29 research outputs found

    Methyldopa-induced hemolytic anemia in a 15 year old presenting as near-syncope

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    Methyldopa is an antihypertensive medication which is available generically and under the trade name Aldomet® that is widely prescribed in the adult population and infrequently used in children. Methyldopa causes an autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a small percentage of patients who take the drug. We report a case of methyldopa-induced hemolytic anemia in a 15-year-old boy who presented to the emergency department with near-syncope. The boy had been treated with intravenous methyldopa during a trauma admission seven weeks prior to presentation. Evaluation revealed a hemoglobin of three grams, 3+ Coombs\u27 test with polyspecific anti-human globulin and monospecific IgG reagents, and a warm reacting autoantibody. Transfusion and corticosteroid therapy resulted in a complete recovery of the patient. Emergency physicians treating children must be aware of this syndrome in order to diagnose and treat it correctly. A brief review of autoimmune and drug-induced hemolytic anemias is provided

    Modelos universitarios en pugna: democratización o mercantilización de la universidad y del conocimiento público en Argentina University models en pugna: democratization or mercantilizacion of the university and of public knowledge in Argentina

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    Los cambios ocurridos en el sistema universitario argentino se vinculan al modelo económico neoliberal que cobró fuerza en los 90. A partir de entonces, las universidades comenzaron a adecuar sus actividades a una nueva cultura de interacción con el sector productivo en busca de competitividad. En este escenario ubicamos dos discursos en disputa: uno enmarcado en las tendencias a democratizar los espacios públicos y el conocimiento libre; y otro vinculado a la tendencia de mercantilizar la educación y el conocimiento. Ambos tienen presencia en la universidad de hoy y su convivencia da lugar a posicionamientos fuertemente antagónicos que se corresponden con posiciones encontradas acerca de dos distintos modelos universitarios.<br>The changes that occurred in the Argentine university system are connected to the neoliberal economic model which was reinforced in the 90s. Since then, the universities adapted their activities to a new culture of interaction with the productive sector in search of competitiveness. In this context, we locate two speeches: one affirms the trend of democratizing public spaces and free knowledge; and the other, the trend to commercialize knowledge. Both circulate in the university today in strongly antagonistic positions that correspond with two different university models

    A reconfiguração do trabalho docente na educação superior Reconfiguration of faculty work in higher education

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    A análise do trabalho docente na educação superior vem ganhando des-taque na literatura em função das nuances que tem acompanhado essa atividade. O presente trabalho faz uma análise das transformações pelas quais a educação superior vem passando como consequência da Reforma do Estado e dos reflexos mais visíveis dessas mudanças no trabalho do professor. Também são analisadas algumas das recomendações emanadas de conferências regionais, nacionais e internacionais ocorridas nos últimos anos sobre a educação superior, visando estabelecer algumas relações entre elas e o papel que a Universidade vem assumindo e com as novas demandas postas para o docente que nela atua.<br>The analysis of faculty work in higher education has been extensively mentioned in literature due to the specificities of its activities. The present work analyzes the changes higher education has been undergoing as a consequence of the Brazilian State Reform and the clear influences of such changes on professors' work. This work also focuses on analyzing the recommendations that have been made by regional, national, and international higher education conferences in the last few years aiming at establishing relationships of those recommendations with the role the university has assumed more recently and with the new demands on its faculty members