14 research outputs found

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions. Descriptors: Medical Waste, Waste Collectors, Occupational Risk

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions. Descriptors: Medical Waste, Waste Collectors, Occupational Risk

    Transtorno bipolar em crianças: análise de relato de caso 2018-2023

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    O transtorno bipolar em crianças é uma realidade clínica que demanda atenção especializada. A compreensão dos sintomas, fatores de risco, prevalência e desafios diagnósticos é fundamental para proporcionar intervenções precoces e adequadas, visando melhorar a qualidade de vida desses jovens e reduzir o impacto a longo prazo dessa condição psiquiátrica. Trata-se de um estudo cujo objetivo foi objetivo revisar relatos de caso publicados entre 2018 e 2023 sobre transtorno bipolar em crianças, identificando o estado da arte desses estudos. Para isso, se realizou uma revisão sistemática de literatura utilizando as bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). Com a análise e interpretação qualitativa dos resultados, a principal conclusão deste estudo é que o transtorno bipolar na infância é uma condição complexa, manifestando-se com comportamentos consistentes com o Transtorno de Conduta e sendo influenciado por fatores ambientais, familiares e genéticos. O tratamento eficaz requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar, integrando intervenções farmacológicas e não farmacológicas, personalizadas conforme as necessidades individuais. A supervisão familiar é crucial para a adesão ao tratamento, mas reconhece-se a necessidade contínua de pesquisa para aprimorar as estratégias terapêuticas diante da diversidade de casos

    Haematological and genotoxic profile study of workers exposed to medical waste

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    Objective: To evaluate the haematological and genotoxic profile of workers exposed to medical waste. Method: Descriptive study of an observational nature, performed with two distinct groups: exposed (20 individuals) and unexposed (20 individuals), which had blood samples collected for analysis. Results: The results revealed an increased erythrocytes, hematocrit and leukocytes of the exposed group compared to the unexposed group. In the group exposed were identified: eosinophilia (45%), atypical lymphocytes (35%) and neutrophil toxic granulation (25%). It revealed a significant genotoxic effect by the content and frequency of major damage in the exposed group. There was no correlation of these results with the habits and life styles reported. Conclusion: It was found that the study group might be undergoing reaction processes caused by some agent, as well as genetic instability. These data highlight the need for greater biomonitoring of these workers in order to prevent neoplastic conditions. Descriptors: Medical Waste, Waste Collectors, Occupational Risk

    DNA Methylation Is Correlated with Oxidative Stress in Myelodysplastic Syndrome-Relevance as Complementary Prognostic Biomarkers

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    Oxidative stress and abnormal DNA methylation have been implicated in cancer, including myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs). This fact leads us to investigate whether oxidative stress is correlated with localized and global DNA methylations in the peripheral blood of MDS patients. Sixty-six MDS patients and 26 healthy individuals were analyzed. Several oxidative stress and macromolecule damage parameters were analyzed. Localized (gene promotor) and global DNA methylations (5-mC and 5-hmC levels; LINE-1 methylation) were assessed. MDS patients had lower levels of reduced glutathione and total antioxidant status (TAS) and higher levels of peroxides, nitric oxide, peroxides/TAS, and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine compared with controls. These patients had higher 5-mC levels and lower 5-hmC/5-mC ratio and LINE-1 methylation and increased methylation frequency of at least one methylated gene. Peroxide levels and peroxide/TAS ratio were higher in patients with methylated genes than those without methylation and negatively correlated with LINE-1 methylation and positively with 5-mC levels. The 5-hmC/5-mC ratio was significantly associated with progression to acute leukemia and peroxide/TAS ratio with overall survival. This study points to a relationship between oxidative stress and DNA methylation, two common pathogenic mechanisms involved in MDS, and suggests the relevance of 5-hmC/5-mC and peroxide/TAS ratios as complementary prognostic biomarkers.The present work was supported by CIMAGO (Center of Investigation on Environment Genetics and Oncobiology), Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal; by a grant from Santander-Totta Bank/Gabinete de Apoio/Investigação (GAI) of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal; and by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portuga

    Advances in Antitumor Effects Using Liposomal Citrinin in Induced Breast Cancer Model

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    The study aimed to evaluate the antitumor and toxicogenetic effects of liposomal nanoformulations containing citrinin in animal breast carcinoma induced by 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA). Mus musculus virgin females were divided into six groups treated with (1) olive oil (10 mL/kg); (2) 7,12-DMBA (6 mg/kg); (3) citrinin, CIT (2 mg/kg), (4) cyclophosphamide, CPA (25 mg/kg), (5) liposomal citrinin, LP-CIT (2 μg/kg), and (6) LP-CIT (6 µg/kg). Metabolic, behavioral, hematological, biochemical, histopathological, and toxicogenetic tests were performed. DMBA and cyclophosphamide induced behavioral changes, not observed for free and liposomal citrinin. No hematological or biochemical changes were observed for LP-CIT. However, free citrinin reduced monocytes and caused hepatotoxicity. During treatment, significant differences were observed regarding the weight of the right and left breasts treated with DMBA compared to negative controls. Treatment with CPA, CIT, and LP-CIT reduced the weight of both breasts, with better results for liposomal citrinin. Furthermore, CPA, CIT, and LP-CIT presented genotoxic effects for tumor, blood, bone marrow, and liver cells, although less DNA damage was observed for LP-CIT compared to CIT and CPA. Healthy cell damage induced by LP-CIT was repaired during treatment, unlike CPA, which caused clastogenic effects. Thus, LP-CIT showed advantages for its use as a model of nanosystems for antitumor studies