24 research outputs found

    International Lower Limb Collaborative (INTELLECT) study : a multicentre, international retrospective audit of lower extremity open fractures

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    Contribuição ao estudo da interrelação flúor-manganês em ratos

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    Devido a numerosas discrepâncias nos resultados de estudos experimentais relativos à interação flúor-manganês, propusemo-nos a verificar se a adição de manganês 5 água fluoretada (1 ppm), em diferentes proporções fluor-manganês, levaria a uma diferente fixaçao do halogênio. Para tanto, 24 ratos Wistar, recém-desmamados, foram mantidos em dieta padrão de caseína a 27%, recebendo na sua água de consumo: 1) H2O destilada (controle); 2) 1,0 ppm de flúor: 3) 1,0 ppm de flúor + 0,5 ppm de manganês (F:Mn = 2,0); 4) 1,0 ppm de flúor +1,0 ppm de manganês (F: Mn = 1,0). Foram anotados o peso ganho e o consumo de alimento e água, durante os 60 dias de experimento, após o qual as patas traseiras, dos animais sacrificados, foram autoclavadas e desossadas, e os femures retirados. Posteriormente, foram estes submetidos à secagem, extração da gordura, pulverização e analise do flúor fixado. Também foram efetuadas analises da composição centesimal da ração e de flúor e manganês nesta e nas diferentes águas de consumo. Os resultados de percentagem do flúor ingerido fixado nos femures, foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis (níveis de 1% e 5%) mostrando que, para as proporções consideradas, o flúor na taxa de 1 ppm, o manganês, quando administrado após o desmame, parece não afetar a fixaçao do flúor. Contudo, faz-se necessário dar continuidade aos estudos com novas proporções e taxas mais elevadas de flúor e manganês.An experiment to determine the effects of varying the manganese concentration of the diet on the fluorine retention in the femur of rats was made. Four groups of weaning rats were fed ad libitum a 27% casein synthetic diet and were provided with water as follows: 1) distilled (control); 2) containing 1 ppm of fluorine (F); 3) 1,0 ppm F + 0,5 ppm Mn; 4) 1 ppm F + 1 ppm Mn. The weight gain and food and water consumption were measured during 60 days. The results indicated that manganese does not seem to affect the proportional fixation of fluorine in the femur. The authors think that more data should be available before a definite conclusion on the influence of the ratio F:Mn on the fluorine retention could be drawn

    Nutritional role of sugars in oral health

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    Prevalence and mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis viruses B, C, and E in Southern Tanzania

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    Hepatitis B and C markers were tested in 980 pregnant women, in the infants born to infected mothers, and in a random sample of 42 and 50, respectively, children born to uninfected mothers in Tanzania. Sixty-two women (6.3%) were positive for HBsAg and 15 (24%) were HBeAg-seropositive. Anti-HCV was detected in 49 women (5%), 15 (31%) of whom had detectable viremia. HCV RNA serum levels were low and only genotype 4 was identified. Sixty-six women (6.7%) were positive for anti-HIV, six of whom were coinfected with HBV and one with HCV. Anti-HEV was negative in the 180 women tested. At 8 months of age, HBsAg was detected in 8% and 2% of children born to HBV-infected and noninfected mothers, respectively (P = 0.2). Corresponding figures at 18 months of age were 31% and 21% (P = 0.3). When tested at 2 months of age, HCV RNA was not detected in any of the 43 children born to anti-HCV-positive mothers nor in any of 50 children born to anti-HCV-negative mothers. At 18 months, only one child, born to an anti-HCV-positive mother, had detectable HCV RNA. None of the infants born to women with HIV coinfection were infected with hepatitis viruses. This study suggests that exposure to HEV does not occur in southern Tanzania. The prevalence of current HBV infection in pregnant women from rural Tanzania is lower than in other sub-Saharan areas. In early childhood, HBV infection appears to occur by horizontal rather than maternofilial mechanisms of transmission. The prevalence of HCV infection is similar to that in other African countries. The results of this study show for the first time in Africa that mother-to-infant transmission does not play a significant role in the acquisition of HCV infection