79 research outputs found

    Assessment of critical success factors transformation in ERP projects

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    The high value of ERP projects for business, as well as the high risks associated with these projects implementation, requires studying the success drivers of ERP projects and developing a methodology to assess potential transformation of success factors into risk factors in a phased project diagnosis on different life cycle stages. The paper defines and systematizes the key factors, which influence the results of ERP system implementation. The main approaches used are as follows: logical modeling, statistical techniques, heuristic techniques, such as questionnaires, interviews of representative groups of IT project managers, human resource managers, heads of technical and business units, that allowed to authors prove the most important critical success factors relating to human resources management. Research of the 22 autonomous critical factors grouped by key players and activities; the authors defined two independent criteria that determine the nature of critical factors effects on project results and present a methodology to assess the potential human-related (“soft”) critical success factors of ERP projects and their transformation into factors of risk. The results could be of use to business executives, business consultants, managers and professionals, providing them with an effective tool to identify and eliminate causes that threaten the project success. © 2016 Pecherskaya et al

    Methodology of contract managers’ project competency formation in CPE

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    The paper defines and systematizes the key methods, which influence the results of continuing professional education (further referred to as “CPE”) implementation and quality control of CPE process. All this will allow providing coaches, tutors, business consultants, contract managers and professionals with an effective tool to identify and improve project competency of contract managers (contract officers, specialists in procurement further referred to as “contract managers”). The key methodused is a logicalmodeling, which allows to examine the problem of project competency formation as a purposeful and conscious process of forming professional skills of contract managers. The following approaches were also used: statistical and heuristic techniques, such as questionnaires, interviews of representative groups of contract managers. The authors introduce a study on key points in formation of project competency of contract managers at different levels: as a specialist in procurement and expert in procurement, according to professional standards, adopted by the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation № 625n and № 626n of 10.09.2015. The authors give some recommendations on project competency formation of contract managers, taking into consideration competency-based and business oriented training. The mentioned above approach in CPE, in authors’s opinion, contributes to the efficient development of competencies (competency clusters) of contract managers according to the expectations and interests of employers on the labour market. Aspects of project competency and stages of formation of such competency are considered from several perspectives. In order to cover above-mentioned issues the specially developed questionnaire was suggested by authors. The authors used a systematic literature review approach, starts with literature review, problems identification, selection process, assess, synthesize and write down the ideas proposed, and then make conclusions. © 2016 Pecherskaya et al

    Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of interregional interactions in ensuring economic security

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    The adoption of strategies for the spatial development of the Russian Federation, national and economic security has brought the study of inter-regional interactions up to date. In this regard, the authors have reviewed the theoretical and methodological approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the issues of interregional cooperation in various branches of science and production. Interpretations of the concepts “inter-regional interaction”, “economic security” and “economic security of the region” are analysed. The role of inter-regional cooperation, especially inter-regional investment projects, as critical factors in ensuring regional economic security is emphasised. Groups of potential risks and risk-forming factors for joint inter-regional infrastructure projects are identified. Interregional projects are classified according to their scope and purpose: 1) in the production sphere; 2) projects promoting innovation; 3) projects aiming at infrastructure development. Examples of existing interregional projects in the Ural Federal District are presented. The study uses general scientific methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the further development of new theoretical and methodological approaches to solving the problems of inter-regional cooperation

    Mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 reverses glaucomatous lesions in rabbits

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    Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma.Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma

    Influence of factors of solar and geomagnetic activity on development of spontaneous 82 labor activity

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    Studies of recent decades have proved the effect on the human body a number of physical factors that are caused by the influence of solar corpuscular streams that change the state of the magnetosphere. The least studied problem is the influence of heliogeophysical factors and solar activity on different periods of organism development, from conception to birth. There is no data on the influence of magnetic storms on spontaneous labor, which was the purpose of this study. Solar activity indicators are presented by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA: www.swpc.noaa.gov). The results of correlation analysis between spontaneous labor activity of 306 pregnant women in the period of 1.01-08.02.2013 depending on solar activity (Wolf numbers), radio emission flux at the wavelength of 10.7 cm and planetary index (Ap-index) characterizing the physical state of the Earth's magneticfield are analyzed. Reliable correlation between the number of urgent delivery and the flow of radio emission at a wavelength of 10.7 cm and the Wolf numbers was not found. Increase in the activity of spontaneous labor by 2.3 times (r = 0.43; p < 0.05) was recorded three days after the magnetic storm (Ap-index = 21nTl) compared to days calm in geomagnetic terms. The data showed a significant role of dynamics of external factors in the onset of labor


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    Modulatory effects of three probiotic bacterial strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus K32 (L), Bifidobacterium longum GT15 (B, Enterococcus faecium L-3 (E) on expression level and contents of key cytokines were studied using PCR techniques with reverse transcription, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Both cell cultures and an experimental model of intestinal dysbiosis were used in this study.The genes encoding bacteriocins, surface membrane component, pili and exopolysaccharides involved in host immune system modulation were previously identified in the B and Ebacterial strains.Investigation of probiotic strains and effects of their supernatants expression of cytokines in cell cultures of promonocyte origin (HTP-1) showed increased expression of TNFα, due to E and L supernatants. Moreover, the Bl culture induced IL-8 and IL-10 expression.In a model of Wistar rats with ampicillinand metronidazole-induced intestinal dysbiosis corrected with probiotics we have shown that the dysbiosis was accompanied by sufficient alterations in microbiota composition (Klebsiella spp. overgrowth and low contents of Faecalobacterium prausnitzii) that were observed only in the animals untreated with probiotics (control), or after administration of L.In contrast to these results, the animals treated with E and B, the following changes were revealed: 1) low expression of proinflammatory cytokines IL-8, TNFα, MCP-1 inmesenteric lymph nodes and appropriate changes of their serum contents, 2) increased serum content of the anti-inflammatory TGFβ cytokine. Hence, the present study, having used two complementary models, has detected some individual features of immune modulation produced by the probiotictic strains of L. rhamnosus K32, B. longum GT15 и E. faecium L-3 which exert differential effects upon the intestinal microbiota

    Молекулярно-генетические механизмы регуляции дигидрофлавонол редуктазы и транскрипционного фактора Hy5 экзогенной 5-аминолевулиновой кислотой в проростках озимого рапса

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    The effect of exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on the activity of dihydroflavonol-4-reductase (DFR), the expression of the dfr gene and the hy5 gene of the transcription factor Hy5 and the light effect of different intensities in combination with the ALA action on the accumulation of anthocyanins in cotyledonous leaves of winter rape (Brassica napus L.) were studied. It was shown that the stimulation of the accumulation of anthocyanins under the exogenous ALA action at the molecular level was provided by increasing the expression level of the dfr and hy5 genes and the activity of the DFR enzyme. Increasing the light intensity from 40.5 to 66.2 μmol photons/m2·s enhanced the ability of plants to accumulate anthocyanins on average by 35 %. The ALA action at concentrations of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/L led to an additional increase in the accumulation of anthocyanins at the two used levels of illumination, and in a dose-dependent manner. The stimulating effect of ALA under high light intensity was much higher than in the case of lower illumination. Thus, the stimulation of the anthocyanin accumulation under illumination of 40.5 μmol photons/m2·s was 106 % when using 50 mg/L ALA, 165 % – when using 100 mg/L ALA, 222 % – in the case of 150 mg/L ALA and 350 % – under the action of 200 mg/L ALA compared with light control without of ALA treatment. At an illumination of 66.2 μmol photons/m2·s, these indicators were 164, 262, 359 and 583 % respectively. Thus, it was demonstrated that the stimulation of the accumulation of anthocyanins under the action of ALA in winter rape plants was due to its positive effect on the transcription of the dfr and hy5 genes at the molecular level.Изучено влияние экзогенной 5-аминолевулиновой кислоты (АЛК) на активность дигидрофлавонол-4-редуктазы (DFR), экспрессию dfr гена и hy5 гена транскрипционного фактора Hy5, а также действие света разной интенсивности в сочетании с действием АЛК на накопление антоцианов в семядольных листьях озимого рапса (Brassica napus L.). Показано, что стимуляция накопления антоцианов под действием экзогенной АЛК на молекулярном уровне обеспечивается повышением уровня экспрессии dfr и hy5 генов, а также возрастанием активности DFR фермента. Увеличение интенсивности света от 40,5 до 66,2 мкмоль фотонов/м2·с приводило к повышению способности растений накапливать антоцианы в среднем на 35 %. Действие АЛК в концентрациях 50, 100, 150 и 200 мг/л приводило к дополнительному усилению накопления антоцианов при двух используемых уровнях освещенности, причем в дозозависимой манере. При этом величина стимулирующего эффекта АЛК при использовании света высокой интенсивности была выше, чем в случае более низкой освещенности. Так, стимуляция накопления антоцианов при освещенности 40,5 мкмоль фотонов/м2·с составила 106 % при использовании 50 мг/л АЛК, 165 % – при использовании 100 мг/л АЛК, 222 % – в случае 150 мг/л АЛК и 350 % – при действии 200 мг/л АЛК по сравнению со световым контролем без обработки растений АЛК. При освещенности 66,2 мкмоль фотонов/м2·с эти показатели были 164, 262, 359 и 583 % соответственно по отношению к световому контролю. Таким образом, продемонстрировано, что стимуляция накопления антоцианов под действием АЛК в растениях озимого рапса обусловлена на молекулярном уровне ее влиянием на транскрипцию dfr и hy5 генов

    Митохондриально-направленный антиоксидант SkQ1 предотвращает глаукомные повреждения у кроликов

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    Original article is published in: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892–901, January 1, 2015Glaucoma is the main cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This disease is characterized by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and visual field loss that seems to be related to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Several lines of evidences have implicated the crucial role of mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. Increased mitochondrial oxidative stress in RGC may underlie or contribute to susceptibility of RGC to apoptosis. In our work we (i) designed a rabbit model of chronic, moderately elevated IOP for studying glaucoma and (ii) demonstrated efficacy of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant SkQ1 as a tool to reverse several traits of experimental glaucoma induced by a series of injections of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye. It is shown that 6 months instillations of drops of 0.2.5–5 µM solution of SkQ1 normalize IOP and eye hydrodynamics and abolish an increase in lens thickness that accompanies glaucoma.Оригинальная статья опубликована: Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 20, 892-901, January 1, 2015.Глаукома — основная причина необратимой слепоты в мире. Это заболевание характеризуется апоптозом ганглиозных клеток сетчатки (ГКС) и изменениями поля зрения, что, по-видимому, связано с повышенным внутриглазным давлением (ВГД). Есть основания полагать, что важную роль в патогенезе глаукомы играет митохондриальная дисфункция. Повышенный митохондриальный окислительный стресс в ГКС может лежать в основе или способствовать восприимчивости ГКС к апоптозу. В нашей работе мы (а) разработали модель хронического умеренно повышенного ВГД на кроликах для изучения глаукомы и (б) продемонстрировали эффективность митохондриально-направленного антиоксиданта SkQ1 в качестве инструмента для воздействия на некоторые проявления экспериментальной глаукомы, вызванной серией инъекций гидроксипропилметилцеллюлозы (ГПМЦ) в переднюю камеру глаза кролика. Показано, что инстилляции 0,2,5–5 мкМ раствора SkQ1 в течение 6-ти месяцев нормализуют ВГД и гидродинамику глаза, а также предотвращают увеличение толщины хрусталика, сопровождающее развитие экспериментальной глаукомы

    Multi-level analysis of the gut-brain axis shows autism spectrum disorder-associated molecular and microbial profiles

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by heterogeneous cognitive, behavioral and communication impairments. Disruption of the gut-brain axis (GBA) has been implicated in ASD although with limited reproducibility across studies. In this study, we developed a Bayesian differential ranking algorithm to identify ASD-associated molecular and taxa profiles across 10 cross-sectional microbiome datasets and 15 other datasets, including dietary patterns, metabolomics, cytokine profiles and human brain gene expression profiles. We found a functional architecture along the GBA that correlates with heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes, and it is characterized by ASD-associated amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid profiles predominantly encoded by microbial species in the genera Prevotella, Bifidobacterium, Desulfovibrio and Bacteroides and correlates with brain gene expression changes, restrictive dietary patterns and pro-inflammatory cytokine profiles. The functional architecture revealed in age-matched and sex-matched cohorts is not present in sibling-matched cohorts. We also show a strong association between temporal changes in microbiome composition and ASD phenotypes. In summary, we propose a framework to leverage multi-omic datasets from well-defined cohorts and investigate how the GBA influences ASD

    Ouabain Stimulates a Na+/K+-ATPase-Mediated SFK-Activated Signalling Pathway That Regulates Tight Junction Function in the Mouse Blastocyst

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    The Na+/K+-ATPase plays a pivotal role during preimplantation development; it establishes a trans-epithelial ionic gradient that facilitates the formation of the fluid-filled blastocyst cavity, crucial for implantation and successful pregnancy. The Na+/K+-ATPase is also implicated in regulating tight junctions and cardiotonic steroid (CTS)-induced signal transduction via SRC. We investigated the expression of SRC family kinase (SFK) members, Src and Yes, during preimplantation development and determined whether SFK activity is required for blastocyst formation. Embryos were collected following super-ovulation of CD1 or MF1 female mice. RT-PCR was used to detect SFK mRNAs encoding Src and Yes throughout preimplantation development. SRC and YES protein were localized throughout preimplantation development. Treatment of mouse morulae with the SFK inhibitors PP2 and SU6656 for 18 hours resulted in a reversible blockade of progression to the blastocyst stage. Blastocysts treated with 10−3 M ouabain for 2 or 10 minutes and immediately immunostained for phosphorylation at SRC tyr418 displayed reduced phosphorylation while in contrast blastocysts treated with 10−4 M displayed increased tyr418 fluorescence. SFK inhibition increased and SFK activation reduced trophectoderm tight junction permeability in blastocysts. The results demonstrate that SFKs are expressed during preimplantation development and that SFK activity is required for blastocyst formation and is an important mediator of trophectoderm tight junction permeability