155 research outputs found

    Introduction: Re-examining criminal process through the lens of integrity

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    Criminal proceedings, it is often now said, ought to be conducted with integrity. But what, exactly, does it mean for criminal process to have, or to lack, 'integrity'? Is integrity in this sense merely an aspirational normative ideal, with possibly diffuse influence on conceptions of professional responsibility? Or is it also a juridical concept with robust institutional purchase and enforceable practical consequences in criminal litigation? The 16 new essays contained in this collection, written by prominent legal scholars and criminologists from Australia, Hong Kong, the UK and the USA, engage systematically with - and seek to generate further debate about - the theoretical and practical significance of 'integrity' at all stages of the criminal process. Reflecting the flexibility and scope of a putative 'integrity principle', the essays range widely over many of the most hotly contested issues in contemporary criminal justice theory, policy and practice, including: the ethics of police investigations, charging practice and discretionary enforcement; prosecutorial independence, policy and operational decision-making; plea bargaining; the perils of witness coaching and accomplice testimony; expert evidence; doctrines of admissibility and abuse of process; lay participation in criminal adjudication; the role of remorse in criminal trials; the ethics of appellate judgment writing; innocence projects; and state compensation for miscarriages of justice

    Breeding cassava for multiple pest resistance in Africa

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    The major constraints to stable production of cassava in Africa are diseases, insects, mites, weeds, soil and agronomic limitations and socio-economic factors. Of the economic diseases, African cassava mosaic, bacterial blight, and anthracnose are the most important. The green spider mite and cassava mealybug are by far the most economically important arthropod pests. The long growing period and diverse agroecologies in which cassava cultivars are grown expose them to one or more of these problems and the losses can be devastating. Multiple pest resistance helps to ensure stability of crop performance. Research experience, progress and prospects in breeding cassava for resistance to the pests of greatest economic importance in Africa are presented

    UBV stellar photometry of bright stars in GC M5. I. UV colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams and some peculiarities in the HB stellar distribution

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    We present stellar photometry in the UBV passbands for the globular cluster M5 = NGC5904. The observations, short-exposured photographic plates and CCD frames, were obtained in the RC-focus of the 2m telescope of the Natl. Astron. Obs. 'Rozhen'. All stars in an annulus with radius 1 < r < 5.5 arcmin were measured. We show that the UV CMDs describe different evolutionary stages in a better manner than the 'classical' (V, B-V) diagram. We use HB stars, with known spectroscopic Teff, to check the validity of the colour zero-point. A review of all known UV-bright star candidates in M5 is made and some of their parameters are catalogued. Six new stars of this kind are suspected on the basis of their position on the CMD. New assessment of the cluster reddening and metallicity is done using the (U-B, B-V) diagram. We find [Fe/H]= -1.38, which confirms the Zinn & West (1984) value contrasting with recent spectroscopic estimates. In an effort to clarify the question of the gap in the BHB stellar distribution and to investigate some other peculiarities, we use the relatively long-base colour index U-V. A comparison of the unreddened (V, U-V) distribution of HB stars with a canonical ZAHB model (Dorman et al. 1993) reveals that the hottest stars rise above the model line. We find this similar to the 'u-jump' found in the Stroemgren photometry (Grundahl et al. 1998, 1999). (U-B)o indeces of 18 BHB stars with (B-V)o in [-0.02, 0.18] were used to estimate their ultraviolet deficiency. It is shown that low gravity log g < 2 Kurucz's atmospheric models fit well the observed distribution of these stars along the two-colour diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 7 EPS figures. MNRAS accepte

    Success or failure in knowledge management systems: a universal issue

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    This paper takes a sociotechnical viewpoint of knowledge management system (KMS) implementation in organizations considering issues such as stakeholder disenfranchisement, lack of communication, and the low involvement of key personnel in system design asking whether KMS designers could learn from applying sociotechnical principles to their systems. The paper discusses design elements drawn from the sociotechnical principles essential for the success of IS and makes recommendations to increase the success of KMS in organizations. It also provides guidelines derived from Clegg’s Principles (2000) for KMS designers to enhance their designs. Our data comes from the application of a plurality of analysis methods on a large comprehensive global survey conducted from 2007 to 2011 of 1034 participants from 76 countries. The survey covers a variety of organizations of all types and sizes from a comprehensive selection of economic sectors and industries. Our results showed that users were not satisfied with the information and knowledge systems that they were being offered. In addition to multiple technology and usability issues, there were human and organisational barriers that prevented the systems from being used to their full potential. We recommend that users of KMS are integrated into the design team so that these usability and other barriers can be addressed during the feasibility stage as well as the actual design and implementation phases

    ERP and four dimensions of absorptive capacity: lessons from a developing country

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    Enterprise resource planning systems can grant crucial strategic, operational and information-based benefits to adopting firms when implemented successfully. However, a failed implementation can often result in financial losses rather than profits. Until now, the research on the failures and successes were focused on implementations in large manufacturing and service organizations firms located in western countries, particularly in USA. Nevertheless, IT has gained intense diffusion to developing countries through declining hardware costs and increasing benefits that merits attention as much as developed countries. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of knowledge transfer in a developing country, Turkey, as a paradigm in the knowledge society with a focus on the implementation activities that foster successful installations. We suggest that absorptive capacity is an important characteristic of a firm that explains the success level of such a knowledge transfer.Publicad

    Using behavior-analytic implicit tests to assess sexual interests among normal and sex-offender populations

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    The development of implicit tests for measuring biases and behavioral predispositions is a recent development within psychology. While such tests are usually researched within a social-cognitive paradigm, behavioral researchers have also begun to view these tests as potential tests of conditioning histories, including in the sexual domain. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the utility of a behavioral approach to implicit testing and means by which implicit tests can be built to the standards of behavioral psychologists. Research findings illustrating the short history of implicit testing within the experimental analysis of behavior are reviewed. Relevant parallel and overlapping research findings from the field of social cognition and on the Implicit Association Test are also outlined. New preliminary data obtained with both normal and sex offender populations are described in order to illustrate how behavior-analytically conceived implicit tests may have potential as investigative tools for assessing histories of sexual arousal conditioning and derived stimulus associations. It is concluded that popular implicit tests are likely sensitive to conditioned and derived stimulus associations in the history of the test-taker rather than 'unconscious cognitions', per se

    Gendering the careers of young professionals: some early findings from a longitudinal study. in Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice

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    Wonders whether companies actually have employees best interests at heart across physical, mental and spiritual spheres. Posits that most organizations ignore their workforce – not even, in many cases, describing workers as assets! Describes many studies to back up this claim in theis work based on the 2002 Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, in Cardiff, Wales