30,214 research outputs found

    Properties of nucleon in nuclear matter: once more

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    We calculate the mass and residue of the nucleon in nuclear matter in the framework of QCD sum rules using the nucleon's interpolating current with an arbitrary mixing parameter. We evaluate the effects of the nuclear medium on these quantities and compare the obtained results with the existing theoretical predictions. The results are also compared with those obtained in vacuum to find the shifts in the quantities under consideration. Our calculations show that these shifts in the mass and residue are about 32%32\% and 15%15\%, respectively.Comment: 18 Pages, 2 Tables and 7 Figures, To be appear in EPJ

    More about the BB and DD mesons in nuclear matter

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    We calculate the shifts in decay constants of the pseudoscalar BB and DD mesons in nuclear medium in the frame work of QCD sum rules. We write those shifts in terms of the BNB-N and DND-N scattering lengths and an extra phenomenological parameter entered to calculations. Computing an appreciate forward scattering correlation function, we derive the QCD sum rules for the BNB-N and DND-N scattering lengths and the extra phenomenological parameter in terms of various operators in nuclear medium. We numerically find the values of the shifts in the decay constants compared to their vacuum values. Using the sum rules obtained, we also determine the shifts in the masses of these particles due to nuclear matter and compare the results obtained with the previous predictions in the literature.Comment: 16 Pages, 4 Figures and 3 Table

    Scalar and vector self-energies of heavy baryons in nuclear medium

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    The in-medium sum rules are employed to calculate the shifts in the mass and residue as well as the scalar and vector self-energies of the heavy ΛQ,ΣQ\Lambda_Q, \Sigma_Q and ΞQ\Xi_Q baryons, with Q being bb or cc quark. The maximum shift in mass due to nuclear matter belongs to the Σc\Sigma_c baryon and it is found to be ΔmΣc=936 MeV\Delta m_{\Sigma_{c}}=-936 ~ MeV. In the case of residue, it is obtained that the residue of Σb\Sigma_b baryon is maximally affected by the nuclear medium with the shift ΔλΣb=0.014 GeV3\Delta \lambda_{\Sigma_b} = -0.014 ~ GeV^3 . The scalar and vector self-energies are found to be ΣΛbS=653 MeV\Sigma^{S}_{\Lambda_b} = 653 ~ MeV, ΣΣbS=614 MeV\Sigma^{S}_{\Sigma_b} = -614 ~ MeV , ΣΞbS=17 MeV\Sigma^{S}_{\Xi_b} = -17 ~ MeV , ΣΛcS=272 MeV\Sigma^{S}_{\Lambda_c} = 272 ~ MeV , ΣΣcS=936 MeV\Sigma^{S}_{\Sigma_c} = -936 ~ MeV , ΣΞcS=5 MeV\Sigma^{S}_{\Xi_c} = -5 ~ MeV and ΣΛbν=436±148 MeV\Sigma^{\nu}_{\Lambda_b} = 436 \pm 148 ~ MeV , ΣΣbν=382±129 MeV\Sigma^{\nu}_{\Sigma_b} = 382 \pm 129 ~MeV , ΣΞbν=15±5 MeV\Sigma^{\nu}_{\Xi_b} =15 \pm 5 ~ MeV, ΣΛcν=151±45 MeV\Sigma^{\nu}_{\Lambda_c} = 151 \pm 45 ~ MeV , ΣΣcν=486±144 MeV\Sigma^{\nu}_{\Sigma_c} = 486 \pm 144 ~ MeV and ΣΞcν=1.391±0.529 MeV\Sigma^{\nu}_{\Xi_c} = 1.391 \pm 0.529 ~ MeV .Comment: 13 Pages, 11 Figures and 5 Table

    Positive and negative parity hyperons in nuclear medium

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    The effects of nuclear medium on the residue, mass and self energy of the positive and negative parity Σ\Sigma, Λ\Lambda and Ξ\Xi hyperons are investigated using the QCD sum rule method. In the calculations, the general interpolating currents of hyperons with an arbitrary mixing parameter are used. We compare the results obtained in medium with those of the vacuum and calculate the shifts in the corresponding parameters. It is found that the shifts on the residues in nuclear matter are over all positive for both the positive and negative parity hyperons, except for the positive parity Σ\Sigma hyperon that the shift is negative. The shifts on the masses of these baryons are obtained to be negative. The shifts on the residues and masses of negative parity states are large compared to those of positive parities. The maximum shift belongs to the residue of the negative parity Λ\Lambda hyperon. The vector self-energies gained by the positive parity baryons are large compared to the negative parities' vector self-energies. The maximum value of the vector self-energy belongs to the positive parity Σ\Sigma hyperon. The numerical values are compared with the existing predictions in the literature.Comment: 20 Pages, 9 Figures and 7 Table

    The engagement of mature distance students

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Higher Education Research and Development in 2013, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/07294360.2013.777036.Publishe

    Weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of visco-elastic Poiseuille flow

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    It is well known that the Poiseuille flow of a visco-elastic polymer fluid between plates or through a tube is linearly stable in the zero Reynolds number limit, although the stability is weak for large Weissenberg numbers. In this paper we argue that recent experimental and theoretical work on the instability of visco-elastic fluids in Taylor-Couette cells and numerical work on channel flows suggest a scenario in which Poiseuille flow of visco-elastic polymer fluids exhibits a nonlinear "subcritical" instability due to normal stress effects, with a threshold which decreases for increasing Weissenberg number. This proposal is confirmed by an explicit weakly nonlinear stability analysis for Poiseuille flow of an UCM fluid. Our analysis yields explicit predictions for the critical amplitude of velocity perturbations beyond which the flow is nonlinearly unstable, and for the wavelength of the mode whose critical amplitude is smallest. The nonlinear instability sets in quite abruptly at Weissenberg numbers around 4 in the planar case and about 5.2 in the cylindrical case, so that for Weissenberg numbers somewhat larger than these values perturbations of the order of a few percent in the wall shear stress suffice to make the flow unstable. We have suggested elsewhere that this nonlinear instability could be an important intrinsic route to melt fracture and that preliminary experiments are both qualitatively and quantitatively in good agreement with these predictions.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanic

    Keluarga sebagai Titik Awal Perkembangan Sosial Anak Usia Dini ( sebuah Kajian Sosiologis )

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    Setiap orang tua menaruh harapan agar putra-putrinya berhasil dalam perkembangan sosialnya, yakni mampu menjadi sosok manusia sosial yang dapat diterima oleh lingkungan sosialnya dan menjadi anggota masyarakat yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan sesamanya. Orang tua akan merasa gagal manakala putra-putrinya berkembang sebagai manusia yang a-sosial (tidak lumrah/wajar secara sosial ) apalagi sampai menjadi manusia anti - sosial (membuat resah bahkan membahayakan bagi kehidupan masyarakatnya ). Anak usia dini berada pada masa usia paling peka dan adaptif terhadap berbagai stimulus yang datang dari lingkungannya, juga berada pada masa-masa kritis bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangannya yang akan mempengaruhi tahap perkembangan selanjutnya. Disadari bahwa upaya optimalisasi perkembangan anak usia dini membutuhkan dukungan lingkungan yang kondusif untuk pengasuhan dan pengembangannya. The Consultative Group on Early Chidlhood Care and Development mendefinisikan “Pengasuhan dan Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini “ sebagai suatu kegiatan yang ditujukan bagi orang tua dan anggota keluarga lainnya untuk membina tumbuh kembang anak usia 0-8 tahun secara menyeluruh dengan memberikan rangsangan bagi pengembangan mental, intelektual, emosional, moral dan sosial yang tepat dan benar, agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Usaha yang dapat dilakukan mencakup pemeliharaan aspek kesehatan, pemberian nutrisi, stimulasi intelektual, penyediaan kesempatan yang luas untuk mengeksplorasi dan belajar secara aktif, pengembangan sosial dan emosional, pengasuhan dan bimbingan anak untuk memahami potensi diri yang dimilikinya serta berperan aktif dalam keluarga dan masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu keluarga diharapkan mampu menjadi lingkungan pendidik pertama dan utama dalam proses pengasuhan dan pengembangan anak usia dini, serta menjadi wahana awal bagi perkembangan sosialnya melalui pengembangan “social skills – socialization” yang berlangsung dalam kehidupan keluarga. Tujuan utama pengembangan sosial pada anak usia dini adalah agar anak dapat mengembangkan pola-pola interaksi sosial secara sukses, terjadi keselarasan antara nilai-nilai social control dan internal control, sehingga mampu berkembang sebagai manusia sosial. Berhasil tidaknya perkembangan sosial anak usia dini akan ditentukan oleh kualitas proses sosialisasinya dalam keluarga, yang menjadi awal penentu keberhasilan perkembangan sosialnya

    UBE2QL1 is Disrupted by a Constitutional Translocation Associated with Renal Tumor Predisposition and is a Novel Candidate Renal Tumor Suppressor Gene

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    Investigation of rare familial forms of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has led to the identification of genes such as VHL and MET that are also implicated in the pathogenesis of sporadic RCC. In order to identify a novel candidate renal tumor suppressor gene, we characterized the breakpoints of a constitutional balanced translocation, t(5;19)(p15.3;q12), associated with familial RCC and found that a previously uncharacterized gene UBE2QL1 was disrupted by the chromosome 5 breakpoint. UBE2QL1 mRNA expression was downregulated in 78.6% of sporadic RCC and, although no intragenic mutations were detected, gene deletions and promoter region hypermethylation were detected in 17.3% and 20.3%, respectively, of sporadic RCC. Reexpression of UBE2QL1 in a deficient RCC cell line suppressed anchorage-independent growth. UBE2QL1 shows homology to the E2 class of ubiquitin conjugating enzymes and we found that (1) UBE2QL1 possesses an active-site cysteine (C88) that is monoubiquitinated in vivo, and (2) UBE2QL1 interacts with FBXW7 (an F box protein providing substrate recognition to the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase) and facilitates the degradation of the known FBXW7 targets, CCNE1 and mTOR. These findings suggest UBE2QL1 as a novel candidate renal tumor suppressor gen

    Spinodal Instabilities in Nuclear Matter in a Stochastic Relativistic Mean-Field Approach

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    Spinodal instabilities and early growth of baryon density fluctuations in symmetric nuclear matter are investigated in the basis of stochastic extension of relativistic mean-field approach in the semi-classical approximation. Calculations are compared with the results of non-relativistic calculations based on Skyrme-type effective interactions under similar conditions. A qualitative difference appears in the unstable response of the system: the system exhibits most unstable behavior at higher baryon densities around ρb=0.4 ρ0\rho_{b}=0.4 ~\rho_{0} in the relativistic approach while most unstable behavior occurs at lower baryon densities around ρb=0.2 ρ0\rho_{b}=0.2 ~\rho_{0} in the non-relativistic calculationsComment: 18 pages, 7 figure