23 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Sains melalui Pendekatan Ergonomi Mengurangi Keluhan Muskuloskeletal, Kebosanan dan Kelelahan Serta Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa SD 1 Sangsit Kecamatan Sawan Kabupaten Buleleng

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan pendekatan ergonomidalam pembelajaran sains antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok eksperimenPeranan tersebut dalam hal (1) penurunan keluhan muskuloskeletal siswa SD; (2)penurunan kebosanan; (3) penurunan kelelahan siswa SD; (4) peningkatan motivasibelajar sains; dan (5) peningkatan prestasi belajar sains. Jenis penelitian ini termasukjenis penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan rancangan randomized pre-test and posttestcontrol group design. Pada kelompok kontrol pembelajarannya dengan carakonvensional (tanpa PE) dan kelompok eksperimen dengan PE. Pengambilan sampeldilakukan secara random. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney dan uji t Group dengan taraf signifikansi 5 %. Simpulan dari penelitian iniadalah (1) pendekatan ergonomi dapat menurunkan keluhan muskuloskeletal siswa SD,baik akibat penggunaan meja belajar dan tempat duduk siswa serta akibat penggunaantas punggung, antara kelompok kontrol yang dalam pembelajarannya tanpamenggunakan pendekatan ergonomi (PE) dengan kelompok eksperimen yang dalampembelajarannya dengan menggunakan PE (p < 0,05). Penurunan keluhanmuskuloskeletal akibat penggunaan meja dan tempat duduk siswa sebesar 42,54(99,88%) dan penurunan keluhan muskuloskeletal akibat penggunaan tas punggungsebesar 47,97 (99,83%); (2) pendekatan ergonomi dapat menurunkan kebosanan siswaSD, antara kelompok kontrol yang dalam pembelajarannya tanpa menggunakanpendekatan ergonomi (PE) dengan kelompok eksperimen yang dalam pembelajarannyadengan menggunakan PE (p < 0,05). Penurunan kebosanannya adalah sebesar 18,73(26,40%); (3) pendekatan ergonomi dapat menurunkan kelelahan siswa SD, antarakelompok kontrol yang dalam pembelajarannya tanpa menggunakan pendekatanergonomi (PE) dengan kelompok eksperimen yang dalam pembelajarannya denganmenggunakan PE (p < 0,05). Penurunan kelelahannya adalah sebesar 30,78 (73,76%);(4) pendekatan ergonomi dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar sains pada siswa SD,antara kelompok kontrol yang dalam pembelajarannya tanpa menggunakan pendekatanergonomi (PE) dengan kelompok eksperimen yang dalam pembelajarannya denganmenggunakan PE (p < 0,05). Peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa adalah sebesar 14,65(65,81%); (5) pendekatan ergonomi dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar dalam bidangsains pada siswa SD, antara kelompok kontrol yang dalam pembelajarannya tanpamenggunakan pendekatan ergonomi (PE) dengan kelompok eksperimen yang dalampembelajarannya dengan menggunakan PE (p < 0,05). Peningkatan prestasi belajarsiswa di bidang sains adalah sebesar 12,72 (33,70%). Dapat disarankan bahwa pembenahan di dunia pendidikan hendaknya tidak bersifat partial akan tetapi dilakukansecara multidisipliner

    Urogenital schistosomiasis in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique: baseline findings from the SCORE study.

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    BACKGROUND: The results presented here are part of a five-year cluster-randomised intervention trial that was implemented to understand how best to gain and sustain control of schistosomiasis through different preventive chemotherapy strategies. This paper presents baseline data that were collected in ten districts of Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique, before treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 19,039 individuals was sampled from 144 villages from May to September 2011. In each village prevalence and intensity of S. haematobium were investigated in 100 children first-year students (aged 5-8 years), 100 school children aged 9-12 years (from classes 2 to 7) and 50 adults (20-55 years). Prevalence and intensity of S. haematobium infection were evaluated microscopically by two filtrations, each of 10 ml, from a single urine specimen. Given that individual and community perceptions of schistosomiasis influence control efforts, community knowledge and environmental risk factors were collected using a face-to-face interview. Data were entered onto mobile phones using EpiCollect. Data summary was made using descriptive statistics. Chi-square and logistic regression were used to determine the association between dependent and independent variables. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis was 60.4% with an arithmetic mean intensity of infection of 55.8 eggs/10 ml of urine. Heavy infections were detected in 17.7%, of which 235 individuals (6.97%) had an egg count of 1000 eggs/10 ml or more. There was a significantly higher likelihood of males being infected than females across all ages (62% vs 58%; P < 0.0005). Adolescents aged 9-12 years had a higher prevalence (66.6%) and mean infection intensity (71.9 eggs/10 ml) than first-year students (63.1%; 58.2 eggs/10 ml). This is the first study in Mozambique looking at infection rates among adults. Although children had higher levels of infection, it was found here that adults had a high average prevalence and intensity of infection (44.5%; 23.9 eggs/10 ml). Awareness of schistosomiasis was relatively high (68.6%); however, correct knowledge of how schistosomiasis is acquired was low (23.2%) among those who had heard of the disease. Schistosomiasis risk behaviour such as washing (91.3%) and bathing (86.7%) in open water sources likely to be infested with host snails was high. CONCLUSIONS: Urogenital schistosomiasis is widespread in Cabo Delgado. In addition, poor community knowledge about the causes of schistosomiasis and how to prevent it increases the significant public health challenge for the national control program. This was the first study in Mozambique that examined infection levels among adults, where results showed that S. haematobium infection was also extremely high. Given that this controlled trial aims to understand the impact of different combinations of schistosomiasis control through treatment of communities, schools, and treatment holidays over a five-year period, these findings highlight the importance of examining the impact of different treatment approaches also in adults. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trials have been registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial registry under ISRCT 14117624 Mozambique (14 December 2015)

    Assessing the benefits of five years of different approaches to treatment of urogenital schistosomiasis: A SCORE project in Northern Mozambique.

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    BACKGROUND: In Mozambique, schistosomiasis is highly endemic across the whole country. The Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation (SCORE) coordinates a five-year study that has been implemented in various African countries, including Mozambique. The overall goal of SCORE was to better understand how to best apply preventive chemotherapy with praziquantel (PZQ) for schistosomiasis control by evaluating the impact of alternative treatment approaches. METHODS: This was a cluster-randomised trial that compared the impact of different treatment strategies in study areas with prevalence among school children of ≥21% S. haematobium infection by urine dipstick. Each village was randomly allocated to one of six possible combinations of community-wide treatment (CWT), school-based treatment (SBT), and/or drug holidays over a period of four years, followed by final data collection in the fifth year. The most intense intervention arm involved four years of CWT, while the least intensive arm involved two years of SBT followed by two consecutive years of PZQ holiday. Each study arm included 25 villages randomly assigned to one of the six treatment arms. The primary outcome of interest was change in prevalence and intensity of S. haematobium among 100 children aged 9-to-12-years that were sampled each year in every village. In addition to children aged 9-to-12 years, 100 children aged 5-8 years in their first-year of school and 50 adults (aged 20-55 years) were tested in the first and final fifth year of the study. Prevalence and intensity of S. haematobium infection was evaluated by two filtrations, each of 10mL, from a single urine specimen. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In total, data was collected from 81,167 individuals across 149 villages in ten districts of Cabo Delgado province, Northern Mozambique. Overall PZQ treatment resulted in a significant reduction in the prevalence of S. haematobium infection from Year 1 to Year 5, where the average prevalence went from 60.5% to 38.8%, across all age groups and treatment arms. The proportion of those heavily infected also reduced from 17.6% to 11.9% over five years. There was a significantly higher likelihood of males being infected than females at baseline, but no significant difference between the sexes in their response to treatment. The only significant response based on a study arm was seen in both the 9-to-12-year-old and first-year cross sections, where two consecutive treatment holidays resulted in a significantly higher final prevalence of S. haematobium than no treatment holidays. When the arms were grouped together, four rounds of treatment (regardless of whether it was CWT or SBT), however, did result in a significantly greater reduction in S. haematobium prevalence than two rounds of treatment (i.e. with two intermittent or consecutive holiday years) over a five-year period. CONCLUSIONS: Although PC was successful in reducing the burden of active infection, even among those heavily infected, annual CWT did not have a significantly greater impact on disease prevalence or intensity than less intense treatment arms. This may be due to extremely high starting prevalence and intensity in the study area, with frequent exposure to reinfection, or related to challenges in achieving high treatment coverage More frequent treatment had a greater impact on prevalence and intensity of infection when arms were grouped by number of treatments, however, cost efficiency was greater in arms only receiving two treatments. Finally, a significant reduction in prevalence of S. haematobium was seen in adults even in the SBT arms implying the rate of transmission in the community had been decreased, even where only school children have been treated, which has significant logistical and cost-saving implications for a national control programme in justifying CWT

    Tingkat Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Nagari di Sumatera Barat

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    Partisipasi merupakan fitur kunci dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan, termasuk dalam pengelolaan Hutan Nagari dengan azas lestari yang berbasis pada pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mendeskripsikan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan Hutan Nagari; 2) Mengalisa hubungan partisipasi masyarakat dengan pengelolaan Hutan Nagari secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan metode survei eksplanatif untuk menghubungkan dan membandingkan. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposif di LPHN Sungai Buluh dan LPHN Paru. Pengelolaan Hutan Nagari di Sungai Buluh dan Paru sudah berkelanjutan yang didukung oleh faktor-faktor dukungan dan partisipasi anggota masyarakat dalam pengelolaan Hutan Nagari. Keterlibatan masyarakat anggota dalam seluruh aktivitas pengelolaan, yaitu perencanaan, penetapan batas areal kerja, pelaksanaan kegiatan, dan monitoring evaluasi, merupakan faktor utama yang mendukung pengelolaan Hutan Nagari secara berkelanjutan oleh masyarakat. Anggota masyarakat pengelola di Hutan Nagari Sungai Buluh cukup berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan Hutan Nagari, sedangkan di Hutan Nagari Paru kurang berpartisipasi. Kurangnya keikutsertaan anggota masyarakat dalam pengelolaan Hutan Nagari terjadi karena anggota masyarakat kurang dilibatkan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan. Hal ini harus diminimalisir dengan melibatkan seluruh anggota masyarakat pengelola dalam setiap aktivitas pengelolaan, serta memberikan kepercayaan kepada anggota untuk dapat merefleksikan aksinya pada tindakan kolektif melalui pelaksanaan kegiatan bersama

    The effect of a water-hygiene educational programme on the microbiological quality of container-stored water in households

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    This study investigated whether a water-handling hygiene education programme could improve the health-related microbiological quality of container water stored and used in households in a dense urban settlement in the Free State Province. Previous studies in the area indicated that stored container water became contaminated during the process of fetching from communal standpipes and then storing and handling the water at home, which exposed the study population to a potential risk of microbiological infection. A water-hygiene education programme was implemented together with a health-related microbiological water quality assessment programme. Members of selected households participated in a series of domestic water-handling hygiene education training sessions over a period of eight months and the quality of their stored water monitored for improvement in tandem over the same period. The results were compared to those of similar tests done during previous studies in the same area. Turbidity, heterotrophic bacteria numbers and total coliform bacteria were used as indicators of general microbial water quality while E. coli bacteria were used to indicate faecal pollution. While the results generally reflected significant improvements for all the indicators from the previous studies, a potential risk of infection was still indicated for consumers. Based on education programme attendance profile, the study sample was divided into frequent, intermittent and never groups. No significant changes were found in water quality between the three groups, even though the frequent group attended most of the training sessions. This implies that the programme did not have a particular influence on any one group. Container-stored water was still being contaminated in the domestic environment despite the water-handling hygiene education programme. An improved hygiene-education programme appears to be needed to change deep-rooted inherent behaviours such as hand- washing prior to water handling as well as proper protection of container-stored water from environmental contamination

    The effect of an educational intervention on the microbiological quality of water stored on households

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    This study investigated whether a water-handling hygiene education programme could improve the health-related microbiological quality of container water stored and used in households in a dense urban settlement in the Free State Province. Previous studies in the area indicated that stored container water became contaminated during the process of fetching from communal standpipes and then storing and handling the water at home, which exposed the study population to a potential risk of microbiological infection. A water-hygiene education programme was implemented together with a health-related microbiological water quality assessment programme. Members of selected households participated in a series of domestic water-handling hygiene education training sessions over a period of eight months and the quality of their stored water monitored for improvement in tandem over the same period. The results were compared to those of similar tests done during previous studies in the same area. Turbidity, heterotrophic bacteria numbers and total coliform bacteria were used as indicators of general microbial water quality while E. coli bacteria were used to indicate faecal pollution. While the results generally reflected significant improvements for all the indicators from the previous studies, a potential risk of infection was still indicated for consumers. Based on education programme attendance profile, the study sample was divided into frequent, intermittent and never groups. No signficant changes were found in water quality between the three groups, even though the frequent group attended most of the training sessions. This implies that the programme did not have a particular influence on any one group. Container-stored water was still being contaminated in the domestic environment despite the water-handling hygiene education programme. An improved hygiene-education programme appears to be needed to change deep-rooted inherent behaviours such as hand- washing prior to water handling as well as proper protection of container-stored water from environmental contamination

    Pemberdayaan Pengrajin Songket Buleleng

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    This community service activity aims to increase the production of songket with the effective use of the cag-cag loom as a traditional tool which until now cannot be replaced as a songket-producing tool because of the anatomical guidelines of the craftsmen's body in working and can produce songket fabrics of good quality. Community service activities are the formation of a joint business group as the basis for the formation of a songket cooperative, the development of designs for North Balinese songket motifs, natural coloring from plant materials from flowers, fruits, roots and plant skins and the effectiveness of using the traditional cag-cag tool. Through the method of socialization, training and mentoring of Jinengdalem Village songket craftsmen, targets and outcomes are generated, namely: the formation of a joint business group, natural coloring of silk threads as the basic material for songket, songket productivity with cag-cag looms and more diversified motif designs according to specific characteristics. North Bali (Buleleng)