252 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative tests of continuum HQET through small-volume two-flavour QCD

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    We study the heavy quark mass dependence of selected observables constructed from heavy-light meson correlation functions in small-volume two-flavour lattice QCD after taking the continuum limit. The light quark mass is tuned to zero, whereas the range of available heavy quark masses mhm_h covers a region extending from around the charm to beyond the bottom quark mass scale. This allows entering the asymptotic mass-scaling regime as 1/mh→01/m_h \to 0 and performing well-controlled extrapolations to the infinite-mass limit. Our results are then compared to predictions obtained in the static limit of continuum Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET), in order to verify non-perturbatively that HQET is an effective theory of QCD. While in general we observe a nice agreement at the few-% level, we find it to be less convincing for the small-volume pseudoscalar decay constant when perturbative matching is involved.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, 12 tables; JHEP styl

    Neutral kaon mixing beyond the standard model with nf=2+1 chiral fermions

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    We compute the hadronic matrix elements of the four-quark operators needed for the study of neutral kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model (SM). We use nf=2+1 flavours of domain-wall fermions (DWF) which exhibit good chiral-flavour symmetry. The renormalization is performed non-perturbatively through the RI-MOM scheme and our results are converted perturbatively to MSbar. The computation is performed on a single lattice spacing a=0.086 fm with a lightest unitary pion mass of 290 MeV. The various systematic errors, including the discretisation effects, are estimated and discussed. Our results confirm a previous quenched study, where large ratios of non-SM to SM matrix elements were obtained.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. v2 paper version, R3 and B3 corrected, conversion to 2GeV added, references adde

    Preliminary results from a simulation of quenched QCD with overlap fermions on a large lattice

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    We simulate quenched QCD with the overlap Dirac operator. We work with the Wilson gauge action at beta=6 on an 18^3x64 lattice. We calculate quark propagators for a single source point and quark mass ranging from am_q=0.03 to 0.75. We present here preliminary results based on the propagators for 60 gauge field configurations.Comment: Lattice2003(chiral); 9 latex pages (espcrc2.sty), 13 figures. Based on talks given by C.H., L.L. and C.R. at 21st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2003), Tsubuka, Japan, 15-19 July 2003. Repitition in references corrected and one reference adde

    Mixed action computations on fine dynamical lattices

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    We report on our first experiences in simulating Neuberger valence fermions on CLS Nf=2N_f=2 configurations with light sea quark masses and small lattice spacings. Valence quark masses are considered that allow to explore the matching to (partially quenched) chiral perturbation theory both in the ϵ\epsilon- and pp-regimes. The setup is discussed, and first results are presented for spectral observables.Comment: 7 pages. Presented at the XXVII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 26-31, 2009, Peking University, Beijing, Chin

    Some continuum physics results from the lattice V-A correlator

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    We present preliminary results on extractions of the chiral LECs L_10 and C_87 and constraints on the excited pseudoscalar state pi(1300) and pi(1800) decay constants obtained from an analysis of lattice data for the flavor ud light quark V-A correlator. A comparison of the results for the correlator to the corresponding mildly-model-dependent continuum results (based primarily on experimental hadronic tau decay data) is also givenComment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for the Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia, June 24-29, 2012; expanded version of Reference 1

    New results from the lattice on the theoretical inputs to the hadronic tau determination of V_us

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    Recent sum rule determinations of |V_us|, employing flavor-breaking combinations of hadronic tau decay data, are significantly lower than either expectations based on 3-family unitarity or determinations from K_ell3 and Gamma[K_mu2]/Gamma[pi_mu2]. We use lattice data to investigate the accuracy/reliability of the OPE representation of the flavor-breaking correlator combination entering the tau decay analyses. The behavior of an alternate correlator combination, constructed to reduce problems associated with the slow convergence of the D = 2 OPE series, and entering an alternate sum rule requiring both electroproduction cross-section and hadronic tau decay data, is also investigated. Preliminary updates of both analyses, with the lessons learned from the lattice data in mind, are also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Prepared for the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Sep. 17-21, 2012, Nagoya, Japan and the 10th International Conference on Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Oct. 6-13, 2012, Garching/Munich, German
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