1,877 research outputs found

    Optical properties of apple skin and flesh in the wavelength range from 350 to 2200 nm

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    Optical measurement of fruit quality is challenging due to the presence of a skin around the fruit flesh and the multiple scattering by the structured tissues. To gain insight in the light-tissue interaction, the optical properties of apple skin and flesh tissue are estimated in the 350-2200nm range for three cultivars. For this purpose, single integrating sphere measurements are combined with inverse adding- doubling. The observed absorption coefficient spectra are dominated by water in the near infrared and by pigments and chlorophyll in the visible region, whose concentrations are much higher in skin tissue. The scattering coefficient spectra show the monotonic decrease with increasing wavelength typical for biological tissues with skin tissue being approximately three times more scattering than flesh tissue. Comparison to the values from time-resolved spectroscopy reported in literature showed comparable profiles for the optical properties, but overestimation of the absorption coefficient values, due to light losses

    The ground state of a spin-1/2 neutral particle with anomalous magnetic moment in a Aharonov-Casher configuration

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    We determine the (bound) ground state of a spin 1/2 chargless particle with anomalous magnetic moment in certain Aharonov-Casher configurations. We recast the description of the system in a supersymmetric form. Then the basic physical requirements for unbroken supersymmetry are established. We comment on the possibility of neutron trapping in these systems

    Linearly independent pure-state decomposition and quantum state discrimination

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    We put the pure-state decomposition mathematical property of a mixed state to a physical test. We begin by characterizing all the possible decompositions of a rank-two mixed state by means of the complex overlap between two involved states. The physical test proposes a scheme of quantum state recognition of one of the two linearly independent states which arise from the decomposition. We find that the two states associated with the balanced pure-state decomposition have the smaller overlap modulus and therefore the smallest probability of being discriminated conclusively, while in the nonconclusive scheme they have the highest probability of having an error. In addition, we design an experimental scheme which allows to discriminate conclusively and optimally two nonorthogonal states prepared with different a priori probabilities. Thus, we propose a physical implementation for this linearly independent pure-state decomposition and state discrimination test by using twin photons generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down conversion. The information-state is encoded in one photon polarization state whereas the second single-photon is used for heralded detection.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.


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    Established and Potential Physiological Roles of Bicarbonate-Sensing Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase (sAC) in Aquatic Animals

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    Soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) is a recently recognized source of the signaling molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP) that is genetically and biochemically distinct from the classic G-protein-regulated transmembrane adenylyl cyclases (tmACs). Mammalian sAC is distributed throughout the cytoplasm and it may be present in the nucleus and inside mitochondria. sAC activity is directly stimulated by HCO3-, and sAC has been confirmed to be a HCO3- sensor in a variety of mammalian cell types. In addition, sAC can functionally associate with carbonic anhydrases to act as a de facto sensor of pH and CO2. The two catalytic domains of sAC are related to HCO3--regilated adenylyl cyclases from cyanobacteria, suggesting the cAMP pathway is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism for sensing CO2 levels and/or acid/base conditions. Reports of sAC in aquatic animals are still limited but are rapidly accumulating. In shark gills, sAC senses blood alkalosis and triggers compensatory H+ absorption. And in sea urchin sperm, sAC may participate in the initiation of flagellar movement and in the acrosome reaction. Bioinformatics and RT-PCR results reveal that sAC orthologs are present in most animal phyla. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the physiological roles of sAC in aquatic animals and suggests additional functions in which sAC may be involved

    Percepción de los estudiantes frente al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas para la autogestión de estrategias de prevención en la institución educativa German Pardo García de la ciudad de Ibagué

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    Matrices, Graficas, Talleres, Propuesta, ImágenesLa presente investigación, titulada percepción de los estudiantes frente al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas para la autogestión de estrategias de prevención en el plantel educativo Germán Pardo García de Ibagué, pretende identificar cual es la percepción que tienen estos jóvenes frente a esta problemática. Esta investigación, tomo como teórico al humanista Carl Rogers, quien propone que el aprendizaje educativo en los individuos, es una capacidad innata de la persona y se desarrolla oportunamente si no hay obstáculos. Se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo y la investigación acción como técnica de participación y transformación social, aplicando instrumentos a los 38 participantes; encontrando que la gran mayoría de jóvenes están dispuestos a participar como agentes de cambio en la autogestión de estrategias de prevención frente al consumo de SPA. Finalmente se concluye que toda la comunidad educativa deben participar en la prevención de factores de riesgo y fortalecer los factores protectores para un desarrollo integral de los jóvenes.This research, entitled perception of students against the use of psychoactive substances for self-management of prevention strategies on campus German Pardo Garcia in Ibague, aims to identify which is the perception that these young people face this problem. This research, theoretical volume like the humanist Carl Rogers, who proposed that the educational learning in individuals is an innate ability of the person and develops early if there are no obstacles. Qualitative approach was used and technical action research as participation and social transformation, using instruments at 38 participants, finding that the vast majority of young people are willing to participate as agents of change in self-management strategies against drug prevention SPA. Finally we conclude that the entire school community should be involved in the prevention of risk factors and strengthening protective factors for the development of young people


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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito, analizar la relación existente entre las necesidades de la Educación Rural en Venezuela frente al Currículo del Subsistema de Educación Primaria Bolivariana en esta nueva era pos pandemia. Esta investigación estuvo guiada bajo el paradigma cualitativo, apoyada en el método fenomenológico y la investigación de campo. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron observación participante, mediante la cual se socializó y discutió el tema curricular de educación rural, apoyado en las notas de campo que recogieron los acontecimientos relevantes en la investigación. instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron observación participante, mediante la cual se socializó y discutió el tema curricular de educación rural, apoyado en las notas de Los resultados emanaron del análisis de contenido y la pedagogía crítica, con el fin de determinar la relación existente entre el fenómeno observado y el contexto socioeconómico de la comunidad de la Unidad Educativa Canea, Rubio Municipio Junín estado Táchira, donde se llegó a la conclusión sobre la necesidad de una revisión de los contenidos del currículo de educación primaria para adaptarlos una educación pertinente a las escuelas rurales

    Proportionality and evidence-based pandemic management

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    An ecological and fishing approach to support management decisions

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    Leitão, F., Monteiro, J. N., Cabral, P., Teodósio, M. A., & Roa-Ureta, R. H. (2023). Revealing the role of crab as bait in octopus fishery: An ecological and fishing approach to support management decisions. Marine Policy, 158, 1-11. [105878]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105878 --- This study received Portuguese National Funding from MAR2020 project CRUSTAPANHA (MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0005 CRUSTAPANHA). FL has received Portuguese national funds from FCT within the contract program DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0008 and FCT 2022.04803. CEECIND. JNM received an FCT PhD fellowship SFRH/BD/06336/2021. This study received Portuguese national funds from FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology through projects UIDB/04326/2020, UIDP/04326/2020 and LA/P/0101/2020. Authors would like to acknowledge all fishers’ associations that participated in CRUSTAPANHA project and helped the completion of the study: AAPF- Associação de Armadores e Pescadores da Fuseta (Fuseta); Associação Armalgarve Polvo Organização De Produtores (Quarteira); OLHAOPESCA Organização de Produtores de Pesca do Algarve, C.R.L. (Olhão). We acknowledge DGRM for fisheries data provided and for granting licenses for researchers onboard fishing vessel; To the coast guards forces of the following ports: Capitania do Porto de Albufeira; Capitania do Porto de Faro; Capitania do Porto de Olhão; Capitania do Porto de Lagos; Capitania do Porto de Tavira; We would like to acknowledge specific captains due to their role in the study, namely: Ricardo Santana; Francisco Molina; Arlindo da Silva Correia; Paulo Guerreiro. We would like to acknowledge all the members of ECOREACH group that help in the measurement of the octopus specimens, namely Andreia Ovelheiro, Daniela Nobre, Juan Bueno-Pardo and Miguel PintoIn southern Portugal, artisanal octopus fisheries play an important socioeconomic role. Live crab bait in traps was used up to 2010 and banned in 2012. Such regulation, based on co-management advice, was not established under a scientific fundament. As a result, a long-standing controversy ensued with some fishing associations claiming that live crab bait increased fishing effort and exploitation rates and therefore risked the octopus stock status, while other fishers denied all these alleged impacts. The issue has not been resolved so far due to lack of scientific studies. In this study, we resolve the controversy conducting experimental fishing to determine by-catch and octopus catch rates using live crab bait versus other types of baits based on fish and assess the stock status of octopus over-time with constant parameters (hypothesis of no effect of the use of live crab bait) versus time-varying parameters (hypothesis of raised exploitation rates and riskier stock status). Bycatch was very low regardless of bait type. Our experimental fishing trials showed that fish-based baits increase bycatch and octopus catch rates. Stock assessment models showed that exploitation rates and stock status do not worsen in years of use of crab bait. We conclude that the use of crab bait in octopus fishery does not lead to increased exploitation rate or risks for stock sustainability status. Other considerations involving fishing costs and fishing operations further highlight the advantages of lifting the ban on the use of live crab bait in the Algarve octopus fishery.publishersversionpublishe