6,582 research outputs found

    An importance of diazotrophic cyanobacteria as a primary producer during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2

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    International audienceIn Livello Bonarelli black shale deposited during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE-2, ca. 94 Ma), nitrogen isotopic compositions of bulk sediments are in a narrow range from ?2.7 to ?0.7. We also determined molecular distribution and nitrogen isotopic compositions of geoporphyrins extracted from the black shale. The nitrogen isotopic compositions of C32 Ni deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP) and total Ni porphyrins are ?3.5 and ?3.3, respectively, leading us to the estimation that the mean nitrogen isotopic composition of photoautotrophic cell was around +1 during the formation of Bonarelli black shale. This value is suggestive of N2-fixation a dominant process for these photoautotrophs when assimilating nitrogen. Furthermore, Ni-chelated C32 DPEP, derived mainly from chlorophyll a was the highest concentration. Based on these evidence, we conclude that diazotrophic cyanobacteria were major primary producers during that time. The cyanobacteria may be key photoautotrophs during the formation of black shale type sediments intermittently observed throughout the later half of the Earth's history, and hence may have played a crucial role in the evolution of geochemical cycles

    Reconstruction of the biogeochemistry and ecology of photoautotrophs based on the nitrogen and carbon isotopic compositions of vanadyl porphyrins from Miocene siliceous sediments

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    We determined both the nitrogen and carbon isotopic compositions of various vanadyl alkylporphyrins isolated from siliceous marine sediments of the Onnagawa Formation (middle Miocene, northeastern Japan) to investigate the biogeochemistry and ecology of photoautotrophs living in the paleo-ocean. The distinctive isotopic signals support the interpretations of previous works that the origin of 17-nor-deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP) is chlorophylls-<i>c</i><sub>1-3</sub>, whereas 8-nor-DPEP may have originated from chlorophylls-<i>a</i><sub>2</sub> or <i>b</i><sub>2</sub> or bacteriochlorophyll-<i>a</i>. Although DPEP and cycloheptanoDPEP are presumably derived from common precursory pigments, their isotopic compositions differed in the present study, suggesting that the latter represents a specific population within the photoautotrophic community. The average δ<sup>15</sup>N value for the entire photoautotrophic community is estimated to be –2 to +1‰ from the δ<sup>15</sup>N values of DPEP (–6.9 to –3.6‰; <i>n</i>=7), considering that the empirical isotopic relationships that the tetrapyrrole nuclei of chloropigments are depleted in <sup>15</sup>N by ~4.8‰ and enriched in <sup>13</sup>C by ~1.8‰ relative to the whole cells. This finding suggests that nitrogen utilized in the primary production was supplied mainly through N<sub>2</sub>-fixation by diazotrophic cyanobacteria. Based on the δ<sup>13</sup>C values of DPEP (–17.9 to –15.6‰; <i>n</i>=7), we estimated isotopic fractionation associated with photosynthetic carbon fixation to be 8–14‰. This range suggests the importance of β-carboxylation and/or active transport of the carbon substrate, indicating in turn the substantial contribution of diazotrophic cyanobacteria to primary production. Based on the δ<sup>15</sup>N values of 17-nor-DPEP (–7.4 to –2.4‰ <i>n</i>=7), the δ<sup>15</sup>N range of chlorophylls-<i>c</i>-producing algae was estimated to be –3 to +3‰. This relative depletion in sup>15</sup>N suggests that these algae mainly utilized nitrogen regenerated from diazotrophic cyanobacteria. Given that diatoms are likely to have constituted the chlorophylls-<i>c</i>-producing algae within the biogenic-silica-rich Onnagawa Formation, cyanobacteria-hosting diatoms may have been important contributors to primary production

    The importance of diazotrophic cyanobacteria as primary producers during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2

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    In Livello Bonarelli black shale deposited during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE-2, ca.&nbsp;94 Ma), nitrogen isotopic compositions of bulk sediments are mostly in a narrow range from &ndash;2.7 to &ndash;0.7&permil;. We also determined molecular distribution and nitrogen isotopic compositions of geoporphyrins extracted from the black shale. The nitrogen isotopic compositions of C<sub>32</sub> Ni deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP) and total Ni porphyrins are &ndash;3.5 and &ndash;3.3&permil;, respectively, leading us to the estimation that the mean nitrogen isotopic composition of photoautotrophic cells were around +1&permil; during the formation of Bonarelli black shale. This value is suggestive of N<sub>2</sub>-fixation, a dominant process for these photoautotrophs when assimilating nitrogen. Furthermore, Ni-chelated C<sub>32</sub> DPEP, derived mainly from chlorophyll <i>a</i> had the highest concentration. Based on this evidence, we conclude that diazotrophic cyanobacteria were major primary producers during that time. Cyanobacteria may be key photoautotrophs during the formation of black shale type sediments intermittently observed throughout the later half of the Earth&apos;s history, and hence may have played a crucial role in the evolution of geochemical cycles even in the later half of the Earth&apos;s history

    Spin Gap in a Doped Kondo Chain

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    We show that the Kondo chain away from half-filling has a spin gap upon the introduction of an additional direct Heisenberg coupling between localized spins. This is understood in the weak-Kondo-coupling limit of the Heisenberg-Kondo lattice model by bosonization and in the strong-coupling limit by a mapping to a modified t-J model. Only for certain ranges of filling and Heisenberg coupling does the spin gap phase extend from weak to strong coupling.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX including 4 eps figures; minor corrections and clarification

    Patterns of the ground states in the presence of random interactions: nucleon systems

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    We present our results on properties of ground states for nucleonic systems in the presence of random two-body interactions. In particular we present probability distributions for parity, seniority, spectroscopic (i.e., in the laboratory framework) quadrupole moments and α\alpha clustering in the ground states. We find that the probability distribution for the parity of the ground states obtained by a two-body random ensemble simulates that of realistic nuclei: positive parity is dominant in the ground states of even-even nuclei while for odd-odd nuclei and odd-mass nuclei we obtain with almost equal probability ground states with positive and negative parity. In addition we find that for the ground states, assuming pure random interactions, low seniority is not favored, no dominance of positive values of spectroscopic quadrupole deformation, and no sign of α\alpha-cluster correlations, all in sharp contrast to realistic nuclei. Considering a mixture of a random and a realistic interaction, we observe a second order phase transition for the α\alpha-cluster correlation probability.Comment: 7 page

    Absence of Translational Symmetry Breaking in Nonmagnetic Insulator Phase on Two-Dimensional Lattice with Geometrical Frustration

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    The ground-state properties of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor hoppings at half filling are studied by the path-integral-renormalization-group method. The nonmagnetic-insulator phase sandwiched by the the paramagnetic-metal phase and the antiferromagnetic-insulator phase shows evidence against translational symmetry breaking of the dimerized state, plaquette singlet state, staggered flux state, and charge ordered state. These results support that the genuine Mott insulator which cannot be adiabatically continued to the band insulator is realized generically by Umklapp scattering through the effects of geometrical frustration and quantum fluctuation in the two-dimensional system.Comment: 4 pages and 7 figure

    Diazotrophy drives primary production in the organic-rich shales deposited under a stratified environment during the messinian salinity crisis (Vena Del Gesso, Italy)

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    Density stratification between freshwater and brine is periodically formed during massive evaporation events, which often associates deposition of organic-rich sediments. Here, we investigated phototrophic communities and nitrogen cycle during the deposition of two organic-rich shale beds of gypsum\u2013shale alternation, representing the initial stage of the Messinian salinity crisis (Vena del Gesso, Northern Apennines, Italy). The structural distributions and the carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of geoporphyrins show a common pattern in the two shales, indicating the predominance of a particular phototrophic community under freshwater\u2013brine stratified conditions. The 3c6\u2030 difference in \u3b413C of total organic carbon between PLG 4 and 5 shales was associated with similar shift in \u3b413C of the porphyrins derived from chlorophyll c, suggesting that the eukaryotic algae producing chlorophyll c were the major constituent of the phototrophic community. Importantly, these porphyrins show \u3b415N values (-7.6\u2013-4.7\u2030) indicative of N2-fixation. We suggest that nitrate-depletion in the photic zone induced the predominance of diazotrophic cyanobacteria, which supplied new nitrogen for the chlorophyll c-producing eukaryotic algae. The large difference in the \u3b413C values of porphyrins and total organic carbon between PLG 4 and 5 shales are interpreted to reflect the depth of the chemocline, which fluctuates in response to changes in the regional evaporation\u2013precipitation balance. Such variation in the chemocline depth may have dynamically changed the mode of the nitrogen cycle (i.e., nitrification\u2013denitrification\u2013N2-fixation coupling vs. phototrophic assimilation of ammonium) in the density-stratified marginal basins during the Messinian salinity crisis

    Ordered phase and phase transitions in the three-dimensional generalized six-state clock model

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    We study the three-dimensional generalized six-state clock model at values of the energy parameters, at which the system is considered to have the same behavior as the stacked triangular antiferromagnetic Ising model and the three-state antiferromagnetic Potts model. First, we investigate ordered phases by using the Monte Carlo twist method (MCTM). We confirmed the existence of an incompletely ordered phase (IOP1) at intermediate temperature, besides the completely ordered phase (COP) at low-temperature. In this intermediate phase, two neighboring states of the six-state model mix, while one of them is selected in the low temperature phase. We examine the fluctuation the mixing rate of the two states in IOP1 and clarify that the mixing rate is very stable around 1:1. The high temperature phase transition is investigated by using non-equilibrium relaxation method (NERM). We estimate the critical exponents beta=0.34(1) and nu=0.66(4). These values are consistent with the 3D-XY universality class. The low temperature phase transition is found to be of first-order by using MCTM and the finite-size-scaling analysis

    Phase Transition in a One-Dimensional Extended Peierls-Hubbard Model with a Pulse of Oscillating Electric Field: I. Threshold Behavior in Ionic-to-Neutral Transition

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    Photoinduced dynamics of charge density and lattice displacements is calculated by solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for a one-dimensional extended Peierls-Hubbard model with alternating potentials for the mixed-stack organic charge-transfer complex, TTF-CA. A pulse of oscillating electric field is incorporated into the Peierls phase of the transfer integral. The frequency, the amplitude, and the duration of the pulse are varied to study the nonlinear and cooperative character of the photoinduced transition. When the dimerized ionic phase is photoexcited, the threshold behavior is clearly observed by plotting the final ionicity as a function of the increment of the total energy. Above the threshold photoexcitation, the electronic state reaches the neutral one with equidistant molecules after the electric field is turned off. The transition is initiated by nucleation of a metastable neutral domain, for which an electric field with frequency below the linear absorption peak is more effective than that at the peak. When the pulse is strong and short, the charge transfer takes place on the same time scale with the disappearance of dimerization. As the pulse becomes weak and long, the dimerization-induced polarization is disordered to restore the inversion symmetry on average before the charge transfer takes place to bring the system neutral. Thus, a paraelectric ionic phase is transiently realized by a weak electric field. It is shown that infrared light also induces the ionic-to-neutral transition, which is characterized by the threshold behavior.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Nondispersive solutions to the L2-critical half-wave equation

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    We consider the focusing L2L^2-critical half-wave equation in one space dimension i∂tu=Du−∣u∣2u, i \partial_t u = D u - |u|^2 u, where DD denotes the first-order fractional derivative. Standard arguments show that there is a critical threshold M∗>0M_* > 0 such that all H1/2H^{1/2} solutions with ∥u∥L2<M∗\| u \|_{L^2} < M_* extend globally in time, while solutions with ∥u∥L2≥M∗\| u \|_{L^2} \geq M_* may develop singularities in finite time. In this paper, we first prove the existence of a family of traveling waves with subcritical arbitrarily small mass. We then give a second example of nondispersive dynamics and show the existence of finite-time blowup solutions with minimal mass ∥u0∥L2=M∗\| u_0 \|_{L^2} = M_*. More precisely, we construct a family of minimal mass blowup solutions that are parametrized by the energy E0>0E_0 >0 and the linear momentum P0∈RP_0 \in \R. In particular, our main result (and its proof) can be seen as a model scenario of minimal mass blowup for L2L^2-critical nonlinear PDE with nonlocal dispersion.Comment: 51 page
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