788 research outputs found

    Methodology for Assessing the Logistics Potential of the Foreign Economic Activity of a Pharmaceutical Company

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    The aim of the article is to determine the essence of the logistics potential of a foreign trade activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise and justify the methods for determining it.The materials used in the study include statistical data of the investigated pharmaceutical enterprises, namely JSC FF “Darnitsa”, PJSC NPC “Borschagovsky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant”, PJSC “Pharmak”, LLC “FC Zdorovia” and JSC “Lekhim-Kharkiv”. The study used methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, content analysis, questionnaires and methods for assessing potential. The questionnaire was used to select indicators that should be part of the logistics potential of a foreign trade activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise.The experts were 100 leading specialists of pharmaceutical companies. They are all involved in foreign economic activity. Experts are gender–divided into women (73 %), men (27 %); by age: up to 25 years – 8 %, 25–35 years – 14 %, 35–45 years – 27 %, 45–55 years – 36 %, over 55 years – 15 %; by experience: up to 5 years – 11 %, 5–10 years – 15 %, 10–20 years – 32 %, 20–30 years – 36 %, over 30 years – 6 %. The experts\u27 conclusions are valid, the coefficient of concordance is 0.86, and the Pearson test exceeds the table value.The essence of the definition of "potential of logistics of pharmaceutical enterprise\u27s foreign trade activity" is investigated. The types of logistics potential of foreign economic activity and indicators that are appropriate to use for determining the level of development of the logistic potential in foreign economic activity are offered.The potential of logistics of foreign trade activities of pharmaceutical enterprises consists of the potentials of logistics in the field of export and import. The system of indicators for measuring the logistics potential of a foreign trade activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise contains indicators selected through content analysis and questionnaires.The method of estimation of logistics potential in foreign economic activity of pharmaceutical enterprise is offered

    On contribution of horizontal and intra-layer convection to the formation of the Baltic Sea cold intermediate layer

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    Seasonal cascades down the coastal slopes and intra-layer convection are considered as the two additional mechanisms contributing to the Baltic Sea cold intermediate layer (CIL) formation along with conventional seasonal vertical mixing. Field measurements are presented, reporting for the first time the possibility of denser water formation and cascading from the Baltic Sea underwater slopes, which take place under fall and winter cooling conditions and deliver waters into intermediate layer of salinity stratified deep-sea area. The presence in spring within the CIL of water with temperature below that of maximum density (Tmd) and that at the local surface in winter time allows tracing its formation: it is argued that the source of the coldest waters of the Baltic CIL is early spring (March–April) cascading, arising due to heating of water before reaching the Tmd. Fast increase of the open water heat content during further spring heating indicates that horizontal exchange rather than direct solar heating is responsible for that. When the surface is covered with water, heated above the Tmd, the conditions within the CIL become favorable for intralayer convection due to the presence of waters of Tmd in intermediate layer, which can explain its well-known features – the observed increase of its salinity and deepening with time

    Innovations of the Beginning of the Sixth Millennium BC in the Northern Pontic Steppe

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    This study focuses on the pottery-bearing ("Neolithic") sites of the northern Azov Sea region. The vessels ornamented with comb imprints appeared there in the sixth millennium BC. In the light of a recent re-dating of the Rakushechny Yar site sequence, the sites of the northern Azov region appeared to be the earliest evidence for this innovation. The innovation in the ceramic assemblage is accompanied by an innovative lithic tool set. The latter included macro-blades and fan-shaped end-scrapers, which were previously unknown in the studied region. Their reanalysis (including new field work at the single-layer site of Chapaevka) helped formulate a hypothesis of maritime transmission of comb-ornamented ceramics in the Black and Azov Sea. This hypothesis will stimulate further discussions regarding the ways of Neolithization in Eastern Europe. It underlines the connections between Balkan "classic"Neolithic and pottery-bearing sites of the Ukrainian Steppe. The impressed ware from Makri and other mainland Greek sites is treated as the closest analogy to the finds of the northern Azov Sea region

    Information provision management of stream processes in pharmaceutical industry

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    http://vsed.oneu.edu.uaThe article deals with the relevance of management and improving information provision in pharmaceutical industry. Establishment of a regional logistics information center is proposed. The structure infological model of the logistics information system at the meso level for the pharmacy conditions is substantiated

    Alien species in the ichthyofauna of northwestern part of the Azov Sea basin

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    There are nine alien species in the region of the study. The distribution and abundance of nonnative fish in the reservoirs of northwestern part of the Azov Sea basin depends on the scale of fishing industry activities, the degree of transformation of hydroecosystems, and the water release into the rivers from irrigation canals. There are three groups of species registered according to the number indices in the water areas of the basin. The first is the species the findings of which are rare in the region; the second group comprises fish the number of which depends on fishing industry activities; and the third one embraces the species that are high in the number and their self-reproducing populations exist