12 research outputs found

    The future of genomics in polar and alpine cyanobacteria

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    In recent years, genomic analyses have arisen as an exciting way of investigating the functional capacity and environmental adaptations of numerous micro-organisms of global relevance, including cyanobacteria. In the extreme cold of Arctic, Antarctic and alpine environments, cyanobacteria are of fundamental ecological importance as primary producers and ecosystem engineers. While their role in biogeochemical cycles is well appreciated, little is known about the genomic makeup of polar and alpine cyanobacteria. In this article, we present ways that genomic techniques might be used to further our understanding of cyanobacteria in cold environments in terms of their evolution and ecology. Existing examples from other environments (e.g. marine/hot springs) are used to discuss how methods developed there might be used to investigate specific questions in the cryosphere. Phylogenomics, comparative genomics and population genomics are identified as methods for understanding the evolution and biogeography of polar and alpine cyanobacteria. Transcriptomics will allow us to investigate gene expression under extreme environmental conditions, and metagenomics can be used to complement tradition amplicon-based methods of community profiling. Finally, new techniques such as single cell genomics and metagenome assembled genomes will also help to expand our understanding of polar and alpine cyanobacteria that cannot readily be cultured

    The microbiome of glaciers and ice sheets

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    Glaciers and ice sheets, like other biomes, occupy a significant area of the planet and harbour biological communities with distinct interactions and feedbacks with their physical and chemical environment. In the case of the glacial biome, the biological processes are dominated almost exclusively by microbial communities. Habitats on glaciers and ice sheets with enough liquid water to sustain microbial activity include snow, surface ice, cryoconite holes, englacial systems and the interface between ice and overridden rock/soil. There is a remarkable similarity between the different specific glacial habitats across glaciers and ice sheets worldwide, particularly regarding their main primary producers and ecosystem engineers. At the surface, cyanobacteria dominate the carbon production in aquatic/sediment systems such as cryoconite holes, while eukaryotic Zygnematales and Chlamydomonadales dominate ice surfaces and snow dynamics, respectively. Microbially driven chemolithotrophic processes associated with sulphur and iron cycle and C transformations in subglacial ecosystems provide the basis for chemical transformations at the rock interface under the ice that underpin an important mechanism for the delivery of nutrients to downstream ecosystems. In this review, we focus on the main ecosystem engineers of glaciers and ice sheets and how they interact with their chemical and physical environment. We then discuss the implications of this microbial activity on the icy microbiome to the biogeochemistry of downstream ecosystems

    Genome analysis of the freshwater planktonic Vulcanococcus limneticus sp. nov. reveals horizontal transfer of nitrogenase operon and alternative pathways of nitrogen utilization

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    Background: Many cyanobacteria are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, playing a crucial role in biogeochemical cycling. Little is known about freshwater unicellular cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. at the genomic level, despite being recognised of considerable ecological importance in aquatic ecosystems. So far, it has not been shown whether these unicellular picocyanobacteria have the potential for nitrogen fixation. Here, we present the draft-genome of the new pink-pigmented Synechococcus-like strain Vulcanococcus limneticus. sp. nov., isolated from the volcanic Lake Albano (Central Italy). Results: The novel species Vulcanococcus limneticus sp. nov. falls inside the sub-cluster 5.2, close to the estuarine/marine strains in a maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree generated with 259 marker genes with representatives from marine, brackish, euryhaline and freshwater habitats. V. limneticus sp. nov. possesses a complete nitrogenase and nif operon. In an experimental setup under nitrogen limiting and non-limiting conditions, growth was observed in both cases. However, the nitrogenase genes (nifHDK) were not transcribed, i.e., V. limneticus sp. nov. did not fix nitrogen, but instead degraded the phycobilisomes to produce sufficient amounts of ammonia. Moreover, the strain encoded many other pathways to incorporate ammonia, nitrate and sulphate, which are energetically less expensive for the cell than fixing nitrogen. The association of the nif operon to a genomic island, the relatively high amount of mobile genetic elements (52 transposases) and the lower observed GC content of V. limneticus sp. nov. nif operon (60.54%) compared to the average of the strain (68.35%) support the theory that this planktonic strain may have obtained, at some point of its evolution, the nif operon by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from a filamentous or heterocystous cyanobacterium. Conclusions: In this study, we describe the novel species Vulcanococcus limneticus sp. nov., which possesses a complete nif operon for nitrogen fixation. The finding that in our experimental conditions V. limneticus sp. nov. did not express the nifHDK genes led us to reconsider the actual ecological meaning of these accessory genes located in genomic island that have possibly been acquired via HGT

    Complex photobiont diversity in the marine lichen Lichina pygmaea

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    AbstractLichens are a well-known symbiosis between a host mycobiont and eukaryote algal or cyanobacterial photobiont partner(s). Recent studies have indicated that terrestrial lichens can also contain other cryptic photobionts that increase the lichens’ ecological fitness in response to varying environmental conditions. Marine lichens live in distinct ecosystems compared with their terrestrial counterparts because of regular submersion in seawater and are much less studied. We performed bacteria 16S and eukaryote 18S rRNA gene metabarcoding surveys to assess total photobiont diversity within the marine lichen Lichina pygmaea (Lightf.) C. Agardh, which is widespread throughout the intertidal zone of Atlantic coastlines. We found that in addition to the established cyanobacterial photobiont Rivularia, L. pygmaea is also apparently host to a range of other marine and freshwater cyanobacteria, as well as marine eukaryote algae in the family Ulvophyceae (Chlorophyta). We propose that symbiosis with multiple freshwater and marine cyanobacteria and eukaryote photobionts may contribute to the ability of L. pygmaea to survive the harsh fluctuating environmental conditions of the intertidal zone.</jats:p

    Photoecology of the Antarctic cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. BC1307 brought to light through community analysis, comparative genomics and in vitro photophysiology

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    Cyanobacteria are important photoautotrophs in extreme environments such as the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Terrestrial Antarctic cyanobacteria experience constant darkness during the winter and constant light during the summer which influences the ability of these organisms to fix carbon over the course of an annual cycle. Here, we present a unique approach combining community structure, genomic and photophysiological analyses to understand adaptation to Antarctic light regimes in the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. BC1307. We show that Leptolyngbya sp. BC1307 belongs to a clade of cyanobacteria that inhabits near‐surface environments in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Genomic analyses reveal that, unlike close relatives, Leptolyngbya sp. BC1307 lacks the genes necessary for production of the pigment phycoerythrin and is incapable of complimentary chromatic acclimation, while containing several genes responsible for known photoprotective pigments. Photophysiology experiments confirmed Leptolyngbya sp. BC1307 to be tolerant of short‐term exposure to high levels of photosynthetically active radiation, while sustained exposure reduced its capacity for photoprotection. As such, Leptolyngbya sp. BC1307 likely exploits low‐light microenvironments within cyanobacterial mats in the McMurdo Dry Valleys

    A phylogenetically novel cyanobacterium most closely related to Gloeobacter.

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    Clues to the evolutionary steps producing innovations in oxygenic photosynthesis may be preserved in the genomes of organisms phylogenetically placed between non-photosynthetic Vampirovibrionia (formerly Melainabacteria) and the thylakoid-containing Cyanobacteria. However, only two species with published genomes are known to occupy this phylogenetic space, both within the genus Gloeobacter. Here, we describe nearly complete, metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of an uncultured organism phylogenetically placed near Gloeobacter, for which we propose the name Candidatus Aurora vandensis {Au'ro.ra. L. fem. n. aurora, the goddess of the dawn in Roman mythology; van.de'nsis. N.L. fem. adj. vandensis of Lake Vanda, Antarctica}. The MAG of A. vandensis contains homologs of most genes necessary for oxygenic photosynthesis including key reaction center proteins. Many accessory subunits associated with the photosystems in other species either are missing from the MAG or are poorly conserved. The MAG also lacks homologs of genes associated with the pigments phycocyanoerethrin, phycoeretherin and several structural parts of the phycobilisome. Additional characterization of this organism is expected to inform models of the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis

    Microbial Life in Supraglacial Environments

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    Supraglacial environments occupy 11% of Earth’s surface area and represent a critical interface between climate and ice. This century has brought a renewed appreciation that glacier surfaces represent a collective of diverse microbial niches which occur wherever sufficient liquid water is available to support microbial activity: even at the microscopic scales of ice crystal boundaries within the crystalline matrices of snow or glacial ice. Within this chapter, we review the range of microbial habitats associated with snowpacks, the glacial ice photic zone, and phototrophic microbial biofilms formed by supraglacial algae or by the darkening of microbe–mineral aggregates known as cryoconite. In summary, glacier surfaces are home to surprisingly biodiverse and active microbial communities despite their low temperatures and austere conditions. Consequently, microbial communities and their processes are interposed between climate and ice and merit urgent consideration in the light of the effects of climate warming on Earth’s supraglacial environments