220 research outputs found

    Women's woes in Manimekalai

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    Manimekalai is identified as a renaissance epic and an epic that gives rise to women. Even though it is an epic that promotes women, it can be seen from the literary scenes that many tragedies have taken place in the lives of the women of that time. 'A woman is the enemy of a woman', says the feminist proverb. Many of the women's miseries in the twenty-first century are also present in the epic women's lives of the day. It is the need of the hour to make it come out. Inability of women to think for themselves, indecisiveness, inability to move about in public despite being brave, exclusion of women from home due to immorality, exclusion of women from society due to immorality, lack of respect in society for a child born to an illegitimate woman, lack of respect in the society for a child born to an illegitimate woman, man wanting to be ignorant of it even if he is a married woman (desiring his neighbor), drunken criminal punishment given to women, punishments given to women in the constitution, etc. This article with the help of Manimekalai


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    In this paper Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based wireless systems are spectrally efficient and it is being increasingly used in high data rate wireless communication systems, but they are vulnerable to inter carrier interference (ICI). The signal strength varies due to different individual path loss and also due to different amount of Doppler spread because of their independent velocities. Therefore, the ICI among to combat ICI are towards using synchronization and interference cancellation. In this paper we use adaptive sub carrier bandwidth(ASB) along with adaptive bit loading to mitigate ICI in such conditions, which will keep receiver design very simple and it keeps maximum throughput and minimum BER in each situation. Results show that ASB can provide higher throughput than fixed sub carrier bandwidth

    A study of efficacy of intramuscular injection tramadol as labour analgesic and labour accelerator in 400 primigravida patients in latent phase of first stage of labour

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    Background: Labour pain is among the most severe pain experienced by women. Most women like to experience labour birth with active involvement and as naturally as possible. Hence, the need for analgesia to overcome labour pains is highly requested by women today. In developing nations where availability of facilities is the main limiting factor, intra muscular opioids can be used. The aim was to know the effect of Tramadol in labour analgesia and reduction in the duration of labour and to know the maternal and neonatal outcome after administration of TramadolMethods: This study was conducted in tertiary teaching care hospital in 400 low risk primigravidae who fulfilled selection criteria with full-term pregnancy with vertex presentation in late latent phase of labour were selected and given 100 mg tramadol hydrochloride intramuscularly.Results: The degree of pain relief in 1 st and 2 nd stage of labour, duration of labour, Apgar score of neonates and side effect of drugs were studied. In this study 23.5% of patients had grade II pain, 38.5% of patients had grade III pain and 38% of patients had no pain relief after Tramadol administration. Before drug, the mean pain score is 3.86 in stage I. After drug administration the mean pain score is 3.14 in stage I and 3.81 in stage II. The duration of first and second stage of labour also shortened.Conclusions: In low risk Primigravidae, IM Tramadol hydrochloride appears to be effective without side effects. Hence, in developing nations, where availability of facilities is the main limiting factor, IM opioids can be considered as suitable alternatives

    Malicious-URL Detection using Logistic Regression Technique

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    Over the last few years, the Web has seen a massive growth in the number and kinds of web services. Web facilities such as online banking, gaming, and social networking have promptly evolved as has the faith upon them by people to perform daily tasks. As a result, a large amount of information is uploaded on a daily to the Web. As these web services drive new opportunities for people to interact, they also create new opportunities for criminals. URLs are launch pads for any web attacks such that any malicious intention user can steal the identity of the legal person by sending the malicious URL. Malicious URLs are a keystone of Internet illegitimate activities. The dangers of these sites have created a mandates for defences that protect end-users from visiting them. The proposed approach is that classifies URLs automatically by using Machine-Learning algorithm called logistic regression that is used to binary classification. The classifiers achieves 97% accuracy by learning phishing URLs


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    Cymodoceaceae is a family of flowering plants, sometimes known as the manatee-grass family,†the family Cymodoceaceae includes only marine species. The angiosperm phylogeny II system, of 2003 (unchanged from the APG system, of 1998), does recognize Cymodoceaceae and places it in the order Alismatales, in the clade monocots. They are marine hydrophytes that grow and complete their life cycle in a submerged condition, in a saline environment. Like terrestrial plant they obtain their energy from light through photosynthesis thus, they grow only in clear and shallow water, and at the suitable condition, they form beds or meadows. The family includes five genera, totalling 16 species of marine plants occurring in tropical seas and oceans (so-called seagrasses). Cymodoceaceae consist of five genera such as Amphibolis, Cymodocea, Halodule, Syringodium, and Thalassodendron. In this genera Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenb. and Hempr. Ex Asch. Cymodocea serrulata, (R.Br.) Asch. and Magnus, Halodule pinifolia (Miki) Hartog, Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Asch and Syringodium isoetifolium (Asch.) are the species mostly adopted in Indian coastal region. These seagrass species have unique nature and wide application to the environment including human being. In this article botanical aspects, phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology of these five seagrass species belong to Cymodoceaceae family will be discussed

    Prevalence of motile Aeromonads in chicken meat and their growth during refrigeration storage

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    The presence of motile aeromonads in chicken meat from the local wet markets was studied. The finding showed that 83.3% of the meat was positive for motile Aeromonas. The most frequently isolated species was Aeromonas sobria (57.0%), followed by A. hydrophila (23.0%) and A. caviae (20.0%). The Aeromonas sp. count at time of purchase which was in the range of 13 x 102 /g to 23 x 103/g, was found to increase about 10 to 100- fold after seven days of refrigeration at 5°C

    Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Breast Cancer Prediction

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    The most frequently happening cancer among Indian women is breast cancer, which is the second most exposed cancer in the world. Here is a chance of fifty percent for fatality in a case as one of two women diagnosed with breast cancer die in the cases of Indian women.  With the rapid population growth, the risk of death incurred by breast cancer is rising exponentially. [2] Breast cancer is the second most severe cancer among all of the cancers already unveiled. A machine learning technique discovers illness which helps clinical staffs in sickness analysis and offers dependable, powerful, and quick reaction just as diminishes the danger of death. In this paper, we look at five administered AI methods named Support vector machine (SVM), K-closest neighbours, irregular woodlands, fake/ Artificial neural organizations (ANNs). The performance of the study is measured with respect to accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, negative predictive value. Furthermore, these strategies were evaluated on exactness review region under bend and beneficiary working trademark bend. At last in this paper we analysed some of different papers to find how they are predicted and what are all the techniques they were used and finally we study the complete research of machine learning techniques for breast cancer

    Field programmable Gate Array based Real Time Object Tracking using Partial Least Square Analysis

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    In this paper, we proposed an object tracking algorithm in real time implementation of moving object tracking system using Field programmable gate array (FPGA). Object tracking is considered as a binary classification problem and one of the approaches to this problem is that to extract appropriate features from the appearance of the object based on partial least square (PLS) analysis method, which is a low dimension reduction technique in the subspace. In this method, the adaptive appearance model integrated with PLS analysis is used for continuous update of the appearance change of the target over time. For robust and efficient tracking, particle filtering is used in between every two consecutive frames of the video. This has implemented using Cadence and Virtuoso software integrated environment with MATLAB. The experimental results are performed on challenging video sequences to show the performance of the proposed tracking algorithm using FPGA in real time

    Qualitative trait loci analysis for seed yield and component traits in sunflower

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    The present investigation was carried out to identify the molecular markers associated with various characters in sunflower using recombinant inbred lines. Linkage analysis was carried out and five linkage groups were  obtained with 19 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. Linkage mapconstruction, single marker analysis (SMA) and composite interval mapping analysis were carried out with SSR primers and quantitative traits. In SMA, out of 50 SSR markers, a total of 29 SSR markers were found to be significantly linked to various traits. The adjusted R2 for the regression equation varies from 3.2 to 29.8%. Two traits namely, days to flowering and seed color recorded above 20% R2 value. Hull weight recorded above 10% R2 value. In inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM), the quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis resulted into two QTLs namely, seed and volume weight. QTL analyses were performed through inclusive  composite interval mapping (ICIM). The QTL analysis revealed each oneQTL for traits namely, stripes on seed margin, stripes between seed  margin, 100-seed weight and seed yield. The LOD ranged from 1.5 to 1.9. The adjusted R2 value ranged 10.6 (seed yield) to 65.0 (stripes between seed margin) percent. Among these QTL, QTL on stripes on seed margin and stripes between seed margin may be considered as potential as they recorded very high phenotypic variation accounted. As the distance between the flanking marker is more than 5 cm, fine mapping of this QTL region with more markers may be attempted to utilize these QTL in the marker assisted back cross programme.Key words: Sunflower, Simple sequence repeats (SSR), quantitative trait loci (QTL), hundred seed weight, stripes on seed margin, stripes between seed margin, seed yield

    Electronic phase separation in the rare earth manganates, (La1-xLnx)0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (Ln = Nd, Gd and Y)

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    All the three series of manganates showsaturation magnetization characteristic of ferromagnetism, with the ferromagnetic Tc decreasing with increasing in x up to a critical value of x, xc (xc = 0.6, 0.3, 0.2 respectively for Nd, Gd, Y). For x > xc, the magnetic moments are considerably smaller showing a small increase around TM, the value of TM decreasing slightly with increase in x or decrease in . The ferromagnetic compositions (x xc) show insulator-metal (IM) transitions, while the compositions with x > xc are insulating. The magnetic and electrical resistivity behavior of these manganates is consistent with the occurrence of phase separation in the compositions around xc, corresponding to a critical average radius of the A-site cation, , of 1.18 A. Both Tc and TIM increase linearly when < rA > > or x xc as expected of a homogenous ferromagnetic phase. Both Tc and TM decrease linearly with the A-site cation size disorder at the A-site as measured by the variance s2. Thus, an increase in s2 favors the insulating AFM state. Percolative conduction is observed in the compositions with > < rAc >. Electron transport properties in the insulating regime for x > xc conforms to the variable range hopping mechanism. More interestingly, when x > xc, the real part of dielectric constant (e') reaches a high value (104-106) at ordinary temperatures dropping to a very small (~500) value below a certain temperature, the value of which decreases with decreasing frequency.Comment: 27 pages; 11 figures, Submitted to J.Phys:Condens Matte