1,084 research outputs found

    Oscillatory subglacial drainage in the absence of surface melt

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    The presence of strong diurnal cycling in basal water pressure records obtained during the melt season is well established for many glaciers. The behaviour of the drainage system outside the melt season is less well understood. Here we present borehole observations from a surge-type valley glacier in the St Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada. Our data indicate the onset of strongly correlated multi-day oscillations in water pressure in multiple boreholes straddling a main drainage axis, starting several weeks after the disappearance of a dominant diurnal mode in August 2011 and persisting until at least January 2012, when multiple data loggers suffered power failure. Jökulhlaups provide a template for understanding spontaneous water pressure oscillations not driven by external supply variability. Using a subglacial drainage model, we show that water pressure oscillations can also be driven on a much smaller scale by the interaction between conduit growth and distributed water storage in smaller water pockets, basal crevasses and moulins, and that oscillations can be triggered when water supply drops below a critical value. We suggest this in combination with a steady background supply of water from ground water or englacial drainage as a possible explanation for the observed wintertime pressure oscillations

    Parenteral Suspensions: Stability Enhancing Liquid Dosage Forms

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    Oral route is the most common preferred route. In market number of drugs are available with solubility problem. It is difficult to prefer oral conventional dosage form other drugs on this less solubility which result in loss bioavailability. Parenteral suspensions are dosage forms containing drugs having low solubility. Drugs in suspension form increase the solubility, stability of the drugs. Drugs in sulfonation form have large surfaces areas. Parenteral suspensions provides onset of action for prolonged line on compared to solution. Keywords: Stability, Parenteral suspensions, Syringebility, Dosage forms

    Association d’une encéphalomyélite aiguë disséminée et syndrome de Guillain-Barré chez l’enfant

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    L'encéphalomyélite aiguë disséminée (ADEM) et le syndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB) sont des troubles neuro-inflammatoires qui surviennent après une infection ou vaccination, affectant le système nerveux central (SNC) et le système nerveux périphérique (SNP), respectivement. L'association d'une atteinte immunologique simultanée du SNC et du SNP est rare. Nous présentons le cas d'une fille de 5 ans sans antécédents pathologiques particuliers, qui a présenté suite à un épisode de diarrhées liquidiennes, un déficit des membres inférieurs ascendant, bilatéral et symétrique. L'examen clinique avait montré une tétraplégie, une anesthésie thermo-algique des deux membres inférieurs et une abolition des reflexes ostéotendineux. Le diagnostic de syndrome de Guillain Barrée était suspecté. La ponction lombaire était non concluante. L'électroneuromyogramme était en faveur d'une polyneuropathie axonale sensitivomotrice. L'évolution était marquée par l'apparition d'une détresse respiratoire et de troubles de déglutition, ayant nécessité l'hospitalisation en réanimation pendant cinq jours. Par la suite, la patiente avait développé, des céphalées intenses avec des troubles visuels et une incontinence urinaire. L'examen des paires crâniennes avait montré une cécité bilatérale avec une paralysie faciale centrale droite. Le réflexe cutanéo-plantaire était en extension (Babinski bilatérale). L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) a mis en évidence la présence de foyers de démyélinisation au niveau de la substance blanche et des noyaux gris centraux en faveur de l'ADEM. La patiente a été mise sous méthylprédnisolone 30 mg/kg/j en boulus pendant 3 jours puis corticothérapie 2mg/kg/J pendant 4 semaines avec une bonne évolution

    Le syndrome de rosai dorfman de l’enfant (a propos d’un cas)

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    Le syndrome de rOSaï DOrFman ou histiocytose sinusale avec lymphadénopathie massive est une maladie rare d’étiologie inconnue, peut se voir à tout âge, l’enfant n’étant pas épargné. nous rapportons le cas d’un enfant de 4 ans avec multiples adénopathies cervicales bilatérales. Le diagnostic a été confirmé par la biopsie ganglionnaire. Une corticothérapie a été instaurée avec régression partielle des adénopathies. La discussion portera sur le profil clinique, histologique et thérapeutique de cette maladie.Mots clés : syndrome de rosai Dorfman , enfant , traitementSinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy or Destombes – rosai – Dorfman ‘s syndrome is a rare disease of unknown etiology. all ages are affected, including child. The case reported concerned a 4 years old boy with bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy. Diagnosis was performed by superficial lymph node biopsy. a partial regression of lymphadenopathy was obtained with corticosteroid. The clinical presentation, histolologic characteristics, and the treatment of Destombes – rosai – Dorfman‘s syndrome are discussed.Keywords: rosai – Dorfman‘s syndrome , Child , treatmen

    Isolation of adipose stem cells (ASCs) subpopulations with distinct differentiation potential

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    [Excerpt] ASCs are becoming the elected cells for TE applications because ASCs have been easily isolated and have shown good differentiation potential. The aim of this work was to isolate the ASCs using immunomagnetic beads coated with different antibodies (Ab) markers and to test the differentiation potential of the different subpopulations isolated. [...]Marie Curie Actions Alea Jacta Est, Project HIPPOCRATES, NoE EXPERTISSUESinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto de la jornada ?nica escolar en la instituci?n educativa la reforma de Rovira Tolima

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    60 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa jornada ?nica nace como una estrategia del plan nacional de desarrollo 2014-2018 que tiene como objetivo garantizar un mejor futuro para el pa?s. En Colombia son muy pocas las investigaciones que han estudiado los resultados de esta pol?tica educativa. A trav?s de la presente investigaci?n se realiz? un estudio en el que se determinaron dos variables (social y acad?mica) para evaluar el impacto de la jornada ?nica en los niveles de b?sica y media de la sede central de la Instituci?n Educativa La Reforma de Rovira Tolima, luego de un a?o de su implementaci?n. Para esto se analizaron y contrastaron los beneficios y dificultades que ha generado la implementaci?n de la Jornada ?nica en este plantel educativo, as? como la inversi?n que el estado ha suministrado en la ejecuci?n de la misma y la visi?n que tiene la comunidad educativa sobre la extensi?n del horario escolar en esta instituci?n. Palabras claves: Jornada ?nica, Impacto, Estrategia, Horario escolarSingle-shift school system is born like a 2014-2018 National Development Plan strategy that aims to guarantee a better future for the nation. In Colombia, very few researches have studied the results of this educational policy. Through the present investigation a study was carried out in which two variables (academic and social) were determined to evaluate the Single School Day impact in grades 6th to 11th from La Reforma School headquarters in Rovira Tolima after a year of its implementation. For this, benefits and difficulties generated by the single-shift school implementation in this educational establishment were analyzed and contrasted, as well as the investment that state has provided in its execution and vision that community has about the school schedule extension. Keywords: Single School Day, Impact, Strategy, School schedul

    Geographical information retrieval with ontologies of place

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    Geographical context is required of many information retrieval tasks in which the target of the search may be documents, images or records which are referenced to geographical space only by means of place names. Often there may be an imprecise match between the query name and the names associated with candidate sources of information. There is a need therefore for geographical information retrieval facilities that can rank the relevance of candidate information with respect to geographical closeness of place as well as semantic closeness with respect to the information of interest. Here we present an ontology of place that combines limited coordinate data with semantic and qualitative spatial relationships between places. This parsimonious model of geographical place supports maintenance of knowledge of place names that relate to extensive regions of the Earth at multiple levels of granularity. The ontology has been implemented with a semantic modelling system linking non-spatial conceptual hierarchies with the place ontology. An hierarchical spatial distance measure is combined with Euclidean distance between place centroids to create a hybrid spatial distance measure. This is integrated with thematic distance, based on classification semantics, to create an integrated semantic closeness measure that can be used for a relevance ranking of retrieved objects

    Risk assessment in a materials recycling facility: Perspectives for reducing operational issues

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    Mechanical separation of light packaging waste is a useful practice for improving the quality of the recyclable waste flows and its exploitation in a frame of the circular economy. Materials Recovery Facilities can treat from 3000 to 5000 tons per year of light packaging waste. Concerning the plastic content, this is divided in four flows: PET, HDPE, other plastics, and waste rejects. The last two are generally used for energy recovery. For improving the quality of the recyclable plastic waste, a manual separation is required for reducing the impurities detectable in the final products. However, this practice could enhance the risk at work of the operators, which should be constantly monitored. This article explores the main differences of a manual separation and of a mechanical separation, assessing the costs and the health risk for the workers. The analysis started from the situation in an Italian Materials Recovery Facility, generalizing the context; a future scenario with the application of a mechanical separation is theoretically introduced. The main results obtained suggest that the manual separation plant improves the quality of the material, though increasing the risk of the operators due to the possible contact with sharp waste, sanitary danger, and risk of injuries for the mismanagement of machines, among others. The mechanical separation can be considered a real advantage from an economic point of view, since the operating costs are lower and the investment could be recovered in around 10 years, in an Italian-like context. On balance, on the one hand, the article provides indications for the private sector for improving the management of a Materials Recovery Facility, while, on the other hand, it detects the main pros and cons of both methodologies. © 2018 by the authors

    Field-based tests for the assessment of physical fitness in children and adolescents practicing sport: A systematic review within the ESA program

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    High levels of physical fitness (PF) can positively affect both health and cognitive function, thus monitoring its levels in youth can help increase health and quality of life in adult populations later on. This systematic review aims to identify PF field-based tests used in young European populations practicing sport to find tools that are adequate for the considered target involving a new battery within the Enriched Sport Activities (ESA) project. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was followed. In the 83 identified articles, the main tests used were: vertical/horizontal jumps (for muscular strength/power); push-ups, running at maximum effort, sit-ups (for muscular strength/endurance); multistage non-intermittent and intermittent tests (for aerobic endurance); sit and reach (for flexibility); sprinting and agility T-tests (for speed and agility, respectively); 10 x 5 m shuttle run (SR) (for both speed and agility). Few studies assessed coordination, reaction time, power, and balance. Although the selected tests are widely used and validated, they do not determine all PF aspects and do not reflect sport-specific features. A final decision was made for the inclusion of the following tests: standing broad jump, seated medicine ball throw, 20 m SR test, 30 m sprint, Illinois test, and a new test, i.e., the crunning test, to assess different skill-related components at once. The use of this combination of tests allows for the assessment of all PF components and can help planning eective training programs and cultivate sporting talent

    Fractional flow reserve in patients with intermediate values of Duke Treadmill Score and borderline coronary lesions

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    Despite the wide usage of exercise ECG tests and Duke Treadmill Score (DTS) in clinical practice, no comparison between this scoring system and Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) has yet been made, particularly in cases of angiographically verified borderline lesions. Thirty patients with single coronary lesions and angiographically assessed borderline stenosis (between 30-70%) and previously calculated intermediate values of DTS between -10 to +4 were examined using FFR. Adequate specificity and sensitivity (0.769 and 0.556, respectively) were in a more narrow range of -0.5 to -10. Sex and age did not have an influence on the DTS values. There was a correlation between the values of FFR and age (r=0.395, p=0.031) and between angiographic assessment of stenosis and quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) (r=0.648, p<0.0001). In the study population, a decision on revascularization could not be based solely on angiographic or QCA assessment of the artery or on the values of DTS