182 research outputs found

    Excitation properties of galaxies with the highest [OIII]/[OII] ratios: No evidence for massive escape of ionizing photons

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    The possibility that star-forming galaxies may leak ionizing photons is at the heart of many present-day studies that investigate the reionization of the Universe. We test this hypothesis on local blue compact dwarf galaxies of very high excitation. We assembled a sample of such galaxies by examining the spectra from Data Releases 7 and 10 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We argue that reliable conclusions cannot be based on strong lines alone, and adopt a strategy that includes important weak lines such as [OI] and the high-excitation HeII and [ArIV] lines. Our analysis is based on purely observational diagrams and on a comparison of photoionization models with well-chosen emission-line ratio diagrams. We show that spectral energy distributions from current stellar population synthesis models cannot account for all the observational constraints, which led us to mimick several scenarios that could explain the data. These include the additional presence of hard X-rays or of shocks. We find that only ionization-bounded models (or models with an escape fraction of ionizing photons lower than 10%) are able to simultaneously explain all the observational constraints.Comment: accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic


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    The article is devoted to the problem of participation of national and religious leaders of Muslims of the Volga-Urals region in the international Muslim Congress in 1920s. The author makes a conclusion about the nature and eff ectiveness of their activities in the context of foreign policy eff orts of Soviet Russia in the Eastern and Western Europe.В статье рассматривается проблема участия национально-религиозных лидеров Волго-Урала в международных мусульманскихконгрессах 1920-х годов, их взаимодействие с яркими представителями мусульманского мира. Используя широкий спектр архивных материалов, автор пытается сделать вывод о характере и эффективности их деятельности в контексте внешнеполитических усилий Советской России в странах Востока и Западной Европы

    Study of psychological status of tsu students from exercise therapy group

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    The present article contains the results of ascertaining study, aimed at identification of the psychological characteristics of students engaged in groups of exercise therapy. It has been established that students with poor health differ greatly in psychometric characteristics from the group of students who do not have any problems with their health. These differences are most pronounced in the findings obtained by means of questionnaires of constructive thinking and level of subjective control. Students who train in the groups of exercise therapy, need special forms of organization of the educational process involving psychological methods

    Comparative MLVA-Analysis of Vibrio cholerae Strains of Classical Biovar, Isolated in the Russian Federation and Abroad

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    Objective of the study is to determine phylogenetic affinity of the Vibrio cholerae strains of classical biovar, isolated between 1937 and 1969 in Russia, to the strains from near and far abroad countries. Materials and methods. Utilized were 27 Vibrio cholerae strains of classical biovar. PCR was carried out applying “BIS M112” amplifier. Genetic analyzer ABI 3500xl was used for sequencing of the strains. MLVA-analysis was performed by reference to 5 MLVA-loci: VC0147, VC0436-0437, VC1650, VCA0171, and VCA0238. Nutrient requirement and soluble hemagglutinin/protease production was established using plate method. Results and conclusions. Identified have been 8 MLVA-clusters and 21 MLVA-types. It is determined that the strains, isolated during atypical cholera outbreak 1942–1943 in Russia, are inhomogeneous as regards phenotype and genotype and fall into two separate groups, one of which is related to the strain, isolated during cholera outbreak 1938 in Khabarovsk, and another group – to the strains from India and China, isolated in 1946 and 1949, respectively

    Kostroma cattle breed in the new century: the state and the prospects (review)

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    The article reflects the current state and the prospects of the Kostroma cattle breed development. The creation and improvement of the breed anticipated the formation and further breed development in the domestic and world zoo technical science. In recent years, the number of Kostroma cattle breed has been unreasonably reducing despite its economic valuable traits. At the same time in the Kostroma region there are prospects for preserving the valuable gene pool of one of the best domestic dairy and meat cattle breeds. As a result of directed selection and breeding work with the use of Brown Swiss bulls, a stud milk breed "Karavaevsky KK-1" has been developed. At present cow-champions of the Kostroma breed give up to 12,000 kg of milk per lactation. The milk of the Kostroma breed cows has a high content of protein and fat. The animals of Kostroma breed have good meat qualities, high resistance to a number of diseases, strong ungulate horn, easy adaptability to intensive technologies, good fertility and high productive longevity. To save the Kostroma breed it is important to put on 8-10 bulls of 8 planned lines and related groups for the validation and accumulation of sperm every year. The restoration of previously created lines with high genetic potential should be foreseen. It is necessary to identify and actively use the stud bulls bred in their own breeding farms; to conduct a linear assessment of bulls and daughter heifers by body type for more competent selection. In addition to the generally accepted forms and methods of selection, it is necessary to continue immunogenetic control of the authenticity of the origin of breeding animals and introduce modern methods of DNA technology to assess the breeding and productive qualities of cattle, which will reveal valuable genetic complexes in the best breeding animals and thus 1.5-2 times accelerate the selection processes.Conflict of interest: the authors stated that there was no conflict of interest

    Phenotypic and Molecular-Genetic Peculiarities of Yersinia pestis Strains from Trans-Baikal Steppe Plague Focus

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    The paper contains the data on the complex phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Yersinia pestisstrains isolated in Trans-Baikal steppe plague focus before and after the succession of the main carrier which took place in the 1960s. Based on the PCR-analysis and multilocus sequence typing of glpD, melB, napA, rhaA, and iclR genes, encoding differentially significant properties such as glycerin, melibiose, rhamnose fermentation, isocitrate lyase production, and denitrification activity, developed are the proofs of affiliation of the studied strains to the biovariant antiqua of the plague agent main subspecies. Multilocus VNTR-analysis by seven locuses of variable tandem repeats – ms01, ms04, ms06, ms07, ms46, ms62 – has been used to establish genetic relations between the strains. Thus on the basis of the results obtained, it is established that the strains of the plague agent, isolated in the Trans-Baikal steppe focus in various periods of its existence, form one common branch on the phylogenetic tree of Y. pestis evolution

    History of pediatric endoscopy in the Republic of Karelia

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    The article is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the pediatric endoscopic service of the Republic of Karelia. In the introductory part of the article, the authors briefly describe the history of the appearance of endoscopy in the world, which dates back to 1881, when J. Mikulicz-Radecki designed and first used a rigid gastroscope in an adult patient, and then developed very slowly for a long time. Isolated attempts to use gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, and laparoscopy are described. For laparoscopy, a frontal reflector, electric lamps, mirrors were used, and later - the first cystoscopes and rectoscopes. In 1890-1930, there were only a few publications per decade devoted to the development of endoscopic technology. In the Republic of Karelia, the formation of the endoscopic service is associated with the formation of the Karelian Center for Pediatric Surgery. Gastroscopies were initially performed with rigid endoscopes and the main reasons for the appointment of such studies were injuries and burns of the esophagus. The first gastroscopy of a teenager was performed in March 1982, an artifact is presented - a photo of the conclusion of this study. The authors tell about the stages of the formation of the service in the Republic of Karelia. In pediatric practice, the most difficult contingent of patients are newborns and premature babies. Endoscopies for newborns have been performed since 1985. Intraluminal endoscopic interventions have been performed since 1989, and diagnostic laparoscopies have been performed since 1990. Since 1991, laparoscopic operations have been performed under visual control - 57 interventions were performed before the appearance of video resistance. We also recall the period of the economically difficult last decade of the twentieth century, when the development of the endoscopic service continued thanks to the supply of equipment from the twin city of Tubingen. With the advent of the video system, the endoscopic service has gradually developed to the modern level, at which the entire main range of endosurgical interventions is performed

    Variability of <i>phoP/phoQ</i> and <i>rovA</i> Genes Sequences - Global Regulators of the Plague Agent Life Span

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    Compared are the gene sequences of the global phoP/phoQ and rovA transcription regulators in original Yersinia pestis strains of different subtypes. Detected is overall identity of the sequenced phoQ fragment and high conservatism of the rovA gene. All the plague agent strains belonging to the main subspecies have a missense mutation in phoP gene. It is a substitution of a single nucleotide G→A in the position 643 from the beginning of the gene, which causes amino-acid residue shift Gly→Ser in the position 215 in polypeptide chain of the PhopP protein, and, is a possible cause of alteration of the PhoP transcription activity in Yersinia pestis strains belonging to the main subspecies