1,780 research outputs found

    Self-organized circular flow of classical point particles

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    We consider newtonian dynamics of NN charged particles on the circle with nearest neigbour interaction with Coulomb repulsive potential r1r^{-1} . Also there is an external accelerating force which is nonzero only on a small part of the circle. We construct homogeneous solutions where the velocities of all particles are approximately equal and their density is approximately uniform. This gives a qualitative mathematical model for some features of the direct electric current (DC), in agreement with a suggestion by R. Feynman

    Temperature dependent correlations in covalent insulators

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    Motivated by the peculiar behavior of FeSi and FeSb2 we study the effect of local electronic correlations on magnetic, transport and optical properties in a specific type of band insulator, namely a covalent insulator. Investigating a minimum model of covalent insulator within a single-site dynamical mean-field approximation we are able to obtain the crossover from low temperature non-magnetic insulator to high-temperature paramagnetic metal with parameters realistic for FeSi and FeSb2 systems. Our results show that the behavior of FeSi does not imply microscopic description in terms of Kondo insulator (periodic Anderson model) as can be often found in the literature, but in fact reflects generic properties of a broader class of materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theoretical Analysis of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of NaV2_2O4_4: Crucial Role of the Orbital Degrees of Freedom

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    Using realistic low-energy model with parameters derived from the first-principles electronic structure calculation, we address the origin of the quasi-one-dimensional behavior in orthorhombic NaV2_2O4_4, consisting of the double chains of edge-sharing VO6_6 octahedra. We argue that the geometrical aspect alone does not explain the experimentally observed anisotropy of electronic and magnetic properties of NaV2_2O4_4. Instead, we attribute the unique behavior of NaV2_2O4_4 to one particular type of the orbital ordering, which respects the orthorhombic PnmaPnma symmetry. This orbital ordering acts to divide all t2gt_{2g} states into two types: the `localized' ones, which are antisymmetric with respect to the mirror reflection yy \rightarrow -yy, and the symmetric `delocalized' ones. Thus, NaV2_2O4_4 can be classified as the double exchange system. The directional orientation of symmetric orbitals, which form the metallic band, appears to be sufficient to explain both quasi-one-dimensional character of interatomic magnetic interactions and the anisotropy of electrical resistivity.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Orbital Magnetization of Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Nanoparticles

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    Both spin and orbital degrees of freedom contribute to the magnetic moment of isolated atoms. However, when inserted in crystals, atomic orbital moments are quenched because of the lack of rotational symmetry that protects them when isolated. Thus, the dominant contribution to the magnetization of magnetic materials comes from electronic spin. Here we show that nanoislands of quantum spin Hall insulators can host robust orbital edge magnetism whenever their highest occupied Kramers doublet is singly occupied, upgrading the spin edge current into a charge current. The resulting orbital magnetization scales linearly with size, outweighing the spin contribution for islands of a few nm in size. This linear scaling is specific of the Dirac edge states and very different from Schrodinger electrons in quantum rings. Modelling Bi(111) flakes, whose edge states have been recently observed, we show that orbital magnetization is robust with respect to disorder, thermal agitation, shape of the island and crystallographic direction of the edges, reflecting its topological protection.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, + Supporting Informatio

    Bi(111) thin film with insulating interior but metallic surfaces

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    The electrical conductance of molecular beam epitaxial Bi on BaF2(111) was measured as a function of both film thickness (4-540 nm) and temperature (5-300 K). Unlike bulk Bi as a prototype semimetal, the Bi thin films up to 90 nm are found to be insulating in the interiors but metallic on the surfaces. This result has not only resolved unambiguously the long controversy about the existence of semimetal-semiconductor transition in Bi thin film but also provided a straightforward interpretation for the long-puzzled temperature dependence of the resistivity of Bi thin films, which in turn might suggest some potential applications in spintronics

    Electrostatic tuning of magnetism at the conducting (111) (La0.3_{0.3}Sr0.7_{0.7})(Al0.65_{0.65}Ta0.35_{0.35})/SrTiO3_3 interface

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    We present measurements of the low temperature electrical transport properties of the two dimensional carrier gas that forms at the interface of (111)(111) (La0.3_{0.3}Sr0.7_{0.7})(Al0.65_{0.65}Ta0.35_{0.35})/SrTiO3_3 (LSAT/STO) as a function of applied back gate voltage, VgV_g. As is found in (111) LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interfaces, the low-field Hall coefficient is electron-like, but shows a sharp reduction in magnitude below VgV_g \sim 20 V, indicating the presence of hole-like carriers in the system. This same value of VgV_g correlates approximately with the gate voltage below which the magnetoresistance evolves from nonhysteretic to hysteretic behavior at millikelvin temperatures, signaling the onset of magnetic order in the system. We believe our results can provide insight into the mechanism of magnetism in SrTiO3_3 based systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Relativistic Klein-Gordon-Maxwell multistream model for quantum plasmas

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    A multistream model for spinless electrons in a relativistic quantum plasma is introduced by means of a suitable fluid-like version of the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell system. The one and two-stream cases are treated in detail. A new linear instability condition for two-stream quantum plasmas is obtained, generalizing the previously known non-relativistic results. In both the one and two-stream cases, steady-state solutions reduce the model to a set of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which can be numerically solved, yielding a manifold of nonlinear periodic and soliton structures. The validity conditions for the applicability of the model are addressed

    Theory of Nonlinear Matter Waves in Optical Lattices

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    We consider several effects of the matter wave dynamics which can be observed in Bose-Einstein condensates embedded into optical lattices. For low-density condensates we derive approximate evolution equations, the form of which depends on relation among the main spatial scales of the system. Reduction of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to a lattice model (the tight-binding approximation) is also presented. Within the framework of the obtained models we consider modulational instability of the condensate, solitary and periodic matter waves, paying special attention to different limits of the solutions, i.e. to smooth movable gap solitons and to strongly localized discrete modes. We also discuss how the Feshbach resonance, a linear force, and lattice defects affect the nonlinear matter waves.Comment: Modern Physics Letters B (invited brief review), 25 pages, 9 figure

    Localized basis sets for unbound electrons in nanoelectronics

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    It is shown how unbound electron wave functions can be expanded in a suitably chosen localized basis sets for any desired range of energies. In particular, we focus on the use of gaussian basis sets, commonly used in first-principles codes. The possible usefulness of these basis sets in a first-principles description of field emission or scanning tunneling microscopy at large bias is illustrated by studying a simpler related phenomenon: The lifetime of an electron in a H atom subjected to a strong electric field.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by J. Chem. Phys. (http://jcp.aip.org/

    Dynamical structure factor of a nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice

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    The quantum modes of a nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice have been computed numerically [L. Proville, Phys. Rev. B 71, 104306 (2005)]. The on-site nonlinearity has been found to lead to phonon bound states. In the present paper, we compute numerically the dynamical structure factor so as to simulate the coherent scattering cross section at low temperature. The inelastic contribution is studied as a function of the on-site anharmonicity. Interestingly, our numerical method is not limited to the weak anharmonicity and permits one to study thoroughly the spectra of nonlinear phonons