15,162 research outputs found

    A nanoradian differential VLBI tracking demonstration

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    The shift due to Jovian gravitational deflection in the apparent angular position of the radio source P 0201+113 was measured with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) to demonstrate a differential angular tracking technique with nanoradian accuracy. The raypath of the radio source P 0201+113 passed within 1 mrad of Jupiter (approximately 10 Jovian radii) on 21 Mar. 1988. Its angular position was measured 10 times over 4 hours on that date, with a similar measurement set on 2 Apr. 1988, to track the differential angular gravitational deflection of the raypath. According to general relativity, the expected gravitational bend of the raypath averaged over the duration of the March experiment was approximately 1.45 nrad projected onto the two California-Australia baselines over which it was measured. Measurement accuracies on the order of 0.78 nrad were obtained for each of the ten differential measurements. The chi(exp 2) per degree of freedom of the data for the hypothesis of general relativity was 0.6, which suggests that the modeled dominant errors due to system noise and tropospheric fluctuations fully accounted for the scatter in the measured angular deflections. The chi(exp 2) per degree of freedom for the hypothesis of no gravitational deflection by Jupiter was 4.1, which rejects the no-deflection hypothesis with greater than 99.999 percent confidence. The system noise contributed about 0.34 nrad per combined-baseline differential measurement and tropospheric fluctuations contributed about 0.70 nrad. Unmodeled errors were assessed, which could potentially increase the 0.78 nrad error by about 8 percent. The above chi(exp 2) values, which result from the full accounting of errors, suggest that the nanoradian gravitational deflection signature was successfully tracked

    Nitrogen availability effects on exotic, invasive plant species

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    2000 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The invasion of ecosystems by exotic plant species is a serious concern for land managers and conservationists. One of the most universally recognized exacerbating factors of exotic species invasions is disturbance. Human alterations to the global nitrogen cycle have increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition to terrestrial ecosystems worldwide, a disturbance that may encourage the growth of exotic invasive species that are uniquely capable of growing quickly when excess nitrogen is available. I undertook three experiments, one field and two greenhouse, to test the hypothesis that exotic invasive species are specifically adapted to take advantage of high nitrogen conditions, and outcompete natives as nitrogen availability increases, and that native species are better adapted to low nitrogen conditions and outcompete exotics when this nutrient is low. The field experiment examined the response of a disturbed short grass steppe community dominated by exotics to the addition of humus precursors and a labile carbon source intended to reduce plant available nitrogen. I was hypothesized that decreasing nitrogen availability would disadvantage the dominant exotic species and provide and advantage for the native species, returning the community to a vegetative structure more characteristic of undisturbed sites. Results of the experiment showed that decreasing nitrogen availability had no effect on native or exotic species density, richness, or basal cover. A greenhouse study investigated the response of above and belowground biomass, plant height, and nitrogen tissue concentrations of two species, the native Bouteloua gracilis, and the exotic Bromus tectorum, to a gradient in nitrogen availability and competition. The two species were grown under five levels of nitrogen availability and five levels of competition. I hypothesized that the native species would compete better at the low nitrogen levels, but competitive advantage would shift to the exotic as nitrogen availability increased, as some research has shown native species grow better than exotics at low nitrogen levels whereas exotics are only able to support their rapid growth rates when high amounts of resources are available. The exotic species was the better competitor at all nitrogen levels. A second greenhouse study investigated the above and belowground, height, and nitrogen tissue response of two native species, Bouteloua gracilis and Agropyron smithii, and four exotic species, Bromus tectorum, Euphorbia esula, Cirsium arvense, and Centaurea repens, to a gradient in nitrogen availability. I grew the six species individually under five levels of nitrogen availability. I hypothesized that the native plant species would gain more mass than the exotics at the low nitrogen levels, but the exotics would gain more mass at the high nitrogen levels. The native species failed to perform better than the exotics at the lowest nitrogen levels, but only two exotics performed better than the natives at the highest nitrogen levels. My results support the hypothesis that exotic species respond more readily to increasing nitrogen availability than native species, but do not support the hypothesis that all exotic species have a competitive advantage under high nitrogen conditions. Furthermore, my results do not support the hypothesis that native species have a competitive advantage over all exotic invasive weeds at low nitrogen conditions, as one of the exotics, Bromus tectorum, competed and grew comparatively better than the native species even at low nitrogen levels. The success of all exotic invasive weeds cannot be completely attributed to a rapid growth response to nutrient availability; it is likely that different species utilize a combination of strategies to outcompete native plant species

    The Family Law Reform Act 1987 - Useful Reform but an Unhappy Compromise?

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    The Family Law Reform Act 1987 - Useful Reform but an Unhappy Compromise

    Randomised controlled trial of clinical medication review by a pharmacist of elderly patients receiving repeat prescriptions in general practice

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    Objective: To determine whether a pharmacist can effectively review repeat prescriptions through consultations with elderly patients in general practice. Design: Randomised controlled trial of clinical medication review by a pharmacist against normal general practice review. Setting: Four general practices. Participants: 1188 patients aged 65 or over who were receiving at least one repeat prescription and living in the community. Intervention: Patients were invited to a consultation at which the pharmacist reviewed their medical conditions and current treatment. Main outcome measures: Number of changes to repeat prescriptions over one year, drug costs, and use of healthcare services. Results: 590 (97%) patients in the intervention group were reviewed compared with 233 (44%) in the control group. Patients seen by the pharmacist were more likely to have changes made to their repeat prescriptions (mean number of changes per patient 2.2 v 1.9; difference=0.31, 95% confidence interval 0.06 to 0.57; P=0.02). Monthly drug costs rose in both groups over the year, but the rise was less in the intervention group (mean difference £4.72 per 28 days, -£7.04 to -£2.41); equivalent to £61 per patient a year. Intervention patients had a smaller rise in the number of drugs prescribed (0.2 v 0.4; mean difference -0.2, -0.4 to -0.1). There was no evidence that review of treatment by the pharmacist affected practice consultation rates, outpatient consultations, hospital admissions, or death rate. Conclusions: A clinical pharmacist can conduct effective consultations with elderly patients in general practice to review their drugs. Such review results in significant changes in patients' drugs and saves more than the cost of the intervention without affecting the workload of general practitioners

    Re-identification of c. 15 700 cal yr BP tephra bed at Kaipo Bog, eastern North Island: implications for dispersal of Rotorua and Puketarata tephra beds.

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    A 10 mm thick, c. 15 700 calendar yr BP (c. 13 100 14C yr BP) rhyolitic tephra bed in the well-studied montane Kaipo Bog sequence of eastern North Island was previously correlated with Maroa-derived Puketarata Tephra. We revise this correlation to Okataina-derived Rotorua Tephra based on new compositional data from biotite phenocrysts and glass. The new correlation limits the known dispersal of Puketarata Tephra (sensu stricto, c. 16 800 cal yr BP) and eliminates requirements to either reassess its age or to invoke dual Puketarata eruptive events. Our data show that Rotorua Tephra comprises two glass-shard types: an early-erupted low-K2O type that was dispersed mostly to the northwest, and a high-K2O type dispersed mostly to the south and southeast, contemporary with late-stage lava extrusion. Late-stage Rotorua eruptives contain biotite that is enriched in FeO compared with biotite from Puketarata pyroclastics. The occurrence of Rotorua Tephra in Kaipo Bog (100 km from the source) substantially extends its known distribution to the southeast. Our analyses demonstrate that unrecognised syn-eruption compositional and dispersal changes can cause errors in fingerprinting tephra deposits. However, the compositional complexity, once recognised, provides additional fingerprinting criteria, and also documents magmatic and dispersal processes

    Stratigraphy and chronology of the Stent tephra, a c. 4000 year old distal silicic tephra from Taupo Volcanic Centre, New Zealand.

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    Tephrostratigraphic and chronologic studies in two areas of the North Island have identified a previously unrecorded, thin, distal silicic tephra derived from the Taupo Volcanic Centre. In Taranaki, three radiocarbon ages of the uncorrelated tephra are consistent with the independent radiocarbon chronology obtained from enveloping Egmontsourced tephras. In western Bay of Plenty, where the uncorrelated tephra is also directly dated, it is overlain by Whakaipo Tephra (c. 2.7 ka) and underlain by Hinemaiaia Tephra (c. 4.5 ka). From these sites in Taranaki and western Bay of Plenty, seven radiocarbon dates obtained on the uncorrelated silicic tephra yield an error-weighted mean age of 3970 ±31 conventional radiocarbon years B.P. The ages on the uncorrelated tephra (informally referred to as Stent tephra) from both areas are statistically identical but significantly different from those on both Waimihia and Hinemaiaia Tephras. occurrence of Stent tephra in Taranaki, c. 160 km upwind from the postulated source area, and in western Bay of Plenty, suggests that it represents the product of a moderately large plinian eruption. Until recently, its validity as a discrete eruptive event had been problematical, because a near-source equivalent deposit between Waimihia and Hinemaiaia Tephras was not recognised in the Taupo area. However, a revised stratigraphy proposed by C. J. N. Wilson in 1993 for eastern sectors of the Taupo area shows that multiple tephra layers were erupted from Taupo volcano between c. 3.9 and 5.2 ka. Of these newly recognised layers, unit-g--the product of a moderately large eruption (>0.15 km3) at c. 4.0 ka--is tentatively correlated with Stent tephra. Other eruptive units recognised by Wilson are either too old or too small in volume to be considered as likely correlatives

    Remote sensing in Michigan for land resource management

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    The utilization of NASA earth resource survey technology as an important aid in the solution of current problems in resource management and environmental protection in Michigan is discussed. Remote sensing techniques to aid Michigan government agencies were used to achieve the following results: (1) provide data on Great Lakes beach recession rates to establish shoreline zoning ordinances; (2) supply technical justification for public acquisition of land to establish the St. John's Marshland Recreation Area; (3) establish economical and effective methods for performing a statewide wetlands survey; (4) accomplish a variety of regional resource management actions in the Upper Peninsula; and (5) demonstrate improved soil survey methods. The project disseminated information on remote sensing technology and provided advice and assistance to a number of users in Michigan

    Remote sensing in Michigan for land resource management

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    The Environmental Research Institute of Michigan is conducting a program whose goal is the large-scale adoption, by both public agencies and private interests in Michigan, of NASA earth-resource survey technology as an important aid in the solution of current problems in resource management and environmental protection. During the period from June 1975 to June 1976, remote sensing techniques to aid Michigan government agencies were used to achieve the following major results: (1) supply justification for public acquisition of land to establish the St. John's Marshland Recreation Area; (2) recommend economical and effective methods for performing a statewide wetlands survey; (3) assist in the enforcement of state laws relating to sand and gravel mining, soil erosion and sedimentation, and shorelands protection; (4) accomplish a variety of regional resource management actions in the East Central Michigan Planning and Development Region. Other tasks on which remote sensing technology was used include industrial and school site selection, ice detachment in the Soo Harbor, grave detection, and data presentation for wastewater management programs