132 research outputs found

    Влияние лазерной и туменесцентнойлипосакции на ретракцию и тургор кожи

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    The authors describe clinical results of the laser liposuction procedure using the MultiPlex technology. They give a comparative quantitative assessment of the effect of laser and tumenescent liposuction on skin retraction and turgor by the example of three patients. Processing local fat deposits by laser emission resulted in the increased skin turgor and elasticity in the liposuction area in all subjects, and skin retraction and higher skin elasticity were more evident than with the use of the traditional liposuction method.Описаны клинические результаты процедуры лазерной липосакции по технологии «мультиплекс». Дана сравнительная количественная оценка влияния лазерной и туменесцентной липосакции на сокращение кожи и ее тургор на примере трех пациентов. Обработка локальных жировых отложений лазерным излучением дала повышение тургора и эластичности кожи в области липосакции у всех испытуемых, при этом ретракция и повышение упругости кожи были более выраженными по сравнению с традиционным методом липосакции

    Eating behavior features and preferred diets in underweight and obese young men

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    BACKGROUND: Actual nutrition and eating behavior features affect the formation of excess or underweight which in turn are risk factors for the development of chronic non-infectious diseases.AIM: To assess eating behavior features and consumption of basic nutrients in relation to metabolic disorders in underweight and obese young men of military age.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study enrolled 86 young men aged 18 to 23 years that were referred by military enlistment office due to violations in body weight and examined in the hospital. Participants were divided into 2 groups depending on the value of the body mass index (BMI): group 1 (n=41) — underweight (Uw) young men; group 2 (n=45) — obese (Ob) young men. Anthropometric, hormonal and biochemical parameters of the body were measured; the type of eating disorder (ED) was evaluated using the Dutch DEBQ questionnaire, the presence and severity of anxiety and depressive disorders were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; assessment of the actual diet was performed using «Somatonic» computer soft.RESULTS: Absolute intake of all essential nutrients was higher in Ob young men; the relative consumption of protein and cholesterol was higher in Uw young men, whereas relative fats intake was higher in Ob group. EDs were statistically significantly more common in Ob young men. The values of all anthropometric indicators were higher in Ob group, while Uw young men predominantly demonstrated deficiency of the body fat component which did not affect key hormonal and metabolic indicators values. In Ob young men carbohydrate metabolism hormonal regulation disorders along with increased blood pressure were revealed.CONCLUSION: The ratio of proteins and fats intake should be taken into account in dietary regimens composition; Uw young men need to increase the proportion of fat and reduce protein intake, whereas Ob young men on the contrary need to reduce the proportion of fat and increase amount of proteins enhancing energy expenditure due to the specific dynamic food action


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    Рассмотрена возможная модель изменения дилатометрических эффектов литейного инварного сплава Fe–Ni(38)–C(2,5) с участием представлений о гибридизации электронных орбиталей атомов углерода.The possible model changes dilatometric effects cast Invar alloy Fe–Ni(38)–C(2,5) with representations of the hybridization of the electron orbitals of carbon atoms

    Pyrrolylquinoxaline-2-one derivative as a potent therapeutic factor for brain trauma rehabilitation

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often causes massive brain cell death accompanied by the accumulation of toxic factors in interstitial and cerebrospinal fluids. The persistence of the damaged brain area is not transient and may occur within days and weeks. Chaperone Hsp70 is known for its cytoprotective and antiapoptotic activity, and thus, a therapeutic approach based on chemically induced Hsp70 expression may become a promising approach to lower post-traumatic complications. To simulate the processes of secondary damage, we used an animal model of TBI and a cell model based on the cultivation of target cells in the presence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from injured rats. Here we present a novel low molecular weight substance, PQ-29, which induces the synthesis of Hsp70 and empowers the resistance of rat C6 glioma cells to the cytotoxic effect of rat cerebrospinal fluid taken from rats subjected to TBI. In an animal model of TBI, PQ-29 elevated the Hsp70 level in brain cells and significantly slowed the process of the apoptosis in acceptor cells in response to cerebrospinal fluid action. The compound was also shown to rescue the motor function of traumatized rats, thus proving its potential application in rehabilitation therapy after TBI. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 0124-2019-002Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 20-33-70102Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-74-10087Funding: This research was funded by Russian Science Foundation, research project #18-74-10087 (V.F.L., E.A.D., M.A.M., E.R.M.), Russian Foundation for Basic Research, research project #20-33-70102 (I.A.U., O.N.C., V.N.C, M.?.T., I.V.G.), and by The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation № 0124-2019-002 (R.V.S., N.D.A., B.A.M.)


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    Получена информация о влиянии режимов отжига на инварный и размерный эффекты образцов литого состояния литейного инварного сплава Fe–Ni(38)–C(2,5).Information has been obtained on the effect of annealing conditions on the Invar and dimensional effects specimens cast foundry state Invar alloy Fe–Ni(38)–C(2,5)

    Results from the intercalibration of optical low light calibration sources 2011

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    Following the 38th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods in Siuntio in Finland, an intercalibration workshop for optical low light calibration sources was held in Sodankylä, Finland. The main purpose of this workshop was to provide a comparable scale for absolute measurements of aurora and airglow. All sources brought to the intercalibration workshop were compared to the Fritz Peak reference source using the Lindau Calibration Photometer built by Wilhelm Barke and Hans Lauche in 1984. The results were compared to several earlier intercalibration workshops. It was found that most sources were fairly stable over time, with errors in the range of 5–25%. To further validate the results, two sources were also intercalibrated at UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Preliminary analysis indicates agreement with the intercalibration in Sodankylä within about 15–25%

    Проблемы выбора стратегии скрининга рака молочной железы у женщин старших возрастных групп

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    The article describes modern view on early breast cancer diagnosis in elderly women. The emphasis was made on controversies and problems of breast cancer mammography screening in women older than 75 years. As a result of Moscow breast cancer statistics analysis the authors made a conclusion that breast cancer mammographic screening could be performed in women 75 years or older. Final decision of inclusion or exclusion needs to be accepted individually in each case, and should be made regarding individual comorbidity of patients. В статье отражен современный взгляд на различные варианты проведения скрининга рака молочной железы (РМЖ) у пожилых женщин. Особое внимание уделено сложностям и противоречиям в определении возрастных рамок к проведению маммографического скрининга РМЖ, существующим в научной литературе. На основании анализа статистических данных по г. Москве авторами сделаны выводы о возможности проведения маммо-графического скрининга РМЖ у женщин в возрасте 75 лет и старше при условии индивидуального подхода к включению в программу скрининга РМЖ с учетом коморбидности. 


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    Porcine intrathoracic arteries were devitalized by application of low temperatures and electron beam irradiati- on. The resulted connective tissues vascular scaffolds could be used as the prosthesis of small diameter arteries (≤6 mm). Biocompatibility, immunogenicity degree and thrombogenicity were estimated in the study. Results of electron microscopy are presented. Described treatment reduces an immunogenicity of xenoarteries, their ade- quate functioning during 6 months was shown by means of experimental surgeries. Для девитализации внутренних грудных артерий свиней использовали низкие температуры и облучение потоком электронов. Полученные соединительнотканные сосудистые скаффолды в данном исследовании были использованы в качестве протезов артерий малого диаметра (≤6 мм). В работе изучали биосовме- стимость, степень иммуногенности, тромбогенность девитализированных артерий. Приведены результа- ты электронной микроскопии. Показано снижение иммуногенности девитализированных ксеноартерий. Экспериментальные операции продемонстрировали их адекватное функционирование в течение 6 мес.

    Причины неопределенных исходов курса химиотерапии у больных туберкулезом легких в пенитенциарных учреждениях Российской Федерации

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    Reporting of the «transferred out» outcome leads to significantly worse treatment results of tuberculosis patients treated in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.The objective: to investigate the patients’ routes that led to reporting of the «transferred out» outcome, and propose measures to reduce the risk of this outcome.Subjects and Methods. We studied the places of registration and routes of 1,496 pulmonary tuberculosis patients registered for treatment in 2019 (new cases and relapses) with the outcome of «transfered out».Results. In the structure of transferred out patients, in 631/1,496 (42.2%) patients, the «transferred out» outcome was associated with their transfer between institutions within the penitentiary system. Additionally 462/1,496 (30.9%) patients were released in the region where they continued their treatment, 85/1,496 (5.7%) were released and moved to a different region, 301/1,496 (20.6%) were released from pre-trial detention , and 10/1,496 (0.6%) left Russia and moved abroad.Conclusion: the procedure should be developed to transfer the information about patients moving within the penitentiary system and beyond it. To motivate the patient immediately after the detection of tuberculosis, it is necessary to conduct individual conversations explaining the nature of the disease, importance and necessity of treatment. Tuberculosis patients in pre-trial detention centers should be provided with leaflets containing information about medical organization where patients can continue treatment, patients released from penitentiary units should be informed about the system of social adaptation and services available for tuberculosis patients.Регистрация исхода «выбыл» приводит к существенному ухудшению результатов лечения больных туберкулезом в учреждениях Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний России.Цель исследования: изучить движение пациентов, которое привело к регистрации исхода «выбыл», и предложить мероприятия по снижению риска данного исхода.Материалы и методы. Изучали в пенитенциарных учреждениях места регистрации и движение 1 496 зарегистрированных для лечения в 2019 г. больных туберкулезом легких (впервые выявленных и с рецидивом) с исходом «выбыл».Результаты. В структуре выбывших пациентов у 631/1 496 (42,2%) пациента исход «выбыл» связан с переводом их между учреждениями пенитенциарной системы. Еще 462/1 496 (30,9%) ‒ освободились в регионе по месту продолжения лечения, 85/1 496 (5,7%) – освободились в другом регионе, 301/1 496 (20,6%) ‒ освободились из СИЗО, 10/1 496 (0,6%) ‒ выбыли за рубеж России.Выводы: требуется разработка регламента передачи информации при перемещении пациента внутри пенитенциарной системы и за ее пределы. Для мотивации пациента сразу после выявления заболевания туберкулезом необходимо проведение индивидуальных бесед с разъяснением характера заболевания, важности и необходимости проводимого лечения. Больным туберкулезом, находящимся в следственном изоляторе, целесообразно выдавать памятки с координатами медицинской организации, в которой пациент может продолжить лечение, информировать освобождающихся пациентов о системе социальной адаптации и мероприятиях, доступных для больных туберкулезом