1,382 research outputs found

    The Tully-Fisher relation of intermediate redshift field and cluster galaxies from Subaru spectroscopy

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    We have carried out spectroscopic observations in 4 cluster fields using Subaru's FOCAS multi-slit spectrograph and obtained spectra for 103 bright disk field and cluster galaxies at 0.06z1.200.06 \le z \le 1.20. Seventy-seven of these show emission lines, and 33 provide reasonably-secure determinations of the galaxies' rotation velocity. The rotation velocities, luminosities, colours and emission-line properties of these galaxies are used to study the possible effects of the cluster environment on the star-formation history of the galaxies. Comparing the Tully-Fisher relations of cluster and field galaxies at similar reshifts we find no measurable difference in rest-frame BB-band luminosity at a given rotation velocity (the formal difference is 0.18±0.330.18\pm0.33 mag). The colours of the cluster emission line galaxies are only marginally redder in rest-frame BVB-V (by 0.06±0.040.06\pm0.04 mag) than the field galaxies in our sample. Taken at face value, these results seem to indicate that bright star-forming cluster spirals are similar to their field counterparts in their star-formation properties. However, we find that the fraction of disk galaxies with absorption-line spectra (i.e., with no current star formation) is larger in clusters than in the field by a factor of 3\sim3--5. This suggests that the cluster environment has the overall effect of switching off star formation in (at least) some spiral galaxies. To interpret these observational results, we carry out simulations of the possible effects of the cluster environment on the star-formation history of disk galaxies and thus their photometric and spectroscopic properties. Finally, we evaluate the evolution of the rest-frame absolute BB-band magnitude per unit redshift at fixed rotation velocity.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Inpatient case fatality rates improvements in children under 5: Diarrhoeal disease, pneumonia and severe acute malnutrition

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    Data on the number of admissions and deaths in children aged under 5 years from diarrhoea, pneumonia and severe acute malnutrition are routinely collected through the District Health Information System. These data, and the associated case fatality rates, are available for all public sector hospitals in South Africa (SA), and can be compared over time, as well as across different settings. This article presents these data for the period 2011/12 - 2016/17. It reflects on the remarkable improvements in these case fatality rates, and the likely reasons for their declines across all provinces. The article concludes by identifying the actions that need to be taken to ensure that SA achieves the Sustainable Development Goal aim of ending preventable child deaths by 2030

    Packaging redesign – benefits for the environment and the community

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    This paper aims to underline the importance of the packaging redesign process and the potential benefits that can be derived from this for both the environment and the community. The research demonstrates that the redesign of paper corrugated packaging has cost savings for most links of the supply chain such as the industrial customers, retailers, wholesalers and final consumers. In addition, an applied case study will be used that aims to provide evidence that the redesign process could further offer weight and transportation benefits, provide better environmental performance and finally offer better protection for the packaged products. The alternative packaging suggestions made in the research refer to the secondary paper corrugated packaging since the objective is to show the value of the redesign process. The research provides the tools for a packaging designer, on how to estimate, analyse, redesign and compare different approaches, finding the way to a more sustainable packaging supply chain

    Effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and rotavirus vaccine introduction into the South African public immunisation programme

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    Immunisation has contributed greatly to the control of vaccine-preventable diseases and therefore to improvements in health and survival, especially among young children, and remains one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions. This remains true for many of the newer, more expensive vaccines. Vaccines against invasive pneumococcal disease and rotavirus infection were introduced into the South African Expanded Programme on Immunization in April 2009. This article describes the rationale for and process of the introduction of these two vaccines, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and rotavirus vaccine. It also aims to evaluate the success of and challenges related to their introduction, in terms of both achieving universal coverage and improving survival and health in South African children.

    Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: discovery of a class of compact extremely star-forming galaxies

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    ‘The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.com '. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15383.xWe investigate a class of rapidly growing emission line galaxies, known as 'Green Peas', first noted by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo project because of their peculiar bright green colour and small size, unresolved in Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging. Their appearance is due to very strong optical emission lines, namely [O iii]λ5007 Å, with an unusually large equivalent width of up to ∼1000 Å. We discuss a well-defined sample of 251 colour-selected objects, most of which are strongly star forming, although there are some active galactic nuclei interlopers including eight newly discovered narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. The star-forming Peas are low-mass galaxies (M∼ 108.5–1010 M⊙) with high star formation rates (∼10 M⊙ yr−1) , low metallicities (log[O/H]+ 12 ∼ 8.7) and low reddening [ E(B−V) ≤ 0.25 ] and they reside in low-density environments. They have some of the highest specific star formation rates (up to ∼10−8 yr−1 ) seen in the local Universe, yielding doubling times for their stellar mass of hundreds of Myr. The few star-forming Peas with Hubble Space Telescope imaging appear to have several clumps of bright star-forming regions and low surface density features that may indicate recent or ongoing mergers. The Peas are similar in size, mass, luminosity and metallicity to luminous blue compact galaxies. They are also similar to high-redshift ultraviolet-luminous galaxies, e.g. Lyman-break galaxies and Lyα emitters, and therefore provide a local laboratory with which to study the extreme star formation processes that occur in high-redshift galaxies. Studying starbursting galaxies as a function of redshift is essential to understanding the build up of stellar mass in the Universe.Peer reviewe

    Translational challenges and opportunities in biofilm science:a BRIEF for the future

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    Biofilms are increasingly recognised as a critical global issue in a multitude of industries impacting health, food and water security, marine sector, and industrial processes resulting in estimated economic cost of $5 trillion USD annually. A major barrier to the translation of biofilm science is the gap between industrial practices and academic research across the biofilms field. Therefore, there is an urgent need for biofilm research to notice and react to industrially relevant issues to achieve transferable outputs. Regulatory frameworks necessarily bridge gaps between different players, but require a clear, science-driven non-biased underpinning to successfully translate research. Here we introduce a 2-dimensional framework, termed the Biofilm Research-Industrial Engagement Framework (BRIEF) for classifying existing biofilm technologies according to their level of scientific insight, including the understanding of the underlying biofilm system, and their industrial utility accounting for current industrial practices. We evidence the BRIEF with three case studies of biofilm science across healthcare, food & agriculture, and wastewater sectors highlighting the multifaceted issues around the effective translation of biofilm research. Based on these studies, we introduce some advisory guidelines to enhance the translational impact of future research

    Inpatient case fatality rates improvements in children under 5: Diarrhoeal disease, pneumonia and severe acute malnutrition

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    Data on the number of admissions and deaths in children aged under 5 years from diarrhoea, pneumonia and severe acute malnutrition are routinely collected through the District Health Information System. These data, and the associated case fatality rates, are available for all public sector hospitals in South Africa (SA), and can be compared over time, as well as across different settings. This article presents these data for the period 2011/12 - 2016/17. It reflects on the remarkable improvements in these case fatality rates, and the likely reasons for their declines across all provinces. The article concludes by identifying the actions that need to be taken to ensure that SA achieves the Sustainable Development Goal aim of ending preventable child deaths by 2030