303 research outputs found

    About Grid Generation in Constructions Bounded by the Surfaces of Revolution

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    For constructions bounded by the surfaces of revolution, structured grid generation technique is presented. Its technology has been elaborated within the variational approach for constructing optimal grids satisfying optimality criteria: Closeness of grids to uniform ones, closeness of grids to orthogonal ones and adaptation to a given function. Grid generation has been designed for numerical solution of the differential equations modeling the vortex processes of multi-component hydrodynamics. In the technology, the three-dimensional construction in which it is required to construct a grid is represented in the form of the curvilinear hexahedron defining its configuration. The specific feature of the required configurations is that some faces of a curvilinear hexahedron lie in one plane and along edges of adjoining faces grid cells degenerate into prisms. Grid generation in the considered constructions has started to be developed by the elaboration of algorithms for the volume of revolution which has become the basic construction. The basic construction is obtained by the rotation through 180° around the axis of a generatrix consisting of straight line segments, arcs of circles and ellipses. Then the deformed volumes of revolutions are considered along with the generalizations of the volume of revolution which represent constructions obtained by the surfaces of revolution with parallel axis of rotation. The aim of the further development of the technology is to consider more and more complicated constructions and elaborate the technology for them. In the presentation, the current state of the development of the technology is given. Examples of generated grids are supplied. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    The main problems of studying electronic information and educational environment of the high school: experience of analysis of scientific literature

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    This article describes the problematic issues related to the study of electronic information and educational environment. Considered the degree of knowledge of this topic. The analysis of the literature is consideredВ данной статье рассмотрены проблемные вопросы, связанные с изучением электронной информационно-образовательной среды. Рассматривается степень изученности данной темы. Приводится анализ литератур

    Cardio-and Neuroprotective Effects of Corvitin and 2-Oxoglutarate in Rats with Pituitrin-Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Damage

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    Heart diseases, especially acute coronary syndrome (ACS), are among the most severe illnesses that often lead to death. Despitesignificant advances in the prevention and treatment of ACS, the incidence of the disease and its complications are very serious. +eimbalance between pro- and antioxidant systems, the formation of active carbonyl compounds, and the end products of glycation inthe blood and tissues are the key moments in the development of heart and neurological disorders leading to a change of behavioralresponses. So, the search for antioxidants with cardio- and neuroprotective effects is an urgent task. +is study was aimed atevaluating the effects of Corvitin and 2-oxoglutarate on physiological parameters, heart histology, and markers of carbonyl/oxidativestress of rats with pituitrin-isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage (PIMD). Increased sweating, tachycardia, significantly decreasedlocomotor and exploratory activity, changes of ECG, heart histology, and biochemical changes were observed in the PIMDgroup.+e administration of Corvitin or 2-OG led to the recovery of locomotor and cognitive activities of the rats, improvement inheart histology, a decrease in the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, advanced glycated end products, and variouschanges in the activity of the antioxidant enzymes, 6 days after PIMD. So, Corvitin and exogenous 2-OG show cardio- andneuroprotective effects through the decrease of carbonyl/oxidative stress and regulation of the activity of the antioxidant system

    The role of a2ß1 integrin in anchorage dependent apoptosis of breast carcinoma and hepatoma cells

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    The role of collagen specific a2ß1 integrin in anchorage dependent apoptosis (anoikis) was investigated. Stimulation of a2ß1 signaling with immobilized anti-a2 antibody markedly sensitized human MCF-7 breast carcinoma and HepG2 hepatoma cells to anoikis. Accordingly, down-regulation of a2ß1 by a2-specific siRNA decreased the percentage of cells undergoing anoikis. These results for the first time provide direct evidence that a2ß1 receptor can transduce the signal to promote death in matrix deprived cells

    Influence of insectocompost obtained by cultivation of the during beetle <i>Ulomoides dermestoides</i> on the ecological-trophic composition and development of soil and phytoparasitic nematodes

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    The purpose of the research is to study the effect of insect compost obtained as a result of the vital activity of insects of the Coleoptera order Ulomoides dermestoides on the quantitative and qualitative composition of soil nematodes of various ecological and trophic groups, as well as on the morphological and physiological state of plants and infection of tomato plants with root-knot nematodes.Materials and methods. Under laboratory conditions, soil containing a diverse fauna of nematodes was treated with 1% dry and 0.5; 0.75 and 1% aqueous solutions of biocompost. Insect compost was obtained by keeping the U. dermestoides on a dry nutrient mixture. Then a mixture of lawn grasses was sown in the ground. After 30 days, the composition of nematodes was analyzed. The ability of insect compost to suppress parasitic nematode species was studied using the tomato-knot nematode model system. Tomatoes were infected with Meloidogyne incognita at a rate of 500 larvae (J2) per plant and simultaneously treated with a 0.5% aqueous biocompost solution.Results and discussion. The insect compost U. dermestoides has an effect on quantitative and qualitative indicators in the community of soil nematodes, increasing the number of predatory and saprobiotic nematodes and displacing parasitic ones. And due to the content of various biologically active compounds, it affects the development of rootknot nematodes in tomato roots. When tomatoes are treated with an aqueous solution of insect compost, the infection score and the number of nematodes that penetrate the roots are reduced. The introduction of compost when growing a mixture of lawn grasses and tomatoes can improve the condition of the plants

    Зміни нейронально-астроцитарного апарату гіпокампу на тлі тривалого введення ізоніазиду та рифампіцину за умов введення фіксованої комбінації іпідакрину гідрохлорид/фенібут

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    Topicality. The main disadvantage of the first-line anti-TB drugs isoniazid and rifampicin is their ability to cause drug-induced liver injury. At the same time, in addition to hepatotoxic, in 12-24 % of cases are neurological disorders. The consequence of these processes is a disturbance of synaptic plasticity, learning processes and memory. In addition, significant factor in the development of neurological disorders may be an imbalance of intestinal microflora. One of the possible options at eliminating or attenuating the manifestations of cognitive deficiency in various pathological conditions is the appointment of drugs with neuroprotective properties. However, even today their effectiveness studied not enough for central nervous system dysfunctions arising from prolonged anti-TB therapy. Therefore, we can assume that neurological disorders can be due to a complex of interrelated factors.Aim. To determine the morphometric and ultrastructural features of neurons and glial cells, as well as the levels of glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAB) in the hippocampus of rats under long-term administration of isoniazid and rifampicin during experimental therapy with a fixed combination of ipidacrine hydrochloride/phenibut.Materials and methods. Studies were conducted on three groups of white Wistar male rats with drug-induced hepatitis, reproduced by intragastric administration of isoniazid and rifampicin for 28 days. In the last 14 days of the intragastric experiment, rats of the research group were administered ipidacrine hydrochloride/phenibut (1/60 mg/kg). The content of cytosolic GFAP in the hippocampus was determined by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Semi-thin sections of CA1 sections of the rat hippocampus were analyzed, Image J. analysis program used. The ultrastructural characteristics were studied, PEM-100-01 transmission electron microscope used (Selmi, Ukraine).Results and discussion. Under the experimental pharmacotherapy the specific number of degeneratively altered neurons was significantly lower than in the controlled animals. At the same time, astrocytes were characterized by significantly less edema of the cytoplasm and adaptive-compensatory changes in mitochondria, and the content of cytoplasmic GFAP was 44.2 % (P = 0.0065) lower than the group of animals with hepatitis.Conclusions. Course administration of ipidacrine and phenibut reduces the severity of neurodegeneration appearance, improves the state of astroglia in the hippocampus, and it also reduces the cytoplasmic levels of glial acidic fibrillary protein in animals with drug-induced liver injury.Вступление. Основным недостатком противотуберкулезных средств первого ряда изониазида и рифампицина является их способность вызывать медикаментозно-индуцированное поражение печени. В то же время кроме гепатотоксических в 12-24 % случаев их применения занимают и неврологические расстройства. Следствием этих процессов является нарушение синаптической пластичности, процессов обучения и памяти. Дополнительным весомым фактором в развитии неврологических расстройств, в частности когнитивной дисфункции, может быть и нарушение баланса кишечной микрофлоры. Одним из вариантов, направленных на устранение или ослабление проявлений когнитивного дефицита при различных патологических состояниях, является назначение средств с нейропротекторными свойствами. Однако и сегодня точно неизвестна их эффективность при нарушениях функции ЦНС, возникающих вследствие длительной противотуберкулезной терапии. Можно предположить, что неврологические расстройства могут быть обусловлены комплексом взаимосвязанных факторов.Целью данной работы было определить морфометрические и ультраструктурные особенности нейронов и глиальных клеток, а также уровни глиального фибриллярного кислого белка (ГФКБ) в гиппокампе крыс в условиях длительного введения изониазида и рифампицина на фоне экспериментальной терапии фиксированной комбинацией ипидакрина гидрохлорид/фенибут.Материалы и методы. Исследования проведены на трёх группах белых крыс-самцов линии Вистар с медикаментозно-индуцированным гепатитом, воспроизведённым путём интрагастрального введения изониазида и рифампицина в течение 28 суток. Крысам исследовательской группы в течение последних 14 суток эксперимента интрагастрально вводили ипидакрина гидрохлорид/фенибут (1/60 мг/кг). Содержание цитозольной ГФКБ в гиппокампе определяли методом конкурентного твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Анализ полутонких срезов СА1 поля гиппокампа крыс осуществляли с использованием программы анализа Image J. Исследование ультраструктурных характеристик проводили с помощью трансмиссионного электронного микроскопа ПЭМ-100-01 («SELMI», Украина).Результаты и их обсуждение. В условиях экспериментальной фармакотерапии удельное количество дегенеративно изменённых нейронов было значимо ниже показателей животных контроля. При этом астроциты характеризовались существенно меньшим отёком цитоплазмы и адаптативно-компенсаторными изменениями в митохондриях, а содержание цитоплазматической ГФКБ было на 44,2 % (Р = 0,0065) ниже, чем у группы животных с гепатитом.Вывод. Курсовое введение ипидакрина и фенибута уменьшает выраженность проявлений нейродегенерации, улучшает состояние астроглии в гиппокампе, а также снижает цитоплазматические уровни глиального кислого фибриллярного белка у животных с медикаментозно-индуцированным поражением печени.Вступ. Основним недоліком протитуберкульозних засобів першого ряду ізоніазиду та рифампіцину є їх здатність викликати медикаментозно-індуковане ураження печінки. Водночас окрім гепатотоксичних у 12-24 % випадків їх застосування займають і неврологічні розлади. Наслідком цих процесів є порушення синаптичної пластичності, процесів навчання та пам’яті. Додатковим вагомим фактором у розвитку неврологічних розладів, зокрема когнітивної дисфункції, може бути і порушення балансу кишкової мікрофлори. Одним із напрямків, спрямованих на усунення або послаблення проявів когнітивного дефіциту при різноманітних патологічних станах, є призначення засобів з нейропротекторними властивостями. Однак і сьогодні достеменно невідомою є їх ефективність при порушеннях функції ЦНС, що виникають внаслідок тривалої протитуберкульозної терапії. Адже можна передбачити, що неврологічні розлади можуть бути опосередковані комплексом взаємопов’язаних факторів.Метою даної роботи було визначити морфометричні та ультраструктурні особливості нейронів та гліальних клітин, а також рівні гліального фібрилярного кислого білка (ГФКБ) у гіпокампі щурів за умов тривалого введення ізоніазиду та рифампіцину на тлі експериментальної терапії фіксованою комбінацією іпідакрину гідрохлорид/фенібут.Матеріали та методи. Дослідження проведені на трьох групах білих щурів-самців лінії Вістар з медикаментозно-індукованим гепатитом, який відтворювали шляхом інтрагастрального введення ізоніазиду та рифампіцину впродовж 28 діб. Щурам дослідної групи впродовж останніх 14 діб експерименту інтрагастрально вводили іпідакрину гідрохлорид/фенібут (1/60 мг/кг). Вміст цитозольної ГФКБ у гіпокампі визначали методом конкурентного твердофазного імуноферментного аналізу. Аналіз напівтонких зрізів СА1 поля гіпокампу щурів здійснювали з використанням програми аналізу Image J. Дослідження ультраструктурних характеристик проводили за допомогою трансмісійного електронного мікроскопа ПЭМ-100-01 («SELMI», Україна).Результати та їх обговорення. За умов експериментальної фармакотерапії питома кількість дегенеративно змінених нейронів була значимо нижчою за показники тварин контролю. При цьому астроцити характеризувалися істотно нижчим набряком цитоплазми та адаптативно-компенсаторними змінами у мітохондріях, а вміст цитоплазматичної ГФКБ був на 44,2 % (Р = 0,0065) нижчим за групи тварин з гепатитом.Висновки. Курсове введення іпідакрину та фенібуту зменшує виразність проявів нейродегенерації, покращує стан астроглії у гіпокампі, а також знижує цитоплазматичні рівні гліального кислого фібрилярного білка у тварин з медикаментозно-індукованими ураженнями печінки

    Biomarkers in diagnostics of acute kidney injury after the organ-preserving surgery of localized renal cancer

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    Objective: to assess perspectives using biomarkers for early detection of developing acute kidney injury (AKI) among patients during partial nephrectomy under the warm ischemia of the kidney. Materials and methods: data of 100 patients was assessed with a localized renal cancer Т1N0М0 aged 56,5±8,7 years. All the patients underwent partial nephrectomy under warm ischemia of the kidney. The concentration of the following “early markers of AKI” was tested in blood of the patients using the ELISA technique and standard test-systems: cystatin С (BioVendor, Czech Republic), NGAL (BCMDiagnostics, USA), L-FABP (Hycult Biotechnology, Netherlands). The duration of warm ischemia was also fixed and the rate of diuresis was valued either. The test was carried out 24 hours prior to and 16 hours after the surgical interference. All the patients were diagnosed and classified by the presence or absence of AKI during the early postoperative period according to the generally accepted classification KDIGO. The obtained results were processed with the help of Microsoft Excel software, the statistical reliability of the results was defined on the basis of the use of Wilcoxon non-parametric test. Simultaneously the expert analysis of the clinical data and results of the laboratory research was carried out. Results: the method of the early diagnostics of AKI among patients who underwent partial nephrectomy under the warm ischemia of the kidney was developed. The method is based on the successive identification of the concentration of the early biochemical markers of AKI, the duration of warm ischemia and the rate of diuresis. Conclusions: the use of the developed method allows diagnosing the development of AKI among patients undergoing partial nephretomy under the warm ischemia already in 16 hours after the surgical interference (before the rise in the creatinine level)

    The functional state of the kallikrein-kinin and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems in patients with localized kidney cancer

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    Introduction. The development of a malignant tumor naturally affects renal function. During tumor formation, the renal tissue is destructed either by direct invasion into the parenchyma, or by mechanical change in the renal architecture caused by compression of the renal parenchyma, collecting ducts, tubules, and nephrons. In addition, a tumor can secrete biologically active substances, which have an indirect negative influence the functional state of the organ. Currently, it has been established that kallikrein-kinin and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems play an important role in the development of nephropathy of various genesis. At the same time, these systems' role in the development of renal function disorders in the setting of tumor damage has not yet been studied.Purpose of the study. To study changes in the components of the kallikrein-kinin and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems in the case of localized kidney cancer.Materials and methods. Forty-five patients diagnosed with T1N0M0 kidney cancer and 13 relatively healthy patients without cancer were examined. The determination of the components of the systems under study was carried out by the kinetic method after chromatography of blood plasma and urine using DEAE-Sephadex A-50 (Amersham Biosciences Corp., Sweden). The indices of angiotensin-1, renin, aldosterone, and cortisol were studied by an indirect method of radioimmunoassay. Statistical processing was carried out using Statistica 8.0 software (StatSoft Inc., IBM Corp., USA) by means of the Student-Fisher test (p &lt; 0.05).Results. The development of kidney cancer is accompanied by a 2.3-fold increase in the activity of kallikrein and other trypsin proteases with a significant deficiency of their inhibitors (p &lt; 0,05). Against this background, there is a 1.3-fold decrease in the cortisol/renin ratio from a 2.9-fold and 2.3-fold increase in the values of the renin/angiotensin-I and cortisol/angiotensin-I interaction ratios, respectively, compared with the normal values of these indicators (p &lt; 0,05).Conclusions. Renal cell carcinoma is accompanied by trespassing of local metabolism with the formation of tubulointerstitial dysfunction and a shift of the proteinase-inhibitory balance towards proteolytic activation

    The algorithm for generation of structured grids in deformed volumes of revolution

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    For the volume of revolution deformed by another volume of revolution, a grid generation algorithm is suggested. The algorithm is designed for multimaterial hydrodynamic simulation and for solving other physical and engineering problems. The algorithm represents the non-stationary procedure generating three-dimensional structured grids in domains with moving boundaries. The algorithm is developed within the variational approach for constructing optimal curvilinear grids. The volume of revolution is obtained by the rotation about the axis through 180° of a plane generatrix curve consisting of straight line segments and arcs of circles. The non-stationary algorithm is the iterative process at each stage of which the deformation of a grid and then its optimization are carried out. The deformation of a grid is implemented within the geometrical approach, and the optimization of a grid within the variational approach. Iterations are continued until the necessary deformation is reached. The algorithm is realized in the computer code written in C++. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Причины аварийности и критерии контроля на автодорогах

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)]. ABSTRACT In the article, which has a nature of a review, the views of domestic and foreign researchers on the problems of road safety on roads, the causes of accidents and ways to prevent them are analyzed. Attempts are made to trace the main trends of scientific research in this field, including those that concern diagnostic criteria and indicators for assessing safety of passenger vehicles, as well as the human factor in all its contemporary manifestations. Keywords: road safety, passenger motor transport, accident rate, diagnostics, control criteria, prevention of violations, human factor.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).В обзорной по своему характеру статье анализируются точки зрения отечественных и зарубежных исследователей на проблемы безопасности движения на автомобильных дорогах, причины аварийности и способы её предотвращения. Делаются попытки проследить основные тенденции научного поиска в этой сфере, в том числе те из них, которые касаются диагностических критериев и показателей для оценки безопасности пассажирского автотранспорта, а также человеческого фактора во всех его современных проявлениях