138 research outputs found
Three-body correlations in direct reactions: Example of Be populated in reaction
The Be continuum states were populated in the charge-exchange reaction
H(Li,Be) collecting very high statistics data ( events) on the three-body ++ correlations. The
Be excitation energy region below MeV is considered, where the
data are dominated by contributions from the and states. It is
demonstrated how the high-statistics few-body correlation data can be used to
extract detailed information on the reaction mechanism. Such a derivation is
based on the fact that highly spin-aligned states are typically populated in
the direct reactions.Comment: submitted to Physical Review
New insight into the low-energy He spectrum
The spectrum of He was studied by means of the He(,)He
reaction at a lab energy of 25 MeV/n and small center of mass (c.m.) angles.
Energy and angular correlations were obtained for the He decay products by
complete kinematical reconstruction. The data do not show narrow states at
1.3 and 2.4 MeV reported before for He. The lowest resonant
state of He is found at about 2 MeV with a width of 2 MeV and is
identified as . The observed angular correlation pattern is uniquely
explained by the interference of the resonance with a virtual state
(limit on the scattering length is obtained as fm), and with
the resonance at energy MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
Digital receivers for low-frequency radio telescopes UTR-2, URAN, GURT
This paper describes digital radio astronomical receivers used for decameter
and meter wavelength observations. This paper describes digital radio
astronomical receivers used for decameter and meter wavelength observations.
Since 1998, digital receivers performing on-the-fly dynamic spectrum
calculations or waveform data recording without data loss have been used at the
UTR-2 radio telescope, the URAN VLBI system, and the GURT new generation radio
telescope. Here we detail these receivers developed for operation in the strong
interference environment that prevails in the decameter wavelength range. Data
collected with these receivers allowed us to discover numerous radio
astronomical objects and phenomena at low frequencies, a summary of which is
also presented.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure
Structure of unbound neutron-rich He studied using single-neutron transfer
The 8He(d,p) reaction was studied in inverse kinematics at 15.4A MeV using
the MUST2 Si-CsI array in order to shed light on the level structure of 9He.
The well known 16O(d,p)17O reaction, performed here in reverse kinematics, was
used as a test to validate the experimental methods. The 9He missing mass
spectrum was deduced from the kinetic energies and emission angles of the
recoiling protons. Several structures were observed above the neutron-emission
threshold and the angular distributions were used to deduce the multipolarity
of the transitions. This work confirms that the ground state of 9He is located
very close to the neutron threshold of 8He and supports the occurrence of
parity inversion in 9He.Comment: Exp\'erience GANIL/SPIRAL1/MUST
Therapy chronic trichomoniasis at patients with associated urogenital chlamydial infection
Present material of problem question therapy chronic trichomoniasis. Study clinical and bacteriological effectiveness basic etiotropic preparation and their combination, used in treatment patients trichomoniasis. Found that the combined application antiprotozoal drugs have a more pronounced effect on kills T. vaginalis and shortens the rehabilitation of the patient
10He low-lying states structure uncovered by correlations
The 0+ ground state of the 10He nucleus produced in the 3H(8He,p)10He
reaction was found at about MeV (\Gamma ~ 2 MeV) above the
three-body 8He+n+n breakup threshold. Angular correlations observed for 10He
decay products show prominent interference patterns allowing to draw
conclusions about the structure of low-energy excited states. We interpret the
observed correlations as a coherent superposition of the broad 1- state having
a maximum at energy 4-6 MeV and the 2+ state above 6 MeV, setting both on top
of the 0+ state "tail". This anomalous level ordering indicates that the
breakdown of the N=8 shell known in 12Be thus extends also to the 10He system.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
The prevalence of atherosclerosis and associated diseases and complications creates preconditions to study them in the framework of the common pathological process. This review presents the modern data on the role of Chlamydophila pneumoniae infections, as well as data about the influence of the factors of systemic and local inflammationat the infection to the development of atherosclerosis.Распространенность атеросклероза и ассоциированных с ним заболеваний и осложнений создает предпосылки к изучению их в рамках единого патологического процесса. В обзоре представлены современные сведения о роли Chlamydophila pneumoniae-инфекции, а также данные о влиянии факторов системного и локального воспаления при указанной инфекции на развитие атеросклероза
Analyzed organization of preventive measures and patient care in Velikiy Novgorod in connection with the exceeding of the epidemic threshold for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in 2016. The epidemic rise of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections exceeded epidemiological and economic thresholds among the cumulative population on the territory of the Novgorod region started from the 3rd week 2016 (18.01.2016–24.01.2016) and continued for 4 weeks (until mid February). The peak of the epidemic was passed on the 4th calendar week of 2016, when the weekly prevalence rate was 135,7 per 10 thousand population (8447), the epidemic threshold was exceeded in 2 times. In terms of conversion to the infectious diseases hospital, a multidisciplinary clinic № 2 «Central city clinical hospital» carried out specialized medical assistance 301 the patient with acute respiratory diseases and influenza, 67 of which were confirmed influenza caused by the H1N1 virus, of which 28 patients would, if hospitalized in serious and critical condition and needed to be held-Institute the intensive care manual.Проанализирована организация противоэпидемических мероприятий и стационарной помощи в Великом Новгороде в связи с превышением эпидемического порога по гриппу и острым респираторным вирусным инфекциям в 2016 г. Эпидемический подъем заболеваемости гриппом и другими острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями с превышением эпидемических порогов среди совокупного населения на территории Новгородской области начался с 3-й недели 2016 г. (18.01.2016–24.01.2016) и продолжался в течение 4 недель (до середины февраля). Пик эпидемии был пройден на 4-й календарной неделе 2016 г., когда недельный показатель заболеваемости составил 135,7 на 10 тысяч населения (8447 случаев), эпидемический порог был превышен в 2 раза. В условиях перепрофилирования в инфекционный стационар многопрофильной клиникой № 2 Центральной городской клинической больницы осуществлена специализированная медицинская помощь 301 пациенту с острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями и гриппом, у 67 был подтвержден грипп, вызванный вирусом H1N1, из них 28 пациентов были госпитализированы в тяжелом и крайне тяжелом состоянии и нуждались в проведении реанимационного пособия
6He + 9Be reactions at 16.8 MeV
6 pags.; 6 figs.Reactions of a 16.8 MeV 6He beam with a 9Be target have been investigated using highly segmented detector setup covering a large solid angle. Data on elastic and quasi-free scattering, as well as two-neutron transfer, are reported. The results for elastic scattering are fairly well reproduced by a CDCC calculation, in agreement with the interpretation of a breakup effect already observed for the scattering of 6He on other light targets. Exotic quasi-free scattering of 6He on α-cluster in 9Be is clearly observed. Inclusive and coincident events were used to extract information on the two-neutron transfer reaction 9Be(6He, α)11Be. Sequential decay of the 11Be state at the excitation energy Ex = 10.6 MeV through different channels is discussed. © 2010 SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.We would like to thank the technical staff at the RNB facility
at the CRC-Louvain-la-Neuve for their valuable contributions
to this work.Peer Reviewe
Address deficiencies in the methods of treatment of patients with chronic trichomoniasis. The cause of ineffective therapy may be low concentration antitrichomonal drugs in foci of chronic inflammation in the urinary organs, because of microcirculatory disorders and the development of scarring. The difficulty in achieving therapeutic concentrations of chemotherapeutic drugs in the affected tissues due to the laws of their pharma-cokinetics and the lack of effective methods for their directed transport. With a view to readjustment of the genitourinary system of trichomonas invasion, we used the method of directed transport of metronidazole in autoleukocyts, which was previously activated helium-neon laser, which created in inflammatory foci of urinary tract maximally effective concentration of the chemotherapy. The introduction of chemotherapeutic drugs in the patients was carried out by alternative drug-induced plasma exchange. The data of comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of traditional and developed ways to treat showed that the drug-induced plasma exchange shortened at 2 times the basic terms of the normalization of the clinical manifestations of disease. Due to the directed transport of metronidazole in inflammation was achieved by greater efficiency in treatment of trichomoniasis than using the traditional treatment. Foci of invasion sanation was observed immediately after the application of this method of therapy. High antitrichomonal efficiency observed in the late period of observation for patients.Проанализированы недостатки существующей терапии больных с хроническим мочеполовым трихомониазом. Причиной неэффективности лечения может быть низкая концентрация антитрихомонадных средств в очагах хронического воспаления из-за нарушений микроциркуляции и развития рубцовых изменений в мочеполовых органах. Трудности достижения подавляющей концентрации химиопрепаратов в пораженных тканях объясняются закономерностями их фармакокинетики и отсутствием эффективных способов их направленного транспорта. С целью санации трихомонадной инвазии путем создания в воспалительных очагах мочеполового тракта максимально эффективной концентрации химиопрепаратов мы использовали способ направленного транспорта метронидазола в аутолейкоцитах, предварительно активированных излучением гелийнеонового лазера у пациентов с мочеполовым трихомониазом. Введение химиопрепарата в организм больного проводили по варианту лекарственного плазма-лейкоцитофереза. Полученные данные сравнительной оценки эффективности традиционного и разработанного способов лечения свидетельствовали о том, что лекарственный плазма-лейкоцитоферез сокращал в 2 раза сроки нормализации основных клинических проявлений заболевания. За счет направленного транспорта метронидазола в очаги воспаления достигалась более высокая антипротозойная эффективность терапии, чем при использовании традиционного лечения. Санация очагов инвазии наблюдалась сразу же после завершения применения данного способа терапии. Высокая антипротозойная эффективность имела место и в отдаленном периоде наблюдения за пациентами
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