365 research outputs found


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    The main areas in protection of consumers of insurance services are as follows: correct actuarial valuation of insurance liabilities, formation of insurance reserves, devising an investment policy, raising the solvency of insurance organizations, proper information about insurance relations. The paper examines the above-mentioned issues. The present work is the outcome of studies performed with extensive use of basic and applied research works conducted by Russian and foreign specialists. This work is based on statistical data from Italian and Russian insurance markets, regulatory documents, insurance supervision as well as data from Federal State Statistics Service and data from foreign sources. The methods of systemic analysis proved to be an effective tool in investigation. The article explores Italian and Russian experience in the field of protection of consumers of insurance services highlighting those aspects of the Italian experience that can be put into practice on the Russian insurance market. This study may be of interest for participants of the insurance market, especially for the corporate sector and analysts involved in establishing insurance relations aimed to protect the rights and interests of consumers of insurance services.В защите потребителей страховых услуг основными направлениями являются вопросы корректной актуарной оценки страховых обязательств, формирования страховых резервов и инвестиционной политики, платежеспособности страховых организаций, информационного сопровождения страховых отношений. Исследованию этой проблемы посвящена данная статья. Работа является результатом исследования, выполненного с использованием фундаментальных и прикладных работ российских и зарубежных специалистов. Базируется на статистических данных итальянского и российского страхового рынка, нормативных документах, данных страхового надзора, Федеральной службы государственной статистики, зарубежных источниках. Работа проведена с помощью методов системного анализа. В статье исследованы вопросы итальянской и российской практики решения проблем защиты потребителей страховых услуг в определенных аспектах: актуарной оценки страховых обязательств, формирования страховых резервов и инвестиционной политики, платежеспособности страховых организаций, информационного сопровождения страховых отношений. Выявлены основные аспекты итальянского опыта, которые могут быть применены на российском страховом рынке. Материалы работы могут быть использованы участниками страхового рынка - корпоративным сектором и аналитическими компаниями при формировании страховых отношений в целях защиты прав потребителей страховых услуг

    Modifying the humanities: global challenges of the digital revolution

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    The relevance of the research is conditioned by the fact that the global challenges of the digital revolution aggravate the dynamic problems faced by the humanities in one way or another. These challenges “modify” the socio-cultural contexts, amending significantly “power maps” and economic realities, as well as traditions and norms, thus influencing the spiritual existence of man and humanity as such at a regular stage of epochal changes. The process of renewal of major institutional discourses is underway, which increases the risks and respectively the ways of their overcoming, complicating the forecasts and expertise of scenarios for the future of the humanities. The purpose of the research is to identify the basic parameters of new paradigms and concepts that influence the change in research and management prospects, as well as to actualise the specific role of humanitaristics and cultural institutions responsible for the process of formation of social consciousness and individual socialisation at the digital age. The essence of humanitaristics is conceptualised by the authors as a set of humanities supplemented by new sociocultural technologies. The research has an interdisciplinary character and is based on theoretical aspects and materials of different sciences (cultural anthropology, philosophy, culturology, semiotics, and sociology); it combines general scientific, philosophical, and culturological methods, among which cultural/historical and social/analytical methods, as well as cross-cultural analysis, are of particular importance. At the same time, the integral approach is viewed by the authors as the methodological basis for the analysis of the specified problems, since it allows a researcher to consider the whole complex of interrelations between the global media sphere, society, and the individual, which influences the evolution of the humanities significantly. The undertaken study provides an opportunity to consider the potential of digital humanitaristics in the system of social sciences, their interdisciplinary development and enhancement in the historical and cultural perspective. As a result, the mission of specialists’ humanitaristic training is identified, which defines the system of values and purports as a basis of the smart-future society. The authors assert that new sociocultural practices of informative/ communicative character are being formed, creating qualitatively changed characteristics of the developing society in digital networks, where an individual’s freedom, cultural self-identification, and opportunities for self-realisation in a virtual environment are perceived differently. Exploring different communication styles in the digital revolution period, the authors highlight such features as its independence, emotional and intellectual openness, focus on innovations, and formation of new intellectual capabilities of the individual in the Internet space – the factors that contribute to the formation of identity, self-esteem and intrinsic values, tolerance, global orientation, social and civic responsibility. This proves that humanitaristics in the 21st century is acquiring new qualities of transdisciplinarity and a new ideological status making it possible to explore human existence in the cardinally changing global landscape. © 2022 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved


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    The Russian insurance market requires qualitative,quantitative and structural changes.The solution of problems related to the development of financial markets in Russia as defined in the Long-Term Socio-Economic Development Forecast for the Russian Federation till 2030 by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development requires radical improvement of the national insurance system. This article is devoted to the investigation into this problem. The article contains the results of a research carried out by the author on the subject “Regulation of the Insurance Market”, commissioned by the Russian Federation Government to the Financial University within the framework of budget financing, using fundamental and applied research works of Russian and foreign specialists. The reported research is based on Russian insurance market statistical data, statutory documents, insurance supervision data, information of the Economic Development Ministry, the Emergency Ministry, the Federal Statistics Service, foreign sources. Methods of system analysis have been employed. The article assesses the current state of the domesticinsurance market,identifies the main goals of the insurance market development strategy till 2020 including: not solved problem of life insurance, creation of a mega-regulator, problems of the Russian insurance market integration into the world economy. The article reveals disparities in the Russian insurance market, complex problems of interaction with the consumers of insurance services, systemic problems of insurance companies and infrastructure. The findings of the research may be used by Russian state insurance supervisors,the corporate sector and analysts in building up the strategy and tactics of insurance companies to enhance competitiveness in the reorganization of the national insurance market.Российскому страховому рынку необходимы качественные, количественные и структурные изменения. Решение задач развития финансовых рынков России, определенных в «Прогнозе долгосрочного социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации на период до 2030 года»** Минэкономразвития России, требует радикального совершенствования отечественной страховой системы. Данная статья является результатом исследования, выполненного автором по теме «Регулирование рынка страховых услуг» (заказ Правительства РФ Финансовому университету в рамках бюджетного финансирования), с использованием фундаментальных и прикладных работ российских и зарубежных специалистов. Базируется на статистических данных российского страхового рынка, нормативных документах, данных страхового надзора, Минэкономразвития, МЧС, Федеральной службы государственной статистики, зарубежных источниках. Работа проведена с помощью методов системного анализа. В статье дана оценка текущего состояния отечественного страхового рынка, выявлены основные задачи для достижения целей Стратегии развития страхового рынка до 2020 г.: нерешенные проблемы страхования жизни, создание мегарегулятора, проблемы интеграции российского страхового рынка в мировое экономическое пространство. В статье выявлены диспропорции российского страхового рынка, комплекс проблем взаимодействия с потребителями страховых услуг, системные проблемы страховых компаний, инфраструктуры. Материалы работы могут быть использованы российскими государственными органами страхового надзора, корпоративным сектором и аналитическими компаниями при формировании стратегии и тактики страховых компаний для повышения конкурентоспособности в условиях реорганизации национального страхового рынка

    Base of scientific and biomedical data the object formation of competencies in the discipline of biochemistry of Medical schools

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    The article describes the algorithm of formation of cultural and professional competences of students in medical University during research work with the use of web services created based on biomedical databasesВ статье описывается алгоритм формирования общекультурных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций у обучающихся в медицинском вузе при проведении научно-исследовательской работы (НИР) с применением веб-сервисов, созданных на основе биомедицинских баз данны

    Quantum Equivalence of Massive Antisymmetric Tensor Field Models in Curved Space

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    We study the effective actions for massive rank-2 and rank-3 antisymmetric tensor field models in curved space-time. These models are classically equivalent to massive vector field and massive scalar field with minimal coupling to gravity respectively. We prove that effective action for massive rank-2 antisymmetric tensor field is exactly equal to one for massive vector field and effective action for massive rank-3 antisymmetric tensor field is exactly equal to one for massive scalar field. Prove is based on an identity for mass-dependent zeta-functions associated with Laplacians acting on pp-forms.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX fil

    The soft and the hard pomerons in hadron elastic scattering at small t

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    We consider simple-pole descriptions of soft elastic scattering for pp, pbar p, pi+ p, pi- p, K+ p and K- p. We work at t and s small enough for rescatterings to be neglected, and allow for the presence of a hard pomeron. After building and discussing an exhaustive dataset, we show that simple poles provide an excellent description of the data in the region - 0.5 GeV^2 < t < -0.1 GeV^2, 6 GeV<sqrt(s)< 63 GeV. We show that new form factors have to be used, and get information on the trajectories of the soft and hard pomerons.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX. A few typos fixed, and references correcte

    Structural and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metal NiMnSb

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    Using the full potential linearised augmented planewave method we study the electronic and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metallic Heusler alloy NiMnSb from first-principles. We take into account all possible surface terminations including relaxations of these surfaces. Special attention is paid to the spin-polarization at the Fermi level which governs the spin-injection from such a metal into a semiconductor. In general, these surfaces lose the half-metallic character of the bulk NiMnSb, but for the (111) surfaces this loss is more pronounced. Although structural optimization does not change these features qualitatively, specifically for the (111) surfaces relaxations can compensate much of the spin-polarization at the Fermi surface that has been lost upon formation of the surface.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Visual Language of Stop-Motion Animation and Computer Graphics in Creating a Screen Image

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 24.03.2023 г.Объектом исследования в статье является сравнительный анализ визуального языка объемных видов stop-motion анимации и компьютерной 3D-графики, активно влияющего на создание образов экранной культуры. Авторы отмечают, что визуальные эффекты объемной stop-motion анимации являются своеобразной протоформой компьютерной 3D-графики, которая в последние десятилетия активно используется в создании спецэффектов в кино. Опираясь на методы культурно-исторического и семиотического анализа, авторы рассматривают эволюцию визуального языка анимации, прошедшей путь от традиций рисованной и кукольной мультипликации до полифункциональных техник компьютерной анимации, способствующих формированию многомерных образов современной экранной культуры.The object of the research in the article is a comparative analysis of the visual language of three-dimensional types of stop-motion and computer 3D animation, which actively influences the creation of images of screen culture. The authors note that the visual effects of volumetric stop-motion animation are a kind of proto-form of 3D computer animation, which has been actively used in the creation of special effects in cinema in recent decades. Relying on the methods of cultural-historical and semiotic analysis, the authors consider the evolution of the visual language of animation, which has gone its way from the traditions of hand-drawn and puppet animation to multifunctional computer animation techniques that contribute to the formation of multidimensional images of modern screen culture

    Влияние лечения тяжелой хронической обструктивной болезни легких тиотропия бромидом на коморбидные соматогенные тревожно-депрессивные расстройства

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    The aim of comparative research was the estimation of alarm and depression dynamics at patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease under influence of tiotropium treatment on HADS questionnaire. Are surveyed 30 patients who were not receiving supporting therapy and 27 patients, using a fluticasone/salmeterol combination. After 3 months of tiotropium treatment the level of alarm and depression decreased in both groups.С целью оценить динамику тревоги и депрессии у больных стабильной хронической обструктивной болезнью легких на фоне лечения тиотропия бромидом по опроснику HADS обследовано 30 больных, не получавших поддерживающей терапии, и 27 пациентов, применявших комбинацию флутиказона и сальметерола. Через 3 мес лечения тиотропия бромидом в обеих группах уровень тревоги и депрессии уменьшился

    On the issue of realization of the right to education by children who cannot attend educational organizations for health reasons

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    The article deals with the problem of exercising the constitutional right to education for children who are unable to attend educational organizations for health reasons. The authors analyze the provisions of the current legislation, the practice of law enforcement. The authors conclude that there is a need for additional measures to protect the interests of minors.В статье рассматривается проблема реализации конституционного права на образование детьми, которые по состоянию здоровья не могут посещать образовательные организации. Авторы анализируют положения действующего законодательства, практику правоприменения. Авторы приходят к выводу: существует необходимость в дополнительных мерах защиты интересов несовершеннолетних граждан