433 research outputs found

    The distinction of "Corporate Equality": a new certification governing equal opportunities

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    Objeto: Analizar la presencia de la igualdad de oportunidades en las normas y modelos relacionados con la gestión empresarial y caracterizar al distintivo “Igualdad en la Empresa” como una nueva certificación de la igualdad de oportunidades. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Se ha estudiado la presencia de la igualdad de oportunidades en los diferentes modelos y normas y se ha caracterizado al distintivo “Igualdad en la Empresa” atendiendo a distintos criterios. Aportaciones y resultados: Tras el análisis de la presencia de la igualdad de oportunidades en las distintas normas y modelos relacionados con la gestión empresarial, hemos visto que no es algo que suceda en la práctica. Ante esta situación el distintivo “Igualdad en la Empresa” se impondría como una nueva certificación que regula específicamente la gestión de la igualdad de oportunidades en la empresa. Sin embargo, la escasa comunicación que del mismo están haciendo las empresas que lo han obtenido hasta este momento, dificulta su conocimiento y valoración por parte de los distintos grupos de interés con los que la empresa se relaciona. Valor añadido: El artículo realiza una contribución teórica a la caracterización del distintivo “Igualdad en la Empresa” como una nueva certificación en igualdad de oportunidades.Purpose: Analyse the existence of equal opportunities in rules and standards related to business management and typify the "Corporate Equality" distinction as a new equal opportunities certification. Design/methodology: The existing equal opportunities principles established in different standards and rules have been studied and the "Corporate Equality" distinction has been typified according to different criteria. Findings: Having analysed the existing equal opportunities principles established in different rules and standards concerning business management, it is obvious that these principles are not put into practice. Therefore, the distinction of “Corporate Equality" would indeed stand for a new certification that specifically controls how equal opportunities principles within the company are implemented. However, the lack of information about what these companies have actually achieved up to now limits the knowledge, awareness and appreciation of the different interest groups which deal with aforesaid firms on such matter. Originality/value: The article makes a theoretical contribution to typify the "Corporate Equality" distinction as a new equal opportunities certification.Peer Reviewe

    Flavonoid and Capsaicinoid Contents and Consumption of Mexican Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Landraces

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    There is insufficient evidence to identify the precise health effects of chili pepper consumption. However, there is evidence of their topical use as an analgesic to decrease pain from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuralgias, neuropathic diabetes, neuronal dysfunctions and inflammation, among others. In this work, the diversity and variety of consumed forms of chilis in Mexico, flavonoid and capsaicinoid content in fruits, and their potential health uses are documented, based on various research results and bibliographic information. In Mexico, more than 150 landraces of wild and cultivated origins are consumed and preserved and are distributed throughout the country; the greatest diversity is concentrated in the central and south-southeastern regions. Consumption per capita in urban households is from 8 to 9 kg, and in rural communities, it varies from 14 to 17 kg. Chili peppers contain up to 23 flavonoids and 20 capsaicinoids, differing among landraces because of crop management, maturation of fruits, postharvest management and ecological-environmental influences. Flavonoids and capsaicinoids confer antioxidant, anticarcinogenic properties on the fruit and have lipolytic and preventative effects on chronic degenerative diseases. However, in vitro and in vivo experimental trials of capsaicinoids and flavonoids with beneficial effects must be conducted with regard to human health

    Diversity of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Landraces and the Nutritional Value of their Grains

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    Grain legumes are considered major sources of dietary proteins, calories, certain minerals and vitamins, and they are the most widely cultivated and consumed crops worldwide. Among them are the common beans, whose major production volumes came from landraces cultivated in traditional farming systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic diversity of a set of common bean landraces from Mexico based on the agromorphological traits and nutritional composition of the grain in the context of traditional farming systems. Different field and laboratory data were collected and complemented with secondary information published in refereed journals and research reports. The results showed that there are significant differences in the morphological and physiological traits of the plant, pod and grain among groups of common bean landraces of different geographic origins, which were associated with different indigenous groups. Similar patterns were observed in the contents of anthocyanins, polyphenols, flavoinds and minerals as well as antioxidant activity. In the evaluated population groups in each region, there are outstanding populations in terms of agromorphological traits and the nutritional value of the grain that can enable a participatory breeding initiative guided by regional objectives. Some populations from Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, presented higher values in Zn and Fe, and populations from Estado de Mexico exhibited high polyphenol and flavonoid values but stable agronomic behaviour

    La vigilancia activa y pasiva de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina en rebaños de bovinos introducidos en Cuba

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    En Cuba,el programa de vigilancia activa y pasiva de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina se implementa en el mes de noviembre del año 2002, con su generalización en todo el territorio nacional. El presente estudio muestra los resultados obtenidos en la vigilancia activa y pasiva de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina en rebaños de bovinos introducidos en el país, procedentes de países definidos como de riesgo controlado. Durante el período del 2005 al 2010 se investigaron 219 encéfalos bovinos pertenecientes a ambos tipos de vigilancia, cumpliendo con los datos de remisión establecidos y de acuerdo al tipo de vigilancia. Se emplearonlas técnicas diagnósticas de histopatología e inmunohistoquímica de forma simultánea y se determinaron las diferentes causas luego de la realización del diagnóstico diferencial de la enfermedad y el establecimiento deldiagnóstico confirmativo. Todos los casos investigados resultaron negativos a la enfermedad por la ausenciade lesiones compatibles. A partir de la realización del diagnóstico diferencial de la enfermedad y la emisión deldiagnóstico confirmativo se determinan 9 causas fundamentales, siendo las principales por hemoparasitosis,desnutrición e infecciones puerperales. Se demuestra que no hay evidencia de la presencia de la enfermedad en los rebaños de bovinos introducidos en el país

    Enfermedad ateroembólica. Presentación de un caso de afectación multisistémica y revisión de la literatura

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    The atheroembolic disease is an entity characterized by obstruction of multiple small arteries by cholesterol crystals. The incidence rises steeply with advancing age and following an invasive procedure involving arteries in patients with atherosclerosis. Actually it has a growing interest due to the increased frequency and to the lack of appropriate therapy. In this paper we report a clinical case of multiple system disease secondary to anticoagulant therapy in a 69 years old patient. We review the pathogenesis, clinical features, laboratory dates and pathology of the diseas

    Comparative study of lipid and fatty acid composition in different tissues of wild and cultured female broodstock of greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili)

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    The aim of this study was to compare the total lipid (TL) content, the lipid class (LC) composition and their associated fatty acids from muscle, liver and ovary of wild and cultured mature females of greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili), in order to obtain information to formulate a more suitable diet for this species broodstock. TL content in muscle and liver was higher in cultured fish than in wild fish, mainly due to TG accumulation, while the ovary TL content was higher in wild fish. Regarding to fatty acids profile, the percentage of 18:1n-9 in TL and TG was lower in ovaries and muscle of cultured fish than in wild ones. Cultured fish displayed lower proportion of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6, ARA) and higher proportions of 18:2n-6 and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) than wild specimens for all tissues in TL and LC. In contrast, differences in the proportion of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) between both groups were found only in some tissues and in some LC, being in those cases higher in wild fish. In consequence, cultured fish presented a lower DHA/EPA ratio and a higher EPA/ARA ratio with respect to wild fish. These results suggest that 18:1n-9, 18:2n-6 and essential fatty acids (EFA), especially EPA and ARA, are not supplied in the appropriate proportions in the diet of cultured fish and could negatively affect their reproductive performance

    Carcinoma-derived interleukin-8 disorients dendritic cell migration without impairing T-cell stimulation

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    BACKGROUND: Interleukin-8 (IL-8, CXCL8) is readily produced by human malignant cells. Dendritic cells (DC) both produce IL-8 and express the IL-8 functional receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2. Most human colon carcinomas produce IL-8. IL-8 importance in malignancies has been ascribed to angiogenesis promotion. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: IL-8 effects on human monocyte-derived DC biology were explored upon DC exposure to recombinant IL-8 and with the help of an IL-8 neutralizing mAb. In vivo experiments were performed in immunodeficient mice xenografted with IL-8-producing human colon carcinomas and comparatively with cell lines that do not produce IL-8. Allogenic T lymphocyte stimulation by DC was explored under the influence of IL-8. DC and neutrophil chemotaxis were measured by transwell-migration assays. Sera from tumor-xenografted mice contained increasing concentrations of IL-8 as the tumors progress. IL-8 production by carcinoma cells can be modulated by low doses of cyclophosphamide at the transcription level. If human DC are injected into HT29 or CaCo2 xenografted tumors, DC are retained intratumorally in an IL-8-dependent fashion. However, IL-8 did not modify the ability of DC to stimulate T cells. Interestingly, pre-exposure of DC to IL-8 desensitizes such cells for IL-8-mediated in vitro or in vivo chemoattraction. Thereby DC become disoriented to subsequently follow IL-8 chemotactic gradients towards malignant or inflamed tissue. CONCLUSIONS: IL-8 as produced by carcinoma cells changes DC migration cues, without directly interfering with DC-mediated T-cell stimulation

    Functional upgrading in China’s export processing sector

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    Functional upgrading occurs when a firm acquires more sophisticated functions within an existing value chain. In this paper, we analyze if there is evidence of this type of upgrading in China’s export processing regime by investigating dynamics in the relative prevalence of Import & Assembly (IA) versus Pure Assembly (PA) processing trade over the period 2000-2013. Firms in both regimes provide similar manufacturing services to foreign companies, but IA firms also conduct the sophisticated tasks of quality control, searching, financing and storing imported materials. Consistent with a trend of functional upgrading, we show that the share of IA trade in total processing trade has increased rapidly during the period 2000-2006, both overall and within product categories. Furthermore, we find that this trend has gone hand in hand with improvements in a sector’s labor productivity and unit values. Against expectations, we find that this process has slowed down notably during the period 2006-2013.status: publishe

    Evaluación comparativa del proceso de conciliación medicamentosa realizado por el departamento de Enfermería y el de Farmacia en un hospital privado de Costa Rica

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    Introducción: Los errores de medicación generan riesgos en el paciente hospitalizado y constituyen una de las principales causas del incremento en la morbi-mortalidad y costos económicos; por tanto la conciliación de medicamentos constituye una solución para reforzar la seguridad de los pacientes en los procesos de transición asistencial. Objetivos: Determinar la magnitud de los errores de conciliación en los servicios del ámbito hospitalario descrito y su impacto en el paciente. Métodos: Estudio observacional, prospectivo, con una muestra de pacientes ingresados a los servicios de internamiento del Hospital, que cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión; la información necesaria para comparar los resultados de la conciliación de medicamentos fue tomada de una entrevista, la Valoración Inicial de Enfermería y el expediente clínico. Resultados: Nueve de cada diez pacientes presentó al menos una discrepancia en su medicación. Entre el promedio de medicamentos conciliados por el departamento de Farmacia y mediante la Valoración Inicial de Enfermería existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0.00001, IC 95%). La mayor discrepancia se presentó con medicamentos del sistema cardiovascular, tracto gastrointestinal y metabolismo, y sistema nervioso central. Se presentaron 151 casos de error tipo B, 376 de tipo C, y 138 de tipo D.Conclusiones:Sí existen discrepancias significativas entre la conciliación de medicamentos realizada por el servicio de Enfermería y por el de Farmacia, tanto en cantidad como en tipo. Se recomienda que la conciliación se dirija prioritariamente a pacientes mayores de 65 años, con pluripatologías y en tratamiento con fármacos que actúan sobre los sistemas fisiológicos mencionados