223 research outputs found

    Kinetics of Redox Reactions on Ti02 and NiO Single Crystals and Oxidized Metal Surfaces

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    Kinetics of Fe(CN) :· /Fe(CN) :- redox reaction couple on oxidized Ti, Ni and on Ti02 and NiO single crystals has been studied by fast methods of polarization and current measurements. From experimental values of the exchange-currents and transfer coefficients a and ~. and knowing the reaction mechanism, the potential distribution in the metal-oxide film - electrolyte system for Ti has been evaluated. It has been shown, that the main difference in properties of passive oxide films on Ni and Ti lies in the character of potential distribution at the oxide-solution interface

    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 18, No. 2

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    • The Swiss Bank House in Pennsylvania • Trance-Preaching in the United States • The Sleeping Preachers: An Historical Study of the Role of Charisma in Amish Society • A Central Chimney Continental Log House • The German Journalist and the Dunker Love-Feast • Christmas Customs: Folk-Cultural Questionnaire No. 10https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1034/thumbnail.jp

    Effects of etifoxine: Chemoreactome simulation

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    Etifoxine modulates GABAergic transmission and is used as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medication. The indications for etifoxine use are anxiety, fear and inner tension.Objective: to simulate the biological properties of etifoxine. This simulation has been carried out for the first time.Material and methods. Reliable estimates of more than 2,500 biological activities were obtained for this molecule, which were compared with the reference drug lorazepam (benzodiazepine).Results and discussion. The data obtained from chemoreactome simulation may suggest that there are significant differences between the pharmacological effects of etifoxine and benzodiazepine in: 1) the selectivity of binding to various neurotransmitter receptors; 2) anti-inflammatory activity; 3) the effect on hemodynamics and vascular walls; 4) negative side effects and 5) pharmacokinetic parameters.Conclusion. The findings are consistent with the available experimental and clinical data and are indicative of promising clinical applications of etifoxine

    Economic and legal aspects of the protection of natural ecosystems

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    Recently, the problem of preserving natural ecosystems, which has long been given secondary importance, has been actualized. The focus of modern society on sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity has led to new changes in the legislative and economic spheres of regulation of harmful effects on nature as a result of human activity. The main measures of managing the process of ecosystem protection and lean nature management are considered. The problems accumulated during the periods of transformation and industrial transition of the world ecological and economic paradigm to a new high-tech level of development are listed. Conclusions are drawn about the need for an integrated approach to environmental management. © 2023 Author(s)

    Air Pollen Monitoring in a Specific Region as a Part of the Pollinosis Prevention

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    Background: The prevalence and severity of allergic diseases, including pollinosis, are increasing worldwide. Hay fever develops due to the complex interaction of genes and manifests itself due to exogenous factors. The main environmental etiology of allergy is plant pollen. Continuous study and analysis of the air pollen spectrum constitute the basis of air monitoring and are important in developing preventive measures for allergic diseases.   Objective: To perform an air pollen monitoring in Kr snodar and to assess the treatment of patients with pollinosis in various cities and districts of the Krasnodar Region according to the Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center data.   Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the patients seeking medical care due to allergy in the Krasnodar Region using the statistical data obtained in 2022 from the Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center. We assessed the effects of air pollen pollution according to the data of air pollen monitoring in Krasnodar during the main activity of herbaceous plants’ taxa (from April 1, 2022 to October 31, 2022). We used AeRobiology and Microsoft Excel 2010 tools for data processing and development of the main parameters of the pollen season.   Results: According to the Krasnodar Regional Allergy Center data, there were 37,212 people diagnosed with J45.0, J46 and 20,012 people diagnosed with J30.1-30.4 in 2022. We identified 8 allergenic taxa of herbaceous plants in the Krasnodar air. We found that the total seasonal pollen concentration increased by an average of 1.8 in 2022 compared to previous monitoring periods in 2018-2021.   Conclusions: Comparative assessment of the prevalence of pollinosis and the air pollen monitoring are important for effective medical care

    Professional satisfaction of doctors-pediatricians six months later of independent medical practice

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    The medical profession has a long history. While modern medicine has little in common with mystical rituals of the ancient world, the role of the doctor remained unchanged. The success of therapeutic effects, primarily determined by the appearance of the doctor, whose professional activity is fundamentally different from that of any other professional. On the professional development of the individual is largely influenced by the early years of operation, since this period is considered to be the “trial period”, which further establishes the position of the expert in social and professional environment is the foundation for his future professional career, which will largely determine its success.Профессия врача имеет многолетнюю историю. Хотя и современная медицина уже мало напоминает мистические ритуалы Древнего мира, роль врача осталась неизменной. Успех лечебного воздействия, в первую очередь, определяется обликом врача, профессиональная деятельность которого коренным образом отличается от деятельности любого другого специалиста. На профессиональное развитие личности в значительной степени влияют первые годы работы, поскольку именно этот период считается тем «испытательным сроком», который в дальнейшем устанавливает позиции специалиста в социальной и профессиональной среде, является фундаментом для его будущей профессиональной карьеры, который во многом будет определять ее успешность

    Professional satisfaction of doctors-pediatricians six months later of independent medical practice

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    The profession of the doctor has long-term history. Though the modern medicine already reminds mystical rituals of the Ancient world a little, the role of the doctor remained invariable. Success of medical influence, first of all, is defined by shape of the doctor which professional activity radically differs from activity of any other expert. Professional development of the personality is influenced substantially by the first years of work as this period is considered that “trial period” which establishes further the expert’s positions in the social and professional environment, is the base for his future professional career which will define in many respects her success.Профессия врача имеет многолетнюю историю. Хотя и современная медицина уже мало напоминает мистические ритуалы Древнего мира, роль врача осталась неизменной. Успех лечебного воздействия, в первую очередь, определяется обликом врача, профессиональная деятельность которого коренным образом отличается от деятельности любого другого специалиста. На профессиональное развитие личности в значительной степени влияют первые годы работы, поскольку именно этот период считается тем «испытательным сроком», который в дальнейшем устанавливает позиции специалиста в социальной и профессиональной среде, является фундаментом для его будущей профессиональной карьеры, который во многом будет определять ее успешность

    Population Genomics of SARS-CoV-2 in the Constituent Entities of Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the genetic structure of populations and the patterns of evolutionary variability of the novel coronavirus infection in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. Materials and methods. 1033 SARS-CoV-2 genomes from samples from individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 from eight entities of the Siberia and Far East between December 2020 and November 2021 were assessed. Sequencing was performed on the MinION Oxford Nanopore platform using the ARTIC v.3 protocol. The degree of SARS-CoV-2 genetic isolation was estimated applying the Fst criterion. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using maximum likelihood method and Bayesian phylogenetic inference. A nonparametric Bayesian Skyline Plot (BSP) model was used to reconstruct population dynamics. Results and discussion. The original SARS-CoV-2 variant (B.1) was identified in 100 % of the cases at the initial stages. The Alpha variant was detected in March-June, 2021; Beta – in single samples in March-May, 2021. Delta was first identified in April, 2021. The maximum degree of SARS-CoV-2 genetic isolation (Fst=0.18) was established for the most remote territories (Altai Territory ↔ Republic of Buryatia and Altai Territory ↔ Irkutsk Region). A relatively free circulation of the virus was detected between Irkutsk Region, Republic of Buryatia and Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the results of population genetic tests, a sharp increase in the effective virus population size was the determining mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 genetic diversity formation. Reconstruction of population dynamics in BEAST (BSP model) has revealed the consistency of trends in the genetic diversity of the virus and the number of active cases. Two subclusters have been identified in the Delta cluster, consisting predominantly of samples isolated in the Irkutsk Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Change in the dominant variant of SARS-CoV-2 has been traced in dynamics. Molecular-epidemiological data point to the multiple pathways of spatial expansion of different SARS-CoV-2 genotypes into the constituent entities with generation of individual monophyletic clusters and further intra- and extraterritorial spread of the decedents

    Тканевая экспрессия антиапоптотического белка сурвивина как потенциальный биомаркер рака предстательной железы

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    Background. Excessive expression of survivin is associated with inhibition of cell death, activated by extrinsic or intrinsic apoptotic pathways. The survininin overexpression has been shown in various malignancies, including lung cancer, pancreatic and breast cancer, colon cancer, oral squamous cell carcinoma and high grade non-Hodgkin lymphomas.Aim. To investigate the level of survivin expression in prostate cancer tissues, and evaluate it as a diagnostic marker of prostate cancer.Materials and methods. The level of survivin expression and its subcellular localization were assessed immunohistochemically in patients with prostate cancer (n = 64) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (n = 33). Tissue samples obtained at transrectal biopsy were used for analysis. Prostate cancer samples obtained after cystprostatectomy in patients with normal prostate specific antigen level and normal ultrasound findings (n = 36) were considered control tissue (norm).Results. In prostate cancer group 3+ samples with a high level of survivin expression were present in 48.4 % of cases. In benign prostatic hyperplasia group the majority of samples were assessed as 2+, while 9.1 % of samples were negatively stained. 100 % of normal epithelium samples were negative. In patients with Gleason score <7 a survivin expression level was less than 3+ in 62.5 % of cases, and in patients with Gleason score >7 a highly positive reaction was detected in 68.8 % of cases. A high level of survivin expression was found in the large proportion of tissue samples at prostate specific antigen levels >10 ng/ml. Almost 50 % of highly positive cells were detected at a prostate health index (PHI) value of ≥60. The largest percentage of negative staining for surviving was common with PHI value <25. The degrees of staining for survining 1+ and 2+ prevailed in patients with prostate health index density (DPHI) <0.8, while a high level of prostate cells staining 3+ was observed at >0.8. As a Gleason score increase we observe the change of staining type for nucleocytoplasmic, and the largest number of samples has a staining degree of 2+ at a score GG4–5 (≥4 + 4). The type and frequency of prostate tissue samples staining were not differ depending on the initial prostate specific antigen level.Conclusion. Immunohistochemical assessment of the survivin level, including its subcellular localization, could be considered as tumor-associated and a potential biomarker for differential diagnosis and prediction of prostate cancer course.Введение. Избыточная экспрессия сурвивина связана с ингибированием гибели клеток, инициированной внешними или внутренними путями апоптоза. Повышенная экспрессия сурвивина была показана при различных злокачественных новообразованиях, включая рак легких, поджелудочной и молочной желез, толстой кишки, плоскоклеточный рак полости рта и неходжкинские лимфомы высокой степени злокачественности.Цель исследования – изучить уровень экспрессии сурвивина в тканях рака предстательной железы для оценки его как диагностического маркера данного заболевания.Материалы и методы. У пациентов с раком предстательной железы (n = 64) и доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы (n = 33) оценивали уровень экспрессии сурвивина и его субклеточную локализацию иммуногистохимическим методом. Использовали образцы тканей, полученные при трансректальной биопсии. Контрольной тканью (нормой) считали образцы предстательной железы, полученные после цистпростатэктомии у пациентов с нормальным уровнем простатического специфического антигена и без изменений по данным ультразвукового исследования (n = 36).Результаты. В группе рака предстательной железы 48,4 % образцов имели высокий уровень экспрессии сурвивина (уровень окрашивания 3+). Образцы доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железы в основном имели уровень 2+, при этом отрицательно окрашенных образцов было 9,1 %. В нормальном эпителии 100 % образцов были отрицательно окрашенными. При сумме баллов по шкале Глисона <7 в 62,5 % случаев экспрессия сурвивина была менее 3+, при >7 в 68,8 % случаев обнаружена высокоположительная реакция. Большая часть образцов тканей при уровне простатического специфического антигена >10 нг/мл была сопряжена с высокой степенью экспрессии сурвивина. При индексе здоровья предстательной железы (PHI) ≥60 выявлено почти 50 % высокоположительных клеток. Отрицательная окраска на сурвивин в наибольшем проценте была характерна для PHI <25. В группе пациентов с плотностью индекса здоровья предстательной железы (DPHI) <0,8 преобладали степени окрашивания сурвивина 1+ и 2+, тогда как группа с показателем >0,8 характеризовалась высоким уровнем окрашивания (3+) клеток предстательной железы. По мере нарастания суммы баллов по шкале Глисона тип окрашивания сменялся на ядерно-цитоплазматический, и при оценке GG4–5 (≥4 + 4) наибольшее количество образцов имело степень окрашивания 2+. В зависимости от уровня инициального простатического специфического антигена тип и частота окрашивания в образцах ткани предстательной железы не различались.Заключение. Иммуногистохимическая оценка уровня сурвивина, в том числе его субклеточной локализации, опухолевоассоциированная. Уровень сурвивина можно рассматривать в качестве потенциального биомаркера для дифференциальной диагностики, а также для прогноза течения рака предстательной железы