131 research outputs found


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    Genetic variability, correlation coefficient, path coefficient and genetic diversity were determined among fifty mungbean genotypes. There was a great deal of significant variation for all the characters among the genotypes. Considering genetic parameters high genotypic co-efficient of variation (GCV) was observed for no. of primary branches, seed yield per plant but no. of seed per pod and days to 80% maturity showed low GCV. In all the cases, phenotypic variances were higher than the genotypic variance. High heritability with low genetic advance in percent of mean was observed for days to 50% flowering suggesting non-additive gene effects for the expression of the character and selection for such trait might not be rewarding. High heritability with high genetic advance in percent of mean was observed for no. of primary branches per plant and a thousand seed weight indicating that this trait was under additive gene control and selection for genetic improvement for this trait would be effective. Seed yield per plant showed highest significant positive correlation with a thousand seed weight. It also has a significant positive correlation with seed per pod at genotypic level and a non-significant positive correlation with seed per pod at phenotypic level. Therefore, these traits could be important for the direct selection to improve yield. Total six clusters were formed for fifty genotypes. Considering group distance, cluster mean values, and other agronomic performances, inter genotypic crosses between G16 and G47; G16 and G13; G47 and G13: G21 and G19: G8 and G21, G21 and G35, G3 and G8, G3 and G35, G3 and G19, G8 and G19 might be suggested for future hybridization program.Među pedeset genotipova azijskog graha određeni su genetska varijabilnost, koeficijent korelacije, koeficijent putanje i genetska različitost. Među genotipovima bilo je mnogo značajnog variranja u svim značajkama. U genetskim parametrima primijećen je značajno visoki koeficijent raznolikosti (GLV) u broju primarnih grančica i prinosu sjemena po biljci, ali je broj sjemenki po mahuni dana do 80% zrelosti pokazao niski GLV. U svim slučajevima fenotipska variranja bila su viša nego genotipska variranja. Visoka nasljednost s niskim genetskim napretkom u postotku prosjeka primijećeni su za dane do 50% do cvatnje, što pretpostavlja djelovanje neaditivnog gena za izražavanje značajki pa selekcija za takve osebine možda nije korisna. Visoka nasljednost s visokim genetskim napretkom u postotku prosjeka primijećena je za broj primarnih grančica po biljci i težinu 1000 sjemenki, što upućuje da je ova osobina pod kontrolom aditivnog gena, te da bi selekcija za genetsko poboljšanje ove osobine bila djelotvorna. Prinos sjemena po biljci pokazao je najvišu značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju s težinom 1000 sjemenki. Isto tako ima pozitivnu korelaciju sa sjemenom po mahuni na razini fenotipa. Stoga bi ove značajke mogle biti važne za izravnu selekciju radi poboljšanja prinosa. Formirano je ukupno šest klastera za pedeset genotipova. S obzirom na grupnu udaljenost, srednju vrijednost klastera i druge agronomske rezultate/performanse može se preporučiti međugenetsko križanje za buduće programe hibridizacije između G16 i G47; G16 i G13; G47 i G13; G21 i G19, G8 i G21, G21 i G35, G3 i G8, G3 i G35, G3 i G19, G8 i G19

    Investigating Young Adult Cancer Survivors\u27 Perspectives on their Future and Interpersonal Relationships

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    For many young adults (YA, aged 18-39) who have recently survived cancer, planning and working towards goals for the future is a fraught process. Prior research consistently identifies the challenges of survivorship, including: rebuilding personal identity, accepting the impact of cancer-related interruptions on personal goals, navigating new roles in significant close relationships, and initiating new relationships as a survivor. However, there is limited research describing the mechanisms underlying these persistent challenges, which poses difficulties when tailoring evidence-based psychological intervention. The present study consolidates both established and newly hypothesized survivorship challenges into a novel conceptual model, hypothesizing that they are interrelated, and mutually reinforcing, to perpetuate social isolation and avoidance of the future in young survivors. This dissertation study elucidated what YA survivors experience as they envision their lives in the future, with a focus on goals, such as family-building, which may be shared with a close other. We hypothesized that YA may struggle to plan for the future because they experience interfering emotions and thoughts related to their health, often regarding recurrence of cancer or late effects of treatment. Many of these struggles may be difficult to share with a partner. In particular, self-conscious emotions, such as embarrassment, shame, guilt, or pride associated with being a cancer survivor, may explain how relating to others without cancer can be challenging. This qualitative study utilized a semi-structured interview to prompt YA survivors to imagine significant future events in their close relationships, identifying future-oriented thoughts, beliefs, coping strategies, and emotions as they arose. Participants included 35 YAs treated for cancer within the past five years. Interviews were conducted remotely over a secure video platform and professionally transcribed. Analysis software was used to test deductive codes based on a priori research questions, and inductive codes based on bottom-up consensus coding of transcripts. Quantitative data regarding demographics and mental health were used to augment analyses and interpretation. The process of thematic text analysis was used to identify significant themes and subthemes in the data. Findings indicated good support for the hypothesized conceptual model, including the impact of health anxiety and social isolation on close relationships and psychosocial well-being. In some cases, social isolation was worsened by the impacts of COVID-19. In addition to deductive findings regarding the interfering nature of cancer-related worry in planning for the future, inductive themes gleaned from analyses included the prominence of grief (e.g. loss of fertility due to treatment, death of peers). Participants overwhelmingly requested tailored and ongoing mental health support in survivorship, and the majority of participants had attended peer support groups. This study provides a strong foundation for broader quantitative study confirming the themes hypothesized by the conceptual model presented here. It also provides a preliminary basis for clinical intervention to improve future planning based on mitigating social isolation and addressing the short- and long-term impacts of decisional avoidance in the context of health anxiety


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    Coumarins have multiple biological activities; various coumarin-related derivatives arerecognized as inhibitors of the lipoxygenase and cycloxygenase pathways of arachidonatemetabolism. Several natural or synthetic coumarins with various hydroxyl and other substituteswere found to inhibit lipid peroxidation and to scavenge hydroxyl radical and superoxide anionand to influence processes involving free radical mediated injury. The heterocyclic derivatives of3-formyl-4-hydoxycoumarin were found to present significant anti-inflammatory effect, thecompounds inhibited formalin induced hind paw edema and they also significantly suppressedthe formation of granuloma tissue in cotton pellet induced chronic model of inflammation. Theresult showed that the anti-inflammatory (both acute & chronic) effect of the test compound Ib iscomparable to that of standard Antiinflammatory drug Diclofenac Sodium

    In Vitro Selection of Calli for Salt Tolerance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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    Soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses that limit crop production. Responses of six breeding lines (BD-7755, BD-7757, BD-9008, BD-9011, BD-10122, BD-10123 which were named as G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and G6 respectively) of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) to NaCl stress were studied in callus induction. Hypocotyl and cotyledon segments were chosen as explants for callus induction in vitro. The six investigated tomato genotypes differed in their callus growth. Tomato seeds were cultured for callus formation and that callus were treated with 0 mM (control), 50 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM and 200 mM NaCl in nutrient solutions. The effect of the stress applied on the callus was evaluated in 10 DAT (Days After Treatment) and 17 DAT. Different concentrations of NaCl in the medium significantly affected the biomass callus size and callus weight of tomato. G2 and G6 showed excellent performance of tolerance up to 50 mM of NaCl. G6 showed better performance under high salt concentrations i.e., at 100 mM and 200 mM but not at low salt stress. It indicates the expression of functional gene occurs at high salt stress. However it is possible to select callus line tolerant to elevated levels of NaCl stress by sudden exposure to high of NaCl, accordingly a NaCl tolerant cell line was selected from hypocotyls and cotyledon derived callus of tomato which proved to be a true cell line variant. The interaction effect of variety and treatmentrevealed that genotype G6 and G1 were the highest and lowest performer respectively. These findings indicated some salt tolerant tomato genotypes which will be promising for regeneration and for future breeding program. It is quiet necessary to asses accumulation of proline and the anti-oxidant enzymes like Super Oxide Dismutase, Ascorbate Peroxidase and Catalase from the control and stressed callus as they are the indicator of salt tolerance. It is evident that tissue culture technique was able to evaluate several genotypes for salt tolerance into cell level under controlled environment with relatively little space and less time required comparing with such process studies at the whole plant level

    Effect of sunlight and artificial light on micropropagation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets

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    Fluorescent lamps (artificial light) and sunlight were used as lighting source in present study to identify feasibility of using sunlight in plant tissue culture laboratory. In vitro regenerated nodal segments of the cardinal variety of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were inoculated in MS medium without any growth regulator for shoot and root development. After 30 days of culture in an average temperature at 21.94±0.21°C, relative humidity 39.35±0.75%, various morphological responses i.e. plantlet height, diameter of plantlet, number of nodes per plantlet, inter node distance, number of leaves per plantlet, fresh and dry weight of plantlets , number of root, length of root, growth rate etc. were recorded. The average light intensity at sunlight and artificial treatment was observed at 4805.5±326.54 lux and 3484±84.44 lux, respectively. All the growth factors performed better result in sunlight treatment than those of artificial one except average number of nodes and leaves. The average height of plantlet at sunlight was 53.33±3.32 mm which was greater than that of artificial light 51.67±2.15 mm. Fresh weight and dry weight are two important morphological factors for plantlet and in case of fresh weight that was always greater 0.49±0.097 in sunlighted plantlet and 0.21±0.026 in artificial one.  In case of dry weight the average weight 0.08±0.016 was greater in sunlighted plantlet than that of 0.03±0.004 in artificial one. Number of roots, root length and growth rate of the plantlets observed higher in sunlighted plantlets compared to artificial light. Moreover, the sunlighted plantlets were healthier, vigorous and strong which helped plants to establish in net house easily. Considering the cost of electricity consumption, from a laboratory area of 20.47 m2 BD Taka 63% could be saved in each month by using sunlight. As low cost options of energy saving in tissue culture laboratory using sunlight would be feasible and environmentally friendly technology for commercial point of view in Bangladesh

    Chemical constituents of Desmodium sequax

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the prescription pattern of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and to identify the commonly used NSAIDs and their drug-related problems (DRPs). Methods: A prospective and cross-sectional study on prescription pattern analysis of NSAIDs was conducted for the period of 6 months. Results: Prescriptions of 150 patients containing at least one NSAIDs were analyzed. About 56% of the prescription were prescribed for males and 44% prescription were female. NSAIDs were more prescribed for below 60-year age group (47%) but were most frequently used by 61–70-year age group (21%). Subjects were regularly prescribed with acetaminophen (95%) and diclofenac (22%). Among all the prescriptions, (19%) of the prescriptions contained NSAIDs in the form of fixed dose combinations (FDCs). About 37% of prescriptions had other analgesic coprescribed along with NSAIDs amid which tramadol was in majority (22%). Prescription was also coprescribed with antibiotic (90%) and gastroprotective agents (GPAs) (97%) that consisted of pantoprazole belonging to the class of proton pump inhibitors which was the persistently prescribed GPA (86%). Due to coprescription, (3%) suspected drug-drug interactions (DDIs) were observed. Conclusion: The goal of studying prescribing patterns was to monitor, assess, and, if required, advise changes in medical practitioners’ prescribing behavior to offer quality medical treatment and reasonable drug use. The prescribing pattern was rational and in accordance with national list of essential medicine (NLEM-2015) but was not in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) model list of essential medicines

    Caesarean myomectomy in a patient with multiple maternal and fetal comorbidities: a rare interesting case report

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    Caesarean myomectomy has been traditionally discouraged due to the fear of complications like intractable haemorrhage, peripartum hysterectomy, and increased postoperative morbidity. Recently, a number of authors in their studies have shown that myomectomy during caesarean section does not increase the risk of haemorrhage or postoperative morbidity, if adequate haemostatic methods are used and done by skilled surgical hands. Caesarean myomectomy was performed in a case of elderly primigravida with 36-week gestation with chronic hypertension with polyhydramnios with anterior wall pedunculated fibroid of 8.6×7.2×8 cm and multiple small fibroids in the anterior wall, fundus and subserosal plane. Caesarean myomectomy is a safe and effective procedure in a tertiary care centre at hands of an experienced surgeon

    Didelphys uterus: an interesting case report of pregnancy in a rare Mullerian anomaly

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    Mullerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital defects of the female genital system that arise from abnormal embryological development of the Mullerian ducts. A didelphys uterus, also known as a double uterus, is one of the least common amongst the MDAs. This report discussed a case of pregnancy with uterus didelphys. This patient was a 27-year-old primigravida with 34.2-week gestation with spontaneous conception who presented with decreased fetal movements. On examination patient had a non-communicating, thick vaginal septum extending from the introitus to the cervix was seen and two cervices one on each side of the septum were located. The patient underwent emergency lower segment caesarean section in view of foetal distress and doppler changes. Intra-operatively, evidence of didelphys uteri was seen. Intraoperative and post-operative period was uneventful. A fetus of 1790 gram was delivered, with APGAR 9/10. There were no renal anomalies on subsequent ultrasonography

    Polyphenolic composition of Lantana camara and Lippia chevalieri, and their Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities

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    In the present study, the antioxidant and antibacterial activities of methanolic extracts of two Verbenaceae (Lantana camara L. and Lippia chevalieri Moldenke: aerial part) were investigated. Their polyphenolic composition in the ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions were characterized by HPLC-DAD. The antioxidant capability of the methanolic extracts was assessed by the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and the scavenging activity of the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of the methanolic extracts (25 µg mL-1), and the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) (12.5 µg mL-1) against 13 pathogenic bacteria and four serotyped bacteria from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) were also determined by the agar-well diffusion method. The results indicated that the L. chevalieri extracts are rich in phenolic compounds (among the 27 polyphenolic compounds detected, 20 belong to L. chevalieri) and showed the highest antioxidant activities, simultaneously on iron (III) to iron (II)-reducing activity and the radical scavenging activity. However, L. camara displayed the best and the broadest antimicrobial spectrum, especially on Shigella flexneri and Pantoea sp. (two Gram-negative strains of bacteria). The nature of polyphenolics compounds detected (phenol acid and flavone) in the L. camara can justify this activity.Key words: Verbenaceae, HPLC-DAD, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity, polyphenolic compound