282 research outputs found

    Utilizing English Songs to Improve Writing Ability in Writing Descriptive Text of the Seventh Graders at Mts Miftahul Ulum Malang

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    Keywords: English song, writing descriptive, seventh graders of MTs Miftahul Ulum Malang.English as a foreign language in Indonesia is used as the education requirement. In countryside, English is considered as not important for peoples' daily life, so that many people put aside English. Fortunately, government supports this by deciding English as compulsory subject. Suyanto (2009) states that low exposure of English can be one of the consideration that learners are categorized as Young Learners. Young learners of English need different treatment in order to mastered English as Foreign Language. One of the different treatment that can be utilized for young learners is English Song.This study aims to find out the use of song in improving students' ability in writing descriptive text. Research design that is used in this study is Classroom Action Research with the seventh graders of MTS Miftahul Ulum Malang as the subject. In order to obtained information, researcher used five instruments; (1) Writing test, (2) Students' participation checklist, (3) Teaching participation checklist, (4) Field notes, and (5) Questionnaire.This study shows that the used of English song can help students' ability in writing descriptive text, in term of generating idea, gaining vocabulary, and also motivate students to learn English. It was shown by the result of writing test which was administered in the end of the implementation. With the minimum score 70, there are 83% students who can get score more than 70. In addition, the rest of the students who could not achieved the minimum score still can improve their writing ability for about 25%. This means that there were learning process happened during the implementation of English song as teaching media. It was also revealed by the result of students' participation checklist that students' participation during the implementation was more that 80%.Based on the result of the study, researcher suggested the teacher to use English song in teaching English, especially teaching writing. Teacher needs to considered appropriate song for appropriate level of the students. Teacher also can use English song for other skill. Researcher also suggested the further researcher to do study of problem faced by the students and teacher in teaching and learning English through English song

    Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Kecacingan di SDN Tebing Tinggi di Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

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    Kasus kecacingan saat ini masih di atas target nasional tahun 2010 (<10%). Hal ini disebabkan antara lain berkaitan dengan perilaku/kebiasaan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko anak terhadap kejadian kecacingan di SDN Tebing Tinggi. Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Populasi adalah seluruh anak sekolah dasar kelas 1-6 SDN Tebing Tinggi. Sampel adalah anak yang berhasil diwawancarai dan mengembalikan pot tinjanya secara purposive sampling. Hasil survei parasitologi dari 91 anak, diperoleh 26 anak (28,5%) positif kecacingan antara lain hookworm, Trichuris trichiura dan Ascaris lumbricoides. Faktor risiko yang ditemukan, anak yang tinggal di rumah dengan lantai yang sebagian atau seluruhnya terbuat dari tanah mempunyai risiko 3 kali terinfeksi kecacingan dengan nilai p= 0.024 [RR= 3,10; 95% CI= 1,158-8,284]

    Kakujoshi Ni dalam Kalimat Bahasa Jepang

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    The research discussed about kakujoshi ni in Japanese sentences. The aim of this research is to know kakujoshi ni in Japanese language have an ability become proportion case marker and modal case marker according to Cook and Fillmore. The object of this research is Japanese sentence which have kakujoshi ni and verb. This research is a qualitative research which used descriptive method. As the result of this research, it is found that kakujoshi ni there are four of proportion case marker in Japanese language such as Agentive, Dative, Locative, Time and five of modal case marker in Japanese language such as Outer Benefactive, Outer Locative, Source of Modal case, Goal of Modal case, Time of Modal case, Result of Modal case. Beside that, this research find kakujoshi ni can be possible join to Active verb, Procces verb, and Stative verb

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menyimak dengan Metode Snowball Throwing di Man 1 Pontianak

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    This study aims to explain to improve the ability to listened students of class X F MAN 1 Pontianak with a method snowball throwing. The kind of research used is research action class (PTK). Method used is kualitatif the descriptive. The study was conducted as much 2 (two) cycle. The results and discussion of show that method snowball throwing it can improve the ability to listened students of class XF MAN 1 pontianak. Before implemented a value well blended students 60.4 implemented a cycle 1 the value of the well blended students inscreased to 76.3 . Then it can be concluded that the action of the classroom with a method snowball throwing has managed to improve the ability to listened students of class XF MAN 1 Pontianak

    Sintesis Zeolit A pada suhu ruang untuk formula alternatif Detergent Builder

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    Zeolit Linde Tipe A (LTA) atau zeolit A adalah zeolit sintesis komersial pertama yang dipublikasikan. Tersusun atas aluminium, silikon dan oksigen yang membentuk struktur tetrahedral. Zeolit A ini merupakan zeolit sintesis universal di bidang detergen dan water softeners (menurunkan kesadahan air) karena kapasitas penukar ion atau adsorpsinya yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis zeolit A pada suhu ruang menggunakan alumunium foil sebagai sumber alumina dan silika gel sebagai sumber silika, serta untuk mengetahui sifat adsorpsinya terhadap Mg2+ pada air sadah yang akan diaplikasikan sebagai detergent builder. Zeolit A disintesis menggunakan bahan utama aluminium foil, silika gel, dan NaOH dengan metode non hidrotermal yaitu pada suhu ruang (24 - 27 oC) dalam variasi waktu aging 3, 10 dan 20 hari dengan komposisi mol AL = 0,55; Si = 1; Na = 6; H2O = 150. Zeolit A hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan instrumen XRD. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan bahwa waktu aging yang dipakai menghasilkan 2 fasa zeolit, yaitu modernit dan zeolit A (LTA). Pada waktu yang terlama lebih didominasi perolehan zeolit A disbanding zeolit MOR. Sementara pada waktu tersingkat MOR lebih dominan daripada zeolit A. Selanjutnya zeolit yang dominan LTA diaplikasikan sebagai formula detergent builder dan sebagai adsorben untuk menurunkan kesadahan Mg2+ pada air sadah. Hasil uji penampilan fisik, detergen yang dihasilkan berwujud gel sesuai dengan detergen komerisal sebagai pembanding. Pada hasil uji kriteria pH, seluruh formula detergen zeolit memiliki nilai pH yang telah memenuhi syarat mutu SNI 4075-1:2017/Amd.1:2020. Pada hasil uji daya bersih formula detergen zeolit 20 hari menghasilkan daya bersih yang paling tinggi sebesar 90,19%. Pada hasil uji kemampuan berbusa semua formulasi detergen zeolit memiliki kriteria baik dan memenuhi syarat mutu, dengan tinggi busa rata-rata 2,65 cm sesuai dengan detergen komersial sebagai pembanding

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Struktur Komunitas Mangrove Terhadap Konsentrasi N Dan P Di Perairan Hutan Sancang Garut

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Hutan Sancang, Garut. Pengujian konsentrasi N dan P dilakukan di Laboratorium Kesuburan Tanah dan Nutrisi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran. Pengujian butir sedimen dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik Geologi Universitas Padjadjaran. Pelaksanaannya dimulai dari bulan Februari sampai dengan bulan April 2015. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mangrove di Hutan Sancang, serta menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh perbedaan struktur komunitas mangrove terhadap konsentrasi Nitrogen dan Fosfor di perairan Hutan Sancang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Anova dan Uji Duncan, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Pengambilan data vegetasi mangrove menggunakan metode transek kuadrat, kemudian sampling parameter perairan dan substrat. Penentuan stasiun penelitian berdasarkan jenis mangrove yang ada di tempat itu. Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 3 spesies mangrove pada 3 stasiun penelitian. Jenis mangrove yang ditemukan yaitu Sonneratia caseolaris, Rhizopora apiculata dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, dengan jenis yang mendominasi adalah Sonneratia caseolaris. Indeks keanekaragaman di lokasi penelitian berkisar antara 0 - 1, menunjukkan kestabilan ekosistem rendah. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan untuk konsentrasi N-Total dan P-Total. Struktur komunitas mangrove tidak berpengaruh terhadap perbedaan konsentrasi nitrogen dan fosfor di perairn Hutan Sancang

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Membaca Karya Sastra dengan Kemampuan Siswa Mengapresiasi Cerpen di SMP

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    The aims of this study were to know the relation reading literature habits with student clas VIII Public Junior High School 1 Sungai Raya ability to appreciate short story. Descriptive method was used in this study with quantitave form. The samples of this study were the students of Junior High School 1 Sungai Raya class VIII with the number of student is 31 students. The result showed reading literature habits percentage reaches 78,65% with category good. Percentage to ability appreciate short story is 52,38% with category mediocore. Based on the result of analysis could be concluded that the relation the habits of reading literature with the ability to appreciate short story is very low relation

    Physiological Responses, Performance, Behaviour, and Welfare of Garut Sheep Cared using Semi-Intensive System in Indonesia

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    Sheep farming in Indonesia still relies on the intensive system which is very labor-intensive, movement restrictions, and reduced quantity of sheep can be kept, developed countries, on the other hand, have evolved a semi-intensive system that may minimize the number of staff while still providing welfare to the sheep. This study aimed to compare the performance, physiological responses, behavior, and welfare of reared Garut sheep in semi-intensive management with outdoor pen and full indoor pen treatments, employing a T-test experimental design using ten replicates (n=10). This experiment used 20 ewes sheep (one-year-old) with an average body weight of 18.74±2.53 kg. This experiment found no difference in dry matter intake (gram/head/day) or average daily gain (gram/head/day) between both treatments (P0.05). When compared to ewes with full indoor pen, ewes with access to outdoor pen had better physiological status especially heart rate and respiratory rate, particularly in the morning and afternoon (P0.05). The ratio of blood N/L for ewes with an outdoor pen showed better results (P0.05), and the rearing environment also did not show any difference nor induce stress on livestock with access to outdoor pen (P0.05). Ewes' welfare increases and they become more active after being provided access to outdoor pen. In conclusion, a semi-intensive system with an outside enclosure enhances Garut ewes' performance while also improving their physiological health and welfare index fulfillment. This approach has to be promoted throughout Indonesia for better farming management
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