187 research outputs found

    Innovational methods of development of intellectual labor for economy’s security

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    The notion “development of intellectual labor for the purpose of economy’s security” is viewed as development of society’s intellectual potential that includes the protected socio-economic information, developed by a person or a group of persons. The social factors that reduce economic security and their consequences in economy are given, namely: negative dynamics of implementing new progressive technologies into production, insufficient coordination of work in the sphere of innovational development, etc. The forms of intellectual development of human resources (intellectual development of personality, control over intellectual information) are offered, which bring the country’s economy to competitiveness and security. The traditional and innovational methods of intellectual labor development are studied (studying in universities and colleges, increase of personnel’s qualification in view of academic degrees (Ph.D., doctor of economics), as well as receipt of economic information through Internet resources, scientific publication, statistical information, etc.), as well as the methods of development of IT services and methods of prevention of intellectual diversions and violation of information confidentiality. It is offered to implement the program of equal initial possibilities for intellectual development of human resources in view of access to higher education, creative activities, as well as legal protection for everyone, etc. Analysis of implementation of innovational methods of intellectual labor development supposes planning activities in view of development of intellectual labor for the purpose of the region’s economy’s security.peer-reviewe

    Willingness to university teachers to training of disabled persons and persons with disabilities

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    The article raises the question of the availability of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions for learning disabled people and people with disabilities, and provides recommendations for the development of specific competenciesВ статье ставится вопрос о готовности профессорско-преподавательского состава высших учебных заведений к обучению инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, и даются рекомендации для развития специальных компетенци

    Study of Defensive and Coping Behaviour of Teachers of Inclusive Professional Education

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    The specificity of defensive and coping behavior of teachers in inclusive education is discussed. In the theoretical analysis, particular attention is paid to the requirements of inclusive practice to the personality and work of the teacher. A review of studies on the problem of the correlation of constructs “psychological defence,” “coping,” “defensive coping behaviour” is made. The empirical study confirmed the hypothesis of the existence of differences in the structure of defensive and coping behaviour of teachers of vocational education with varying degrees of inclusion in inclusive practice. It is found that differences relate primarily to the nature of the relationship of components of defensive and coping behaviour. Non-inclusive college teachers demonstrate more continuous and coherent structure, while teachers who are actively involved in inclusive professional education demonstrate the independent functioning of individual psychological protection. Comparative analysis showed significantly higher values according to the mechanisms of “distraction,” “search of social support” and “escape from a stressful situation” of teachers not included in the field of inclusive education. It is concluded that teachers working with the disabled, use unconscious mechanisms of defence, while teachers who do not work with them use conscious strategies of escape from the problem situation. The results of the study are characterized by novelty, since to date the empirical research on the activities of the teacher in inclusive education is insufficient and there are no studies of the specificity of defensive and coping behaviour

    Nanosecond pulsed electric field thresholds for nanopore formation in neural cells.

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    The persistent influx of ions through nanopores created upon cellular exposure to nanosecond pulse electric fields (nsPEF) could be used to modulate neuronal function. One ion, calcium (Ca(2+)), is important to action potential firing and regulates many ion channels. However, uncontrolled hyper-excitability of neurons leads to Ca(2+) overload and neurodegeneration. Thus, to prevent unintended consequences of nsPEF-induced neural stimulation, knowledge of optimum exposure parameters is required. We determined the relationship between nsPEF exposure parameters (pulse width and amplitude) and nanopore formation in two cell types: rodent neuroblastoma (NG108) and mouse primary hippocampal neurons (PHN). We identified thresholds for nanoporation using Annexin V and FM1-43, to detect changes in membrane asymmetry, and through Ca(2+) influx using Calcium Green. The ED50 for a single 600 ns pulse, necessary to cause uptake of extracellular Ca(2+), was 1.76  kV/cm for NG108 and 0.84  kV/cm for PHN. At 16.2  kV/cm, the ED50 for pulse width was 95 ns for both cell lines. Cadmium, a nonspecific Ca(2+) channel blocker, failed to prevent Ca(2+) uptake suggesting that observed influx is likely due to nanoporation. These data demonstrate that moderate amplitude single nsPEF exposures result in rapid Ca(2+) influx that may be capable of controllably modulating neurological function


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    Recently, studies comparing various variants of operations to establish the optimal method of surgical treatment for chronic pancreatitis with pancreatic head lesions from the point of view of evidence-based medicine have been carried out in the world. However, these comparative studies do not take into account differences in the clinical and morphological forms of the disease, in particular, chronic pancreatitis with a predominant and isolated lesion of the head. Subtotal resection of the pancreatic head with proximal pancreatojejunostomy, suitable for an isolated lesion of the head, does not solve all the problems of chronic pancreatitis with a predominant lesion of the head. In this case, the violation of the outflow of pancreatic juice along the pathologically changed main pancreatic duct from the left half of the gland is not eliminated. It is impossible to unambiguously support the hypothesis of the feasibility of performing subtotal resection of the pancreatic head with proximal pancreatojejunostomy in chronic pancreatitis with a predominant lesion of the head with a uniformly expanded main pancreatic duct. With this form of chronic pancreatitis, cicatricial strictures can form in the main pancreatic duct, which can lead to ductal hypertension and serve as an indication for reoperation. The feasibility of using Beger operation in chronic pancreatitis with a predominant lesion of the head is doubtful, since the intersection of the isthmus and the need for a T-shaped longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy makes this intervention technically difficult and unsafe. Based on the studies performed, it is impossible to say with certainty about the reliable advantages of one type of operations over another. To obtain reliable results, it’s necessary to conduct evidence-based studies comparing subtotal resection of the pancreatic head with longitudinal pancreatojejunostomy with other types of interventions only for chronic pancreatitis with a predominant head lesion, excluding from the study patients with chronic pancreatitis with isolated head lesion

    Individual Dose Calculations with Use of the Revised Techa River Dosimetry System TRDS-2009D

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    An updated deterministic version of the Techa River Dosimetry System (TRDS-2009D) has been developed to estimate individual doses from external exposure and intake of radionuclides for residents living on the Techa River contaminated as a result of radioactive releases from the Mayak plutonium facility in 1949–1956. The TRDS-2009D is designed as a flexible system that uses, depending on the input data for an individual, various elements of system databases to provide the dosimetric variables requested by the user. Several phases are included in the computation schedule. The first phase includes calculations with use of a common protocol for all cohort members based on village-average-intake functions and external dose rates; individual data on age, gender and history of residence are included in the first phase. This phase results in dose estimates similar to those obtained with system TRDS-2000 used previously to derive risks of health effects in the Techa River Cohort. The second phase includes refinement of individual internal doses for those persons who have had body-burden measurements or exposure parameters specific to the household where he/she lived on the Techa River. The third phase includes summation of individual doses from environmental exposure and from radiological examinations. The results of TRDS-2009D dose calculations have demonstrated for the ETRC members on average a moderate increase in RBM dose estimates (34%) and a minor increase (5%) in estimates of stomach dose. The calculations for the members of the ETROC indicated similar small changes for stomach, but significant increase in RBM doses (400%). Individual-dose assessments performed with use of TRDS-2009D have been provided to epidemiologists for exploratory risk analysis in the ETRC and ETROC. These data provide an opportunity to evaluate the possible impact on radiogenic risk of such factors as confounding exposure (environmental and medical), changes in the Techa River source-term data and the change of the approach to individual internal dose estimation (90Sr-body burden measurements and family correlations vs. village averages). Our further plan is to upgrade the TRDS-2009D and to complete a stochastic version of the dosimetry system

    Роль магнитно-резонансной томографии в выборе тактики ведения пациентов с механической желтухой

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    The aim за this study was to estimate capabilities of magnetic-resonance imaging in diagnostics of patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome. Magnetic-resonance imaging was made for 112 patients with biliary hypertension. Malignancy was found in 31 (27.6%) cases случае, mostly in men and mostly cancer of the head of the pancreas. Noncancerous genesis in 74 (66.1%) cases was mostly represented by cholelithiasis and most often in women.Цель работы — оценить возможности магнитно-резонансной томографии в диагностике пациентов с синдромом механической желтухи. Магнитно-резонансная томография, включая магнитно-резонансную холангиопанкреатографию, выполнена 112 пациентам с билиарной гипертензией. Злокачественный характер выявлен в 31 (27,6%) случае, преобладал рак головки поджелудочной железы, преимущественно у мужчин. Доброкачественный генез в 74 (66,1%) наблюдениях был зачастую представлен холелитиазом и наиболее распространен у женщин