles provide a new kind of information on route travel times that can integrate usual information on traffic flows at count sections

    A new methodological framework for within-day dynamic estimation of pollutant emissions in a large congested urban network

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    This paper presents a new methodological framework to address the problem of estimating pollutant emissions for large congested urban networks in a within-day dynamic context. It consists of three main modules: 1) a module to compute pollutant emissions for general links; 2) a module to compute pollutant emissions for all links approaching a signalized intersection; 3) a module to compute pollutant emissions for all links approaching an unsignalized intersection. A dynamic mesoscopic assignment model is performed to derive the main dynamic input of each one of the modules. All the modules have been tested in a real case study (the district of Eur in the city of Rome, Italy), so confirming the reliability of the developed models and their applicability for the estimation of pollutant emissions


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    The object of the paper is to investigate the effect of signal synchronization on the traffic flow patterns on the network and validate results of synchronization problem in signal setting design. A platoon based traffic model is applied to solve both one-way and two-way synchronization problems in under-saturated conditions. Assessment of results through dynamic traffic assignment model shows that solution found is rather robust and, if more traffic is attracted by the improved arterial performance, larger benefits can be achieved on the whole network. A specific analysis has been conducted to point out the representation of queue propagation and the gridlock phenomenon

    multimodal choice model for e mobility scenarios

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    Abstract The paper focuses on the definition, calibration and testing of a simulation model that is able to represent multimodal choice behaviours for electric vehicles. Taking into account the interchange between public transport and electric private mobility, the model estimates the parking demand at the Park & Ride sites equipped with charging stations. The model is based on a data-driven approach, in which mainly Floating Car Data and open data of public transport have derived the explanatory variables. Specifically, a machine learning method (Random Forest) has been used to calibrate and test the model in the real case of the metropolitan area of Rome (Italy). We first perform a stability analysis, letting the parameters of the model vary. We then carry out a sensitivity analysis on the variables that can affect the user propensity to adopt the Park & Ride. Finally, we profile and test an incentive policy to boost the choice of Park & Ride. Results suggest that the model succeeds in simulating Park & Ride by electric vehicles and, therefore, it can be extremely valuable for planning financial support to the multimodal travel choice and forecasting vehicle-to-grid scenarios
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