394 research outputs found

    Differential impact of chronic stress along the hippocampal dorsal–ventral axis

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    First published online 06 February 2014Stress impacts differently in distinct brain regions. However, so far few studies have focused on the differential responses triggered by stressful stimuli on the intrinsic functional heterogeneity of the hippocampal axis. In this study, we assessed the functional and structural alterations caused by exposure to a chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) paradigm on the dorsal-ventral axis of the hippocampus. The morphological analysis demonstrated that CUS had opposite outcomes in the structure of the dorsal (DH) and ventral hippocampus (VH): whereas in the DH, stress triggered a volumetric reduction as a result of atrophy of CA3 and CA1 apical dendrites, in the VH there was an increase in hippocampal volume concurrent with the increase of CA3 apical dendrites. In parallel, electrophysiological data revealed that stress led to a decrease in VH LTD. In summary, the present work showed that stress impacts differently on the structure and function of the DH and VH which contributes to better understand the overall spectrum of the central effects of stress.Pinto V and Mota C were supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) grants (SFRH/BPD/69132/2010; SFRH/BD/81881/2011, respectively). This work was supported by an FCT grant (PTDC/SAU-NSC/120590/2010). The authors declare no competing financial interests

    Epidermal growth factor signalling and bone metastasis

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    Epidermal growth factor (EGF) signalling is well known for its multifaceted functions in development and tissue homoeostasis. The EGF family of ligands and receptors (ERBB family) have also been extensively investigated for their roles in promoting tumourigenesis and metastasis in a variety of cancer types. Recent findings indicate that EGF signalling is an important mediator of bone metastasis in breast, prostate and kidney cancers. The EGF signalling stimulates the growth of bone metastasis directly by increasing tumour cell proliferation and indirectly by engaging bone stromal cell in metastasis-promoting activities. Therefore, molecular targeting of ERBB receptors may benefit patients with bone metastasis and should be evaluated in clinical trials

    Modeling ERBB receptor-regulated G1/S transition to find novel targets for de novo trastuzumab resistance

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    In breast cancer, overexpression of the transmembrane tyrosine kinase ERBB2 is an adverse prognostic marker, and occurs in almost 30% of the patients. For therapeutic intervention, ERBB2 is targeted by monoclonal antibody trastuzumab in adjuvant settings; however, de novo resistance to this antibody is still a serious issue, requiring the identification of additional targets to overcome resistance. In this study, we have combined computational simulations, experimental testing of simulation results, and finally reverse engineering of a protein interaction network to define potential therapeutic strategies for de novo trastuzumab resistant breast cancer.First, we employed Boolean logic to model regulatory interactions and simulated single and multiple protein loss-of-functions. Then, our simulation results were tested experimentally by producing single and double knockdowns of the network components and measuring their effects on G1/S transition during cell cycle progression. Combinatorial targeting of ERBB2 and EGFR did not affect the response to trastuzumab in de novo resistant cells, which might be due to decoupling of receptor activation and cell cycle progression. Furthermore, examination of c-MYC in resistant as well as in sensitive cell lines, using a specific chemical inhibitor of c-MYC (alone or in combination with trastuzumab), demonstrated that both trastuzumab sensitive and resistant cells responded to c-MYC perturbation.In this study, we connected ERBB signaling with G1/S transition of the cell cycle via two major cell signaling pathways and two key transcription factors, to model an interaction network that allows for the identification of novel targets in the treatment of trastuzumab resistant breast cancer. Applying this new strategy, we found that, in contrast to trastuzumab sensitive breast cancer cells, combinatorial targeting of ERBB receptors or of key signaling intermediates does not have potential for treatment of de novo trastuzumab resistant cells. Instead, c-MYC was identified as a novel potential target protein in breast cancer cells

    A Theoretical Exploration of Birhythmicity in the p53-Mdm2 Network

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    Experimental observations performed in the p53-Mdm2 network, one of the key protein modules involved in the control of proliferation of abnormal cells in mammals, revealed the existence of two frequencies of oscillations of p53 and Mdm2 in irradiated cells depending on the irradiation dose. These observations raised the question of the existence of birhythmicity, i.e. the coexistence of two oscillatory regimes for the same external conditions, in the p53-Mdm2 network which would be at the origin of these two distinct frequencies. A theoretical answer has been recently suggested by Ouattara, Abou-Jaoudé and Kaufman who proposed a 3-dimensional differential model showing birhythmicity to reproduce the two frequencies experimentally observed. The aim of this work is to analyze the mechanisms at the origin of the birhythmic behavior through a theoretical analysis of this differential model. To do so, we reduced this model, in a first step, into a 3-dimensional piecewise linear differential model where the Hill functions have been approximated by step functions, and, in a second step, into a 2-dimensional piecewise linear differential model by setting one autonomous variable as a constant in each domain of the phase space. We find that two features related to the phase space structure of the system are at the origin of the birhythmic behavior: the existence of two embedded cycles in the transition graph of the reduced models; the presence of a bypass in the orbit of the large amplitude oscillatory regime of low frequency. Based on this analysis, an experimental strategy is proposed to test the existence of birhythmicity in the p53-Mdm2 network. From a methodological point of view, this approach greatly facilitates the computational analysis of complex oscillatory behavior and could represent a valuable tool to explore mathematical models of biological rhythms showing sufficiently steep nonlinearities

    Exact model reduction of combinatorial reaction networks

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    Receptors and scaffold proteins usually possess a high number of distinct binding domains inducing the formation of large multiprotein signaling complexes. Due to combinatorial reasons the number of distinguishable species grows exponentially with the number of binding domains and can easily reach several millions. Even by including only a limited number of components and binding domains the resulting models are very large and hardly manageable. A novel model reduction technique allows the significant reduction and modularization of these models

    HER2 Oncogenic Function Escapes EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors via Activation of Alternative HER Receptors in Breast Cancer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The response rate to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) may be poor and unpredictable in cancer patients with EGFR expression itself being an inadequate response indicator. There is limited understanding of the mechanisms underlying this resistance. Furthermore, although TKIs suppress the growth of HER2-overexpressing breast tumor cells, they do not fully inhibit HER2 oncogenic function at physiological doses. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we have provided a molecular mechanism of how HER2 oncogenic function escapes TKIs' inhibition via alternative HER receptor activation as a result of autocrine ligand release. Using both Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) which monitors in situ HER receptor phosphorylation as well as classical biochemical analysis, we have shown that the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) of EGFR, AG1478 and Iressa (Gefitinib) decreased EGFR and HER3 phosphorylation through the inhibition of EGFR/HER3 dimerization. Consequent to this, we demonstrate that cleavage of HER4 and dimerization of HER4/HER2 occur together with reactivation of HER3 via HER2/HER3, leading to persistent HER2 phosphorylation in the now resistant, surviving cells. These drug treatment-induced processes were found to be mediated by the release of ligands including heregulin and betacellulin that activate HER3 and HER4 via HER2. Whereas an anti-betacellulin antibody in combination with Iressa increased the anti-proliferative effect in resistant cells, ligands such as heregulin and betacellulin rendered sensitive SKBR3 cells resistant to Iressa. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: These results demonstrate the role of drug-induced autocrine events leading to the activation of alternative HER receptors in maintaining HER2 phosphorylation and in mediating resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in breast cancer cells, and hence specify treatment opportunities to overcome resistance in patients

    Restoration of Contralateral Representation in the Mouse Somatosensory Cortex after Crossing Nerve Transfer

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    Avulsion of spinal nerve roots in the brachial plexus (BP) can be repaired by crossing nerve transfer via a nerve graft to connect injured nerve ends to the BP contralateral to the lesioned side. Sensory recovery in these patients suggests that the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is activated by afferent inputs that bypassed to the contralateral BP. To confirm this hypothesis, the present study visualized cortical activity after crossing nerve transfer in mice through the use of transcranial flavoprotein fluorescence imaging. In naïve mice, vibratory stimuli applied to the forepaw elicited localized fluorescence responses in the S1 contralateral to the stimulated side, with almost no activity in the ipsilateral S1. Four weeks after crossing nerve transfer, forepaw stimulation in the injured and repaired side resulted in cortical responses only in the S1 ipsilateral to the stimulated side. At eight weeks after crossing nerve transfer, forepaw stimulation resulted in S1 cortical responses of both hemispheres. These cortical responses were abolished by cutting the nerve graft used for repair. Exposure of the ipsilateral S1 to blue laser light suppressed cortical responses in the ipsilateral S1, as well as in the contralateral S1, suggesting that ipsilateral responses propagated to the contralateral S1 via cortico-cortical pathways. Direct high-frequency stimulation of the ipsilateral S1 in combination with forepaw stimulation acutely induced S1 bilateral cortical representation of the forepaw area in naïve mice. Cortical responses in the contralateral S1 after crossing nerve transfer were reduced in cortex-restricted heterotypic GluN1 (NMDAR1) knockout mice. Functional bilateral cortical representation was not clearly observed in genetically manipulated mice with impaired cortico-cortical pathways between S1 of both hemispheres. Taken together, these findings strongly suggest that activity-dependent potentiation of cortico-cortical pathways has a critical role for sensory recovery in patients after crossing nerve transfer

    Cytogenetic analysis of HER1/EGFR, HER2, HER3 and HER4 in 278 breast cancer patients

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    INTRODUCTION: The HER (human EGFR related) family of receptor tyrosine kinases (HER1/EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)/c-erbB1, HER2/c-erbB2, HER3/c-erbB3 and HER4/c-erbB4) shares a high degree of structural and functional homology. It constitutes a complex network, coupling various extracellular ligands to intracellular signal transduction pathways resulting in receptor interaction and cross-activation. The most famous family member is HER2, which is a target in Herceptin therapy in metastatic status and also in adjuvant therapy of breast cancer in the event of dysregulation as a result of gene amplification and resulting protein overexpression. The HER2-related HER receptors have been shown to interact directly with HER2 receptors and thereby mutually affect their activity and subsequent malignant growth potential. However, the clinical outcome with regard to total HER receptor state remains largely unknown. METHODS: We investigated HER1-HER4, at both the DNA and the protein level, using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probes targeted to all four receptor loci and also immunohistochemistry in tissue microarrays derived from 278 breast cancer patients. RESULTS: We retrospectively found HER3 gene amplification with a univariate negative impact on disease-free survival (hazard ratio 2.35, 95% confidence interval 1.08 to 5.11, p = 0.031), whereas HER4 amplification showed a positive trend in overall and disease-free survival. Protein expression revealed no additional information. CONCLUSION: Overall, the simultaneous quantification of HER3 and HER4 receptor genes by means of FISH might enable the rendering of a more precise stratification of breast cancer patients by providing additional prognostic information. The continuation of explorative and prospective studies on all HER receptors will be required for an evaluation of their potential use for specific therapeutic targeting with respect to individualised therapy
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