376 research outputs found

    Treatment of acute complicated pancreatic pseudocysts

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    The results of surgery in 70 patients with acute complicated pancreatic pseudocysts in age from 21 to 79 years were analyzed. For patients using an individualized medical – diagnostic campaign, which primarily was aimed at the elimination of complications following treatment with most of the pseudocyst in the long-term. In most cases, using percutaneous drainage for the purpose of the stabilization patient's general well-being, the possibility of the influence on the development the sepsis and severe organ dysfunction. If found impossible using this minimally invasive methods, and only when it is impossible to use them, or the development of complications after surgery, or results are unsatisfactory, performed "open" surgery. Mortality in complicated acute pseudocysts was 3.4 %

    Complex therapy of chronic pancreatitis complicated by anxio-depressive disorders in railroad workers

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    The authors have found out negative impact of anxio-depressive disorders on the course of chronic pancreatitis with the development of stable pain syndrome, gastro-intestinal disorders, resistance to the performed pharmacotherapy, and decrease of reaction rate to presented stimul

    Analysis of an Exact Solution of Problem of the Evaporative Convection (Review). Part II. Three-dimensional Flows

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    In the paper the review of exact solutions of the three-dimensional convection problems is presented. The solutions allow one to model the two-layer convective fluid flows with evaporation at the thermocapillary interface

    Дискурс віктимності у вітчизняному правовому полі

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    Гончарова Н. І. Дискурс віктимності у вітчизняному правовому полі / Н. І. Гончарова // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : збірник наук. праць. Вип. 65 / НУ «ОЮА» , редкол. С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.) та ін., відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – С. 239-247.У статті розкриваються передумови становлення кримінології та віктимології як наукових дисциплін, розглядається процес формування теорії віктимності, аналізується досвід інститутиалізації окремих її аспектів в українському законодавстві

    HugeNon-Organ Retroperitoneal Tumor inCombination with aCystoma of Uterine Appendages

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    The article describes the experience of successful diagnostics and treatment of giant non-organ extraperitoneal tumor combined with a cystoma of uterine appendages.Patient P., 43 years old, was hospitalized in the oncology department, diagnosed with “Abdominal tumor, right ovary?” The state was satisfactory, after palpation of the abdomen, a lumpy formation of a densely elastic consistency, from the womb to the epigastric region, was found. An ultrasound revealed a homogeneous tumor formation 30×28 cm from the border of the uterus to the liver. When performing median laparotomy, a dumbbell-shaped tumor (36×26×20 cm) was found in the retroperitoneal space with involvement of the mesentery of the small intestine, lower horizontal portion of the duodenum, mesentery of the transverse colon, superior mesenteric vessels, aorta and jejunum. In the right appendages, a cystoma 12–15 cm in diameter was found, with inversion and necrosis. Adnexectomy was performed. An express lymph node biopsy revealed cells suspicious for malignancy. The tumor was mobilized and removed as a single unit with retroperitoneal tissue, lymph nodes in combination with resection of 70 cm of the jejunum and fenestrated resection of the duodenum. The resulting gut defect 9×7 cm was sutured with a precision single-row suture. Inter-intestinal anastomosis “endto-end” was formed. Nasointestinal intubation was performed. The abdominal cavity was sutured, and two tubular drainages were installed. The postoperative period was uneventful. The histological conclusion: fibrous histiocytoma of the mesentery of the intestine with malignancy in the center of the node, in the ovary – total hemorrhagic infiltration of all layers, edema. The tumor conference consultation was recommended. After 1.5 years, the patient was admitted with the same clinical picture. During laparotomy, a tumor recurrence was discovered, the nodes of which were located in the retroperitoneal space, in the abdominal cavity with invasion to organs and large vessels. The case was recognized as inoperable, the laparotomic wound was closed completely. Sixteen days after surgery the patient was discharged

    Analysis of an Exact Solution of Problem of the Evaporative Convection (Review). Part I. Plane Case

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    Development of theory describing the convection under conditions of "liquid – gas" phase transition, is caused by the active experimental study of the convective phenomena accompanied by evaporation/condensation at interphase. Results of the analytical and numerical investigation of new nonstandard problems of heat and mass transfer in domains with free surfaces or interfaces allow one to evaluate the adequacy of new mathematical models and to derive new characteristic criteria. The obtained fundamental knowledge on physical mechanisms of the studied processes provides the basis of modification and improvement of the fluidic technologies using the evaporating liquids and gas-vapor mixtures as working media. In the paper the analysis of the exact solution of the convection equations, which gives a possibility to model the two-layer convective fluid flows with evaporation, is presented

    Results of a pharmacoeconomic analysis of the rationality of the use of acute myeloid leukemia chemotherapy regimens with the use of various doses of cytarabine

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    A pharmacoeconomic study of the rationality of the use of various chemotherapy regimens ("7 + 3" scheme) in the treatment of patients with acute forms of myeloid leukemia has been carried out. The use of the chemotherapy regimen "7 + 3" with 200 mg / m2 / per day dosage of cytarabine on 1-7 days allows to achieve a unit of treatment efficacy at a lower cost (CEA = 19.22 US /perunitofefficacy),comparedwithanotherdosageofcytarabinethatwastwotimesless,i.e.,100mg/m2/dayatthesameperiod(CEA=US / per unit of efficacy), compared with another dosage of cytarabine that was two times less, i.e., 100 mg / m² / day at the same period (CEA = US 20.18 / unit of effectiveness

    Information technologies in obrizovatelny process

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    Use of information technologies allows to switch to effective and economic (resource-saving) educational technologies. It means, we have an opportunity to learn not only to knowledge, but first of all competences, that is abilities and practical experience. To teach not a profession, but professionalismИспользование информационных технологий позволяет перейти на использование эффективных и экономически выгодных (ресурсосберегающих) образовательных технологий. Это значит, мы имеем возможность учить не только знаниям, но прежде всего компетенциям, то есть умениям и практическому опыту. Учить не профессии, а профессионализм

    Synthesis and structure of 2′-substituted 1-(1,3-dioxan-5-yl)uracils. Positive role of the Eu(fod)3 nmr shift reagent

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    The configuration of 1-(2-R-1,3-dioxan-5-yl)uracils and the conformation of the dioxane ring in these compounds were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy with the aid of the Eu(fod)3 shift reagent. It is shown that the dioxane ring exists in the preferred chair conformation with an axial orientation of the pyrimidine ring; this is confirmed by the resonance of the 5′-Ha proton in the form of a broad singlet with υ1/2υ8.5 Hz. An analysis of the spectral peculiarities of the synthesized compounds made it possible to establish the orientation of the substituents attached to the second C2 steric center. The three-dimensional structure of 1-(2, 2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-5-yl)uracil was determined by an x-ray diffraction study, and the axial orientation of the pyrimidine ring was confirmed. It is shown that significant flattening of the carbon part of the ring (ψ = 46.6 °) is observed in this molecule. An intramolecular (C6...O1, = 3.05 Å) hydrogen bond was observed in the molecule of this compound. © 1982 Plenum Publishing Corporation