8,766 research outputs found

    Evaluation of high density polyethylene plastic bag performance towards edge and point stresses using taguchi method

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    Plastic bag are widely used due to it is low cost and convenience for packaging items. The problem with the strength of the plastic bag tends to tear easily and perforated. This study aims to validate the simulation results of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic towards HDPE plastic bags manufactured in UTHM and thus to evaluate the performance of plastic bag towards mass, edge and point stresses. The tensile test simulation was conducted using Solidworks 2017 to validate the HDPE plastic material properties by comparing the tensile test performed according to ASTM D882-18. The real life application was conducted to validate the simulation result by comparing plastic film’s displacement with different mass applied. Taguchi Method was used to arrange the edge and point stress test parameter with varied angle, mass, length and distance between the loads. The result showed that the error percentage for all loads was lower than 10.00 % for simulation compared to experimental tensile test. It also showed that error percentage was less than 5.00 % by comparing real life application and simulation results for displacement of plastic film. For mass stress test, the loads with 5.0 kg square base has the highest stress acted on the plastic film’s surface which is 22.399 MPa. For edge stress test, sample D with 1.0 kg, 20 mm of edge’s length and 20 ° of edge’s angle have highest maximum stress and displacement acted on plastic film’s surface which are 34.086 MPa and 84.94 mm respectively. For point stress test, sample G with 1.0 kg, 10 ° of angle and 30 mm of the distance between the point load have highest maximum stress and displacement acted on surface of plastic film which are 50.676 MPa and 63.64 mm accordingly. Both sample D and G were perforated since the maximum stress acted was exceed the tensile strength of HDPE plastic which is 28.4 MPa. The validation of HDPE plastic towards HDPE plastic bag manufactured in UTHM was proven from the result obtained. The plastic bag’s performance towards mass, edge and point stresses was successfully evaluated by using Finite Element Analysis and Taguchi Method

    Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Copula Models

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    In recent years, copulas have become very popular in financial research and actuarial science as they are more flexible in modelling the co-movements and relationships of risk factors as compared to the conventional linear correlation coefficient by Pearson. However, a precise estimation of the copula parameters is vital in order to correctly capture the (possibly nonlinear) dependence structure and joint tail events. In this study, we employ two optimization heuristics, namely Differential Evolution and Threshold Ac- cepting to tackle the parameter estimation of multivariate t distribution models in the EML approach. Since the evolutionary optimizer does not rely on gradient search, the EML approach can be applied to estimation of more complicated copula models such as high-dimensional copulas. Our experimental study shows that the proposed method provides more robust and more accurate estimates as compared to the IFM approach.Copula Models, Parameter Inference, Exactly Maximum Likelihood, Differential Evolution, Threshold Accepting

    DCTNet : A Simple Learning-free Approach for Face Recognition

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    PCANet was proposed as a lightweight deep learning network that mainly leverages Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to learn multistage filter banks followed by binarization and block-wise histograming. PCANet was shown worked surprisingly well in various image classification tasks. However, PCANet is data-dependence hence inflexible. In this paper, we proposed a data-independence network, dubbed DCTNet for face recognition in which we adopt Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) as filter banks in place of PCA. This is motivated by the fact that 2D DCT basis is indeed a good approximation for high ranked eigenvectors of PCA. Both 2D DCT and PCA resemble a kind of modulated sine-wave patterns, which can be perceived as a bandpass filter bank. DCTNet is free from learning as 2D DCT bases can be computed in advance. Besides that, we also proposed an effective method to regulate the block-wise histogram feature vector of DCTNet for robustness. It is shown to provide surprising performance boost when the probe image is considerably different in appearance from the gallery image. We evaluate the performance of DCTNet extensively on a number of benchmark face databases and being able to achieve on par with or often better accuracy performance than PCANet.Comment: APSIPA ASC 201

    A Hybrid Approach to Case Teaching

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    We structure case based teaching using a combination of computer-support technology and in-class activities. We create and design an on-line learning tool, Case Study On-line (CSOL) that enables instructor to structure the delivery of teaching resources and set up assignment tasks in the system. The tool enables tasks to be set in a way that they can be completed sequentially, and learning resources can be accessed only when required by students. Upon submission of their assignments, students can promptly receive instructors explanations to the tasks. Follow up activities take place in class, with the objective to promote active learning. The tool was adopted over two semesters in an undergraduate economics course and surveys were conducted among the students to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool. The results of the survey were very positive, providing support to our belief that a system of well-designed case teaching delivery tool, together with classroom activities, is able to increase the level of students engagement and interest. The paper helps to address some concerns about teaching methods in undergraduate economics courses.Technologies-based Instruction, In-class Activities, Scaffolding, Active-based Learning

    What they can see, they can write, right?

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    Is writing an inborn or learned art Currently we can see that majority of undergraduates in higher learning institutions are rather handicapped in this area Purportedly this study proposed a teaching model to investigate the four main learning objectives 1 to generate ideas with visual aids 2 to write grammatically correct sentences using a model of sentence patterns 3 to evaluate students ability to write systematically using the writing process approach in cooperative learning groups and 4 to develop a teaching model that can prompt students to speak and write confidently and proficiently A teaching model based on the writing process approach and cooperative learning skills was implemented using the purposive writing technique It was conducted on a class of Business communication students for fifty-four hours of face-to-face interactio

    Multiperspective mosaics and layered representation for scene visualization

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    This thesis documents the efforts made to implement multiperspective mosaicking for the purpose of mosaicking undervehicle and roadside sequences. For the undervehicle sequences, it is desired to create a large, high-resolution mosaic that may used to quickly inspect the entire scene shot by a camera making a single pass underneath the vehicle. Several constraints are placed on the video data, in order to facilitate the assumption that the entire scene in the sequence exists on a single plane. Therefore, a single mosaic is used to represent a single video sequence. Phase correlation is used to perform motion analysis in this case. For roadside video sequences, it is assumed that the scene is composed of several planar layers, as opposed to a single plane. Layer extraction techniques are implemented in order to perform this decomposition. Instead of using phase correlation to perform motion analysis, the Lucas-Kanade motion tracking algorithm is used in order to create dense motion maps. Using these motion maps, spatial support for each layer is determined based on a pre-initialized layer model. By separating the pixels in the scene into motion-specific layers, it is possible to sample each element in the scene correctly while performing multiperspective mosaicking. It is also possible to fill in many gaps in the mosaics caused by occlusions, hence creating more complete representations of the objects of interest. The results are several mosaics with each mosaic representing a single planar layer of the scene

    Graphic Organizer and Paragraph Frame to rectify Tunnel Vision. Is it achievable?

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    Intensive English Programme IEP at Universiti Tenaga Nasional UNITEN is designed to measure candidates level of English language proficiency and to determine whether they are ready to undertake a course at tertiary level in English At UNITEN many foreign students are currently undergoing the IEP Programme at the College of Foundation and General Studies CFGS before they can pursue their studies at the respective colleges in UNITEN However majority of the students lack the prerequisite language knowledge and reading skills to cope with the IEP reading comprehension tests Many of them have problems with recognizing linguistic cues as well as locating the main ideas in discourses and paragraphs This was an experimental action research project investigating the effectiveness of a reading model The objectives of this study were 1 To investigate the EFL students reading comprehension problems specifically tunnel vision during the IEP classes 2 To evaluate the effectiveness of the Reading Model Graphic Organizer and Paragraph Frame GOPF utilized by the researcher 3 To suggest a Reading Model that can assist to boot up the IEP students attitude motivation and reading skills skimming and scanning Survey method was utilized to obtain responses from students and interview sessions were conducted to gain better insight on the students attitude and motivation Findings denote a significant improvement in the students attitude motivation and reading skills skimming and scanning at the end of the experimental research projec

    Measuring Port Performance At Kelang Multi Terminal Sdn. Bhd. (Westport) Using Simulation Model

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    This project describes the modeling and simulation of container operation at Westport. The main objective of this project is to evaluate the performance of the container handling at the port, commencing the arrival of ship until its departure. The project uses a statistical analysis method to measure the input and output for the model. For the input analysis section, its presents the data collection method and assumptions used. The model is built using Arena, simulation software used for discrete event simulation. The output analysis and model experimentation were carried after the completion of model building using Arena. The verification and validation of the output model showed the reliability and credibility of the model built to represent sufficiently accurate of the real system. Finally, some recommendations were present for the improvement of the container operation at Westport


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    Language acquisition is an amazing process which had always intrigued everyone Children at a very young age have been able to learn words and then turn them into meaningful sentences Linguists of course have been fascinated by this extraordinary feat of a child to have acquired such complex structures of a language To explain child language acquisition three theories have emerged They are the behaviourist theory the innatist or cognitivist here -on - after will be referred to as the innatist theory and the interactionist theory Out of these three theories the innatist theory is the most widely supported and is the most logical in explaining the acquisition of the complexity of a language This research therefore aims to determine if the language acquisition process of a bilingual child corresponds with the innatist theories of child language acquisition ChildLanguage Acquisition Focusing On Bilingualism Strictly as per the complia nce and regulations of The research questions that this study will attempt to answer are I Is the language acquisition process of a child universal II Is child language acquisition innat

    Dynamic Responses of Semi-Submersible: A Comparison of Long-Crested and Short-Crested Waves with Current

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    As the development of oil and gas industry has progressed into deep-water, the study on deep-water offshore structures has become more important. Among the environmental force acting on the structures, wave forces are the most significant. Waves can be categorized as short-crested waves and long-crested waves based on the direction of propagation. Long-crested waves can be defined as two-dimensional waves, which extend infinitely in lateral direction. On the other hand, short-crested waves consist of a series of long-crested waves with random magnitude and directions in three-dimensional. It is more common to find short-crested waves in the real sea state instead of long-crested waves. Furthermore, no research has been performed on semi-submersible particularly focusing on short-crested waves and current concurrently. Therefore, the study to determine the dynamic responses of one of the deep-water offshore structures, i.e. semi-submersible platforms subjected to short-crested waves and current is more significant. In this study, a numerical comparative study on a typical eight-column semi-submersible model subjected to long-crested and short-crested waves with current had been conducted. In the research, frequency domain method, which adopted the Morison Equation and wave energy spectrum was utilized to obtain the responses in three degrees of freedom i.e. surge, heave, and pitch motion in term of Response Amplitude Operator (RAO). Besides, the maximum amplitude of each motion response was determined and compared. The results indicated that the dynamic responses for short-crested waves are approximately 50% lower than long-crested waves and the effect of current induced is insignificant
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