29 research outputs found

    Children and adolescents with all forms of shoulder instability demonstrate differences in their movement and muscle activity patterns when compared to age- and sex-matched controls.

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    BACKGROUND: Shoulder instability is a complex impairment and identifying biomarkers which differentiate subgroups is challenging. There is limited fundamental movement and muscle activity data for identifying different mechanisms for shoulder instability in children and adolescents which may inform subgrouping and treatment allocation. HYPOTHESIS: Children and adolescents with shoulder instability (irrespective of etiology) have differences in their movement and muscle activity profiles compared to age- and sex-matched controls (two-tailed). METHODS: Young people between eight to 18 years were recruited into two groups of shoulder instability (SI) or and age- and sex-matched controls (CG). All forms of SI were included and young people with co-existing neurological pathologies or deficits were excluded. Participants attended a single session and carried out four unweighted and three weighted tasks in which their movements and muscle activity was measured using 3D-movement analysis and surface electromyography. Statistical parametric mapping was used to identify between group differences. RESULTS: Data was collected for 30 young people (15 SI (6M:9F) and 15 CG (8M:7F)). The mean (SD) age for all participants was 13.6 years (3.0). The SI group demonstrated consistently more protracted and elevated sternoclavicular joint positions during all movements. Normalized muscle activity in Latissimus dorsi was lower in the SI group and had the most statistically significant differences across all movements. Where differences were identified, the SI group also had increased normalized activity of their middle trapezius, posterior deltoid and biceps muscles whilst activity of their latissimus dorsi, triceps and anterior deltoid were decreased compared to the CG group. No statistically significant differences were found for pectoralis major across any movements. Weighted tasks produced fewer differences in muscle activity patterns compared to unweighted tasks. DISCUSSION: Young people with SI may adapt their movements to minimize glenohumeral joint instability. This was demonstrated by reduced variability in acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint angles, adoption of different movement strategies across the same joints and increased activity of the scapular stabilizing muscles, despite achieving similar arm positions to the CG. CONCLUSION: Young people with shoulder instability demonstrated consistent differences in their muscle activity and movement patterns. Consistently observed differences at the shoulder girdle included increased sternoclavicular protraction and elevation accompanied by increased normalized activity of the posterior scapula stabilizing muscles. Existing methods of measurement may be used to inform clinical decision making, however, further work is needed evaluate the prognostic and clinical utility of derived 3D and sEMG data for informing decision making within shoulder instability

    Changes in gait which occur before and during the adolescent growth spurt in children treated by selective dorsal rhizotomy

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    This paper presents long term follow up results from 17 children (6 girls, 11 boys, GMFCS levels II–IV), treated by means of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR). The particular focus is on the effect of the adolescent growth spurt on patients who had previously undergone SDR. The children were all assessed using 3D gait analysis, in combination with clinical examination at three time points–before SDR surgery (PRE), after SDR surgery when pre-adolescent (POST1) and post-adolescence (POST2). The total follow up period to POST2 was 8 years 6 months for girls and 9 years 5 months for boys. All children maintained or improved their GMFCS level. Positive changes in ranges of motion and gait were observed at POST1 and these were generally maintained over adolescence to POST2. The mean Gait Profile Score (GPS) had improved by 3.2 points (14.7–11.5) at POST1, with a non-significant deterioration of 0.3 over the adolescent growth spurt. These positive results reflect the total package of care for the children, involving careful pre-operative selection by a multidisciplinary team and post-operative management including intensive physiotherapy and maintenance in tuned ankle foot orthoses. Fifty-nine per cent of children had some additional orthopaedic surgery, mostly bony procedures. The overall benefits arising from their management need to be considered in the light of the likely deterioration experienced by this patient group. The results of this study support the use of SDR as part of a management strategy for carefully selected children with cerebral palsy with the aim of optimizing gait at skeletal maturity

    The effect of osteoarthritis of the knee on the biomechanics of other joints in the lower limbs

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    The aim of this study was to examine the loading of the other joints of the lower limb in patients with unilateral osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. We recruited 20 patients with no other symptoms or deformity in the lower limbs from a consecutive cohort of patients awaiting knee replacement. Gait analysis and electromyographic recordings were performed to determine moments at both knees and hips, and contraction patterns in the medial and lateral quadriceps and hamstrings bilaterally. The speed of gait was reduced in the group with OA compared with the controls, but there were only minor differences in stance times between the limbs. Patients with OA of the knee had significant increases in adduction moment impulse at both knees and the contralateral hip (adjusted p-values: affected knee: p < 0.01, unaffected knee p = 0.048, contralateral hip p = 0.03), and significantly increased muscular co-contraction bilaterally compared with controls (all comparisons for co-contraction, p < 0.01). The other major weight-bearing joints are at risk from abnormal biomechanics in patients with unilateral OA of the knee

    The effect of osteoarthritis of the knee on the biomechanics of other joints in the lower limbs

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    The aim of this study was to examine the loading of the other joints of the lower limb in patients with unilateral osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. We recruited 20 patients with no other symptoms or deformity in the lower limbs from a consecutive cohort of patients awaiting knee replacement. Gait analysis and electromyographic recordings were performed to determine moments at both knees and hips, and contraction patterns in the medial and lateral quadriceps and hamstrings bilaterally. The speed of gait was reduced in the group with OA compared with the controls, but there were only minor differences in stance times between the limbs. Patients with OA of the knee had significant increases in adduction moment impulse at both knees and the contralateral hip (adjusted p-values: affected knee: p < 0.01, unaffected knee p = 0.048, contralateral hip p = 0.03), and significantly increased muscular co-contraction bilaterally compared with controls (all comparisons for co-contraction, p < 0.01). The other major weight-bearing joints are at risk from abnormal biomechanics in patients with unilateral OA of the knee