1,919 research outputs found

    An integer programming Model for the Hospitals/Residents Problem with Couples

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    The Hospitals/Residents problem with Couples (hrc) is a generalisation of the classical Hospitals/Residents problem (hr) that is important in practical applications because it models the case where couples submit joint preference lists over pairs of (typically geographically close) hospitals. In this paper we give a new NP-completeness result for the problem of deciding whether a stable matching exists, in highly restricted instances of hrc. Further, we present an Integer Programming (IP) model for hrc and extend it the case where preference lists can include ties. Further, we describe an empirical study of an IP model for HRC and its extension to the case where preference lists can include ties. This model was applied to randomly generated instances and also real-world instances arising from previous matching runs of the Scottish Foundation Allocation Scheme, used to allocate junior doctors to hospitals in Scotland

    The exchange-stable marriage problem

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    In this paper we consider instances of stable matching problems, namely the classical stable marriage (SM) and stable roommates (SR) problems and their variants. In such instances we consider a stability criterion that has recently been proposed, that of <i>exchange-stability</i>. In particular, we prove that ESM — the problem of deciding, given an SM instance, whether an exchange-stable matching exists — is NP-complete. This result is in marked contrast with Gale and Shapley's classical linear-time algorithm for finding a stable matching in an instance of SM. We also extend the result for ESM to the SR case. Finally, we study some variants of ESM under weaker forms of exchange-stability, presenting both polynomial-time solvability and NP-completeness results for the corresponding existence questions

    The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Couples: complexity and integer programming models

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    The Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples (hrc) is a generalisation of the classical Hospitals / Residents problem (hr) that is important in practical applications because it models the case where couples submit joint preference lists over pairs of (typically geographically close) hospitals. In this paper we give a new NP-completeness result for the problem of deciding whether a stable matching exists, in highly restricted instances of hrc, and also an inapproximability bound for finding a matching with the minimum number of blocking pairs in equally restricted instances of hrc. Further, we present a full description of the first Integer Programming model for finding a maximum cardinality stable matching in an instance of hrc and we describe empirical results when this model applied to randomly generated instances of hrc

    Two algorithms for the student-project allocation problem

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    We study the Student-Project Allocation problem (SPA), a generalisation of the classical Hospitals / Residents problem (HR). An instance of SPA involves a set of students, projects and lecturers. Each project is offered by a unique lecturer, and both projects and lecturers have capacity constraints. Students have preferences over projects, whilst lecturers have preferences over students. We present two optimal linear-time algorithms for allocating students to projects, subject to the preference and capacity constraints. In particular, each algorithm finds a stable matching of students to projects. Here, the concept of stability generalises the stability definition in the HR context. The stable matching produced by the first algorithm is simultaneously best-possible for all students, whilst the one produced by the second algorithm is simultaneously best-possible for all lecturers. We also prove some structural results concerning the set of stable matchings in a given instance of SPA. The SPA problem model that we consider is very general and has applications to a range of different contexts besides student-project allocation

    Canine Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Phenotyping by 7-Color Multiparameter Flow Cytometry

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    Objective: To characterize baseline canine lymphocyte phenotypes including lymphocytes coexpressing multiple markers by novel 7-color multiparameter flow cytometry. Study Design: Fresh canine peripheral blood lymphocytes of 79 healthy 26-week-old Beagle or Beagle-mix dogs were stained and analyzed. Results: The high number of samples and acquired flow data (averaging 1.9x105 cells/sample) allowed the detection of minor lymphocyte subsets coexpressing multiple lymphocyte markers. The averaged percentages of major lymphocyte subsets of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD21+ and gd TCR+ cells from this study were 74.0, 43.6, 14.3, 9.6, and 0.2, respectively, which were comparable but uniquely different from other reports as they were simultaneously detected in the same sample. We demonstrated that the commonly used CD21 and CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) clones, previously recommended not to be used in the same staining, could and should be used together with the proper steps of lymphocyte gating. We found a high percentage (10.3%) of unidentified CD21–CD3+CD4–CD8–gdTCR– lymphocyte subset that has never been reported. The intensive gating strategy and the mean percentages of each lymphocyte subset to their parent subsets and to the total lymphocyte population are presented and discussed. Conclusion: The canine lymphocyte phenotypes were fully characterized. This novel multiparameter flow cytometry method is a powerful approach to in-crease the accuracy of lymphocyte phenotyping in dogs

    Test Results on the Silicon Pixel Detector for the TTF-FEL Beam Trajectory Monitor

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    Test measurements on the silicon pixel detector for the beam trajectory monitor at the free electron laser of the TESLA test facility are presented. To determine the electronic noise of detector and read-out and to calibrate the signal amplitude of different pixels the 6 keV photons of the manganese K line are used. Two different methods determine the spatial accuracy of the detector: In one setup a laser beam is focused to a straight line and moved across the pixel structure. In the other the detector is scanned using a low-intensity electron beam of an electron microscope. Both methods show that the symmetry axis of the detector defines a straight line within 0.4 microns. The sensitivity of the detector to low energy X-rays is measured using a vacuum ultraviolet beam at the synchrotron light source HASYLAB. Additionally, the electron microscope is used to study the radiation hardness of the detector.Comment: 14 pages (Latex), 13 figures (Postscript), submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    Explanatory factors for health inequalities across different ethnic and gender groups: data from a national survey in England

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to examine the relative contribution of factors explaining ethnic health inequalities (EHI) in poor self-reported health (pSRH) and limiting long-standing illness (LLI) between Health Survey for England (HSE) participants. METHOD: Using HSE 2003-2006 data, the odds of reporting pSRH or of LLI in 8573 Bangladeshi, Black African, Black Caribbean, Chinese, Indian, Irish and Pakistani participants was compared with 28,470 White British participants. The effects of demographics, socioeconomic position (SEP), psychosocial variables, community characteristics and health behaviours were assessed using separate regression models. RESULTS: Compared with White British men, age-adjusted odds (OR, 95% CI) of pSRH were higher among Bangladeshi (2.05, 1.34 to 3.14), Pakistani (1.77, 1.34 to 2.33) and Black Caribbean (1.60, 1.18 to 2.18) men, but these became non-significant following adjustment for SEP and health behaviours. Unlike Black Caribbean men, Black African men exhibited a lower risk of age-adjusted pSRH (0.66, 0.43 to 1.00 (p=0.048)) and LLI (0.45, 0.28 to 0.72), which were significant in every model. Likewise, Chinese men had a lower risk of age-adjusted pSRH (0.51, 0.26 to 1.00 (p=0.048)) and LLI (0.22, 0.10 to 0.48). Except in Black Caribbean women, adjustment for SEP rendered raised age-adjusted associations for pSRH among Pakistani (2.51, 1.99 to 3.17), Bangladeshi (1.85, 1.08 to 3.16), Black Caribbean (1.78, 1.44 to 2.21) and Indian women (1.37, 1.13 to 1.66) insignificant. Adjustment for health behaviours had the largest effect for South Asian women. By contrast, Irish women reported better age-adjusted SRH (0.70, 1.51 to 0.96). CONCLUSIONS: SEP and health behaviours were major contributors explaining EHI. Policies to improve health equity need to monitor these pathways and be informed by them

    A mathematical model for electrical stimulation of a monolayer of cardiac cells

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    BACKGROUND: The goal of our study is to examine the effect of stimulating a two-dimensional sheet of myocardial cells. We assume that the stimulating electrode is located in a bath perfusing the tissue. METHODS: An equation governing the transmembrane potential, based on the continuity equation and Ohm's law, is solved numerically using a finite difference technique. RESULTS: The sheet is depolarized under the stimulating electrode and is hyperpolarized on each side of the electrode along the fiber axis. CONCLUSIONS: The results are similar to those obtained previously by Sepulveda et al. (Biophys J, 55: 987–999, 1989) for stimulation of a two-dimensional sheet of tissue with no perfusing bath present

    Ab Initio No Core Shell Model - Recent Results and Further Prospects

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    There has been significant recent progress in solving the long-standing problems of how nuclear shell structure and collective motion emerge from underlying microscopic inter-nucleon interactions. We review a selection of recent significant results within the ab initio No Core Shell Model (NCSM) closely tied to three major factors enabling this progress: (1) improved nuclear interactions that accurately describe the experimental two-nucleon and three-nucleon interaction data; (2) advances in algorithms to simulate the quantum many-body problem with strong interactions; and (3) continued rapid development of high-performance computers now capable of performing 20×101520 \times 10^{15} floating point operations per second. We also comment on prospects for further developments.Comment: Invited paper presented at NTSE-2014 and published online in the proceedings (see footnote on p.1

    Dealing with non-metric dissimilarities in fuzzy central clustering algorithms

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    Clustering is the problem of grouping objects on the basis of a similarity measure among them. Relational clustering methods can be employed when a feature-based representation of the objects is not available, and their description is given in terms of pairwise (dis)similarities. This paper focuses on the relational duals of fuzzy central clustering algorithms, and their application in situations when patterns are represented by means of non-metric pairwise dissimilarities. Symmetrization and shift operations have been proposed to transform the dissimilarities among patterns from non-metric to metric. In this paper, we analyze how four popular fuzzy central clustering algorithms are affected by such transformations. The main contributions include the lack of invariance to shift operations, as well as the invariance to symmetrization. Moreover, we highlight the connections between relational duals of central clustering algorithms and central clustering algorithms in kernel-induced spaces. One among the presented algorithms has never been proposed for non-metric relational clustering, and turns out to be very robust to shift operations. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved