64 research outputs found

    Konsep Dasar Proses Pembuatan Membran Berpori dengan Metode Non-Solvent Induced Phase Separation - Penentuan cloud point dan diagram tiga phasa

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    Application of membrane technology for separation processes has been an efficient optional to produce a high quality of separation product. This process has been widely using in many field of industry. Therefore, knowledge of this membrane preparation is important for controlling the pore size of resulted membrane. This paper explained the basic concept of membrane preparation via non-solvent induced phase separation (NIPS) process by immersion precipitation. The effect of concentration of polyethersufone on the formation of cloud point of dope solution in N-methylpirrolidone was investigated.  Two kinds of non-solvent as water and ethanol were used in order to study phase separation mechanism of polymer solution. Base on the amount of non-solvent of water and ethanol needed for cloud point formation, the ternary phase diagram can be performed. The experimental result indicated constant concentration of polyethersulfone, amount of ethanol needed was higher than water to obtain cloud point formation of polymer solution.Keywords: cloud point of polymer solution, immersion precipitation, membrane preparatio

    Effluent Quality Test On The Communal WWTP in Banda Aceh City

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    Abstract:  One of the domestic wastewater management systems developed in Banda Aceh City is a settlement-scale centralized wastewater treatment plant, also known as the Communal WWTP system, with an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and anaerobic filter (AF) configuration. This study aims to examine the quality of the effluent from the treatment of communal WWTPs in the city of Banda Aceh. Measurements of the contents of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Ammonia, and Total Coliform were carried out on effluent samples from the communal WWTP and the results of the analysis were compared with the quality standards from the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards. The research showed that the pH, COD, BOD, and Ammonia parameters had met the quality standards, while the TSS and Total Coliform parameters at the five (5) locations of the communal WWTP studied had not shown effective performance and had not met the quality standards. The choice of technology configuration and management of communal WWTP is a factor that influences the processing performance and quality of communal WWTP effluent in Banda Aceh City.Abstrak:  Salah satu sistem pengelolaan air limbah domestik yang dikembangkan di Kota Banda Aceh adalah SPALD-Terpusat skala permukiman, atau disebut juga dengan sistem IPAL Komunal, dengan konfigurasi anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) dan anaerobic filter (AF). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas efluen hasil pengolahan IPAL komunal yang ada di kota Banda Aceh. Pengukuran kandungan pH, BOD, COD, TSS, Amonia serta Total Coliform dilakukan pada sampel efluen dari IPAL komunal dan hasil analisisnya dibandingkan dengan baku mutu Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan No. 68 Tahun 2016 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik. Penelitian menunjukkan parameter pH, COD, BOD dan Amonia telah memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan parameter TSS dan Total Coliform pada lima (5) lokasi IPAL komunal yang diteliti belum menunjukkan kinerja yang efektif dan belum memenuhi standar baku mutu. Pemilihan konfigurasi teknologi dan pengelolaan IPAL komunal menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pengolahan dan kualitas efluen IPAL komunal di Kota Banda Aceh

    Synthesis of Tungsten Trioxide/Hydroxyapatite (WO3/HAp) Photocatalyst For Methylene Blue Degradation

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    Abstract: Dyes have toxic properties and complex chemical structures which become a threat to the ecosystem if it exposes to the environment. A photocatalyst is a semiconductor material that can run a photocatalytic process under UV or visible light to degrade most organic molecules, ideally to H2O and CO2. Tungsten trioxide (WO3) is a visible photocatalyst which could use sunlight irradiation to treat the wastewater pollutant. In this study, WO3 material was hybridized with hydroxyapatite (HAp) through the sol-gel method to degrade methylene blue (MB) synthetic pollutants. The FTIR and SEM-EDX characterization confirmed the presence element of the WO3/HAp hybrid material. The original WO3 and modified WO3/HAp photocatalysts with concentrations of 10, 15, and 20 mg were tested to degrade 15 ppm of 50 ml MB solution under visible light for 4 hours. The highest pollutant degradation was obtained using a 20 mg photocatalyst, which reached the photodegradation efficiency of 73.072% for WO3 and 88.689% for WO3/HAp. The result proved that WO3/HAp hybrid photocatalyst showed higher degradation performance than the unmodified WO3 photocatalyst. The results of this research can be developed for industrial wastewater treatment, including the papermaking, printing and dyeing industries.Abstrak: Zat warna  memiliki sifat beracun dan memiliki struktur kimia  kompleks yang dapat menjadi ancaman bagi ekosistem apabila terpapar ke lingkungan. Fotokatalis heterogen menggunakan semikonduktor yang memicu proses fotokatalitik dengan bantuan sinar UV atau sinar tampak dalam mendegradasi kebanyakan limbah organik, menjadi H2O dan CO2. Tungsten trioksida (WO3) merupakan fotokatalis yang dapat menggunakan cahaya matahari untuk mendegradasi polutan pada air limbah. Pada penelitian ini, WO3 dihibridisasi dengan hidroksiapatit (HAp) melalui metode sol-gel untuk mendegradasi polutan sintetik Methylene Blue (MB). Hasil karakterisasi FTIR dan SEM-EDX mengkonfirmasi unsur-unsur penyusun material  WO3/HAp. Fotokatalis WO3 munri  dan WO3/HAp yang dimodifikasi diuji untuk mendegradasi 15 ppm larutan MB 50 ml di bawah cahaya tampak selama 4 jam dengan konsentrasi 10, 15 dan 20 mg. Degradasi polutan tertinggi diperoleh dengan menggunakan fotokatalis 20 mg yang mencapai efisiensi 73,072% untuk WO3 dan 88,689% untuk WO3/HAp. Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa fotokatalis hybrid WO3/HAp menunjukkan kinerja degradasi yang lebih baik daripada fotokatalis WO3 tanpa modifikasi


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    ABSTRAKBanyak kasus air sumur masyarakat di wilayah yang terkena imbas tsunami di Banda Aceh mengandung zat padat terlarut (Total Dissolved Solid, TDS) dan klorida melebihi standar baku mutu untuk pertimbangan kesehatan. Diperlukan perlakuan khusus untuk menghilangkan zat padat terlarut dan klorida dari air tersebut. Teknologi membran telah diperkenalkan secara luas sebagai teknik yang menjanjikan untuk produksi air bersih dengan kualitas tinggi. Pada penelitian ini, teknik separasi dengan lapisan membran digunakan untuk memisahkan kandungan zat padat terlarut dan klorida dari sampel air sumur masyarakat Banda Aceh yang terkena tsunami. Membran serat berongga dibuat dengan melarutkan polietersulfon and 2-(metakriloiloksi)etil posporil klorin ke dalam pelarut N-metil-2-pirolidon. Studi ini mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi membran modifying agent terhadap struktur morfologi membran yang dihasilkan. Kemudian kinerja membran terhadap filtrasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan air deionisasi. Lebih lanjut, kinerja membran dilakukan untuk mengurangi kadar kekeruhan, TDS, CaCO3, Cl, NO3, NO2, total coliform, dan bakteri Escherichia coli dari sampel air sumur. Hasil ekperimen menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter yang diuji dapat dikurangi sampai nilainya berada di bawah standar baku mutu air bersih. ABSTRACTIn many cases well water on tsunami affected area of Banda Aceh contains the Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and chloride in high concentration over the drinking water level for general good health consideration. A special treatments are needed to remove the TDS and chloride in water. Membrane technology have been widely introduced as an emerging technique to produce high quality of clean water. In this work, membrane separations are proposed to remove TDS and chloride from well water of community in tsunami affected area of Banda Aceh. Membrane hollow fiber was prepared by dissolving of polyethersulfone and 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphoryl chlorine in N-methyl-2-pirrolydone. The effect of membrane modifying agent concentration studied on the morphology of resulted membrane. The fabricated membrane was used to observe the filtration performance of deionized water by using single module of hollow fiber membrane. In addition, the membrane was used to remove turbidity, TDS, CaCO3, Cl, NO3, NO2, total coliform, and Escherichia Coli bacteria from sample of well water. The experimental result showed that all parameter can be reduced and those concentration was under the quality standard of drinking water

    Pemurnian Minyak Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Membran Serat Berongga

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    Karakterisasi membran serat berongga (hollow fi ber) dari polimer polietersulfon yang telah dimodifi kasi untuk pemurnian minyak kelapa sawit telah dilakukan. Pengaruh morfologi membran dipelajari terhadap kemampuan pemisahan minyak kelapa sawit. Membran modifi kasi adalah membran komersial yang terbuat dari sistem polyethersulfone/Nmethylpirrolidone/polyvinilpyrrolidone,dan polyethersulfone/N-methylpirrolidone/Tetronic 1307. Hasil karakterisasi dengan SEM menunjukkan bahwa membran yang terbuat dari bahan PES/NMP/PVP, dan PES/NMP/Tetronic 1307 mempunyai struktur macrovoid yang lebih banyak dan ukuran yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan membran yang terbuat dari bahan PES/NMP. Sifat hidrofilisitas membran campuran juga menjadi lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan membran tunggal PES/NMP. Fluks minyak kelapa sawit terbesar diperoleh 0,27 L/m2.hr.atm pada kondisi tekanan operasi 2,0 kg/cm2 untuk membran hollow fi ber dari bahan PES/NMP/PVP

    Profil Permeabilitas Berdasarkan Struktur Morfologi Membran Polietersulfon Pada Pemekatan Larutan Tokoferol

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    Separation technique by membrane technology has been widely applied for separation and purification of minor components from vegetable oil. Membrane was prepared and modified in several way in order to improve the filtration performance in purification process of vegetable oil. In this work, the filtration performance of three types of polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane was investigated. The main objective of this research was to study the effect of membranes type on the filtration performance of tocopherol solution. Three series of filtration experiment were conducted by using fabricated membrane by dissolving of polyethersulfone (PES) in N-methyl pyrrolydone (NMP) with different polymer composition. The membranes was M1 = PES 20 % + NMP, M2 = PES 18 % + NMP, and M3= PES 20 %+ Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP 5 %) + NMP. The difference structure of membrans was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy measurement. The permeability profile of tocopherol solution of 500 ppm was observed by using a single module of hollow fiber membrane with filtration flow of pressure driven inside (PDI). It is shown that, the permeability of tocopherol solution was maximum and stable using PES membrane was composed by M3 system. Moreover, the improvement of tocopherol concentration in retentate solution was about two times higher than that the original solution that was obtained from filtration system of M1 membrane

    Effect of Acid Concentration on the Properties of Microcrystalline Cellulose from Pineapple Crown Leaf

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    Microcrystalline cellulose was first extracted from pineapple crown leaf waste which is used very rarely as an alternative material from agricultural residue and then characterized. Microcrystalline cellulose was extracted from this waste through acid hydrolysis with various concentrations. The effect of acidconcentrations with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) on microcrystalline cellulose properties was investigated to determine its potential application as a material. Pineapple crown leaf was hydrolyzed for 2 hours at 45℃ along with various sulfuric acid concentrations (1, 2, and 3 M). The properties of the cellulose were evaluated by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Among all the hydrolysis conditions carried out, the best hydrolysis condition was 3 M sulfuric acid. At this hydrolysis condition, the microcrystalline cellulose presented a rod-like shape, high crystallinity at 83.16%, and have average crystal size of 17.99 nm. The functional group and morphology analysis showed that the resulted product is maintained cellulose I structure and removal of non-cellulosic constituents and the chemical compositions. As for the thermal analysis, the temperature decreased from 177℃ (2 M sulfuric acid) to 149℃ (3 M sulfuric acid) because of the incorporation of sulfate groups after the hydrolysis process. Therefore, microcrystalline cellulose obtained from pineapple crown leaf waste has great potential as reinforcement in the manufacture of composites.

    Penyisihan Fe dalam Air Tanah Menggunakan Zeolit Alam Banda Aceh Teraktivasi

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    Kajian ini membahas proses pemisahan logam besi dalam sampel air secara adsorpsi. Secara umum bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh perlakukan zeolit alam terhadap efisiensi penyisihan logam besi dalam sampel air baku. Proses adsorpsi menggunakan zeolit alam Banda Aceh dengan variasi ukuran partikel 40, 60, 80, dan 100 mesh.  Kadar besi (Fe) dalam larutan sampel buatan adalah 1,25 mg/l agar mendekati kadar logam besi sesungguhnya. Kadar sampel asli air tanah dari Desa Alue Peunyareng Kabupaten Aceh Barat sebesar 1,1206 mg/l. Analisis kadar logam besi dilakukan dengan alat spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan adsorpsi maksimum diperoleh pada penyerapan dengan zeolit alam berukuran 100 mesh baik untuk sampel asli maupun sampel buatan. Aktivasi zeolit alam menaikkan kemampuan adsorpsi bahan penyerap hingga 154,72%. Kemampuan penyerapan yang dimiliki zeolit alam menurun hingga 92,25% manakala sampel yang diserap berupa air tanah karena sampel masih banyak mengandung bahan pengotor

    Effect of Polymeric Additives on the Performances of Polyethersulfone Blend Hollow Fiber Membrane

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    The article reported the preparation and modification of hydrophobicpolyethersulfone (PES) by blending the solution with hydrophilic additives Tetronic 304, Tetronic 704, Tetronic 1307, and Tetronic 908. Polymeric porous membranes are generally prepared by the phase separation of polymer solution. In this work, we prepared hollow fibre membrane by non-solvent induced phase separation (NIPS). Effect of molecular weight of surfactant added on the performance and characteristic of fabricated membrane were investigated. The control PES membrane has the highest contact angle, indicating thelowest hydrophilic. With addition of surfactant Tetronic in the polymer blend hollow fibre membrane, the water contact angle decreased indicates that the membrane surface is more hydrophilic. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images for all of the membrane showed the structure of fibre with finger-like macro voids through the cross-section. The sponge-type of structure in the centre path of original membrane was disappearing with addition of Tetronic. Ultrafiltration experiment results showed that water permeability washighest with addition of Tetronic with lowest molecular weight. According to thecharacteristics of resulting membrane such as hydrophilicity, ultrafiltration performance, and pores structure, surfactant Tetronic was a good additive to produce hydrophilic membrane for drinking water applicatio


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    In membrane preparation process via phase inversion method, the morphology of fabricated membranes are determined by composition and concentration of polymer, solvent, and non-solvent. The basic knowledge of the appropriate composition of those components are needed by cloud point experiment. In this work, the study on cloud point experiment have been done to investigate the solidification process of polymer system of polyethersulfone (PES) and 2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl phosphoryl chloline (MPC) in N-methyl-2-pirrolidon (NMP) via phase inversion technique. Hydrofilik polymer MPC were used as a membrane modifying agent (MMA) in order to modify the surface property of fabricated membrane. In sum, addition of PVP and MPC into polymer solution brought about reducing amount of non-solvent necessary  to obtain the cloud point of solution