5,757 research outputs found

    Quark spectral properties above Tc from Dyson-Schwinger equations

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    We report on an analysis of the quark spectral representation at finite temperatures based on the quark propagator determined from its Dyson-Schwinger equation in Landau gauge. In Euclidean space we achieve nice agreement with recent results from quenched lattice QCD. We find different analytical properties of the quark propagator below and above the deconfinement transition. Using a variety of ansaetze for the spectral function we then analyze the possible quasiparticle spectrum, in particular its quark mass and momentum dependence in the high temperature phase. This analysis is completed by an application of the Maximum Entropy Method, in principle allowing for any positive semi-definite spectral function. Our results motivate a more direct determination of the spectral function in the framework of Dyson-Schwinger equations

    High order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: χ(6)\chi^{(6)}

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    This paper deals with χ~(6)\tilde{\chi}^{(6)}, the six-particle contribution to the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model. We have generated, modulo a prime, series coefficients for χ~(6)\tilde{\chi}^{(6)}. The length of the series is sufficient to produce the corresponding Fuchsian linear differential equation (modulo a prime). We obtain the Fuchsian linear differential equation that annihilates the "depleted" series Φ(6)=χ~(6)23χ~(4)+245χ~(2)\Phi^{(6)}=\tilde{\chi}^{(6)} - {2 \over 3} \tilde{\chi}^{(4)} + {2 \over 45} \tilde{\chi}^{(2)}. The factorization of the corresponding differential operator is performed using a method of factorization modulo a prime introduced in a previous paper. The "depleted" differential operator is shown to have a structure similar to the corresponding operator for χ~(5)\tilde{\chi}^{(5)}. It splits into factors of smaller orders, with the left-most factor of order six being equivalent to the symmetric fifth power of the linear differential operator corresponding to the elliptic integral EE. The right-most factor has a direct sum structure, and using series calculated modulo several primes, all the factors in the direct sum have been reconstructed in exact arithmetics.Comment: 23 page

    Demographic history and genetic differentiation in apes

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    SummaryComparisons of genetic variation between humans and great apes are hampered by the fact that we still know little about the demographics and evolutionary history of the latter species [1–4]. In addition, characterizing ape genetic variation is important because they are threatened with extinction, and knowledge about genetic differentiation among groups may guide conservation efforts [5]. We sequenced multiple intergenic autosomal regions totaling 22,400 base pairs (bp) in ten individuals each from western, central, and eastern chimpanzee groups and in nine bonobos, and 16,000 bp in ten Bornean and six Sumatran orangutans. These regions are analyzed together with homologous information from three human populations and gorillas. We find that whereas orangutans have the highest diversity, western chimpanzees have the lowest, and that the demographic histories of most groups differ drastically. Special attention should therefore be paid to sampling strategies and the statistics chosen when comparing levels of variation within and among groups. Finally, we find that the extent of genetic differentiation among “subspecies” of chimpanzees and orangutans is comparable to that seen among human populations, calling the validity of the “subspecies” concept in apes into question

    Finding Multiple New Optimal Locations in a Road Network

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    We study the problem of optimal location querying for location based services in road networks, which aims to find locations for new servers or facilities. The existing optimal solutions on this problem consider only the cases with one new server. When two or more new servers are to be set up, the problem with minmax cost criteria, MinMax, becomes NP-hard. In this work we identify some useful properties about the potential locations for the new servers, from which we derive a novel algorithm for MinMax, and show that it is efficient when the number of new servers is small. When the number of new servers is large, we propose an efficient 3-approximate algorithm. We verify with experiments on real road networks that our solutions are effective and attains significantly better result quality compared to the existing greedy algorithms

    The diagonal Ising susceptibility

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    We use the recently derived form factor expansions of the diagonal two-point correlation function of the square Ising model to study the susceptibility for a magnetic field applied only to one diagonal of the lattice, for the isotropic Ising model. We exactly evaluate the one and two particle contributions χd(1)\chi_{d}^{(1)} and χd(2)\chi_{d}^{(2)} of the corresponding susceptibility, and obtain linear differential equations for the three and four particle contributions, as well as the five particle contribution χd(5)(t){\chi}^{(5)}_d(t), but only modulo a given prime. We use these exact linear differential equations to show that, not only the russian-doll structure, but also the direct sum structure on the linear differential operators for the n n-particle contributions χd(n)\chi_{d}^{(n)} are quite directly inherited from the direct sum structure on the form factors f(n) f^{(n)}. We show that the nth n^{th} particle contributions χd(n)\chi_{d}^{(n)} have their singularities at roots of unity. These singularities become dense on the unit circle sinh2Ev/kTsinh2Eh/kT=1|\sinh2E_v/kT \sinh 2E_h/kT|=1 as n n\to \infty.Comment: 18 page

    Experimental mathematics on the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model

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    We calculate very long low- and high-temperature series for the susceptibility χ\chi of the square lattice Ising model as well as very long series for the five-particle contribution χ(5)\chi^{(5)} and six-particle contribution χ(6)\chi^{(6)}. These calculations have been made possible by the use of highly optimized polynomial time modular algorithms and a total of more than 150000 CPU hours on computer clusters. For χ(5)\chi^{(5)} 10000 terms of the series are calculated {\it modulo} a single prime, and have been used to find the linear ODE satisfied by χ(5)\chi^{(5)} {\it modulo} a prime. A diff-Pad\'e analysis of 2000 terms series for χ(5)\chi^{(5)} and χ(6)\chi^{(6)} confirms to a very high degree of confidence previous conjectures about the location and strength of the singularities of the nn-particle components of the susceptibility, up to a small set of ``additional'' singularities. We find the presence of singularities at w=1/2w=1/2 for the linear ODE of χ(5)\chi^{(5)}, and w2=1/8w^2= 1/8 for the ODE of χ(6)\chi^{(6)}, which are {\it not} singularities of the ``physical'' χ(5)\chi^{(5)} and χ(6),\chi^{(6)}, that is to say the series-solutions of the ODE's which are analytic at w=0w =0. Furthermore, analysis of the long series for χ(5)\chi^{(5)} (and χ(6)\chi^{(6)}) combined with the corresponding long series for the full susceptibility χ\chi yields previously conjectured singularities in some χ(n)\chi^{(n)}, n7n \ge 7. We also present a mechanism of resummation of the logarithmic singularities of the χ(n)\chi^{(n)} leading to the known power-law critical behaviour occurring in the full χ\chi, and perform a power spectrum analysis giving strong arguments in favor of the existence of a natural boundary for the full susceptibility χ\chi.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figure

    Form factor expansion of the row and diagonal correlation functions of the two dimensional Ising model

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    We derive and prove exponential and form factor expansions of the row correlation function and the diagonal correlation function of the two dimensional Ising model

    High-precision estimate of g4 in the 2D Ising model

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    We compute the renormalized four-point coupling in the 2d Ising model using transfer-matrix techniques. We greatly reduce the systematic uncertainties which usually affect this type of calculations by using the exact knowledge of several terms in the scaling function of the free energy. Our final result is g4=14.69735(3).Comment: 17 pages, revised version with minor changes, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics