1,427 research outputs found

    From Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing to Cosmological Parameters

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    Galaxy-galaxy lensing measures the mean excess surface density DS(r) around a sample of lensing galaxies. We develop a method for combining DS(r) with the galaxy correlation function xi_gg(r) to constrain Omega_m and sigma_8, going beyond the linear bias model to reach the level of accuracy demanded by current and future measurements. We adopt the halo occupation distribution (HOD) framework, and we test its applicability to this problem by examining the effects of replacing satellite galaxies in the halos of an SPH simulation with randomly selected dark matter particles from the same halos. The difference between dark matter and satellite galaxy radial profiles has a ~10% effect on DS(r) at r<1 Mpc/h. However, if radial profiles are matched, the remaining impact of individual subhalos around satellite galaxies and environmental dependence of the HOD at fixed halo mass is <5% in DS(r) for 0.1<r<15 Mpc/h. We develop an analytic approximation for DS(r) that incorporates halo exclusion and scale-dependent halo bias, and we demonstrate its accuracy with tests against a suite of populated N-body simulations. We use the analytic model to investigate the dependence of DS(r) and the galaxy-matter correlation function xi_gm(r) on Omega_m and sigma_8, once HOD parameters for a given cosmological model are pinned down by matching xi_gg(r). The linear bias prediction is accurate for r>2 Mpc/h, but it fails at the 30-50% level on smaller scales. The scaling of DS(r) ~ Omega_m^a(r) sigma_8^b(r) approaches the linear bias expectation a=b=1 at r>10 Mpc/h, but a(r) and b(r) vary from 0.8 to 1.6 at smaller r. We calculate a fiducial DS(r) and scaling indices a(r) and b(r) for two SDSS galaxy samples; galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements for these samples can be combined with our predictions to constrain Omega_m and sigma_8.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Redshift space 21 cm power spectra from reionization

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    We construct a simple but self-consistent analytic ionization model for rapid exploration of 21cm power spectrum observables in redshift space. It is fully described by the average ionization fraction xe(z)x_e(z) and HII patch size R(z)R(z) and has the flexibility to accommodate various reionization scenarios. The model associates ionization regions with dark matter halos of the number density required to recover xex_e and treats redshift space distortions self-consistently with the virial velocity of such halos. Based on this model, we study the line-of-sight structures in the brightness fluctuations since they are the most immune to foreground contamination. We explore the degeneracy between the HII patch size and nonlinear redshift space distortion in the one dimensional power spectrum. We also discuss the limitations experimental frequency and angular resolutions place on their distinguishability. Angular resolution dilutes even the radial signal and will be a serious limitation for resolving small bubbles before the end of reionization. Nonlinear redshift space distortions suggest that a resolution of order 1 -- 10\arcsec and a frequency resolution of 10kHz will ultimately be desirable to extract the full information in the radial field at z10z\sim 10. First generation instruments such as LOFAR and MWA can potentially measure radial HII patches of a few comoving Mpc and larger at the end of reionization and are unlikely to be affected by nonlinear redshift space distortions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Revised version. Includes minor changes. Adds appendix on accomodating a distribution of radii for the HII regions. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Initial investigations into the damping characteristics of wire rope vibration isolators

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    Passive dampers composed of coils of multi-strand wire rope are investigated. Analytical results range from those produced by complex NASTRAN models to those of a Coulomb damping model with variable friction force. The latter agrees well with experiment. The Coulomb model is also utilized to generate hysteresis loops. Various other models related to early experimental investigations are described. Significant closed-form static solutions for physical properties of single-and multi-strand wire ropes are developed for certain specific geometries and loading conditions. NASTRAN models concentrate on model generation and mode shapes of 2-strand and 7-strand straight wire ropes with interfacial forces

    A Performance Comparison of a Technical Trading System with ARIMA and VAR Models for Soybean Complex Prices

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    Both technical trading systems and standard economic time series models are based upon the assumption that current market prices are not independent of past market behavior. This study examines the relative performance of a Channel (CHL) technical trading system with an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model and a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model in forecasting soybean, soybean meal, and soybean oil prices over the period January 1984-June 1988. ARIMA and VAR models are developed over the time period January 1974-December 1983 and then are used to forecast out-of-sample from January 1984 through June 1988. The CHL trading signals and out-of-sample two month ahead forecasts from the ARIMA and VAR models are used to take positions in the futures markets. The resulting trading returns are evaluated to determine the relative economic performance of the models within the soybean complex. Of these models, the CHL technical trading system exhibits consistent trading returns across the soybean complex. Furthermore, the CHL technical trading system is robust across the two subperiods of the out-of-sample period, one of which is characterized by rising commodity prices and the other by declining commodity prices. These results suggest that in the short run, regularities within a single price series can be used to forecast prices within the soybean complex. Further, technical trading system prove more useful in utilizing such regularities for forecasting than the autoregressive or moving average processes found in either ARIMA or VAR modeling techniques

    Environmental Effects on Real-Space and Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering

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    Galaxy formation inside dark matter halos, as well as the halo formation itself, can be affected by large-scale environments. Evaluating the imprints of environmental effects on galaxy clustering is crucial for precise cosmological constraints with data from galaxy redshift surveys. We investigate such an environmental impact on both real-space and redshift-space galaxy clustering statistics using a semi-analytic model derived from the Millennium Simulation. We compare clustering statistics from original SAM galaxy samples and shuffled ones with environmental influence on galaxy properties eliminated. Among the luminosity-threshold samples examined, the one with the lowest threshold luminosity (~0.2L_*) is affected by environmental effects the most, which has a ~10% decrease in the real-space two-point correlation function (2PCF) after shuffling. By decomposing the 2PCF into five different components based on the source of pairs, we show that the change in the 2PCF can be explained by the age and richness dependence of halo clustering. The 2PCFs in redshift space are found to change in a similar manner after shuffling. If the environmental effects are neglected, halo occupation distribution modeling of the real-space and redshift-space clustering may have a less than 6.5% systematic uncertainty in constraining beta from the most affected SAM sample and have substantially smaller uncertainties from the other, more luminous samples. We argue that the effect could be even smaller in reality. In the Appendix, we present a method to decompose the 2PCF, which can be applied to measure the two-point auto-correlation functions of galaxy sub-samples in a volume-limited galaxy sample and their two-point cross-correlation functions in a single run utilizing only one random catalog.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by AP

    The Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Variability Selection and Quasar Luminosity Function

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    The SDSS-IV/eBOSS has an extensive quasar program that combines several selection methods. Among these, the photometric variability technique provides highly uniform samples, unaffected by the redshift bias of traditional optical-color selections, when z=2.73.5z= 2.7 - 3.5 quasars cross the stellar locus or when host galaxy light affects quasar colors at z<0.9z < 0.9. Here, we present the variability selection of quasars in eBOSS, focusing on a specific program that led to a sample of 13,876 quasars to gdered=22.5g_{\rm dered}=22.5 over a 94.5 deg2^2 region in Stripe 82, an areal density 1.5 times higher than over the rest of the eBOSS footprint. We use these variability-selected data to provide a new measurement of the quasar luminosity function (QLF) in the redshift range 0.68<z<4.00.68<z<4.0. Our sample is denser, reaches deeper than those used in previous studies of the QLF, and is among the largest ones. At the faint end, our QLF extends to Mg(z ⁣= ⁣2)=21.80M_g(z\!=\!2)=-21.80 at low redshift and to Mg(z ⁣= ⁣2)=26.20M_g(z\!=\!2)=-26.20 at z4z\sim 4. We fit the QLF using two independent double-power-law models with ten free parameters each. The first model is a pure luminosity-function evolution (PLE) with bright-end and faint-end slopes allowed to be different on either side of z=2.2z=2.2. The other is a simple PLE at z<2.2z<2.2, combined with a model that comprises both luminosity and density evolution (LEDE) at z>2.2z>2.2. Both models are constrained to be continuous at z=2.2z=2.2. They present a flattening of the bright-end slope at large redshift. The LEDE model indicates a reduction of the break density with increasing redshift, but the evolution of the break magnitude depends on the parameterization. The models are in excellent accord, predicting quasar counts that agree within 0.3\% (resp., 1.1\%) to g<22.5g<22.5 (resp., g<23g<23). The models are also in good agreement over the entire redshift range with models from previous studies.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The microbiome of pest insects:It is not just bacteria

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    Insects are associated with multiple microbes that have been reported to influence various aspects of their biology. Most studies in insects, including pest species, focus on the bacterial communities of the microbiome even though the microbiome consists of members of many more kingdoms, which can also have large influence on the life history of insects. In this review, we present some key examples of how the different members of the microbiome, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea, and protozoa, affect the fitness and behavior of pest insects. Moreover, we argue that interactions within and among microbial groups are abundant and of great importance, necessitating the use of a community approach to study microbial-host interactions. We propose that the restricted focus on bacteria very likely hampers our understanding of the functioning and impact of the microbiome on the biology of pest insects. We close our review by highlighting a few open questions that can provide an in-depth understanding of how other components of the microbiome, in addition to bacteria, might influence host performance, thus contributing to pest insect ecology

    An algorithm for the direct reconstruction of the dark matter correlation function from weak lensing and galaxy clustering

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    The clustering of matter on cosmological scales is an essential probe for studying the physical origin and composition of our Universe. To date, most of the direct studies have focused on shear-shear weak lensing correlations, but it is also possible to extract the dark matter clustering by combining galaxy-clustering and galaxy-galaxy-lensing measurements. In this study we develop a method that can constrain the dark matter correlation function from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy-lensing measurements, by focusing on the correlation coefficient between the galaxy and matter overdensity fields. To generate a mock galaxy catalogue for testing purposes, we use the Halo Occupation Distribution approach applied to a large ensemble of N-body simulations to model pre-existing SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy sample observations. Using this mock catalogue, we show that a direct comparison between the excess surface mass density measured by lensing and its corresponding galaxy clustering quantity is not optimal. We develop a new statistic that suppresses the small-scale contributions to these observations and show that this new statistic leads to a cross-correlation coefficient that is within a few percent of unity down to 5 Mpc/h. Furthermore, the residual incoherence between the galaxy and matter fields can be explained using a theoretical model for scale-dependent bias, giving us a final estimator that is unbiased to within 1%. We also perform a comprehensive study of other physical effects that can affect the analysis, such as redshift space distortions and differences in radial windows between galaxy clustering and weak lensing observations. We apply the method to a range of cosmological models and show the viability of our new statistic to distinguish between cosmological models.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, accepted by PRD; minor changes to V1, 1 new figure, more detailed discussion of the covariance of the new ADSD statisti