Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences (HJHS)
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    148 research outputs found

    Physiological Importance of Asthi and Peshi Sharira: An Ayurveda and Modern Perspective

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    Asthi and Peshi are terms from Ayurveda; they refer to different aspects of the human body. They refer to the skeletal system or the bone structure of body, bones are considered as Dhatus that make up the human body. Asthi Sharira is responsible for providing support and protection to the body. Peshi Sharira refers to the muscular system of body encompasses various types of muscles including skeletal muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles, etc. These systems are responsible for the movement inside the body. Both Asthi Sharira and Peshi Sharira are essential components of body to provide support, holding capacity, basic skeleton frame, movement and rigidity to physical structure. This article narrates physiological importance of Asthi and Peshi Sharir

    Reducing Disparities in Pain Management in Primary Care

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    Pain is a healthcare challenge impacting millions of people in the US. On average, 50 million people live with chronic pain in the US. Reducing disparities in pain management is important. Pain has a devastating impact on patients, affecting physical and mental functioning. It also affects patients’ quality of life. Patients who experience pain report limitations in doing activities, restriction on mobility, lost work productivity, higher anxiety levels, depression, increased suicidal risk, and more likelihood of abusing and misusing substances. Racial and gender disparities have been reported in managing pain in primary care. African Americans, Hispanics, and other racial minorities report poor management of pain than whites. Socioeconomic factors also contribute to pain disparities. Being less educated, having lower income levels, lower levels of education, and lacking medical insurance have been associated with poor management of pain. Addressing these disparities can improve pain outcomes. Improving patient-provider communication, making systematic and structural changes, shared-decision making, using a multi-disciplinary approach, and tailoring pain management approaches to specific patient needs are some of the measures that can reduce disparities in managing pain

    A Review: Novel Granulation Technology

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    All the pharmaceutical Active pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and Pharmaceutical excipients will have different particle size.  While formulating a dosage form, particles from raw materials will tend to separate from other due to their rheological properties. There could be a condition where fine particles separate from the larger particles causing demixing or uneven distribution of active with its excipients leading to tablet content uniformity issue. To overcome this problem, particle enlargement or particle cohesiveness with or without additional aid is necessary, which could be achieved by granulation. Hence granulation technology is important in the formulation of pharmaceutical oral solid dosage form. Granulation is the process of adhering fine particles agglomerate into a large particle using two most common methods i.e. wet granulation and dry granulation/compaction. Day by day technological innovation is happening in all fields and pharmaceutical granulation process is also not an exemption. The objective of present review is to focus the novel granulation technology and how it is differing from the conventional granulation technology

    Prevalence and Incidence of Hemophilia in the US

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    Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that occurs because of deficiencies in coagulation proteins. The proteins involved are factor VIII and factor IX. Hemophilia A occurs when there is a deficiency of factor VIII. Hemophilia B, on the other hand, occurs when results when there is a deficiency of factor IX. Hemophilia affects normal blood clotting which is why bleeding is commonly reported in patients who live the disease. Another common problem reported in people with this disorder is joint problems including joint pain and arthropathy. Arthropathy occurs because bleeding is common in the joints. Bleeding in patients living with hemophilia can also happen in tissues and organs. Estimating the number affected by hemophilia in the US is difficult. However, results from epidemiological studies and surveillance data estimate the total number to be between 30,000 to 33,000. The incidence rate of hemophilia is 1 in every 5000 male births. Addressing the disorder is important because the disease is associated with a significant burden. Several comorbidities are associated with hemophilia. They are liver disease, overweight and obesity, and heart disease. Hemophilia is also associated with significant healthcare costs. Clotting factor replacement therapy and prophylaxis are the mainstay treatment strategies for treating hemophilia. Research has shown that the treatment strategies are effective in addressing hemophilia with lower risk of complications

    Critical Analysis of Ashmari

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    Ashmari is the third most common and unpleasant urinary tract condition. The Ashmari stone's shape is comparable to the urolithiasis symptoms. Traditional signs of Ashmari include discomfort and urine obstruction. Acharaya Sushruta described it as one of the eight Astamahagadas, or illnesses, that are the most difficult to treat. It is among the most prevalent diseases that the Mutravahasarotas experience. The urolithiasis recurrence rate is close to 50%, even with current treatment options. Since urolithiasis is thought to be spreading over the globe at an increasing rate. The idea of urolithiasis is examined in this article from an ayurvedic perspective in order to better management of disease

    Diagnosis of Krumi on the Basis of Sanjat Krumi Lakshana: A Case Report

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    Worm infestation is the most common pediatric complaint which results in various health issues in children. Vedic literature also approves the presence of Krumi in children. Due to the resemblance of meaning and clinical features, worm infestation is commonly correlated with the Pureeshaja Krumi, which is one of the three types of internal Krumi. Ayurveda also gives common clinical features of Krumi which includes fever, pain in abdomen, skin discoloration, nausea, aversion to food, loose motions and giddiness, etc. This group of symptoms is not correlated with any clinical condition yet.  Hence an effort is made here to present a case of Krumi with the classical features of common manifestations

    Ayurveda Description of Grahani Roga in Children and its Management: A Literary Review

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    Grahani Roga a gastrointestinal tract disease, is influenced by various factors, such as Aparipakvadhathu, Asampurnabalam and Shleshmadhathuprayam, etc. Aniyatha Agni means variable digestive fire also play vital role in this regards. Immature tissue, incomplete strength and imbalance in bodily humors, etc. considered responsible for the disturbed functioning of digestive fire in children. Various etiological factors can impair Agni, particularly in children who frequently consume bakery items like biscuits, chocolates, ice-cream and junk foods, etc. Atisara, a condition related to gastroenteritis, may contribute to Grahani Roga and should be considered during the treatment plan. Abdominal pain, bloating and abdominal spasm, etc. are major features of Grahani Roga. Treatment includes a combination of medications, nutrition adjustments and dietary changes, etc. Herbal combinations are also beneficial due to their properties in improving digestion and removing blockages

    Ayurveda Descriptions of Garavisha, Dooshivisha and Viruddhahara their Pathological Manifestations and Management

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    Visha is considered something that causes harm to all human being, the invasion of Visha in human body leads pathological manifestation. The Visha also becomes causes of death in some conditions if not treated properly. Ayurveda described various concept related to the Visha including Dushi visha, Gara visha and Viruddhahara. Dushi visha represents damaged and spoiled poison. The term Dushi itself means attenuated and denatured. These poison (Dushi visha) acts as latent toxin or exhibited cumulative toxicity inside the body. Similarly use of powder of insects can act as Gara Visha, the hazardous chemicals and incompatible diet also described as toxins in various medical texts. These all toxins lead acute or chronic illness in the body and Ayurveda mentioned several therapeutic modalities for treating pathological manifestations of Visha

    Classification, Causes, Pathogenesis and Ayurveda Management of Avarana

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    Avarana is disease related concept of Ayurveda; that play role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. The management of Avarana also play key role in the successful treatment of disease. Avarana mainly involve vitiation of Vata which is self-generated and acts as triggering factors for many ailments. The Avarana itself means Avarodha that is also referred as Gatinirodha. Ayurveda described various types of Avarana or Avarana Vatas depending upon Avruta and Avaraka. Avruta means getting obstructed and Avaraka causes obstruction. The proper diagnosis and management of Avarana Vata is prerequisite since wrong diagnosis may lead to faulty treatment plan that may further deteriorate the pathology. The proper knowledge and diagnosis of Avarana is important for physician to attain Chikitsa Saphalyata. This article made an attempt to describe classification, causes, pathogenesis and Ayurveda management of Avarana

    Properties and role of Panchkarma Dravya in some Shodhna Therapies

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    Panchakarma is a method which purifies body by eliminating unwanted waste via various approaches. The term "Panchakarma" itself derives from the combination of "Pancha" and "Karma", which means "five" and "procedures" respectively. It encompasses wide range of approaches which offers preventive, curative and promotive advantages. Panchakarma serves as a crucial detoxification method essential for maintaining overall well-being and preventing ailments. Panchakarma entails five activities; vomiting, purgation, Niruham, Anuvaasan, and Nasyam. These activities help to clean the body, enhance natural healing processes and eliminate toxins. Panchakarma accelerates metabolism, bolstering strength, reduces weight, clearing blocked channels, rejuvenating tissues, boosts immunity, alleviating stress and improves digestion, etc. Panchakarma Dravya offers significant contribution towards the biological effects of Shodhna Therapy


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