262 research outputs found

    Targeted anthelmintic treatment of parasitic gastroenteritis in first grazing season dairy calves using daily live weight gain as an indicator

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    Control of parasitic gastroenteritis in cattle is typically based on group treatments with anthelmintics, complemented by grazing management, where feasible. However, the almost inevitable evolution of resistance in parasitic nematodes to anthelmintics over time necessitates a reappraisal of their use in order to reduce selection pressure. One such approach is targeted selective treatment (TST), in which only individual animals that will most benefit are treated, rather than whole groups of at-risk cattle. This study was designed to assess the feasibility of implementing TST on three commercial farms, two of which were organic. A total of 104 first-grazing season (FGS), weaned dairy calves were enrolled in the study; each was weighed at monthly intervals from the start of the grazing season using scales or weigh-bands. At the same time dung and blood samples were collected in order to measure faecal egg counts (FEC) and plasma pepsinogen, respectively. A pre-determined threshhold weight gain of 0.75 kg/day was used to determine those animals that would be treated; the anthelmintic used was eprinomectin. No individual animal received more than one treatment during the grazing season and all treatments were given in July or August; five animals were not treated at all because their growth rates consistently exceeded the threshold. Mean daily live weight gain over the entire grazing season ranged between 0.69 and 0.82 kg/day on the three farms. Neither FEC nor pepsinogen values were significantly associated with live weight gain. Implementation of TST at farm level requires regular (monthly) handling of the animals and the use of weigh scales or tape, but can be integrated into farm management practices. This study has shown that acceptable growth rates can be achieved in FGS cattle with modest levels of treatment and correspondingly less exposure of their nematode populations to anthelmintics, which should mitigate selection pressure for resistance by increasing the size of the refugia in both hosts and pasture

    Mass Dependent αS\alpha_S Evolution and the Light Gluino Existence

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    There is an intriguing discrepancy between \alpha_s(M_Z) values measured directly at the CERN Z0Z_0-factory and low-energy (at few GeV) measurements transformed to Q=MZ0Q=M_{Z_0} by a massless QCD \alpha_s(Q) evolution relation. There exists an attempt to reconcile this discrepancy by introducing a light gluino \gl in the MSSM. We study in detail the influence of heavy thresholds on \alpha_s(Q) evolution. First, we consruct the "exact" explicit solution to the mass-dependent two-loop RG equation for the running \alpha_s(Q). This solution describes heavy thresholds smoothly. Second, we use this solution to recalculate anew \alpha_s(M_Z) values corresponding to "low-energy" input data. Our analysis demonstrates that using {\it mass-dependent RG procedure} generally produces corrections of two types: Asymptotic correction due to effective shift of threshold position; Local threshold correction only for the case when input experiment lies in the close vicinity of heavy particle threshold: QexptMhQ_{expt} \simeq M_h . Both effects result in the effective shift of the \asmz values of the order of 10310^{-3}. However, the second one could be enhanced when the gluino mass is close to a heavy quark mass. For such a case the sum effect could be important for the discussion of the light gluino existence as it further changes the \gl mass.Comment: 13, Late

    Pion Content of the Nucleon as seen in the NA51 Drell-Yan experiment

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    In a recent CERN Drell-Yan experiment the NA51 group found a strong asymmetry of uˉ\bar u and dˉ\bar d densities in the proton at x0.18x\simeq0.18. We interpret this result as a decisive confirmation of the pion-induced sea in the nucleon.Comment: 10 pages + 3 figures, Preprint KFA-IKP(TH)-1994-14 .tex file. After \enddocument a uu-encodeded Postscript file comprising the figures is appende

    New physics, the cosmic ray spectrum knee, and pppp cross section measurements

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    We explore the possibility that a new physics interaction can provide an explanation for the knee just above 10610^6 GeV in the cosmic ray spectrum. We model the new physics modifications to the total proton-proton cross section with an incoherent term that allows for missing energy above the scale of new physics. We add the constraint that the new physics must also be consistent with published pppp cross section measurements, using cosmic ray observations, an order of magnitude and more above the knee. We find that the rise in cross section required at energies above the knee is radical. The increase in cross section suggests that it may be more appropriate to treat the scattering process in the black disc limit at such high energies. In this case there may be no clean separation between the standard model and new physics contributions to the total cross section. We model the missing energy in this limit and find a good fit to the Tibet III cosmic ray flux data. We comment on testing the new physics proposal for the cosmic ray knee at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Spinor Field in Bianchi type-I Universe: regular solutions

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    Self-consistent solutions to the nonlinear spinor field equations in General Relativity has been studied for the case of Bianchi type-I (B-I) space-time. It has been shown that, for some special type of nonliearity the model provides regular solution, but this singularity-free solutions are attained at the cost of broken dominant energy condition in Hawking-Penrose theorem. It has also been shown that the introduction of Λ\Lambda-term in the Lagrangian generates oscillations of the B-I model, which is not the case in absence of Λ\Lambda term. Moreover, for the linear spinor field, the Λ\Lambda term provides oscillatory solutions, those are regular everywhere, without violating dominant energy condition. Key words: Nonlinear spinor field (NLSF), Bianch type -I model (B-I), Λ\Lambda term PACS 98.80.C CosmologyComment: RevTex, 21 page

    Deep Inelastic Scattering from off-Shell Nucleons

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    We derive the general structure of the hadronic tensor required to describe deep-inelastic scattering from an off-shell nucleon within a covariant formalism. Of the large number of possible off-shell structure functions we find that only three contribute in the Bjorken limit. In our approach the usual ambiguities encountered when discussing problems related to off-shellness in deep-inelastic scattering are not present. The formulation therefore provides a clear framework within which one can discuss the various approximations and assumptions which have been used in earlier work. As examples, we investigate scattering from the deuteron, nuclear matter and dressed nucleons. The results of the full calculation are compared with those where various aspects of the off-shell structure are neglected, as well as with those of the convolution model.Comment: 36 pages RevTeX, 9 figures (available upon request), ADP-93-210/T128, PSI-PR-93-13, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Calculations of binding energies and masses of heavy quarkonia using renormalon cancellation

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    We use various methods of Borel integration to calculate the binding ground energies and masses of b-bbar and t-tbar quarkonia. The methods take into account the leading infrared renormalon structure of the hard+soft part of the binding energies E(s), and of the corresponding quark pole masses m_q, where the contributions of these singularities in M(s) = 2 m_q + E(s) cancel. Beforehand, we carry out the separation of the binding energy into its hard+soft and ultrasoft parts. The resummation formalisms are applied to expansions of m_q and E(s) in terms of quantities which do not involve renormalon ambiguity, such as MSbar quark mass, and alpha_s. The renormalization scales are different in calculations of m_q, E(s) and E(us). The MSbar mass of b quark is extracted, and the binding energies of t-tbar and the peak (resonance) energies for (t+tbar) production are obtained.Comment: 23 pages, 8 double figures, revtex4; the version to appear in Phys.Rev.D; extended discussion between Eqs.(25) and (26); the paragraph between Eqs.(32) and (33) is new and explains the numerical dependence of the residue parameter on the factorization scale; several new references were added; acknowledgments were modified; the numerical results are unchange

    Consequences of Nuclear Shadowing for Heavy Quarkonium Production in Hadron-Nucleus Interactions

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    We study nuclear shadowing in J/ψJ/\psi and Υ\Upsilon production in hadron-nucleus interactions and in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider. %We define the regions in xfx_f where nuclear shadowing begins %to set in for \jp\ and \up. As a consequence of the perturbative Q2Q^2-dependence of gluon shadowing, we predict that Υ\Upsilon production is less suppressed than the J/ψJ/\psi. We show that antishadowing leads to enhanced \jp\ production at xf0x_f \lesssim 0, an effect reduced for Υ\Upsilon production.Comment: LBL-35821 (Revtex file, 11 pages, 3 figures, included as postscript files at the end

    How to Determine the Pion Cloud of the Constituent Quark

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    We calculate the differential cross section for semi-inclusive pion production in electron proton reactions using a model where the physical quark fluctuates with some probability to quark plus pion. The kinematic regions for a determination of this `pion cloud' are evaluated.Comment: 28 pages, including 10 figures; gzipped, uuencoded postscrip

    Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

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    The beauty production cross section for deep inelastic scattering events with at least one hard jet in the Breit frame together with a muon has been measured, for photon virtualities Q^2 > 2 GeV^2, with the ZEUS detector at HERA using integrated luminosity of 72 pb^-1. The total visible cross section is sigma_b-bbar (ep -> e jet mu X) = 40.9 +- 5.7 (stat.) +6.0 -4.4 (syst.) pb. The next-to-leading order QCD prediction lies about 2.5 standard deviations below the data. The differential cross sections are in general consistent with the NLO QCD predictions; however at low values of Q^2, Bjorken x, and muon transverse momentum, and high values of jet transverse energy and muon pseudorapidity, the prediction is about two standard deviations below the data.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure