1,320 research outputs found

    Design of a Simple, Low-Cost, Underwater Acoustic Modem

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    In our project we are building an underwater acoustic modem with the ultrasonic transducer. Modulation used for modem is ASK and FSK. Message from transmitter can be displayed in visual format. Different simulator tools are used to analyze message. In this paper we compare results with ASK and FSK modem. This paper presents the design considerations, implementation details, and initial experimental results of our modem

    Utjecaj sadržaja lijeka i veličine aglomerata na tabletiranje i oslobađanje bromheksin hidroklorida iz aglomerata s talkom pripremljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom

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    The objective of the investigation was to study the effect of bromhexine hydrochloride (BXH) content and agglomerate size on mechanical, compressional and drug release properties of agglomerates prepared by crystallo-co-agglomeration (CCA). Studies on optimized batches of agglomerates (BXT1 and BXT2) prepared by CCA have showed adequate sphericity and strength required for efficient tabletting. Trend of strength reduction with a decrease in the size of agglomerates was noted for both batches, irrespective of drug loading. However, an increase in mean yield pressure (14.189 to 19.481) with an increase in size was observed for BXT2 having BXH-talc (1:15.7). Surprisingly, improvement in tensile strength was demonstrated by compacts prepared from BXT2, due to high BXH load, whereas BXT1, having a low amount of BXH (BXH-talc, 1:24), showed low tensile strength. Consequently, increased tensile strength was reflected in extended drug release from BXT2 compacts (Higuchi model, R2 = 0.9506 to 0.9981). Thus, it can be concluded that interparticulate bridges formed by BXH and agglomerate size affect their mechanical, compressional and drug release properties.Cilj rada bio je praćenje utjecaja sadržaja bromheksidin hidroklorida (BXH) i veličine aglomerata na mehanička svojstva, kompresivnost i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz aglomerata pripravljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom (CCA). Optimizirani pripravci aglomerata (BXT1 i BXT2) pripravljeni CCA metodom pokazuju adekvatnu sferičnost i čvrstoću potrebnu za učinkovito tabletiranje. U oba pripravka se smanjenjem veličine aglomerata smanjivala i čvrstoća, neovisno o količini ljekovite tvari. Međutim, povećanje prosječnog tlaka s povećanjem veličine čestica primijećeno je u pripravku BXT2 s omjerom BXH-talk 1:15,7. Iznenađuje da su kompakti pripravljeni iz BXT2, s visokim sadržajem BXH, imali veću vlačnu čvrstoću, dok su BXT1 s niskim sadržajem BXH (BXH-talk, 1:24) imali manju čvrstoću. Veća vlačna čvrstoća imala je za posljedicu produljeno oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz BXT2 (Higuchijev model, R2 = 0,9506 do 0,9981). Može se zaključiti da mostovi među česticama BXH i veličina aglomerata utječu na njihova mehanička i kompresivna svojstva te na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari

    Dizajniranje i vrednovanje okularnih umetaka moksifloksacin hidroklorida

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    The objective of the present investigation was to prepare and evaluate ocular inserts of moxifloxacin. An ocular insert was made from an aqueous dispersion of moxifloxacin, sodium alginate, polyvinyl alcohol, and dibutyl phthalate by the film casting method. The ocular insert (5.5 mm diameter) was cross-linked by CaCl2 and was coated with Eudragit S-100, RL-100, RS-100, E-100 or Eudragit L-100. The in vitro drug drainage/permeation studies were carried out using an all-glass modified Franz diffusion cell. The drug concentration and mucoadhesion time of the ocular insert were found satisfactory. Cross-linking and coating with polymers extended the drainage from inserts. The cross-linked ocular insert coated with Eudragit RL-100 showed maximum drug permeation compared to other formulations.Cilj rada bio je priprava i evaluacija okularnih umetaka moksifloksacina. Okularni umetak izrađen je od vodene suspenzije moksifloksacina, natrijevog alginata, polivinilnog alkohola i dibutil-ftalata metodom odlijevanja filma. Okularni umetak (promjera 5,5 mm) umrežen je pomoću CaCl2 i obložen Eudragitom S-100, RL-100, RS-100, E-100 ili Eudragit L-100. In vitro drenaža/permeacija lijeka proučavana je koristeći staklenu modificiranu Franzovu difuzijsku ćeliju. Koncentracija lijeka i vrijeme mukoadhezije okularnih umetaka bili su zadovoljavajući. Umrežavanje i oblaganje polimerima produljilo je drenažu iz umetaka. Umreženi okularni umetci obloženi s Eudragit RL-100 pokazali su veću permeaciju lijeka u odnosu na ostale pripravke

    Phoretic Motion of Spheroidal Particles Due To Self-Generated Solute Gradients

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    We study theoretically the phoretic motion of a spheroidal particle, which generates solute gradients in the surrounding unbounded solvent via chemical reactions active on its surface in a cap-like region centered at one of the poles of the particle. We derive, within the constraints of the mapping to classical diffusio-phoresis, an analytical expression for the phoretic velocity of such an object. This allows us to analyze in detail the dependence of the velocity on the aspect ratio of the polar and the equatorial diameters of the particle and on the fraction of the particle surface contributing to the chemical reaction. The particular cases of a sphere and of an approximation for a needle-like particle, which are the most common shapes employed in experimental realizations of such self-propelled objects, are obtained from the general solution in the limits that the aspect ratio approaches one or becomes very large, respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in European Physical Journal

    Navigating the Evolution: A Comprehensive Analysis of Awareness in Contemporary TV Display Technologies

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    A display serves as a projecting mechanism that presents video content to the user through technologies such as cathode ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), light-emitting diode (LED), Organic light-emitting diode (OLED), or other projection methods. The global demand for intelligent displays has witnessed a substantial rise, primarily fueled by the increasing popularity of OLED-based devices and technology. Concurrently, the worldwide digital TV subscriptions surpassed one billion in 2017. In our investigation, we aimed to assess the awareness levels among individuals in both rural and urban areas regarding TV display technology. The findings reveal that approximately 79% of urban residents and 44% of rural inhabitants utilize a TV display compatible with their TV subscription. &nbsp

    Role of an Agro Technique for the Development of Medicinal Plant: Shalparni

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    Vrikshayurveda a classical science of botanical field, this science deals with growth and development of plants. This science mainly suggests uses of Kunapa jala and Pancha gavya for the high productivity of crops. This concept works around organic farming for effective plant growth. Vrikshayurvedha mentioned Kunapajala as organic liquid manure which is a fermentation product and acts as plant nutrients. There are two types of Kunapajala mainly in practices viz; herbal and non-herbal which is prepared according to the procedures described in Vrikshayurvedha. Considering importance of this we planned a study to investigate role of Vrikshayurvedha concept for the development of medicinal plant; Shalparni. Present study investigated role of Kunapajala in the growth and % yield of plant Shalparni. This study observed that Kunapajala treatment offered best response with respect to root yield and soil physico-chemical parameters. Kunapajala increased plant yield quantitatively as well as qualitatively

    Adaptation to Variable Environments, Resilience to Climate Change: Investigating Land, Water and Settlement in Indus Northwest India

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    This paper explores the nature and dynamics of adaptation and resilience in the face of a diverse and varied environmental and ecological context using the case study of South Asia’s Indus Civilization (ca. 3000–1300 BC). Most early complex societies developed in regions where the climatic parameters faced by ancient subsistence farmers were varied but rain falls primarily in one season. In contrast, the Indus Civilization developed in a specific environmental context that spanned a very distinct environmental threshold, where winter and summer rainfall systems overlap. There is now evidence to show that this region was directly subject to climate change during the period when the Indus Civilization was at its height (ca. 2500–1900 BC). The Indus Civilization, therefore, provides a unique opportunity to understand how an ancient society coped with diverse and varied ecologies and change in the fundamental environmental parameters. This paper integrates research carried out as part of the Land, Water and Settlement project in northwest India between 2007 and 2014. Although coming from only one of the regions occupied by Indus populations, these data necessitate the reconsideration of several prevailing views about the Indus Civilization as a whole and invigorate discussion about human-environment interactions and their relationship to processes of cultural transformation

    Understanding uncertainty in temperature effects on vector-borne disease: A Bayesian approach

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    Extrinsic environmental factors influence the distribution and population dynamics of many organisms, including insects that are of concern for human health and agriculture. This is particularly true for vector-borne infectious diseases, like malaria, which is a major source of morbidity and mortality in humans. Understanding the mechanistic links between environment and population processes for these diseases is key to predicting the consequences of climate change on transmission and for developing effective interventions. An important measure of the intensity of disease transmission is the reproductive number R0R_0. However, understanding the mechanisms linking R0R_0 and temperature, an environmental factor driving disease risk, can be challenging because the data available for parameterization are often poor. To address this we show how a Bayesian approach can help identify critical uncertainties in components of R0R_0 and how this uncertainty is propagated into the estimate of R0R_0. Most notably, we find that different parameters dominate the uncertainty at different temperature regimes: bite rate from 15-25^\circ C; fecundity across all temperatures, but especially \sim25-32^\circ C; mortality from 20-30^\circ C; parasite development rate at \sim15-16^\circC and again at \sim33-35^\circC. Focusing empirical studies on these parameters and corresponding temperature ranges would be the most efficient way to improve estimates of R0R_0. While we focus on malaria, our methods apply to improving process-based models more generally, including epidemiological, physiological niche, and species distribution models.Comment: 27 pages, including 1 table and 3 figure

    Synthesis of Single Phase Hg-1223 High Tc Superconducting Films With Multistep Electrolytic Process

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    We report the multistep electrolytic process for the synthesis of high Tc single phase HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+ (Hg-1223) superconducting films. The process includes : i) deposition of BaCaCu precursor alloy, ii) oxidation of BaCaCu films, iii) electrolytic intercalation of Hg in precursor BaCaCuO films and iv) electrochemical oxidation and annealing of Hg-intercalated BaCaCuO films to convert into Hg1Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+ (Hg-1223). Films were characterized by thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrolytic intercalation of Hg in BaCaCuO precursor is proved to be a novel alternative to high temperature-high pressure mercuration process. The films are single phase Hg-1223 with Tc = 121.5 K and Jc = 4.3 x 104 A/cm2.Comment: 17 Pages, 10 Figures. Submitted to Superconductor Science and Technolog