17 research outputs found

    Factors affecting general practice collaboration with voluntary and community sector organisations.

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    Collaborative working between general practice (GP) and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations is increasingly championed as a means of primary care doing more with less and of addressing patients' "wicked problems". This paper aims to add to the knowledge base around collaborative practice between GPs and VCS organisations by examining the factors that aid or inhibit such collaboration. A case study design was used to examine the lived-experience of GPs and VCS organisations working collaboratively. Four cases, each consisting of a GP and a VCS organisation with whom they work collaboratively, were identified. Interviews (n = 18) and a focus group (n = 1) were conducted with staff within each organisation. Transcribed data were analysed thematically. Whilet there are similarities across cases in their use of, for example, Health Trainers and social prescribing, the form and function of GP-VCS collaborations were unique to their local context. The identified factors affecting GP-VCS collaboration reflect those found in previous service evaluations and the broader literature on partnership working; shared understanding, time and resources, trust, strong leadership, operational systems and governance and the "negotiation" of professional boundaries. While the current political environment may represent an opportunity for collaborations to develop, there are issues yet to be resolved before collaboration-especially more holistic and integrated approaches-becomes systematically embedded into practice

    Making every contact count : an evaluation

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    Objectives: To conduct an initial evaluation of a behaviour change programme called ‘Making Every Contact Count’ (MECC). Study design: Retrospective interview study. Methods: In depth qualitative interviews with key stakeholders engaged in the delivery of MECC which were digitally recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically using framework analysis. Results: The responses of those involved were generally favourable and although the ‘intuitive’ nature of the idea of Making Every Contact Count clearly resonated with interviewees, the take up was variable across different organisations. Conclusions: The approach to MECC described here was based on some of the principles outlined in the NICE Guidance on behaviour change published in 2007. The report shows that MECC has considerable potential for changing staff behaviour in relation promoting health enhancing behaviour among members of the general public coming into contact with services.</p

    Competency frameworks in diabetes

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    The quality, skills and attitudes of staff working in the healthcare system are central to multidisciplinary learning and working, and to the delivery of the quality of care patients expect. Patients want to know that the staff supporting them have the right knowledge and attitudes to work in partnership, particularly for conditions such as diabetes where 95% of all care is delivered by the person with diabetes themselves. With the current changes in the NHS structures in England, and the potential for greater variation in the types of 'qualified provider', along with the recent scandal at Mid-Staffordshire Hospital, staff need to be shown to be competent and named/accredited or recognized as such. This will help to restore faith in an increasingly devolved delivery structure. The education and validation of competency needs to be consistently delivered and assured to ensure standards are maintained for different roles and disciplines across each UK nation. Diabetes UK recommends that all NHS organizations prioritize healthcare professional education, training and competency through the implementation of a National Diabetes Competency Framework and the phased approach to delivery to address this need. © 2015 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine © 2015 Diabetes UK