1,438 research outputs found

    Facial Cosmetics Have Little Effect on Attractiveness Judgments Compared with Identity

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    The vast majority of women in modern societies use facial cosmetics, which modify facial cues to attractiveness. However, the size of this increase remains unclear - how much more attractive are individuals after an application of cosmetics? Here, we utilised a 'new statistics' approach, calculating the effect size of cosmetics on attractiveness using a within-subjects design, and compared this with the effect size due to identity - that is, the inherent differences in attractiveness between people. Women were photographed with and without cosmetics, and these images were rated for attractiveness by a second group of participants. The proportion of variance in attractiveness explained by identity was much greater than the variance within models due to cosmetics. This result was unchanged after statistically controlling for the perceived amount of cosmetics that each model used. Although cosmetics increase attractiveness, the effect is small, and the benefits of cosmetics may be inflated in everyday thinking. © 2015, Pion Limited. All rights reserved

    Structural network heterogeneities and network dynamics: a possible dynamical mechanism for hippocampal memory reactivation

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    The hippocampus has the capacity for reactivating recently acquired memories [1-3] and it is hypothesized that one of the functions of sleep reactivation is the facilitation of consolidation of novel memory traces [4-11]. The dynamic and network processes underlying such a reactivation remain, however, unknown. We show that such a reactivation characterized by local, self-sustained activity of a network region may be an inherent property of the recurrent excitatory-inhibitory network with a heterogeneous structure. The entry into the reactivation phase is mediated through a physiologically feasible regulation of global excitability and external input sources, while the reactivated component of the network is formed through induced network heterogeneities during learning. We show that structural changes needed for robust reactivation of a given network region are well within known physiological parameters [12,13].Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Beyond Control-Flow: Extending Business Process Configuration to Roles and Objects

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    A configurable process model is an integrated representation of multiple variants of a business process. It is designed to be individualized to meet a particular set of requirements. As such, configurable process models promote systematic reuse of proven or common practices. Existing notations for configurable process modeling focus on capturing tasks and control-flow dependencies, neglecting equally important aspects of business processes such as data flow, material flow and resource management. This paper fills this gap by proposing an integrated meta-model for configurable processes with advanced features for capturing resources involved in the performance of tasks (through task-role associations) as well as flow of data and physical artifacts (through task-object associations). Although embodied as an extension of a popular process modeling notation, namely EPC, the meta-model is defined in an abstract and formal manner to make it applicable to other notations

    Sex Differences in the Perceived Dominance and Prestige of Women With and Without Cosmetics

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    Human social status has long been of interest to evolutionary and social psychologists. The question of who gets to control resources and be a leader has garnered a lot of attention from these and other fields, and this thesis examines evidence for there being two different mechanisms of achieving high status, and their correlates. The mechanisms are 1) Dominance: being aggressive, manipulative and forcing others to follow you, and 2) Prestige: possessing qualities which make others freely follow you. Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter in which I explain selection pressures, group formation, and the need for social hierarchies; I then describe the two proposed methods of attaining social status and how facial characteristics can give clues as to an individual’s social status. In Chapter 2, my first experimental chapter, I examined how faces created to appear either high in dominance or high in prestige were judged with respect to those traits as well as personality characteristics. Taking this further, in Chapter 3, I looked at how natural variation in real faces would reflect differences in other- and self-perceived ratings of dominance and prestige. Chapter 4 served to examine whether, given a set of words related to social status, I would find differences in what words were placed into dominant or prestige categories. Findings within these chapters are consistent with dominance and prestige being separable methods of attaining high status, from differences in facial appearance (Chapter 2 and 3), to personality characteristics (Chapter 2), to word usage (Chapter 4). Once I had established that these were two distinct routes to achieving high status, I chose to focus on dominance in Chapter 5 and explored the conceptual relationships between dominance and facial expressions. I found that manipulating perceptions of dominance affected how intense expressions of anger, sadness, and fear were perceived (Chapter 5). As there has been a paucity of research in the area of women’s social status, in Chapter 6, I went on to explore what effects cosmetics use in women would have on their perceived social status. I found differences in how men and women perceived women wearing cosmetics, which again points to a distinction between dominance and prestige. My thesis then presents a broad view of the two different mechanisms for attaining high status. Using new methods not otherwise used in exploring dominance and prestige I was able to explore correlates and indicators, as well as perceptions of both strategies. These findings will allow us to determine who might be capable of attaining social status, which of the two methods they might use, as well as what implicit associations we hold about each. They will also open doors for future research into the two strategies, and even help interpret previous research, as many previous studies simply relate to high status and do not distinguish between dominance and prestige

    Recovering variable stars in large surveys: EA_(up) Algol-type class in the Catalina Survey

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    The discovery and characterization of Algol eclipsing binaries (EAs) provide an opportunity to contribute for a better picture of the structure and evolution of low-mass stars. However, the cadence of most current photometric surveys hinders the detection of EAs since the separation between observations is usually larger than the eclipse(s) duration and hence few measurements are found at the eclipses. Even when those objects are detected as variable, their periods can be missed if an appropriate oversampling factor is not used in the search tools. In this paper, we apply this approach to find the periods of stars catalogued in the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS) as EAs having unknown period (EA_(up)). As a result, the periods of ∼56percent of them were determined. Eight objects were identified as low-mass binary systems and modelled with the Wilson & Devinney synthesis code combined with a Markov chain Monte Carlo optimization procedure. The computed masses and radii are in agreement with theoretical models and show no evidence of inflated radii. This paper is the first of a series aiming to identify suspected binary systems in large surveys

    Recovering variable stars in large surveys: EA_(up) Algol-type class in the Catalina Survey

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    The discovery and characterization of Algol eclipsing binaries (EAs) provide an opportunity to contribute for a better picture of the structure and evolution of low-mass stars. However, the cadence of most current photometric surveys hinders the detection of EAs since the separation between observations is usually larger than the eclipse(s) duration and hence few measurements are found at the eclipses. Even when those objects are detected as variable, their periods can be missed if an appropriate oversampling factor is not used in the search tools. In this paper, we apply this approach to find the periods of stars catalogued in the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS) as EAs having unknown period (EA_(up)). As a result, the periods of ∼56percent of them were determined. Eight objects were identified as low-mass binary systems and modelled with the Wilson & Devinney synthesis code combined with a Markov chain Monte Carlo optimization procedure. The computed masses and radii are in agreement with theoretical models and show no evidence of inflated radii. This paper is the first of a series aiming to identify suspected binary systems in large surveys

    He II λ\lambda4686 emission from the massive binary system in η\eta Car: constraints to the orbital elements and the nature of the periodic minima

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    {\eta} Carinae is an extremely massive binary system in which rapid spectrum variations occur near periastron. Most notably, near periastron the He II λ4686\lambda 4686 line increases rapidly in strength, drops to a minimum value, then increases briefly before fading away. To understand this behavior, we conducted an intense spectroscopic monitoring of the He II λ4686\lambda 4686 emission line across the 2014.6 periastron passage using ground- and space-based telescopes. Comparison with previous data confirmed the overall repeatability of EW(He II λ4686\lambda 4686), the line radial velocities, and the timing of the minimum, though the strongest peak was systematically larger in 2014 than in 2009 by 26%. The EW(He II λ4686\lambda 4686) variations, combined with other measurements, yield an orbital period 2022.7±0.32022.7\pm0.3 d. The observed variability of the EW(He II λ4686\lambda 4686) was reproduced by a model in which the line flux primarily arises at the apex of the wind-wind collision and scales inversely with the square of the stellar separation, if we account for the excess emission as the companion star plunges into the hot inner layers of the primary's atmosphere, and including absorption from the disturbed primary wind between the source and the observer. This model constrains the orbital inclination to 135135^\circ-153153^\circ, and the longitude of periastron to 234234^\circ-252252^\circ. It also suggests that periastron passage occurred on T0=2456874.4±1.3T_0 = 2456874.4\pm1.3 d. Our model also reproduced EW(He II λ4686\lambda 4686) variations from a polar view of the primary star as determined from the observed He II λ4686\lambda 4686 emission scattered off the Homunculus nebula.Comment: The article contains 23 pages and 17 figures. It has been accepted for publication in Ap