368 research outputs found

    A superintegrable finite oscillator in two dimensions with SU(2) symmetry

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    A superintegrable finite model of the quantum isotropic oscillator in two dimensions is introduced. It is defined on a uniform lattice of triangular shape. The constants of the motion for the model form an SU(2) symmetry algebra. It is found that the dynamical difference eigenvalue equation can be written in terms of creation and annihilation operators. The wavefunctions of the Hamiltonian are expressed in terms of two known families of bivariate Krawtchouk polynomials; those of Rahman and those of Tratnik. These polynomials form bases for SU(2) irreducible representations. It is further shown that the pair of eigenvalue equations for each of these families are related to each other by an SU(2) automorphism. A finite model of the anisotropic oscillator that has wavefunctions expressed in terms of the same Rahman polynomials is also introduced. In the continuum limit, when the number of grid points goes to infinity, standard two-dimensional harmonic oscillators are obtained. The analysis provides the NN\rightarrow \infty limit of the bivariate Krawtchouk polynomials as a product of one-variable Hermite polynomials

    The Ammann-Beenker tilings revisited

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    This paper introduces two tiles whose tilings form a one-parameter family of tilings which can all be seen as digitization of two-dimensional planes in the four-dimensional Euclidean space. This family contains the Ammann-Beenker tilings as the solution of a simple optimization problem.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Birth and death processes and quantum spin chains

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    This papers underscores the intimate connection between the quantum walks generated by certain spin chain Hamiltonians and classical birth and death processes. It is observed that transition amplitudes between single excitation states of the spin chains have an expression in terms of orthogonal polynomials which is analogous to the Karlin-McGregor representation formula of the transition probability functions for classes of birth and death processes. As an application, we present a characterization of spin systems for which the probability to return to the point of origin at some time is 1 or almost 1.Comment: 14 page

    Spectral Difference Equations Satisfied by KP Soliton Wavefunctions

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    The Baker-Akhiezer (wave) functions corresponding to soliton solutions of the KP hierarchy are shown to satisfy eigenvalue equations for a commutative ring of translational operators in the spectral parameter. In the rational limit, these translational operators converge to the differential operators in the spectral parameter previously discussed as part of the theory of "bispectrality". Consequently, these translational operators can be seen as demonstrating a form of bispectrality for the non-rational solitons as well.Comment: to appear in "Inverse Problems

    A topological central point theorem

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    In this paper a generalized topological central point theorem is proved for maps of a simplex to finite-dimensional metric spaces. Similar generalizations of the Tverberg theorem are considered.Comment: In this version some typos were corrected after the official publicatio

    Køb af B-t-B-serviceydelser - Konceptualisering af industriel købsadfærd i forbindelse med hr-konsulentydelser

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    I den tidlige B-t-B-købsadfærdslitteratur har man lagt megen vægt på, at købsadfærden i forbindelse med B-t-B-serviceydelser er meget rationel præget. Gennem en større eksplorativ undersøgelse af danske virksomheders indkøb af konsulentydelser inden for hr, har forfatterne fået indblik i de faktorer, som bestemmer danske virksomheders valg af leverandør inden for konsulentydelser. På grundlag af et litteratur review er der udviklet fem hypoteser. Resultaterne viser, at købsadfærden er langt mindre rationel end hidtil antaget. Det viser sig f.eks., at konsulentens personlige relationer til kunderne ofte kan kompensere for mangler i konsulentens faglige viden. Dette betyder bl.a., at konsulenternes udvikling af langvarige personlige relationer til kunderne er en af de vigtigste nøglesuccesfaktorer i konsulentbranchen. Et andet vigtigt resultat af undersøgelsen er kundernes specifikke ønske om at deltage aktivt i produktionen af konsulentserviceydelserne

    Analogues of the central point theorem for families with dd-intersection property in Rd\mathbb R^d

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    In this paper we consider families of compact convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d such that any subfamily of size at most dd has a nonempty intersection. We prove some analogues of the central point theorem and Tverberg's theorem for such families

    Construction and Analysis of Projected Deformed Products

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    We introduce a deformed product construction for simple polytopes in terms of lower-triangular block matrix representations. We further show how Gale duality can be employed for the construction and for the analysis of deformed products such that specified faces (e.g. all the k-faces) are ``strictly preserved'' under projection. Thus, starting from an arbitrary neighborly simplicial (d-2)-polytope Q on n-1 vertices we construct a deformed n-cube, whose projection to the last dcoordinates yields a neighborly cubical d-polytope. As an extension of thecubical case, we construct matrix representations of deformed products of(even) polygons (DPPs), which have a projection to d-space that retains the complete (\lfloor \tfrac{d}{2} \rfloor - 1)-skeleton. In both cases the combinatorial structure of the images under projection is completely determined by the neighborly polytope Q: Our analysis provides explicit combinatorial descriptions. This yields a multitude of combinatorially different neighborly cubical polytopes and DPPs. As a special case, we obtain simplified descriptions of the neighborly cubical polytopes of Joswig & Ziegler (2000) as well as of the ``projected deformed products of polygons'' that were announced by Ziegler (2004), a family of 4-polytopes whose ``fatness'' gets arbitrarily close to 9.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Formation of dodecagonal quasicrystals in two-dimensional systems of patchy particles

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    The behaviour of two-dimensional patchy particles with 5 and 7 regularly-arranged patches is investigated by computer simulation. For higher pressures and wider patch widths, hexagonal crystals have the lowest enthalpy, whereas at lower pressures and for narrower patches, lower-density crystals with five nearest neighbours and that are based on the (3^2,4,3,4) tiling of squares and triangles become lower in enthalpy. Interestingly, in regions of parameter space near to that where the hexagonal crystals become stable, quasicrystalline structures with dodecagonal symmetry form on cooling from high temperature. These quasicrystals can be considered as tilings of squares and triangles, and are probably stabilized by the large configurational entropy associated with all the different possible such tilings. The potential for experimentally realizing such structures using DNA multi-arm motifs are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Coloring translates and homothets of a convex body

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    We obtain improved upper bounds and new lower bounds on the chromatic number as a linear function of the clique number, for the intersection graphs (and their complements) of finite families of translates and homothets of a convex body in \RR^n.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure