666 research outputs found

    An Open-Source Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition Tool for Modeling Astronomical Telescopes

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    In the pursuit of directly imaging exoplanets, the high-contrast imaging community has developed a multitude of tools to simulate the performance of coronagraphs on segmented-aperture telescopes. As the scale of the telescope increases and science cases move toward shorter wavelengths, the required physical optics propagation to optimize high-contrast imaging instruments becomes computationally prohibitive. Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition (GBD) is an alternative method of physical optics propagation that decomposes an arbitrary wavefront into paraxial rays. These rays can be propagated expeditiously using ABCD matrices, and converted into their corresponding Gaussian beamlets to accurately model physical optics phenomena without the need of diffraction integrals. The GBD technique has seen recent development and implementation in commercial software (e.g. FRED, CODE V, ASAP) but appears to lack an open-source platform. We present a new GBD tool developed in Python to model physical optics phenomena, with the goal of alleviating the computational burden for modeling complex apertures, many-element systems, and introducing the capacity to model misalignment errors. This study demonstrates the synergy of the geometrical and physical regimes of optics utilized by the GBD technique, and is motivated by the need for advancing open-source physical optics propagators for segmented-aperture telescope coronagraph design and analysis. This work illustrates GBD with Poisson's spot calculations and show significant runtime advantage of GBD over Fresnel propagators for many-element systems.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation 202

    Hybrid propagation physics for the design and modeling of astronomical observatories: a coronagraphic example

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    For diffraction-limited optical systems an accurate physical optics model is necessary to properly evaluate instrument performance. Astronomical observatories outfitted with coronagraphs for direct exoplanet imaging require physical optics models to simulate the effects of misalignment and diffraction. Accurate knowledge of the observatory's PSF is integral for the design of high-contrast imaging instruments and simulation of astrophysical observations. The state of the art is to model the misalignment, ray aberration, and diffraction across multiple software packages, which complicates the design process. Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition (GBD) is a ray-based method of diffraction calculation that has been widely implemented in commercial optical design software. By performing the coherent calculation with data from the ray model of the observatory, the ray aberration errors can be fed directly into the physical optics model of the coronagraph, enabling a more integrated model of the observatory. We develop a formal algorithm for the transfer-matrix method of GBD, and evaluate it against analytical results and a traditional physical optics model to assess the suitability of GBD for high-contrast imaging simulations. Our GBD simulations of the observatory PSF, when compared to the analytical Airy function, have a sum-normalized RMS difference of ~10^-6. These fields are then propagated through a Fraunhofer model of a exoplanet imaging coronagraph where the mean residual numerical contrast is 4x10^-11, with a maximum near the inner working angle at 5x10^-9. These results show considerable promise for the future development of GBD as a viable propagation technique in high-contrast imaging. We developed this algorithm in an open-source software package and outlined a path for its continued development to increase the fidelity and flexibility of diffraction simulations using GBD.Comment: 58 pages, 15 figures, preprint version for article in press. Accepted to SPIE's Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems on October 23 202

    How universal is the fractional-quantum-Hall edge Luttinger liquid?

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    This article reports on our microscopic investigations of the edge of the fractional quantum Hall state at filling factor ν=1/3\nu=1/3. We show that the interaction dependence of the wave function is well described in an approximation that includes mixing with higher composite-fermion Landau levels in the lowest order. We then proceed to calculate the equal time edge Green function, which provides evidence that the Luttinger exponent characterizing the decay of the Green function at long distances is interaction dependent. The relevance of this result to tunneling experiments is discussed.Comment: 5 page

    Polarimetric modeling and assessment of science cases for Giant Magellan Telescope-Polarimeter (GMT-Pol)

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    Polarization observations through the next-generation large telescopes will be invaluable for exploring the magnetic fields and composition of jets in AGN, multi-messenger transients follow-up, and understanding interstellar dust and magnetic fields. The 25m Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is one of the next-generation large telescopes and is expected to have its first light in 2029. The telescope consists of a primary mirror and an adaptive secondary mirror comprising seven circular segments. The telescope supports instruments at both Nasmyth as well as Gregorian focus. However, none of the first or second-generation instruments on GMT has the polarimetric capability. This paper presents a detailed polarimetric modeling of the GMT for both Gregorian and folded ports for astronomical B-K filter bands and a field of view of 5 arc minutes. At 500nm, The instrumental polarization is 0.1% and 3% for the Gregorian and folded port, respectively. The linear to circular crosstalk is 0.1% and 30% for the Gregorian and folded ports, respectively. The Gregorian focus gives the GMT a significant competitive advantage over TMT and ELT for sensitive polarimetry, as these telescopes support instruments only on the Nasmyth platform. We also discuss a list of polarimetric science cases and assess science case requirements vs. the modeling results. Finally, we discuss the possible routes for polarimetry with GMT and show the preliminary optical design of the GMT polarimeter.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures,SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023 conference proceeding, Paper no 12690-2

    Agrammatic but numerate

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    A central question in cognitive neuroscience concerns the extent to which language enables other higher cognitive functions. In the case of mathematics, the resources of the language faculty, both lexical and syntactic, have been claimed to be important for exact calculation, and some functional brain imaging studies have shown that calculation is associated with activation of a network of left-hemisphere language regions, such as the angular gyrus and the banks of the intraparietal sulcus. We investigate the integrity of mathematical calculations in three men with large left-hemisphere perisylvian lesions. Despite severe grammatical impairment and some difficulty in processing phonological and orthographic number words, all basic computational procedures were intact across patients. All three patients solved mathematical problems involving recursiveness and structure-dependent operations (for example, in generating solutions to bracket equations). To our knowledge, these results demonstrate for the first time the remarkable independence of mathematical calculations from language grammar in the mature cognitive system

    Estimation of polarization aberrations and their effect on the coronagraphic performance for future space telescopes

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    A major goal of proposed future space observatories, such as the Habitable World Observatory, is to directly image and characterize Earth-like planets around Sun-like stars to search for habitability signatures requiring the starlight suppression (contrast) of 1e-10. One of the significant aspects affecting this contrast is the polarization aberrations generated from the reflection from mirror surfaces. The polarization aberrations are the phase-dependent amplitude and phase patterns originating from the Fresnel reflections of the mirror surfaces. These aberrations depend on the angle of incidence and coating parameters of the surface. This paper simulates the polarization aberrations for an on-axis and off-axis TMA telescope of a 6.5 m monolithic primary mirror. We analyze the polarization aberrations and their effect on the coronagraphic performance for eight different recipes of mirror coatings for Astronomical filter bands g-I: three single-layer metal coatings and five recipes of protective coatings. First, the Jones pupils are estimated for each coating and filter band using the polarization ray tracing in Zemax. Then, we propagate these Jones pupils through a Vector Vortex Coronagraph and Perfect Coronagraphs using hcipy, a physical optics-based simulation framework. The analysis shows that the two main polarization aberrations generated from the four mirrors are the retardance-defocus and retardance-tilt. The simulations also show that the coating plays a significant role in determining the strength of the aberrations. The bare/oxi-aluminum and Al+18nm LiF coating outperforms all the other coatings by one order of magnitude.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, SPIE Optics+Photonics 2023 proceeding, Paper no: 12680-2

    Poke: An open-source ray-based physical optics platform

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    Integrated optical models allow for accurate prediction of the as-built performance of an optical instrument. Optical models are typically composed of a separate ray trace and diffraction model to capture both the geometrical and physical regimes of light. These models are typically separated across both open-source and commercial software that don't interface with each other directly. To bridge the gap between ray trace models and diffraction models, we have built an open-source optical analysis platform in Python called Poke that uses commercial ray tracing APIs and open-source physical optics engines to simultaneously model scalar wavefront error, diffraction, and polarization. Poke operates by storing ray data from a commercial ray tracing engine into a Python object, from which physical optics calculations can be made. We present an introduction to using Poke, and highlight the capabilities of two new propagation physics modules that add to the utility of existing scalar diffraction models. Gaussian Beamlet Decomposition is a ray-based approach to diffraction modeling that allows us to integrate physical optics models with ray trace models to directly capture the influence of ray aberrations in diffraction simulations. Polarization Ray Tracing is a ray-based method of vector field propagation that can diagnose the polarization aberrations in optical systems. Poke has been recently used to study the next generation of astronomical observatories, including the ground-based Extremely Large Telescopes and a 6 meter space telescope early concept for NASA's Habitable Worlds Observatory.Comment: 11 Pages, 9 Figures, Published in Proceedings of SPIE Optical Modeling and Performance Predictions XIII Paper 12664-

    The space coronagraph optical bench (SCoOB): 2. wavefront sensing and control in a vacuum-compatible coronagraph testbed for spaceborne high-contrast imaging technology

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    The 2020 Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics endorsed space-based high contrast imaging for the detection and characterization of habitable exoplanets as a key priority for the upcoming decade. To advance the maturity of starlight suppression techniques in a space-like environment, we are developing the Space Coronagraph Optical Bench (SCoOB) at the University of Arizona, a new thermal vacuum (TVAC) testbed based on the Coronagraphic Debris Exoplanet Exploring Payload (CDEEP), a SmallSat mission concept for high contrast imaging of circumstellar disks in scattered light. When completed, the testbed will combine a vector vortex coronagraph (VVC) with a Kilo-C microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) deformable mirror from Boston Micromachines Corp (BMC) and a self-coherent camera (SCC) with a goal of raw contrast surpassing 10−810^{-8} at visible wavelengths. In this proceedings, we report on our wavefront sensing and control efforts on this testbed in air, including the as-built performance of the optical system and the implementation of algorithms for focal-plane wavefront control and digging dark holes (regions of high contrast in the focal plane) using electric field conjugation (EFC) and related algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 202

    Polarization aberrations in next-generation giant segmented mirror telescopes (GSMTs) I. Effect on the coronagraphic performance

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    Next-generation large segmented mirror telescopes are expected to perform direct imaging and characterization of Earth-like rocky planets, which requires contrast limits of 10−710^{-7} to 10−810^{-8} at wavelengths from I to J band. One critical aspect affecting the raw on-sky contrast are polarization aberrations arising from the reflection from the telescope's mirror surfaces and instrument optics. We simulate the polarization aberrations and estimate their effect on the achievable contrast for three next-generation ground-based large segmented mirror telescopes. We performed ray-tracing in Zemax and computed the polarization aberrations and Jones pupil maps using the polarization ray-tracing algorithm. The impact of these aberrations on the contrast is estimated by propagating the Jones pupil maps through a set of idealized coronagraphs using hcipy, a physical optics-based simulation framework. The optical modeling of the giant segmented mirror telescopes (GSMTs) shows that polarization aberrations create significant leakage through a coronagraphic system. The dominant aberration is retardance defocus, which originates from the steep angles on the primary and secondary mirrors. The retardance defocus limits the contrast to 10−510^{-5} to 10−410^{-4} at 1 λ/D\lambda/D at visible wavelengths, and 10−510^{-5} to 10−610^{-6} at infrared wavelengths. The simulations also show that the coating plays a major role in determining the strength of the aberrations. Polarization aberrations will need to be considered during the design of high-contrast imaging instruments for the next generation of extremely large telescopes. This can be achieved either through compensation optics, robust coronagraphs, specialized coatings, calibration, and data analysis approaches or by incorporating polarimetry with high-contrast imaging to measure these effects.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. aa45651-2

    Cost-benefit analysis of BIM-enabled design clash detection and resolution

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is increasingly deployed as part of the processes in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry projects. While the benefits of BIM have been extensively proclaimed, explicit justification in terms of direct cost savings for BIM implementation on real-life projects, particularly for clash detection BIM workstream, are not well documented. This paper proposes and demonstrates a methodology to prove how BIM-based clash detection leads to cost savings. A schema is developed based on literature review and industrial expertise to quantify cost savings achieved by the utilisation of BIM-based clash detection and resolution. This paper provides validation of the proposed schema on a major infrastructure project. The developed schema includes the categorisation of identified clashes based on stakeholder involvement and required actions. The validation used the estimated cost of clashes were those not resolved before site operations took place. This schema simplifies both the categorisation and cost estimation of clashes in design. Estimated savings yielded 20% of contract value using the schema, for the multi-million-dollar project case study, thus extending evidence of BIM savings and benefits. The schema improves the existing process and valorises clash detection, thus allowing stakeholders to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. In addition, the categorisation methodology allows prioritising on the most costly clashes, and draw lessons learnt for further projects. This schema opens the path towards a systematic methodology to appraise the benefits of different BIM uses or processes
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