63,314 research outputs found

    Optical alignment of electrodes on electrical discharge machines

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    Shadowgraph system projects magnified image on screen so that alignment of small electrodes mounted on electrical discharge machines can be corrected and verified. Technique may be adapted to other machine tool equipment where physical contact cannot be made during inspection and access to tool limits conventional runout checking procedures

    Lanthanide Ionization Energies and the Sub-Shell Break. Part 2. The Third and Fourth Ionization Energies

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    By interpolating a 4fq6s → 4fq7s transition within the sequence f1 → f14 rather than between f0 and f14, revised third and fourth ionization energies of the lanthanides have been obtained. The revised values, together with the second ionization energies calculated in a previous paper, are used to calculate values of the standard enthalpies of formation of the gaseous tripositive ions, ΔfHƟ(M3+,g), and of the lattice and hydration enthalpies of some lanthanide compounds and ions in the trivalent and tetravalent states. The displacements of f0 values from nearly smooth f1 → f14 variations exceed 30 kJ mol-1 and indicate substantial subshell breaks

    Valencies of the lanthanides

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    The valencies of the lanthanides vary more than was once thought. In addition to valencies associated with a half-full shell, there are valencies associated with a quarter- and three-quarter-full shell. This can be explained on the basis of Slater’s theory of many-electron atoms. The same theory explains the variation in complexing constants in the trivalent state (the “tetrad effect”). Valency in metallic and organometallic compounds is also discussed

    Optical machine tool alignment indicator Patent

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    Optical gauging system for monitoring machine tool alignmen

    Progress in Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    Recent work on generating the excess of matter over antimatter in the early universe during the electroweak phase transition is reviewed.Comment: 50 pages (figures on request), uses harvmac (table of contents correct for "l" format), UCSD-93-2,BU-HEP-93-

    Study made of resistance of stainless steels to zinc-vapor corrosion

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    Study of the corrosion resistance of several stainless steels to zinc vapor revealed that some stainless steels could be employed for use in zinc processing equipment housings or vapor lines

    Energy efficient engine high pressure turbine ceramic shroud support technology report

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    This work represents the development and fabrication of ceramic HPT (high pressure turbine) shrouds for the Energy Efficient Engine (E3). Details are presented covering the work performed on the ceramic shroud development task of the NASA/GE Energy Efficient Engine (E3) component development program. The task consists of four phases which led to the selection of a ZrO2-BY2O3 ceramic shroud material system, the development of an automated plasma spray process to produce acceptable shroud structures, the fabrication of select shroud systems for evaluation in laboratory, component, and CF6-50 engine testing, and finally, the successful fabrication of ZrO2-8Y2O3/superpeg, engine quality shrouds for the E3 engine

    Method for deducing anisotropic spin-exchange rates

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    Using measured spin-transfer rates from alkali atoms to He-3, combined with spin-relaxation rates of the alkali atoms due to He-3 and He-4, it should be possible to differentiate between isotropic and anisotropic spin-exchange. This would give a fundamental limit on the He-3 polarization attainable in spin-exchange optical pumping. For K-He, we find the limit to be 0.90+-0.11

    Optimization of MLS receivers for multipath environments

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    Optimal design studies of MLS angle-receivers and a theoretical design-study of MLS DME-receivers are reported. The angle-receiver results include an integration of the scan data processor and tracking filter components of the optimal receiver into a unified structure. An extensive simulation study comparing the performance of the optimal and threshold receivers in a wide variety of representative dynamical interference environments was made. The optimal receiver was generally superior. A simulation of the performance of the threshold and delay-and-compare receivers in various signal environments was performed. An analysis of combined errors due to lateral reflections from vertical structures with small differential path delays, specular ground reflections with neglible differential path delays, and thermal noise in the receivers is provided

    Quantum geometry from 2+1 AdS quantum gravity on the torus

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    Wilson observables for 2+1 quantum gravity with negative cosmological constant, when the spatial manifold is a torus, exhibit several novel features: signed area phases relate the observables assigned to homotopic loops, and their commutators describe loop intersections, with properties that are not yet fully understood. We describe progress in our study of this bracket, which can be interpreted as a q-deformed Goldman bracket, and provide a geometrical interpretation in terms of a quantum version of Pick's formula for the area of a polygon with integer vertices.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, revised with more explanations, improved figures and extra figures. To appear GER
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