127 research outputs found

    Gravitational oscillations in multidimensional anisotropic model with cosmological constant and their contributions into the energy of vacuum

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    Were studied classical oscillations of background metric in the multidimensional anisotropic model of Kazner in the de-Sitter stage. Obtained dependence of fluctuations on dimension of space-time with infinite expansion. Stability of the model could be achieved when number of space-like dimensions equals or more then four. Were calculated contributions to the density of "vacuum energy", that are providing by proper oscillations of background metric and compared with contribution of cosmological arising of particles due to expansion. As it turned out, contribution of gravitational oscillation of metric into density of "vacuum energy" should play significant role in the de-Sitter stage

    Investigation of anisotropic metric in multidimensional space-time and generation of additional dimensions by scalar field

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    Were investigated anisotropic metric of higher dimensional space-time with only cosmological term and scalar field. Showed, that presence of scalar field is equivalent to anisotropic metric in the multy dimensional space-time and proposed idea of dimensions generation by scalar field. Were solved Einstein's equations for higher dimensional space-time of Kazner's type and derived expressions for density of energy for scalar field, which generate additional dimensions, and proposed the procedure of renormalization of the metric

    Super-long Anabiosis of Ancient Microorganisms in Ice and Terrestrial Models for Development of Methods to Search for Life on Mars, Europa and other Planetary Bodies

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    Successful missions to Mars, Europe and other bodies of the Solar system have created a prerequisite to search for extraterrestrial life. The first attempts of microbial life detection on the Martian surface by the Viking landed missions gave no biological results. Microbiological investigations of the Martian subsurface ground ice layers seem to be more promising. It is well substantiated to consider the Antarctic ice sheet and the Antarctic and Arctic permafrost as terrestrial analogues of Martian habitats. The results of our long-standing microbiological studies of the Antarctic ice would provide the basis for detection of viable microbial cells on Mars. Our microbiological investigations of the deepest and thus most ancient strata of the Antarctic ice sheet for the first time gave evidence for the natural phenomenon of long-term anabiosis (preservation of viability and vitality for millennia years). A combination of classical microbiological methods, epifluorescence microscopy, SEM, TEM, molecular diagnostics, radioisotope labeling and other techniques made it possible for us to obtain convincing proof of the presence of pro- and eukaryotes in the Antarctic ice sheet. In this communication, we will review and discuss some critical issues related to the detection of viable microorganisms in cold terrestrial environments with regard to future searches for microbial life and/or its biological signatures on extraterrestrial objects

    Interacting spinor and scalar fields in Bianchi type-I Universe filled with viscous fluid: exact and numerical solutions

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    We consider a self-consistent system of spinor and scalar fields within the framework of a Bianchi type I gravitational field filled with viscous fluid in presence of a Λ\Lambda term. Exact self-consistent solutions to the corresponding spinor, scalar and BI gravitational field equations are obtained in terms of τ\tau, where τ\tau is the volume scale of BI universe. System of equations for τ\tau and \ve, where \ve is the energy of the viscous fluid, is deduced. Some special cases allowing exact solutions are thoroughly studied.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure


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    The current state of the generation, use and dissemination of electronic information resources is analyzed. The integration of information resources and services through the application of advanced technologies of metadata have been considered. An approach aimed at creating a single information space of research and educational resources of open access is offered.Анализируется современное состояние генерации, использования и распространения элек-тронных информационных ресурсов. Рассматриваются вопросы интеграции информационных ресур-сов и сервисов на основе применения передовых технологий работы с метаданными. Предлагается подход, направленный на создание единого информационного пространства научно-образовательных ресурсов открытого доступ

    Gravitomagnetism and Relative Observer Clock Effects

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    The gravitomagnetic clock effect and the Sagnac effect for circularly rotating orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes are studied from a relative observer point of view, clarifying their relationships and the roles played by special observer families. In particular Semer\'ak's recent characterization of extremely accelerated observers in terms of the two-clock clock effect is shown to be complemented by a similarly special property of the single-clock clock effect.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, IOP macros with package epsf and 1 eps figure, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, slight revisio

    Exact Self-consistent Particle-like Solutions to the Equations of Nonlinear Scalar Electrodynamics in General Relativity

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    Exact self-consistent particle-like solutions with spherical and/or cylindrical symmetry to the equations governing the interacting system of scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational fields have been obtained. As a particular case it is shown that the equations of motion admit a special kind of solutions with sharp boundary known as droplets. For these solutions, the physical fields vanish and the space-time is flat outside of the critical sphere or cylinder. Therefore, the mass and the electric charge of these configurations are zero.Comment: 17 pages, Submitted to the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Protestant women in the late Soviet era: gender, authority, and dissent

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    At the peak of the anti-religious campaigns under Nikita Khrushchev, communist propaganda depicted women believers as either naïve dupes, tricked by the clergy, or as depraved fanatics; the Protestant “sektantka” (female sectarian) was a particularly prominent folk-devil. In fact, as this article shows, women’s position within Protestant communities was far more complex than either of these mythical figures would have one believe. The authors explore four important, but contested, female roles: women as leaders of worship, particularly in remote congregations where female believers vastly outnumbered their male counterparts; women as unofficial prophetesses, primarily within Pentecostal groups; women as mothers, replenishing congregations through high birth rates and commitment to their children’s religious upbringing; and women as political actors in the defence of religious rights. Using a wide range of sources, which include reports written by state officials, articles in the church journal, letters from church members to their ecclesiastical leaders in Moscow, samizdat texts, and oral history accounts, the authors probe women’s relationship with authority, in terms of both the authority of the (male) ministry within the church, and the authority of the Soviet state

    Феноменология инерциальной кинематики в структуре формирования двигательных адаптаций

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    The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for assessing the state of motor adaptation at the level of the main joint elements of the locomotor system when performing postural deviations with inertial components in a group of healthy volunteers (n=24). To conduct the study we used the “Teslasuit” smart suit as a technology with a system of inertial measuring units. A virtual skeletal model of the subject’s body was reconstructed on the obtained quaternions for each direction of spatial displacement. Parameters of inertial kinematic were calculated by the Fast Fourier Transform in the frequency bands of 0.1–5, 6–10, and 11–15 Hz. To assess motor adaptive reactions, we developed the following tests: ventrodorsal displacement test; laterolateral displacement test; linear displacement test in vertical direction; axial rotation test around vertical. All test tasks were performed using biofeedback as a virtual reality environment. The study revealed the presence of universal motor adaptation mechanisms with activation of the components of axial rotation of the trunk and axial rotation and flexion of the leading shoulder joint. At the same time, a dynamic phase of postural regulation during axial rotations and tilts of the body leads to the activation of motor adaptation mechanisms from the leading hip, knee, and ankle joints, while axial movements form a picture of the kinematic stabilization of these locomotor system elements.Целью исследования являлась разработка методики оценки состояния двигательной адаптации на уровне основных суставных элементов локомоторной системы при выполнении постуральных девиаций с инерциальными компонентами в группе здоровых добровольцев (n=24). Для проведения исследования использовалась технология «умного» костюма «Teslasuit» с системой инерциальных измерительных сенсоров. На основе полученных кватернионов выполнялась реконструкция виртуальной скелетной модели тела испытуемого с последующим расчетом угловых ускорений для каждого направления пространственного перемещения с последующим частотным преобразованием и выделением показателей инерциальной кинематики в частотных полосах 0,1–5, 6–10 и 11–15 Гц. Для оценки двигательных адаптивных реакций были разработаны тестовые задания: тест латеро-латеральных девиаций, тест вентро-дорзальных девиаций, тест аксиальных ротаций вокруг вертикали, тест линейных перемещений по вертикали. Все тестовые задания выполнялись с применением биологически-обратной связи. Проведенное исследование выявило наличие универсальных механизмов регуляции двигательной адаптации с активацией компонентов осевых ротаций туловища и осевых ротаций и сгибаний ведущего плечевого сустава. Вместе с этим обеспечение динамической фазы постуральной регуляции при осевых ротациях и наклонах туловища приводит к активации механизмов двигательной адаптации со стороны ведущего тазобедренного, коленного и голеностопного суставов, при этом аксиальные перемещения формируют картину кинематической стабилизации данных элементов локомоторной системы

    A four-dimensional symmetrical canonical formalism in field theory

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