27 research outputs found

    Focus on form(s) and meaning in a technology-enhanced language learning environment (TELL)

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    PhD ThesisDespite decades of Instructed Second Language Acquisition research, there is still a dearth of research on the applicability of findings in different learning environments, pa1ticularly self-accessed technology-enhanced environments (TELL). In ISLA, types of input available in the classroom can be categorized as Focus on Meaning (FoM), Focus on Form (FoF) and Focus on FormS (FoS), (Doughty & Williams 1 998). In traditional classrooms, research indicates superiority of FoF and FoS (Spada & Tomita 2008, 20 I 0). The question sti II remains, though, of which type of input is most effective in TELL. One assumption about TELL is that it enhances input quantity and quality. That is, input is delivered in greater quantity and when the learner can make best use of it, better quality. Moreover, the type of interaction in TELL (human ­ software) is different to classroom interaction (hum an-human). Such differences are likely to affect both the learner's output (product) and the learner 's behaviour during learning (process). A stud y of 71 ESL learners, divided into three groups, was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of FOM, FOF, and FoS in a TELL Learner performance on a construct ion selected for its difficulty for L2 learners of English (indirect speech) was taken as a measure of intake. Data on pattern s of behaviour were obtained through log files to gauge pmticipants' awareness of form during task completion. Results revealed that all learners improved their performance on the construction selected after the treatment. However, the FoF group outperformed the other two groups. In tern1s of the contributing factors, task type, modality of input, processing time and number of trials were identified as effective factors. Contrary to what studies of classroom learners have shown, learners in the FoF and FoS groups chose not to focus on fonn even when they were stuck. They mostly behaved instead like FoM learners. This behaviour vitiates the effectiveness ofFoF or FoS in a TELL environment. The behaviour of one learner from each group was examined to aiTive at a more nuanced picture of these differences. These tlu-ee learners exhibited flip-flop behaviour where they kept switching between items. However, the FoS learner showed a more confident route which , however , resulted in lower attainment. The FoM learner displayed a more confused route. Finally the FoF learner showed a mixed pattern that ultimately led to better attainment on the target constmction

    International training of teachers of low-educated adult migrants

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    The project “European Speakers of Other Languages: Teaching Adult Immigrants and Training their Teachers” has from 2010 to now been tackling, at an international level, the improvement of the educational outcomes for non-/low-educated migrants. The current project (“EU-Speak 3”) is the culmination of efforts to test the effectiveness of on-line teacher training and development. Research dating back decades indicates that while theirs is a double burden, they have the potential to learn to read for the first time as adults and to acquire to a high level linguistic competence in their new language. The relevant findings relate to route of development where, regardless of age or education, route is sufficiently similar for linguistic competence (Hawkins 2001) and for first-time literacy (Kurvers 2002) to reject fundamental differences between the literate and non-literate. More than any other set of findings on migrant adults’ language and literacy, these compel us to critically consider the effectiveness of techniques and materials used in basic language and literacy teaching and to review what teachers know about their learners. I discuss the theoretical basis of three European projects on materials for low-educated L2 adult beginners (phonics software, in Dutch, English, Finnish, German; short fiction books in English, Spanish) and on international, on-line raining/development to provide their teachers with deep knowledge of core aspects of language and literacy development (in English, Finnish, German, Spanish, Turkish)

    Volunteer teachers working together : a refugee support group case study

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    This case study describes an English language conversation class taking place at a refugee support group based in a large town in the north west of England. The refugee group is well established, running for over fifteen years, having been set up to provide practical support and friendship to refugees within the borough in the early 2000s. The group is run by volunteers, with some financial support from local authorities and churches. They provide a weekly drop-in for refugees, which includes, among other services, an ESOL conversation class. The conversation class is led by university student volunteers in academic term-time, and by local volunteer teachers in vacation periods. The case study aims to provide a general description of the conversation class, bringing together perspectives from different participants involved: student volunteer teachers, other community-based volunteer teachers, and the refugee learners. These viewpoints were collected through conversations and written submissions from participants in each group. In presenting their views, the case study attempts to explore some of the tensions and opportunities within the situation and to move towards a fuller and deeper understanding of how the teaching and learning of ESOL emerges within this context. Some implications and wider lessons from the case are discussed in the final sections

    Perfil Farmacocinético da Norfloxacina em Pombos

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    Through this work, the pharmacokinetics of Norfloxacin in pigeons were explored by using six healthy male pigeons as the subjects for this study. The pharmacokinetic indices of orally administered Norfloxacin were obtained by microbiological assay and then the data were fitted to the two-compartment pharmacokinetic open model to evaluate the distribution and excretion parameters. In the achieved results, the calculated absorption rate constant (Kab) was 1.26 h-1, the maximum achieved concentration of Norfloxacin was 2.75 μg/ml at 1.34 hr., the volume of distribution (Vd/F) was 3.15 L/kg. The half-life (t1/2β) was 4.9 hrs., the calculated area under the curve of Norfloxacin (AUC0-t) was 16.75 (h*μg)/ml, while the clearance of Norfloxacin (Cl/F) was 0.49 L/hr/kg. In conclusion, the pharmacokinetic parameters of Norfloxacin in pigeons are not far away from other birds like chickens, considering the differences among them. Norfloxacin is a valuable antibacterial agent against susceptible bacterial infections depending on the obtained pharmacokinetic profile. In conclusion, pharmacokinetic parameters of Norfloxacin in pigeons are not far away from other birds like chicken considering the differences in species, moreover Norfloxacin is a valuable antibacterial agent against susceptible bacterial infections depending on the obtained pharmacokinetic profile.Através deste trabalho, a farmacocinética da Norfloxacina em pombos foi explorada usando seis pombos machos saudáveis como sujeitos para este estudo. Os índices farmacocinéticos da norfloxacina, administrada por via oral, foram obtidos por ensaio microbiológico e, em seguida, os dados foram ajustados ao modelo aberto de farmacocinética de dois compartimentos para avaliar os parâmetros de distribuição e excreção. Nos resultados obtidos, a taxa constante de absorção (Kab) calculada foi de 1,26 h-1, a concentração máxima alcançada da Norfloxacina foi de 2,75 μg/ml em 1,34 h, o volume de distribuição (Vd/F) foi de 3,15 L/kg. A meia-vida (t1/2β) foi de 4,9 h, a área calculada sob a curva de concentração da Norfloxacina (AUC0-t) foi de 16,75 (h*μg)/ml, enquanto a depuração da Norfloxacina (Cl/F) foi de 0,49 L/h/kg. Em conclusão, os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da Norfloxacina em pombos não estão muito longe de outras aves, como galinhas, considerando as diferenças entre eles. A norfloxacina é um agente antibacteriano valioso contra infecções bacterianas susceptíveis, dependendo do perfil farmacocinético obtido

    Notas sobre la enseñanza de alfabetización a inmigrantes adultos

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    En este trabajo, a partir del análisis del concepto de alfabetización, se presentan brevemente cinco herramientas y metodologías para la adquisición de la lectoescritura por parte de inmigrantes adultos. La alfabetización es un proceso paulatino y los alumnos adultos que se alfabetizan en una nueva lengua tienen perfiles diversos, por lo tanto, es necesario proporcionarles apoyo específico, adaptado a sus necesidades. El método de palabra generadora y el Instructor Digital de Alfabetización se centran en la decodificación inicial de palabras. En cambio, el enfoque de experiencia lingüística y el proyecto de creación de libros de lectura Simple Stories son apropiados para mejorar la comprensión lectora. Por último, la Plataforma de Lenguas de Herencia aboga por el uso de la lengua materna de los alumnos

    Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had many significant impacts within the surgical realm, and surgeons have been obligated to reconsider almost every aspect of daily clinical practice. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study reported in compliance with the CHERRIES guidelines and conducted through an online platform from June 14th to July 15th, 2020. The primary outcome was the burden of burnout during the pandemic indicated by the validated Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results: Nine hundred fifty-four surgeons completed the survey. The median length of practice was 10 years; 78.2% included were male with a median age of 37 years old, 39.5% were consultants, 68.9% were general surgeons, and 55.7% were affiliated with an academic institution. Overall, there was a significant increase in the mean burnout score during the pandemic; longer years of practice and older age were significantly associated with less burnout. There were significant reductions in the median number of outpatient visits, operated cases, on-call hours, emergency visits, and research work, so, 48.2% of respondents felt that the training resources were insufficient. The majority (81.3%) of respondents reported that their hospitals were included in the management of COVID-19, 66.5% felt their roles had been minimized; 41% were asked to assist in non-surgical medical practices, and 37.6% of respondents were included in COVID-19 management. Conclusions: There was a significant burnout among trainees. Almost all aspects of clinical and research activities were affected with a significant reduction in the volume of research, outpatient clinic visits, surgical procedures, on-call hours, and emergency cases hindering the training. Trial registration: The study was registered on clicaltrials.gov "NCT04433286" on 16/06/2020

    Feasibility of decomposing one-minute average area control error for apportioning load -frequency regulation costs

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    Rapid and widely varying loads can adversely affect control performance of a control area. To ensure the reliability of the interconnection, sanctions or penalties can be imposed on a control area when it fails to comply with NERC control performance standards, CPS1 and CPS2. A control area, in turn, would like to know how load variations in certain sub-areas or zones affect its CPS1 and CPS2 measures. This thesis addresses the question of the decomposability of the one-minute average value of ACE, [special characters omitted], the primary variable in the computation of CPS1 and CPS2, into components attributable to load fluctuations within defined zones inside the control area. It includes a description of the dynamic models of ACE and [special characters omitted] that are used to determine the contributions of the sub-areas. Some of the practical issues with on-line implementation of the proposed decomposition method, including non-linearities in the governors\u27 dead bands and the impact of load disturbance external to the control area are examined. A recursive least squares technique to update the [special characters omitted] model parameters is proposed. A feasibility study for applying the ACE model to on-line estimation of an area\u27s frequency response characteristic, β, is conducted. Setting frequency bias of a control area close to its β can reduce over-regulation and enhance the correctness of using ACE as a measure in identifying an internal imbalance of generation and load of the control area at the scheduled frequency. Monitoring of an area\u27s β could also ensure a fairer distribution of desired overall frequency response among the control areas. Simulated results showing the performance of the decomposition method and the accuracy of the estimated β are presented

    Aprendizaje potenciado por la tecnología (TEL) en el contexto LESLLA

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    Los avances tecnológicos están revolucionando la manera de aprender. El aprendizaje en línea y a distancia ofrecen a los profesores la posibilidad de enseñar como y cuando lo deseen. Ello ha contribuido al aumento de trabajos de investigación sobre el efecto de las nuevas tecnologías en el aprendizaje en diferentes contextos, incluyendo tanto los resultados del aprendizaje como el proceso mismo. No obstante, también es palpable la escasez de investigación en el campo de las herramientas tecnológicas aplicadas al contexto de alfabetización y aprendizaje de segundas lenguas para adultos (siglas en inglés: LESLLA). Una ventaja obvia de esas herramientas es la posibilidad de su adaptación a alumnos con diferentes niveles y de diferente procedencia cuya presencia en un mismo grupo es una de las mayoras dificultades para profesores que trabajan con migrantes. Por otra parte, también pueden ser una vía para el desarrollo y la formación profesionales de los profesores, a través de la creación de una comunidad profesional internacional en la que se compartan conocimientos y experiencias. En este capítulo analizamos dos ejemplos de como los avances tecnológicos pueden ser útiles en dos aspectos clave para el contexto LESLLA.Advances in technology are revolutionising how learning takes place. Online and distance learning options offer teachers the opportunity to dip in and out of learning as and when they need. This has led to an increase in research that investigates the effects of the new technologies on learning in different contexts, including both the outcome and the process of learning. One area where there is still a dearth of research is on the role of TEL tools in the context of Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults (LESLLA). An obvious advantage of TEL tools is that they can address the multi-level/multi-background challenge most teachers face when working with migrants. They can also provide a medium to support professional teacher development and training through community building and by facilitating the sharing of experiences and knowledge across countries. This chapter explores how two examples of advances in technology can help address two key issues in the LESLLA contex

    Synoptic Fusion and Dialectical Dissociation: The Entwinement of Linguistic and Experiential Pragmatisms à la Wilfrid Sellars

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    This work will attempt to examine the relationship between experiential and linguistic pragmatism through the lens of the twentieth-century Analytic philosopher, Wilfrid Sellars. I maintain that Sellars meta-linguistic nominalism and theory of both conceptual and non-conceptual representation, the latter being known as “picturing”, can stitch together the most vital components from both sides of the schism. I shall compare the thought of Sellars to that of two representatives corresponding to the two forms of pragmatism listed above, those representatives being John Dewey and Robert Brandom. Using Sellars’s famous critique of “the given” as a starting point, I assess whether either thinker falls prey to said critique. From thereon I examine both representatives’ relation to Sellars and where the differences and similarities lie. I conclude with a Hegelian interpretation of Sellars’s theory of representation as a preliminary sketch of a future “naturalized pragmatism.