13 research outputs found


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    今日,海外旅行や海外赴任者・移住者は年々増加の傾向を示している.これらの人々に対し,看護はどのような役割を担い,看護を提供することができるのかについて検討していく必要がある. 今後,海外にでかける,海外で生活する人々に対する医療や看護について教授する一助として,A大学の看護学生に行った海外渡航者の医療に関する講義から,学生が何を学んだかとして記述したレポートを分析した.その結果,学生はこの科目を履修することにより海外渡航者として必要な知識を学習し,そこにおける看護の重要性について学んでいた.今後,学生が海外渡航者の医療や看護に対して,さらに認識や知識を深めるとともに,看護の視野を拡大できるように授業内容を検討することが必要である.The number of Japanese people who take tours overseas, are stationed in overseas offices, or who emigrate to other countries has recently been increasing, year by year. This study was intended to shed light on what roles nurses can play and what kinds of nursing services they can provide to these people. The author recently analyzed reports submitted by A University nursing students after they had received classroom lessons about medical care for overseas travelers. The goal of the analysis was to obtain hints about how to teach students about medical and nursing care for people who are going to take tours overseas or live in other countries. The analysis revealed that attending these lessons had enabled the students to expand their knowledge of overseas travel and to learn the importance to these people of nursing care. The results suggest that it is necessary to select lecture topics carefully with a view to facilitating expansion of the students' mental horizons concerning nursing, so that what the students learn will be of great help when they work in the internationalized community that is now emerging across the world


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    今日,海外旅行や海外赴任者・移住者は年々増加の傾向を示している.これらの人々に対し,看護はどのような役割を担い,看護を提供することができるのかについて検討していく必要がある. 今後,海外にでかける,海外で生活する人々に対する医療や看護について教授する一助として,A大学の看護学生に行った海外渡航者の医療に関する講義から,学生が何を学んだかとして記述したレポートを分析した.その結果,学生はこの科目を履修することにより海外渡航者として必要な知識を学習し,そこにおける看護の重要性について学んでいた.今後,学生が海外渡航者の医療や看護に対して,さらに認識や知識を深めるとともに,看護の視野を拡大できるように授業内容を検討することが必要である.The number of Japanese people who take tours overseas, are stationed in overseas offices, or who emigrate to other countries has recently been increasing, year by year. This study was intended to shed light on what roles nurses can play and what kinds of nursing services they can provide to these people. The author recently analyzed reports submitted by A University nursing students after they had received classroom lessons about medical care for overseas travelers. The goal of the analysis was to obtain hints about how to teach students about medical and nursing care for people who are going to take tours overseas or live in other countries. The analysis revealed that attending these lessons had enabled the students to expand their knowledge of overseas travel and to learn the importance to these people of nursing care. The results suggest that it is necessary to select lecture topics carefully with a view to facilitating expansion of the students' mental horizons concerning nursing, so that what the students learn will be of great help when they work in the internationalized community that is now emerging across the world

    A study on self-efficacy which students have just before graduation ; a comparison between students of nursing universities and those of junior colleges

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    看護学生の卒業直前の自己効力感を明らかにし,入職後の教育や指導などへの示唆を得る目的で,看護大学4年生と看護短期大学3年生に一般性自己効力感尺度による調査を行った.その結果,看護学生の自己効力感は一般学生よりも高く,大学生は短大生よりも高い傾向が認められ,入職時には自己効力感をより高める教育や指導の重要性が示唆された.We conducted a survey of fourth-year students at a university nursing program and third-year students at a nursing junior college, using a general self-efficacy scale. Our purpose was to investigate self-efficacy beliefs among nursing students immediately before graduation and find out what sort of education and guidance should be offered to nurses after they are employed. This survey revealed that nursing students has higher self-efficacy belief than other university students and that self-efficacy tended to be even higher among university nursing program students than among junior college nursing students. The result suggest that education and guidance are important for improving even more the self-efficacy of newly employed nurses


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    昨年12月26日に,インドネシアのスマトラ島北端沖で発生したスマトラ沖大地震によるインド洋津波被害で,スマトラについで津波による被害が多かったスリランカに,被災6ヵ月後の復興状況,感染症発生状況,被災者の健康調査などを目的に被災地の調査に入った.スリランカ東南部地域の被災状況を報告し,看護職としての援助のあり方や,物資援助について考察した.We visited Sri Lanka, which received the most damage after Sumatra six months after the Sumatra Earthquake struck the northern coast of the Indonesian island last year on December 26 and caused a tsunami in the Indian Ocean. We investigated reconstruction efforts, the spread of infection and the health conditions of survivors in the southeast portion of the island country, made reports on the devastated areas and made observations on health care and aid supplies


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    スマトラ沖大地震・インド洋津波によって,突然肉親と死別体験をもった2遺族に面接調査を行った.死別による悲嘆から回復する過程に,どのような要因が関連しているのかについて分析した.その結果,この地域が敬虔な仏教徒であったことから,対象となった2遺族は,信仰が悲しみを緩和する要因として働いていた.さらに近隣の人びとの精神的な支援や,新たな生命の誕生は将来への希望につながり,悲嘆から回復する要因の一つとなっていることが明らかとなった.Two families that experienced the sudden death of relatives in the Sumatra earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami were interviewed, and the kinds of factors in the process of healing that sadness were analysed. As a result, it was discovered that, given the devoutly Buddhist nature of the area, the two families’ faith worked to relieve their sadness. There was also psychological support from neighbours and hope for the future embodied in the birth of children, which were also factors in healing their sadness

    Meta-analytical Summary to Identify Obesity Risks in Schoolchildren

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    Meta-analytical Summary to Identify Obesity Risks in Schoolchildren

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