125 research outputs found

    Acceptance of fermented anchovy (Engraulis anchoita)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the acceptance of fermented anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) by consumers aged 18–67 (n=100) from two experiments, first using preference test and then by acceptance of formulation preference. Anchovy fillets were fermented with added NaCl and glucose with 4 different treatments: A (NaCl 1% and glucose 4%), B (NaCl 1% and glucose 6%), C (NaCl 1.5% and glucose 4%), and D (NaCl 1.5% and glucose 6% glucose). At first, the preference of fermented anchovy fillets with samples prepared in the form of pizza was assessed by applying a preference ranking test to 75 consumers. The results indicated the sample with 1% NaCl and 6% glucose as the preferred (P>0.05). Later in the second stage, the preferred fermented fillet was subjected to acceptance by 100 consumers who have the consumption habit of such product by using a hedonic scale of 9 points. The results indicated an acceptance rate of 79.8%. This work aimed to call attention to the importance of the acceptance of this food

    Species-specific differences of the spectroscopic properties of P700 - Analysis of the influence of non-conserved amino acid residues by site-directed mutagenesis of photosystem I from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    We applied optical spectroscopy, magnetic resonance techniques, and redox titrations to investigate the properties of the primary electron donor P700 in photosystem I (PS I) core complexes from cyanobacteria (Thermosynechococcus elongatus, Spirulina platensis, and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC2696), and higher plants (Spinacia oleracea). Remarkable species-specific differences of the optical properties of P700 were revealed monitoring the ((3)P700-P700) and (P700(+.)-P700) absorbance and CD difference spectra. The main bleaching band in the Q(y) region differs in peak position and line width for the various species. In cyanobacteria the absorbance of P700 extends more to the red compared with algae and higher plants which is favorable for energy transfer from red core antenna chlorophylls to P700 in cyanobacteria. The amino acids in the environment of P700 are highly conserved with two distinct deviations. In C. reinhardtii a Tyr is found at position PsaB659 instead of a Trp present in all other organisms, whereas in Synechocystis a Phe is found instead of a Trp at the homologous position PsaA679. We constructed several mutants in C. reinhardtii CC2696. Strikingly, no PS I could be detected in the mutant YW B659 indicating steric constraints unique to this organism. In the mutants WA A679 and YA B659 significant changes of the spectral features in the ((3)P700 - P700), the (P700(+.)-P700) absorbance difference and in the (P700(+.)-P700) CD difference spectra are induced. The results indicate structural differences among PS I from higher plants, algae, and cyanobacteria and give further insight into specific protein-cofactor interactions contributing to the optical spectra

    Lengthweight relationship and parameters of growth for the checkered puffer Sphoeroides testudineus from a karstic tropical coastal lagoon: La Carbonera, Yucatan, Mexico

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    Summary This study reports length-weight relationships and growth parameters for Sphoeorides testudineus from La Carbonera, a karstic tropical coastal lagoon on the northwestern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. A total of 461 specimens were collected between April 2009 and March 2010. The lengthweight relationship was W = 0.061Lt 2.98 . Model parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were: L ∞ = 29.50 cm, k = 0.77 year À1 and t 0 = À0.168 years. Introduction Sphoeroides testudineus, a member of the Tetraodontidae family, is known colloquially as checkered puffer and locally as 'xpu' (Mayan) and 'pez globo' (Spanish). It is an important estuarine-dependent fish species of ecological and commercial importance. The checkered puffer is the dominant species in many Yucatan coastal lagoons (Arceo-Carranza and Vega-Cendejas, 2009). The aim of this study was to present the LWR and to estimate the parameters of growth of S. testudineus from La Carbonera lagoon in northwestern Yucatan Peninsula. Materials and methods Samples of S. testudineus were collected during daytime between April 2009 and March 2010 in La Carbonera lagoon, a karstic coastal lagoon in northwestern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (21°13â€Č-21°14â€ČN; 89°52â€Č-89°54â€ČW). Collected specimens were euthanized in ice slurry, preserved in formaldehyde (4%) and transported to the laboratory where they were measured (±0.1 mm) and weighed (±0.01 g). The collected fishes were classified under three climatic seasons representing dry (March-June), rainy (July-October), and when there were prevailing north winds (NovemberFebruary). To determine parameters a and b, a regression analysis of log-converted total weight and total length was used. The 95% confidence intervals for b (CI 95%) were calculated to determine if the hypothetical value of isometry (3) fell between these intervals ÀkĂ°tÀt0Þ , where Lt is the length at age t, L ∞ is asymptotic length, k is the growth rate (year À1 ) and t 0 is the hypothetical age of fish at length zero. The growth performance index (u') proposed by Results and discussion From a total of 461 of S. testudineus collected during the study period, 33.8% were collected in the dry season, 30.2% in the rainy season and 36% during the season when north winds prevaile

    In Silico and Biochemical Analysis of Physcomitrella patens Photosynthetic Antenna: Identification of Subunits which Evolved upon Land Adaptation

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    Background. In eukaryotes the photosynthetic antenna system is composed of subunits encoded by the light harvesting complex (Lhc) multigene family. These proteins play a key role in photosynthesis and are involved in both light harvesting and photoprotection. The moss Physcomitrella patens is a member of a lineage that diverged from seed plants early after land colonization and therefore by studying this organism, we may gain insight into adaptations to the aerial environment. Principal Findings. In this study, we characterized the antenna protein multigene family in Physcomitrella patens, by sequence analysis as well as biochemical and functional investigations. Sequence identification and analysis showed that some antenna polypeptides, such as Lhcb3 and Lhcb6, are present only in land organisms, suggesting they play a role in adaptation to the sub-aerial environment. Our functional analysis which showed that photo-protective mechanisms in Physcomitrella patens are very similar to those in seed plants fits with this hypothesis. In particular, Physcomitrella patens also activates Non Photochemical Quenching upon illumination, consistent with the detection of an ortholog of the PsbS protein. As a further adaptation to terrestrial conditions, the content of Photosystem I low energy absorbing chlorophylls also increased, as demonstrated by differences in Lhca3 and Lhca4 polypeptide sequences, in vitro reconstitution experiments and low temperature fluorescence spectra. Conclusions. This study highlights the role of Lhc family members in environmental adaptation and allowed proteins associated with mechanisms of stress resistance to be identified within this large family

    Ensaio estadual de cultivares de trigo - safra 2018.

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    ComissĂŁo Brasileira de Pesquisa de Trigo e Triticale (CBPTT) realiza, anualmente, o Ensaio Estadual de Cultivares de Trigo (EECT) nos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul, de Santa Catarina e na regiĂŁo mais fria do ParanĂĄ, visando a subsidiar as indicaçÔes de cultivares. O EECT Ă© um ensaio cooperativo, tendo a participação das principais instituiçÔes de pesquisa com trigo no Sul do Brasil: Biotrigo, Departamento de DiagnĂłstico e Pesquisa AgropecuĂĄria da Secretaria da Agricultura, PecuĂĄria e Desenvolvimento Rural (DDPA/SEAPDR), Embrapa, Epagri, FAPA, IFRS, Limagrain, OR Sementes, Setrem, UFRGS e UnijuĂ­. O EECT Ă© realizado em vĂĄrios locais, representativos das RegiĂ”es HomogĂȘneas de Adaptação (RHA) de Cultivares de Trigo (RHA 1RS, 2RS, 1SC, 2SC e 1PR), sendo organizado pela Embrapa Trigo em parceria com o DDPA/SEAPDR, que tĂȘm o compromisso de distribuir as sementes Ă s instituiçÔes/empresas responsĂĄveis pela condução dos experimentos, bem como de reunir, analisar e divulgar os dados obtidos. Esse trabalho objetiva relatar os resultados do EECT, conduzido no ano 2018

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade das cultivares de trigo avaliadas no ensaio estadual 2018.

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    Anålises de adaptabilidade e de estabilidade proporcionam informaçÔes pormenorizadas sobre o desempenho de cada genótipo frente às variaçÔes de ambiente, possibilitando a identificação de cultivares com comportamento previsível e responsivas a condiçÔes ambientais específicas ou amplas. Conceitualmente, adaptabilidade refere-se à capacidade dos genótipos responderem positivamente à melhoria do ambiente. Jå estabilidade refere-se à capacidade dos genótipos terem comportamento altamente previsível em função das variaçÔes de ambiente. Dentre os conceitos mais recentes, considera-se ideal a cultivar com alto potencial produtivo, alta estabilidade, pouco sensível às condiçÔes adversas de ambientes desfavoråveis, mas capaz de responder positivamente à melhoria do ambiente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de rendimento de grãos dos genótipos de trigo avaliados no Ensaio Estadual de Cultivares de Trigo, no ano 2018 (EECT 2018), nos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul, de Santa Catarina e na região mais fria do Paranå
